[Courthouse News Service] – Dog whisperer Cesar Millan’s Santa Clarita Valley facility negligently released a vicious pit bull that brutally mauled a woman six days later, she claims in court.
Florida-based nurse Alison Bitney sued Millan and his Dog Psychology Center, of Santa Clarita, on Tuesday in superior court, for a Sept. 23, 2014, attack that allegedly left her without feeling and function in her left hand.

Saugus resident Cesaar Millan. Photo: CesarsWay.com
The “Dog Whisperer” television show focuses on Millan’s training program for problem dogs. Broadcast on the National Geographic Channel and Nat Geo Wild, the show debuted in 2004.
In her Feb. 3 lawsuit, Bitney says the pit bull named Gus attacked her while she was visiting co-defendant John Vazzoler’s Santa Clarita home.
She claims Gus had an “extensive history of vicious and unprovoked attacks on individuals and animals,” and that the dog was previously impounded in Texas after attacking a trainer.
On Feb. 7, 2013, Bitney says, Gus attacked trainer Amber Rickles, after a Katy, Texas, woman surrendered the animal with a warning that the dog was “‘nervous, growling and doesn’t like children.'”
Staff at a previous facility had described the dog as “‘glassy eyed,'” and said they were scared to handle him, Bitney says.
During a 20-minute attack, Bitney says, the dog bit Rickles on the right arm, and then latched on to her left breast when she tried to put it in a kennel.
“With the pit bull still attached to her left breast, Ms. Rickles backed into a laundry room where the dog released his grip, enabling Ms. Rickles to close the door,” the complaint states. “The pit bull then broke through the door and attacked Ms. Rickles a third time, latching onto her left arm and breaking it in two places.”
Three men eventually pulled Gus off Rickles.
Over the course of a week, Rickles underwent reconstructive surgery. She had a plate and pin inserted into her left arm and needed more than 50 stitches for her wounds, the complaint states.
Bitney says Rickles was “left with disfiguring scars and permanent physical limitations.”
On Feb. 26, 2013, a Montgomery judge ordered the state to destroy the dog. But the rescuer who brought the dog to Rickles’ boarding and training center, co-defendant Jennifer L. Romano, appealed the order, Bitney says.
Milan’s Dog Psychology Center then agreed to take the pit bull and rehabilitate it, according to the 27-page lawsuit.
Bitney claims that Texas agreed to spare the dog’s life after Romano agreed to inform any future owners of the dog’s history of biting. But the “dog’s owner” fell behind on payments to the keep the dog at the Dog Psychology Center, according to the lawsuit.
In April 2014 the pit bull bit an Alaskan malamute on the neck, Bitney says. Knowing that the dog was still a danger to the public, the center released the dog on Sept. 17, 2014, according to the complaint.
“The center prematurely released the known vicious and dangerous pit bull back into the public domain and entrusted it to someone with no training or experience in the handling of vicious and dangerous dogs,” the complaint states.
Bitney says Jennifer Gray, the director and head trainer at the Dog Psychology Center, acknowledged that the animal needed another 18 months of rehabilitation, and would never be ready to live in a “regular home.”
In a statement through its publicist, the Dog Psychology Center maintained that Gus did not have any contact with Millan at the center.
Millan was also never asked to directly train the pit bull, the center said.
“Gus was removed from the DPC against the strong advice and objection of his trainer, before his rehabilitation was completed,” according to the statement from the center’s vice president Jen Woodard. “Because the DPC is not the legal owner of Gus, we were unable to prevent the premature removal by his owner. After the dog-bite incident, the owner returned Gus to the DPC and we followed dog-bite protocol placing Gus in quarantine.”
Bitney says the dog her at Vazzoler’s home six days after Millan’s center released it.
Her injuries allegedly included “disfiguring open wounds, deep muscle and tendon lacerations and open comminuted fractures to the radius and ulna of her left arm and permanent loss of feeling and function in her left hand.”
Late last month, L.A. Superior Court found that the dog is vicious and should be put down.
Named as defendants are Dog Psychology Center, Millan, Vazzoler and Romano.
