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Today in
S.C.V. History
October 6
2000 - Movie stuntman Richard Farnsworth, 2000 Newhall Walk of Western Stars inductee, and Dr. Robert Rockwell, first COC president, die on the same day [Farnsworth story] [Rockwell story]

Screen Shot 2015-08-14 at 4.01.00 PM

A LA County Public Health worker begins to throw away food from an illegal food vendor cart.

[KHTS] -Los Angeles County Public Health officials, along with Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station deputies and City of Santa Clarita Community Partnership officials, conducted an unpermitted food vendor task force Thursday afternoon.

The task force was led by Los Angeles County Public Health officials with help from city of Santa Clarita officials. SCV Sheriff’s deputies accompanied the task force as a precaution.

“When we do these. what we normally try to do is to target the illegal vendors and generally the illegal vendors are trying to sell corn and things that aren’t packaged out properly,” said Deputy Dan Dantice, a member of the SCV Sheriff’s Station Crime Prevention Unit. “It’s a health issue.”

In the city of Santa Clarita, “no park or open space area may be used for any commercial use or enterprise
in any form unless the city is directly involved as a co-sponsor of an event or project or the (Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Services) has authorized such commercial enterprise in writing with a permit,” according to city ordinance 14.06.160.

City officials define “commercial use or enterprise” as “any use of a park or facility amenity for or in connection with any money making venture,” according to the ordinance. This includes selling, offering for sale or peddling of any goods, wares, merchandise, services, liquids or edibles for human or animal consumption, and/or sales activities that utilize park property or facilities to complete the terms of sale.”

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Mayonnaise that had been sitting on an illegal food vendor cart for possibly hours in 100 degree heat.

“We try to do at least a monthly vendor sweep through the code enforcement team,” said Community Preservation Officer Efran Galindo. “We issue out administrative citations or verbal warnings to mobile peddlers. Many times they don’t know that type of peddling is not permitted within city limits.”

Many times, mobile peddlers come from the San Fernando Valley are dropped off in the Santa Clarita Valley to sell their goods from a painted, wooden cart, Dantice said.

A majority of vendors who were approached by officials Thursday were in compliance with county and city code or were given a verbal warning for a minor violation.

No arrests were made.

About once a year, the city teams up with SCV Sheriff’s deputies and LA County Public Health officials to organize a task force in an effort to combat illegal food vending.

“When they have perishables that are made in garages and people’s houses and then they’re brought up here or from here — people buy them off these carts and there’s no standardizations,” Dantice said. “It’s a health issue plus it’s unfair for the businesses that are paying for these permits and inspections because they can’t compete with the (illegal vendors) because the (illegal vendors) don’t have that overhead.”

One man’s cart was confiscated by LA County Public Health officials because perishable food — including mayonnaise and cheese — was not being refrigerated.

Illegal Food Vendors

LA County Public Health officials load an illegal food vendor cart onto their truck.

“These guys, they have to pay the city and they have to pay the county and the ones that are just pushing around something they got out of their garage don’t have to pay anything, so it’s not fair,” Dantice said.

Both city of Santa Clarita and the LA County Public Health receive complaints about illegal food vendors. Here is the website for the city.

Violators of the ordinance can be given a warning. Citations can be issued as well.

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  1. Jason Rueck says:

    That’s great news.!.!.! Maybe once they get all the illegal Cheetos off the streets they can focus on the heroin problem next…

  2. Emily Sartain ZacandJessica Perkins Holly Varak ???

  3. The people one who run this town are BUZZKILLS!

  4. So, all the murders and robberies are solved?

  5. Agreed that we do have much larger problems here but unlicensed vendors can create several problems for local businesses as well as the general public.

  6. Mike Bagack says:

    Salted melons cause thousands of deaths ever thousands of years.

  7. No wonder I always have to drive to the valley for tacos, street dogs aka “danger dogs” and my number 1. The raspado and elote man.

  8. Judy Estrada says:

    They do this because the city makes no money off of them. They cut into local business which does pay the city. Reason #2 is that in order to look like they are actually accomplishing something they arrest people who are otherwise nor harming anyone & trying to make a living. There are some who would say this is done to deflect from the fact that our city is becoming more & more riddled with crime & murder.

  9. lola mangum says:

    Seriously who would buy from such a shady vendor anyway? Then again somebody is or they wouldn’t be doing business.

  10. Adrii Riivas says:

    Jose Alberto no more mangos :( ???

