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1925 - By letter, Wyatt Earp beseeches his friend William S. Hart to portray him in a movie, to correct the "lies about me." Hart never did. [story]
Hart-Wyatt Earp

Take a Hike | Dianne Erskine-Hellrigel
| Sunday, Jun 29, 2014

DianneErskineHellrigelLike most people, you probably drink bottled water. But do you really need bottled water?

Let me fill you in on a few facts. By using only bottled water, you are polluting the Earth, polluting your aquifer, polluting other regional bodies of water, polluting the air, the environment where you live, and you may be threatening your health, as well. Not to mention: You are spending a small fortune in doing so.

Bottled water averages $1.50 per bottle. That is more than 1,900 times the price of tap water. If you drank only one bottle per day, that would be $547.50 a year for bottled water, not including the CRV. And if you drink three bottles a day, you’re well over $1,600 per year for water, per person in your household.

So you think that bottled water is healthier for you than tap water. Really? There is a chemical called Bisphenol-A (BPA) in plastic bottles. When they get too hot or too cold, the BPA can be released into the water. Plastic bottles can be damaged by heat or cold in a warehouse, in trucks, being loaded and unloaded, sitting in the sun or freezing temperatures, transported in vehicles to stores, and sitting in your car while you’re running errands before heading home. If you store bottled water in your car even for a short period of time, or freeze the bottle to have an icy treat during the day, BPA can be released into the water.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe chemicals in the plastic can cause multiple types of cancers, including breast cancer.

Some bottled water is just filtered tap water with a fancy label on it. Talk about corporate greed. You could buy your own easily attachable filter and spend much less than 1,900 times the price of your tap water for purified water.

The use of plastic bottles also damages the environment in many ways. Where do you think the plastic comes from? Oil. More than 34 billion barrels of oil were used to make the 54 billion plastic bottles that were purchased last year.

deh3Then you add in pollution from production and packaging. And then you have to consider the pollution from emissions of vehicles transporting the water, some of which might come from far-away places like Fiji. And then there are the careless people who drink the water and just toss the empty bottle directly into the environment. The fact is that more than 3,000 water bottles end up as garbage every second. Nearly 90 percent of all manufactured bottles end up as garbage and are not recycled.

deh1The oil used to manufacture all the plastic bottles last year alone could have powered 200,000 vehicles for a year. Think of the high price of gas … if there were no manufacturing of plastic bottles, the price of gas would come down, because there would be less demand.

Carbon dioxide is a byproduct of the manufacture of plastic bottles, and 5 million tons of it would have been released into the atmosphere to make those 54 billion water bottles.

There are many ways to purify your water, if you really think you need to, and convenient ways to carry water without plastic bottles.

Think Green. Use an attachable water filter to your faucet, or a counter-top filter. Use reusable stainless steel bottles to carry your purified water. Mother Earth will be pleased. And I guarantee it won’t be costing your family $1,600 per year for water.


Dianne Erskine-Hellrigel is executive director of the Community Hiking Club and president of the Santa Clara River Watershed Conservancy. If you’d like to be part of the solution, join the Community Hiking Club’s Stewardship Committee. Contact Dianne through communityhikingclub.org or at zuliebear@aol.com.



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  1. Mark Itzkoff says:

    If the rest of your article is as misinformed as the section on BPA you should consider a new career. BPA is not used to make the plastic water bottles used to package the typical half liter, 8 ounce or other single use bottles such as the bottles in the picture in your article. There is no BPA in these bottles AND NEVER HAS BEEN. Those bottles are polyethylene terephthalate which is not produced with BPA.

    The main food-contact uses for BPA have been in the production of polycarbonate and epoxy resins. Polycarbonate is used to produce the 5 gallon water dispenser but is too expensive for the single use bottles (this is why there is a deposit on the large bottles). There is no BPA that can leach into the single use plastic bottles.

    I note that you also claim that “More than 34 billion barrels of oil were used to make the 54 billion plastic bottles that were purchased last year.” If true, this would mean over 1/2 barrel of oil per bottle. At the current price of around $100/barrel, the cost of a single bottle would be over $50 and a case of 24 bottles would cost over $1200.00. I don’t know where you shop but I don’t pay more than $4 for a case of water bottles.

    You really need to double check your facts.

  2. Earl Foust says:

    Don’t be silly…

  3. Daniel Konz says:

    Yes I need bottled water..!
    Damn the consequences..!

  4. And by drinking tap water you are ingesting chemical poisons like chlorine and fluoride. I’ll stick with my bottled water, recycle my bottles, and you can have fun on your high horse.

    • Sophie Sidky says:

      Actually, not all of those bottles get recycled.

      And you can absolutely drink tap water if you buy, say, a filter. Some of them are pretty reasonably priced.

    • Sophie Sidky says:

      Actually, not all of those bottles get recycled.

      And you can absolutely drink tap water if you buy, say, a filter. Some of them are pretty reasonably priced.

  5. Martin Ramos says:

    There is fluoride in all water we drink no matter how we drink it its unnatural

  6. Martin Ramos says:

    And bad for the environment

  7. Kim Sloan says:

    Great article. I know those of us who grew up in SCV and developed hypothyroidism might attribute it to the chemicals & fluoridation in the water out here. Using a good reverse osmosis system at home & stainless steel bottles instead of the BPA water bottles is better for your health.