Bitney seeks medical expenses, costs, and punitive damages for negligence, professional negligence, violation of the Dog Bite statute, strict liability for an animal with vicious propensities, and premises liability.
She is represented by Harry Frank Scolinos and Todd F. Nevell, with Scolinos, Sheldon & Nevell.
The law firm did not return a request for comment, nor did Millan and Romano.
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Nicole Schalker-Graham
The “dog con artist”….
Amy Graham
That’s so unfair. Dogs shouldn’t be punished for their stupid, irresponsible owners. :(
Someone else looking for someone to pay, looking for deep pockets.
Someone else looking for someone to pay, looking for deep pockets.
I like Cesar Milan. Don’t believe he harmed this woman. Watched him lots of times. He always says that owners of dogs need training. This women is looking for deep pockets for sure.
I like Cesar Milan. Don’t believe he harmed this woman. Watched him lots of times. He always says that owners of dogs need training. This women is looking for deep pockets for sure.
Cesar never even met with the dog
This has nothing to do with him
Sarah Spivey
Sarah Spivey
No matter how much training the dog got..it was to the owner to determine it’s demeanor.
No matter how much training the dog got..it was to the owner to determine it’s demeanor.
Michelle Osborne
Michelle Osborne
No matter what you identify them as or what you choose to call them if any dog has pit bull genetics in it then the outcome of said genetics are always the same, death, mauling’s, crippled and disfigured victims when their DNA is expressed into reality which it invariably will be the case.
So you can call them something else to protect them but they are still pit mixes who are what they are and do what they do, who as a result have no right to ever come into human contact.
Pit bull or Pit bull cross, same difference same outcome same reality as to what they are.
And all Pit bulls or restricted dogs including pit bull crosses by law should have leashes and Muzzles which they never have and all to often you seem them running around as such unmuzzled, this is an even greater problem then them being unleashed and that is bad enough.
You are speaking from ignorance and emotions, not facts
All dogs can be dangerous under the right circumstances and pit bulls can be wonderful, loving family dogs
Stefano Filippelli
Pipe in on this
Stefano Filippelli
Pipe in on this
Can’t say much. Don’t know the whole story.
I saw this woman’s arm , it was horrible, this woman is a friend
If the dog owner fell behind in payments to the psychology center, they’re under no obligation to keep it….. There had been previous warnings about that dog anyway. It’s the OWNER’S responsibility…… I personally think pit bulls should be OUTLAWED!!!
That’s a very ignorant thing to say! My dogs have never hurt a single soul why should they be punished for what someone else does??!!!! People like you destroy this earth, with pure hate and ignorance!
you’re an Idiot! Dogs aren’t born mean – people make them that way’
You should be outlawed
Pit bulls get a bum wrap,it’s not the breed as much as the owners…..smh…
It’s not a breed problem and the breed should NOT be outlawed…stupidity should be! This dog should also have a neurological examine to make sure he is right, since his breeding history might play into it with irresponsible people breeding for money and damage the health and mentality of dogs constantly! This could have easily been ANY breed. To say a specific breed should be outlawed is being racist and discriminatory against a breed you do not take the selfless time to educate yourself about! When properly raised and managed pit bulls are the most loving and sweet dogs! Stop believing everything the media brainwashes you with.
Abuse, neglect, lack of balance and structure places any dog into a frustrated and angry state! And who does that? Bad owners!
I’ve been bitten more times by golden retrievers than any other dog in my life
In fact they are the only dogs that have ever bitten me
What an ignorant stupid statement… It’s like saying a certain ethnic race is more dangerous than another because they commit more crimes so should they be outlawed? There’s bad and good people everywhere just like there are good and bad dogs in every breed, people like you cause hatred and misinformation among this world, it’s people like you who should be outlawed
I had 3 pit bulls at once, not one of them ever showed any aggression to anybody or thing. And I had a landlord that was as ignorant as it gets, made me get rid of them because of the “breed”. So I did, then I got a cocker spaniel and he made me get rid of that one, too. Ignorant people make ignorant decisions and assumptions. I socialised my dogs, walked them 3 hours every single day, played with them, had them around other dogs, had them around children, elderly, women, men, all kinds of people. And to everyone’s surprise, my dogs never bit anyone or any dog. It’s was actually a Jack Russell that attacked my dogs, a golden retriever and a lab. And yet my dogs were the “evil ones”. I think YOU should be outlawed for being an idiot!!!!
