The next meeting of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, set for Tuesday, October 31, starting at 9:30 a.m., at 500 West Temple Street, Los Angeles 90012.
A live video feed will be available at
Here’s the agenda:
EDI Media President, James Su, celebrated in recognition of the 13th Annual Chinese American Film Festival and 1st Annual Chinese American Television Festival.
The Sotelo Family commemorated in recognition of Los Cinco Puntos’ 50th Anniversary.
Supervisors Solis and Barger direct the Chief Executive Officer, in consultation with other relevant Departments and stakeholders, to assess Countywide opportunities to expand capacity to better serve the health, well-being, and socio-economic needs of Los Angeles County’s vulnerable residents. (Item 3)
Supervisor Ridley-Thomas proclaims November 18, 2017 as “HomeWalk Day” throughout Los Angeles County and encourages County employees and their families to participate in the United Way’s 11th Annual HomeWalk event. (Item 6)
Supervisors Kuehl and Hahn instruct the Treasurer and Tax Collector, in collaboration with the Chief Executive Officer, to use the Chapter 8 sale process to create affordable housing and open space. (Item 8)
Supervisors Kuehl and Hahn direct the Chief Executive Officer, in consultation with the other members of the Job Order Contract Working Group, to report on improvements in oversight of Job Order Contract procurement, administration and evaluation. (Item 9, April 17, 2017 Report, May 4, 2017 Report)
Supervisors Hahn and Barger recommend sending a five-signature letter to the United States Department of Transportation in support of the Infrastructure for Rebuilding America grant applications. (Item 11)
Approval and authorization sought to execute two contracts for the aviation, airport, and consolidated property insurance programs, for a total annual contract cost of $16,448,000. (Item 14)
Approval sought for an ordinance for introduction to amend County Code, Title 6 – Salaries, to establish a disaster leave donation program allowing County employees to donate paid leave to disaster relief. (Item 15)
Authorization sought by the Acting Director of Children and Family Services and the Chief Probation Officer to execute a contract with the Los Angeles County Office of Education for the provision of tutoring and education support services, with a maximum contract amount of $3,900,000. (Item 21)
Authorization sought by the Director of Public Works to prepare appropriate documentation required for the construction of the proposed Martin Luther King, Jr. Behavioral Health Center Project. (Item 22)
Authorization sought by the Director of the Health Agency or the Sheriff, to execute amendments to the Sheriff’s Department’s agreement with Cerner Corporation for the Electronic Health Record system. (Item 23)
Authorization sought by the Director of Mental Health to execute Legal Entity agreements with CLARE Foundation, Los Angeles Centers for Alcohol and Drug Abuse and The Teen Project for the provision of Crisis Residential Treatment Program services, for a maximum contract amount of approximately $5,800,000. (Item 25)
Approval sought by the Department of Parks and Recreation to submit a grant application to the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District for grant funds, in the amount of $1,000,000, to partially fund the John Anson Ford Amphitheatre Scenic Trail Project. (Item 29)
Authorization sought by the Director of Public Works to execute a construction contract with Shimmick Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $5,000,591.90 for the Del Mar Avenue Bridge Replacement over Alhambra Wash Project in the City of San Gabriel. (Item 32)
Authorization sought by the Director of Public Works to execute 11 consultant services agreements to provide as-needed environmental services for various projects and maintenance activities for a maximum aggregate program amount of $64,000,000. (Item 33)
Authorization sought by the Director of Public Works to execute construction contracts to provide as-needed emergency County highway and road facility repair services, for a total aggregate program amount not to exceed $12,000,000. (Item 40)
Approval sought to enter into an affiliation agreement with the University of Antelope Valley for field internship training for their Paramedic Education Program. (Item 42)
The Claims Board recommends a $175,000 settlement for a lawsuit alleging injuries sustained in a vehicle accident involving a Sheriff’s Department employee. (Item 44)
Find the agenda’s supporting documents [here].
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