  8. Tommy Rini says:

    From the same lady who says you should eat your pee

  9. Tommy Rini says:

    No wait the pee of people who don’t use medication

  10. BPA is also found in 50% of the 97 most commonly consumed canned foods, also dental sealants, some contact lenses, CDs, and wine if the wine maker uses vats lined with BPA.
    BPA is an endocrine disruptor and mimics estrogen and changes the way hormones function.
    Estrogen can alter the behavior of more than 200 genes, which control the growth and repair of nearly every organ and body tissue.
    The most common type of breast cancer feed on estrogen and other hormones. It’s also very aggressive. There are foods that act like estrogen in our bodies……soy and flax seed.

  11. Tessa Lucero says:

    @Mark Itzkoff, I think the confusion is perhaps due to the word “make” which can be interpreted two ways. Not all those 34 billion barrels actually become the plastic bottles. A great deal of energy is used up transporting and manufacturing the bottles, most of which energy is created by burning oil.

    And it would help if Santa Claritans actually recycled their bottles. I’m a runner who carries a bag on many runs to pick up bottles and cans and other rubbish left alongside the road. So far this year I’ve collected 964 bottles, probably at least 40% of them plastic water bottles. I wish the slobs who toss their bottles out of their car windows would drink tap water from reusable containers.

  12. I developed hypothyroidism after 2yrs of living in SCV and then I switched to home delivery spring water and it went away! Thank god I caught it in time because it normally cannot be reversed

  13. To those who are bottled water snobs…you are drinking tap water when you buy most bottled water. Check where and how the water is bottled. Otherwise you may as well drink tap water from your tap. There is much to learn about the water you consume. Educate yourselves. I’m still learning…

  14. Day Man says:

    I’ve spoken out against fluoride in our water at city hall. It could literally be removed from our water if more people would show up to city hall and speak up. They have two meetings a month. Imagine being able to shower without being dowsed with fluoride. It’s sodium fluoride overload as it is in our water (including most bottled), beers, toothpaste, soft drinks ect. It would be nice to ratify it from our local drinking supply seeing that it is added. Towns across the US have gone to city hall and with enough voices have had it removed including a recent victory in Oregon. It’s time people did their homework and woke up…

  15. Melanie Lynn says:

    If you’re going to make the claim that some water bottle brands are just tap water, you may as well state the name. I’ll gladly drink my bottled water and gallon jugs over the disgusting water that comes from tap. You may be able to pull off drinking tap water in places like Tahoe, but not Southern California

  16. And her math is way off. $1.50 for a bottle of water… ?? How about a gallon for a $1

  17. I distill all of my drinking and cooking water in my home distiller. I do it to remove fluoride most importantly, but it removes just about everything else as well. It takes hours of soaking in vinegar to remove what is left behind from each gallon. The tap water is disgusting, here in Castaic at least.

  18. Although I agree with the water fact. A municipal water company goes through much more scrutiny than bottled water, all it really is is glorified tap water with all the good stuff filtered out…then other crap added. Plastic is a by product of crude oil. Your data of billions of gallons of crude to produce is inaccurate. If you produce 35 billions of crude a day…produces aprox, 10 to 15 tons of a plastic type product to be used for everyday life. Face it plastic is here to stay, like it or not. Bring back Thather glass! Glass is always safe.

  19. VelaquaLA says:

    Join the thousands who are turning away from tap water, bottled water, paying thousands for ionizers & getting their family an affordable water enrichment system that makes Alkaline water fresh & naturally. NO electricity, NO plumbing, NO monthly payments. Never buy bottled water again & CERTAINLY don’t drink tap water! Our unit creates up to 9.5 pH alkaline water with a -238 ORP & -4028 abundant negative ions. There’s no other unit like this & families accross the states, including my own, are healthier then ever & sharing the good news! You don’t believe me, visit our sites FB: Velaqua Water & Velumina, follow us @VelaquaLA or Velaqua_LA on Instagram. Hope this helps! Call us & we’d love to share more! Have a blessed day….

  20. Join the thousands who are turning away from tap water, bottled water, paying thousands for ionizers & getting their family an affordable water enrichment system that makes Alkaline water fresh & naturally. NO electricity, NO plumbing, NO monthly payments. Never buy bottled water again & CERTAINLY don’t drink tap water! Our unit creates up to 9.5 pH alkaline water with a -238 ORP & -4028 abundant negative ions. There’s no other unit like this & families accross the states, including my own, are healthier then ever & sharing the good news! You don’t believe me, visit our sites for more info FB: Velaqua Water & Velumina, follow us @VelaquaLA or Velaqua_LA on Instagram. Hope this helps! Call us & we’d love to share more! Have a blessed day….


  21. Bill Guthrie says:

    I double filter the (Castaic area) tap water – and it’s the BEST!! Smoooooth, no chemical taste or cloudiness, the refreshing factor is a full 100%.

  22. you can’t take anything serious from the lady who says you should drink your own urine.

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