She owned a pit bull. She should take responsibility for her own dog!
I totally 100% Support Cesar Millan , Some people shouldn’t own dogs.
Linda Andersen, I made my statement because I’m tired of hearing about pit bull attacks.They are the most dangerous breed
( fact: google it) In part it’s because their jaws are so large. I’m sure your dog is a sweetheart and a wonderful loyal protector for you…. I just won’t be coming to your house any time soon! Lol
Your facts are painfully incorrect. Top dog on list for bite pressure is Rottweilers.
Pit bulls are like any other dog if treated with respect, structure and balance.
I understand your fear and how the media and internet (which is based on media hyped breed racism and discrimination) has fed into it. But read a book about pit bulls from 20, 30, 50 years ago. It explains how loving they truly are, not how greedy humans have trained SOME of them to be. Unfortunately because they can be an intimidating looking animal, gang members, drug dealers and thugs started to get them to boost their egos and their ‘tough’ look by owning a ‘tough’ looking dog, thus why they always put huge leather studded collars and huge thick chains on them, it enhanced that tough look. And some decided to TRAIN them to fight for money. Puppies are not born mean, aggressive or knowing how to fight that is a ‘learned’ unnatural behavior forced upon them from negative greedy humans. Before this pit bull rant and media hyped paranoia and racism, it was German Shepards, before that, Rottweilers, before that, Dobermans, before that, Chow chows and so on.
Exactly same thing on each of these breeds. Any attack you heard about was about that specific breed at that time. People feared that specific breed. Media focused on that specific breed. People began banning that specific breed. People began demanding that specific breed be outlawed and killed. Each breed went thru this same racism and discrimination.
The number one dog (not via internet BS, but true statistics) for bites was cocker spaniels, then it was chihuahuas. There are more bites from small dogs than big dogs. But if that particular breed of dog is not in focus by the media it goes unnoticed.
I have a pitbull and she loves everything and everyone, kids, dogs and all people….she will only maul you with love, sloppy kisses and wagging tail. But she also has a balanced life as in she is walked every day, we play, I set firm boundaries and limitations, discipline (verbal) and affection. She knows I am pack leader and I make sure of this every day, like a child, I work at this every day to make sure she is getting what she needs to stay well balanced and happy. I am a responsible parent. That is the key, with any animal, just as it is with children. I make sure she knows I am pack leader so she doesn’t feel the need to take on that role.
She is a DOG by far first and foremost, her breed is only a name not her manner or personality. If I blind folded you and had you interact with her, play with her, feel her love and kisses then asked you what breed you thought she was, pit bull would not cross your mind. Because everything she displays goes against what you have been forced to believe by the media about the breed.
Best way I can say this is….we hear about crime all the time on the news…a white guy murders his girlfriend….does that make all white people bad? A black guy shoots and kills some store clerk, does that mean all black people are bad? An Asian guy strangles his mother, does that mean all Asians are bad? No, it doesn’t. But these are humans and they have a choice in their actions. You are thinking dogs have the ability to make a choice.
Dogs don’t when they are beaten in order to be aggressive. They don’t have a choice to get out and away from getting hit when they show kindness or loving affection, because their owner wants them mean. They don’t have a choice to better their lives away from abusive and neglectful owners. Imagine them to be in a concentration camp with no hope of a better life. How frustrated, angry and aggressive you would become.
If you can open your mind, and imagine what that would feel like, how lonely you would feel, how painfully sad you’d feel,
then you can start to understand how a dog coming from that type of upbringing may feel and why they act the way they do. And maybe then you will begin to understand it isn’t the dogs fault but the human that forced the dog to live that way.
I truly hope that this may open your mind and heart a bit more to see past the hatred and fear that hyped media has forcefully created within you.