  11. Anonymous says:

    Leave the cucaracha alone!

  12. I’m glad scv has its priorities in order.

  13. Wow!! Isn’t there bigger problems that need to be dealt with? ? Yesterday afternoon I seen at least six cops swoop up on the corn man with weapons drawn like if he committed a freaking murder SMH!

  14. Leave the elotero man alone!!

  15. last Saturday in Saugus two little girls we’re selling lemonade without a permit so next time I’ll be sure to call the Sheriff’s to verify they have one along with all the yard sales I see every weekend

  16. The Sheriffs are very lazy in this valley! They would not go after the guy that did a home invasion o was a victim of.. But had no problem sending out the SWAT team to traumatise a 7 year old kid for a father who wouldn’t turn his son over 3 hours early for a courts order visit I on..

  17. They have a task force for that?

  18. Humble People trying to make a living…they are not selling drugs or shooting kids!!

  19. Jon Tapia says:

    But its easy to run down a man pushing a taco kart.

  20. Ray Smith says:

    Oh man! I absolutely love the corn on a stick guy! So bomb!

  21. No wonder I can’t find the elote man. :( Damnit!! Think there are bigger problems than this!!! So lame!

  22. Alicia Schuler Taylor Schuler Javier Torres our music is being taken away lol

  23. It takes away from local business’s which cuts into the legal employment of Americans. Glad to see they’re doing something about it. Never thought they would.

  24. And least they are not begging for money but doing what they can to make money for their families- I’m a customer love the corn guy ??

  25. All they doing is trying to feed there families lame ass cops got Nothing better to do they should go check out dunking donuts on Sierra

  26. Martin Ramos says:

    That’s good now the hard working people can start selling drugs instead

  27. We’re they selling DRUG tacos? We’re they KILLER tacos? Panhandling for a fake funeral? Impeding on traffic and begging for $ to pay for their drug habit????? Wow really SCV Sheriff?????

  28. Damn that’s the homies truck.

  29. April Fiege says:

    Wow that’s more important then busting the tweaker trash up and down lyons.

  30. He’s just trying to make a buck

  31. Wendy Mejia says:

    This is so unfair. All they care is about the money they aren’t receiving. I agree with the health issues but a lot of the time these vendors who sell food are usually known to us, they come to the same park, same street all the time, we grow a habit of buying off the same vendors as we become familiar to them. Such an easy target to go against them, what about the drug dealers?

  32. Eric Baker says:

    Bootleg Funions..

  33. This is what my taxes is going to? My money is going to solve an issue apparently NO ONE but the city council has an issue with, smh

  34. Ivan Jimenez says:

    Mean while there’s a guy driving around selling coke and other drugs to kids lol

  35. About time! Is beginning to look like LA of Tijuana.

  36. Gary Wanjon says:

    If you want to be in business pay the fees that all business owners have too!

  37. Jean Paige says:

    I was just wondering where I could find an elote vender. Darn!

  38. Ive done known the elotero man since i was 3 and im 23 NOW. These vendors have had a BIGGER impact and influence on OUR lives than the city COUNCIL has.

  39. Tony Simone says:

    I hear Newhall 13 controls all the street food in this valley. Good job LASD for taking away their taco revenue

  40. Anna Rogers says:

    Not the elote man! Come on!

  41. I agree with Gary wanjon

  42. Linda Perera says:

    First the HOMELESS NOW THE FOOD VENDORS… Try giving tickets to people on their phones TEXTING AND SPEEDING…AND DRUGS, THAT WOULD BE A BIG HELP IN THIS CITY. Funny how they pick their projects

  43. Carl Wong says:

    how sad, i think i drove by that truck near Hart HS a few days ago. Come on trying to make some money. Use the time for more serious issues!

  44. Araceli says:

    Again, punishing the people who are trying to make a living while others are living off of welfare. I just don’t understand! That’s something they should should focus on instead.

  45. Mai Martinez says:

    Gustavo A. Medina Gotta love Santa Crapita ?? There goes my kids lemonade stand ??

  46. Many people buy from them because they have no transportation to the grocery store. Pretty sad that this is what they are doing, rather than getting rid of the people selling drugs to kids in elementary school, etc. The people in the food trucks aren’t harming anyone.

  47. Matt Rogers says:

    It’s funny how all the people pissed on here are primarily Hispanic .. if you had a child who got food poisoning and died because of all this you’d be pissed that the sheriff’s couldn’t do anything to find them . Unlicensed , unregistered means unknown address .

