Did you know the city of Santa Clarita has 93.8 miles of trails and bike paths?
When was the last time you rode, walked or wheeled on one of the trails?
Would adding more trail connections to public transportation options increase your use of buses and trains?
These are the types of questions the city is hoping to answer through a short survey and public input map for their Santa Clarita Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan.
The just-released survey and map are being used by the city to help develop a clear vision for the future design and implementation of bicycle and pedestrian facilities, paseos and trails within the city.
You’re invited to provide feedback online by visiting BikeSantaClarita.com.
The survey and map are also available in Spanish and will be available until July.
“We’re asking everyone in our community to share their thoughts on what we can do to improve mobility in Santa Clarita,” said Tom Reilly, Trails and Bikeways Planning Administrator.
“The ultimate goal of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan is to make improvements, such as adding trail connections or more facilities, that will encourage more people to bike, walk, wheel or take public transportation within the city for everyday needs,” Reilly said. “As a city, we’ve already made some great strides to provide more accessible bikeways, trails and paseos, but the survey will allow us to get direct feedback from residents on what it would take to motivate them to bike or walk instead of taking a car.”
Santa Clarita’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan will receive funds for improvements through Measure M, a countywide sales tax measure passed in 2016, dedicated to active transportation.
For more information on the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan survey and input map, contact Reilly at 661-255-4394 or treilly@santa-clarita.com.
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Is equestrian use part of the survey? We have about 200 trail riders here in Quigley Canyon area alone, many using the local trails. Thank you.
Many of SCV’s bike paths have deep cracks and are in need of repair. I have submitted repair requests on three occasions to the City but, nothing has been done.
The bicycle paths and paseos are wonderful in Santa Clarita. However, the chicanes one has to negotiate while going over a street bridge are very difficult when towing a child trailer. I know these gates are to slow bicyclists down but the length of the trailer requires that you get off the bike and pull it through, which can impede other bicyclists and pedestrians. Are they really necessary? They are not the most attractive addition either.