Good comments, Kristina
“Peaty”, in the Little Rascals was a pit bull
Someone probably told you all this made-up crap and you believed it
Kristina. You go girl! I am 100000% on your side. You couldn’t have said it any better.(:
Wow! Well said Kristina! And lol @ it’s a fact, I read it on the internet…ha!
Judy you are completely ignorant.
Judy Longyear Rich do you own any dogs yourself?
Pit Bulls are the only breed that can bite the tires off a police car. They don’t unlatch their jaws like other breeds….. Didn’t mean to start such a stir. We all agree that this was not Ceasar’s fault….. and yes Matthew Rendon, I owned a Lab Mix. She died a couple years ago. Lived to be 18.
That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Pit bulls can’t do that. Did you know a lab and a golden retriever are among the top breeds of dogs that are known to bite people and other dogs? And there is no such thing as a pit bulls jaw locking into place. That would be an eagles talon, not a dog jaw
And a Rottweiler has a stronger bite than a pit
It is obvious that you have never had the wonderful experience of owning a pit bull. You would be speaking differently if you had
Lock jaw…. No. 1 misconception about pit bulls. Ask your veterinarian if you want an educated answer from someone you trust. Not the internet.
The deal is some ANIMALS are aggressive. Not a breed but the individual. Some PEOPLE are exactly the same way. From the womb to the tomb. I have had pits for over 20 years. ONE was out of his mind and he would not listen. He was aggressive. He passed last year. We were relieved though we loved him. He was fine with people but terribly animal aggressive and stand off-ish with me at times.
I learned how to corral him and keeping him and our other dogs and cats peaceful but really, WE were the only ones with multiple pets that IMO could have dealt with him. In a sense, he was NOT a good dog. Forget the breed.
The other 8 pits I’ve had have have been ambassadors for the breed. They are great around kids (though no matter the breed, there should be supervision with all animals and small kids). People who feared pits now own them because of our pets. They are no different other than they need to play a lot and burn energy.
We went through this in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s with Dobermans, Shepards and Rotties. Same incidents. What has changed? THE RIGHT PEOPLE OWN THEM because they are not in style to be tough owners anymore.
Mike N Renée Cannon
Judy Longyear Rich the reason I ask this, is because there is a website on Google that actually has factual information. It’s called the American temperment test society. If you are capable of googling this website, you will find the temperment of almost every dog breed available. Now, if you look at the American pitbull terrier temperment, it says 870 tested. Do you know why it says 870? Because there are a huge amount of pitbulls. Which brings me to my next point. You see more pitbull bites on the mainstream media because there are simply too many pitbulls. Need an analogy? The more soldiers come from a tour of duty, the more babies are created. Too complicated? More dogs=more bites. If your worried about dangerous things, we should outlaw mcdonalds because they make people obese. We need stop making comfortable matresses because they make people lazy and sleep. I know you 100% agree with those last few items. Now, 755 of those vicious pitbulls passed that temperment test. They scored an 86.8% out of 100%. What does that tell you? There is a dangerous 13% of pitbulls out there! No, it tells you that even the most popular dogs couldn’t pass with that high of a percentage. Moving on to jaws. Hmm. Pitbulls have huge jaws. That may be true. You yourself have huge jaws, do you go out and bite people? No, I guess not but you sure do talk a lot about topics that you have absolutely no credibility on. German shepards, rottweilers, huskys, great Danes, golden retreivers, also have large jaws. (Fact: Google it). Did you even know German shepards were used by Nazis? Does that make them an extreme danger as well? I hope you feel the sarcasm here, because I’m laying it on pretty thick. Now, this weekend you should talk to veterinarian, or perhaps go to your local shelter and volunteer and see these dogs. Before you open that thing you call a mouth and let your diarrhea out, you should do some research before you have an opinion on anything.
Every pitbull owner in the world.