    • And it’s funny how all white ppl like your comment ??

    • Matt Rogers says:

      And it’s even funnier Cecy Barragan that you think I’m white ..I’m half Hispanic and I speak out of logic not racially biased.

    • Matt Rogers says:

      Ok sorry but Cecy Barragan 2 of the people that liked my comment seem to be of Hispanic origin …which makes me think that somewhere your hurt is a little racially driven . I’m sorry all I see is what can get hurt on all this is kids and licenses are ment to protect consumers so what’s your rational?

    • Ana Joven says:

      No one has died from eating the good food from the elotero or from the lonchera so shut up

    • Matt Rogers says:

      You don’t know me I definitely don’t know you so I I say this very kindly don’t tell me to shut up Ana Ana Joven

    • Matt Rogers says:

      You don’t know me I definitely don’t know you so I I say this very kindly don’t tell me to shut up Ana Ana Joven

    • Matt Rogers says:

      Ana joven it’s very sad that you speak to a perfect stranger that way if it were me talking to you I would try to understand the point you are making . This has nothing to do about race but the fact that when something operates illegally it ceases to have the responsibility of a standard . I know not of the places you speak of and I’m pretty sure if your defending them they must have good food ,but laws are rules and when you operate outside of the rules you have what is referred to as anarchy. If there were anarchy then we in essence could do as we feel , but we do have these laws and they must be respected by everyone .

    • Matt Rogers says:

      Ana joven it’s very sad that you speak to a perfect stranger that way if it were me talking to you I would try to understand the point you are making . This has nothing to do about race but the fact that when something operates illegally it ceases to have the responsibility of a standard . I know not of the places you speak of and I’m pretty sure if your defending them they must have good food ,but laws are rules and when you operate outside of the rules you have what is referred to as anarchy. If there were anarchy then we in essence could do as we feel , but we do have these laws and they must be respected by everyone .

    • Yes, yes…we must have rules. We MUST OBEY!
      Shut it!
      Anarchy? Really? Because some dude is selling friggin bananas out of his van?
      Heroin & Meth are the number one problem in SCV. Not illegal lettuce sales.

    • Yes, yes…we must have rules. We MUST OBEY!
      Shut it!
      Anarchy? Really? Because some dude is selling friggin bananas out of his van?
      Heroin & Meth are the number one problem in SCV. Not illegal lettuce sales.

    • Matt Rogers says:

      I didn’t realize we had so much problems with Methodists yes let’s stop them Methodists they are really a nuisance. Did I say any thing about Obama ? Hmmmmm. Nope .. shut it you say ? Sit and spin I say :)

    • Matt Rogers says:

      I didn’t realize we had so much problems with Methodists yes let’s stop them Methodists they are really a nuisance. Did I say any thing about Obama ? Hmmmmm. Nope .. shut it you say ? Sit and spin I say :)

  48. Shanti Sena says:

    officials tired of people not paying outrageous rent prices that force poor peoples food businesses to fail when they try to rent a building..is what the article should say #SCV #SantaClarita #Foodvendors #CityofSantaClarita

  49. Santa Clarita Sherrifs need to get there priorities straight??? Cases to murders, drug dealers, robberies must be solved already that they are dealing with pity things!!! That is why this city is a joke to others. The arrests made out here are ridiculous?

  50. Guss Rob says:

    Wow! Go get a fkn real job! I’d rather support these ppl than the ones begging for money on every corner!

  51. Give me a break! Have mercy and grace! They are not begging, stealing, harming, vandalizing, they are WORKING in a 106 degrees! Move on to the drug dealers, violence, robbers the ones who do harm our community. Prayers

  52. Can’t let people do business without the state getting its cut.

  53. Shanti Sena says:

    great news story !

  54. Guss Rob says:

    “Task force”????? Fck outta here lol go do some PT instead

  55. Anonymous says:

    Maybe “task force against unpermitted food vendors” would have been better? That, instead of “unpermitted food task force.” But you’re only journalists, so why be able to write?