Thank you
I believe that owners obviously play a huge role here but the #’s are significantly higher (even as a % of dog breed population) for pit bull attacks. The comparison is really not a good stance for pit bull owners/lovers to take as it weakens the argument
I believe that owners obviously play a huge role here but the #’s are significantly higher (even as a % of dog breed population) for pit bull attacks. The comparison is really not a good stance for pit bull owners/lovers to take as it weakens the argument
I believe that owners obviously play a huge role here but the #’s are significantly higher (even as a % of dog breed population) for pit bull attacks. The comparison is really not a good stance for pit bull owners/lovers to take as it weakens the argument
Great comments, Matthew
Just because a person is ignorant about a dog breed, doesn’t really give you the right to attack them in such a snarky manner. It also doesn’t help your cause as a Pit Bull owner if you go out and attack anyone that makes you upset. A person already thinking the dogs are vicious monsters might just think all owners are the same. Maybe you should use your wealth of information for good and not as a tool to show how much better you are than a person who gets all their knowledge of the breed from the media. Ignorance isn’t a fault and can be remedied if approached properly.
Bite tires off police cars ay? Here’s a list of psi for powerful dog breeds jaws :
German shepard : 238
Pitbull: 235
Rottweiler: 328
Doberman: 600
Mastiff: 552
(Fact: Google it)
I hate how people are so damn stupid these days, thanks for your help defending the breed
Hi Matthew
That is a great list you provided. I would be scared to walk into the yard of any dog that is protecting their territory, that is what they do.
A very scary thing is a trained pair of Dobies because they will hunt you as a pair, and from your list, their jaws can cause some damage.
But I am not afraid of dogs because I understand them and I do not challenge them while they are doing their job.
The media loves a pit bull story. And it is ignorant people that fall for it hook, line and sinker
Ever look at a pitbulls skull? how do they have locking jaws? Do they have a bred locking jaw mechanism that no other breed has?
Carrie Gil Slakoff
I had 3 pit bulls at once, not one of them ever showed any aggression to anybody or thing. And I had a landlord that was as ignorant as it gets, made me get rid of them because of the “breed”. So I did, then I got a cocker spaniel and he made me get rid of that one, too. Ignorant people make ignorant decisions and assumptions. I socialised my dogs, walked them 3 hours every single day, played with them, had them around other dogs, had them around children, elderly, women, men, all kinds of people. And to everyone’s surprise, my dogs never bit anyone or any dog. It’s was actually a Jack Russell that attacked my dogs, a golden retriever and a lab. And yet my dogs were the “evil ones”.
People don’t understand that dogs, especially hyper dogs need to exercise. The more tired the dog is, the happier it is, the least likely it is to misbehave or (for lack of a better word) “attack” somebody. First thing you need to do as a responsible dog owner, not just a pit bull owner is, socialise!
Not cesat she is crazy
Based on what Cesar does on his show, I would not be surprised if this dog is vicious BECAUSE of his treatment of him. He hits, kicks, scares and intimidates dogs all the time. Dogs who have never bitten before have bitten Cesar because of the crap he pulls.
So the dog has a long history of vicious behavior and failed training programs and yet the owner allowed him out when he had guests over? I’d sue the dogs owner!
Dear, dear Mathew. You spilled you gut. Now my turn. Yes all prunes are plums but not all plums become prunes! Not all pit bulls are bred to be kind and gentle. Some are bred to fight and kill, to make money for their owners. Now genetics are important to that end. Weak ones are killed by the more vicious ones and they are bred with other winners and so it goes. Then some poor uniformed person will rescue one from the litter of the vicious bred taken to the pound. Love,training and then those recessive vicious genes are mixed in that pup. Wala! Bad mood,bad day, the dog reverts to his parenting genes and someone gets mauled! Happens frequently and it more often than not, a pit bull. Blaming the “dog Whispering” is a waste of time, better blame the breeder if you can find him. There how’s that Mat
Dear, dear Mathew. You spilled you gut. Now my turn. Yes all prunes are plums but not all plums become prunes! Not all pit bulls are bred to be kind and gentle. Some are bred to fight and kill, to make money for their owners. Now genetics are important to that end. Weak ones are killed by the more vicious ones and they are bred with other winners and so it goes. Then some poor uniformed person will rescue one from the litter of the vicious bred taken to the pound. Love,training and then those recessive vicious genes are mixed in that pup. Wala! Bad mood,bad day, the dog reverts to his parenting genes and someone gets mauled! Happens frequently and it more often than not, a pit bull. Blaming the “dog Whispering” is a waste of time, better blame the breeder if you can find him. There how’s that Mat
Dear, dear Mathew. You spilled you gut. Now my turn. Yes all prunes are plums but not all plums become prunes! Not all pit bulls are bred to be kind and gentle. Some are bred to fight and kill, to make money for their owners. Now genetics are important to that end. Weak ones are killed by the more vicious ones and they are bred with other winners and so it goes. Then some poor uniformed person will rescue one from the litter of the vicious bred taken to the pound. Love,training and then those recessive vicious genes are mixed in that pup. Wala! Bad mood,bad day, the dog reverts to his parenting genes and someone gets mauled! Happens frequently and it more often than not, a pit bull. Blaming the “dog Whispering” is a waste of time, better blame the breeder if you can find him. There how’s that Mat
Shirley Vercelli pitbulls were bred to outperform in athleticism. They were not specifically bred to fight, but to be athletic. Now, pitbulls have been around pre 1800s. Started off in England and they have been breeding a very long time. Being bred and being taught is a very thin line, and I am no scientist so I cannot comment on genetics. But what I can say, is even Micheal vicks fighting dogs, slept together. They all were “bred to kill”, but after fighting they all laid in a pile, no food or water, bleeding on top of each other. Also, some of Micheal vicks fighting dogs have been adopted out to homes across the US and they have been fine. But I’m a little confused here, when you say the weak ones are killed by the stronger ones lol. You act like they are wild animals, like wolves going around killing each other? The people doing that are obviously criminals who don’t care about the law, as well as other people. And to say that a dog will go back to its genes, well in part that’s true. Pitbulls are domesticated animals and have been for a long time. These animals are meant to obey. And it has to do with training, bottom line. Any dog can bite someone. Every dog has a ancestry and parenting gene from a wolf. And you are right about one thing. It is the breeders fault. Back yard breeding is killing. They all end up in the shelter, and they all die. It’s terrible how many dogs die a day in a shelter.
Read my reply above. I’m sorry but your being Defensive UN necessarily.
Wow sad story
Weak ones are killed by the breeders Mat. That’s a fact. The more vicious ones are bred to get the most vicious for fighting. It all about money. Not all pit bulls are bad. But some have gotten through to be adopted and they can turn on people and other dogs. This one did! Genetics are powerful in humans too.They’ve never bred two plow ponies to get a race horse yet! Addictive genes run through families. Believing is seeing.
If we are talking about dog fighting, then I’m sure there is a possibility the weak ones might be killed. They might be used for bait. They also might be adopted. But most are killed when they are taken to a shelter anyways. Visciousness and being taught to fight are acquired through teaching. And your right it is all about the money, breeders inbred these dogs for profit. And it’s terrible. The analogy your making is simply traits with your horse. Mate 2 powerful breeds and you’ll most likely get powerful puppies. That’s a fact. I’ve seen it. But again, being taught to fight and being vicious by nature is two totally different things. If what your saying is true, all pitbulls would attack and kill and maul. But yet, why do celebrities and people across the globe own them? If they were so unpredictable like a wolf, we would not own them. That’s like saying all Asian people know Kung fu from birth and they were bred to fight. Yeah it might be in there genes that they might be better than others, but it knowing Kung fu doesn’t come out of thin air.
She provable did something WRONG. Cesar Millan knows what he does. By the way HE LOOKS GREAT …HOT!!
But Cesar had no contact with this dog.
Kendall Artman
Typical sue anyone that moves. Even people not directly involved. The owner is the one responsible but probably doesn’t have the kind of money she’s going to sure for. Also why didn’t it have a MUZZLE? I fond those little dogs bite a lot more frequently however one bite is enough from a Pitt Bull. Probably safer to own a lion or tiger. Pitt Bulls and Toddlers are the worst biters out there so I don’t recommend going near either of them.
If the owner removed the dog prematurely, it is the owners fault for the attack. Not the center
There are no bad dogs, only bad owners. Dogs are not born bad.