  56. Sunni Bling says:

    Wow, sounds like this city is gonna be a much safer place now, causing all sorts of trouble like feeding the hungry and all…..those eloteros packing on that mayonnaise, yup…..THUG LIFE

  57. All they are doing is selling fruit come on know go look for all the drugies

  58. JC says:

    Wait! You are all upset the deputies are cracking down on corn instead of heroin? Why? Proposition 47 classified heroin as a misdemeanor, coincidentally the same as singling illegal corn. Quit your crying! You voted for it…

  59. Pedro Gomez says:

    They want to win money for thei families… Come on

  60. Omg ? Mariano C Hdez

  61. Omg ? Dulce N Pedro Perez

  62. Aaron Kohler says:

    The reason I stay away from SCV is the law enforcement. I was pulled over so many times out there. Most involved a search of my vehicle. Sir you didn’t use your turn signal, please step out of the vehicle. Since I’ve left 20+ years ago… I’ve been pulled over 3 times for legit reasons and let go with a warning. SCV is a training ground.

  63. This is a serious problem. Those guys sell assault tacos, extended hot dogs, and high explosive watermelons. I’m glad the sheriff set their priorities straight by taking down these hard working scumbag people who try to take care of their families.

    • It’s not the size of the hotdog. It’s the amount of condiments you can load on it.
      Flaming hot Cheetos, in the wrong hands could be deadly.
      I just hope they weren’t selling drinks with high-fructose corn syrup. Those things can maim a person.

    • It’s not the size of the hotdog. It’s the amount of condiments you can load on it.
      Flaming hot Cheetos, in the wrong hands could be deadly.
      I just hope they weren’t selling drinks with high-fructose corn syrup. Those things can maim a person.

  64. Mayonnaise and cheese left out in 100 degree weather, nasty. Can I interest you in a side of food poisoning with that? Just kidding, I gave it to you for FREE!

  65. Hey Sheriff! Are you gonna bust the kids lemon aid stands next? They don’t have a license either?

  66. That guy’s a good guy to. always go to his truck

  67. I’m so glad people of all backrounds are reading this and agreeing how dumb SCV is for this.
    How about the heroin problem???? Or the fact that we need a homeless shelter .

    • Almost as many people die from food poisoning as they do from heroin use.

    • Emily Chase says:

      Not really if you check 3,000 die of foodborne diseases. (Center for Decease control and prevention) but the national Institute of drug abuse says there was about 23,000 for heroin overdose in 2013 and get higher every year (Just giving facts) :)

    • Another fact: Voters passed Prop 47 which makes heroin possession a misdemeanor. You get cited, released, fined. Voila! Out on the street again. Just watch the use and overdose explode now. Which leads to violent crimes. Thanks voters.

    • Bridge to Home is a shelter on Railroad Ave. operates during Winter months. They need lots of volunteers and funding to expand.

    • Emily Chase Your source says 8,000 died from heroin overdose in 2013. Which is pretty close as a percentage of all deaths. The difference is that people choose to do heroin, no one tries to get food poisoning.

    • Besides, the premise that we should ignore some laws because there are worse problems is stupid. I think I’ll start running red lights and shoplifting because there are unsolved murders.

    • Emily Chase says:

      I myself don’t even have a speeding ticket on my record and love life without complications so if you wanna become a law breaker just to make your point, have a party !! If you put some much energy into maybe drug consumption in SCV as you do showing the down sides to unlicensed vendors you may make a differences, other wise uff … Well let’s live it like that ! ?

  68. What about the guy begging for money outside of Bank of America on Soledad? Let’s keep those lazy people around

  69. I don’t know of any business that sells what the street vendors sell (other than tacos), so who are they taking away from?

  70. Good send them back to the valley

  71. Not my frutas. Damn I’ll have to go to McDonald’s to get poisoned today?

  72. Lanna Ng says:

    Don’t mess with kogi truck

  73. Caelan McElli Nikki Covarrubias isn’t that near you place Nikki ??

  74. Nick Darcy says:

    How about relocating the homeless far far away instead or the drugs around the kids today!

  75. Nick Darcy says:

    Top 5 safest city’s in America according to FBI stats. Means lots of free time to bust disgusting illegal food carts. Heres a concept, get a permit and maintain safe temperatures! The ones busted are disgusting!!!!

    • people know the conditions and temperatures, and still love them…if you don’t like it then just don’t buy one simple as that! you have a choice

    • people know the conditions and temperatures, and still love them…if you don’t like it then just don’t buy one simple as that! you have a choice

    • Timo Servin says:

      You actually believe fbi stats your just as gullible as the rest of this sorry people that have no clue what kind of city you actually live in lmao SCV is a joke and will always remain a joke

    • Nick Darcy says:

      Hate to break it to you Timo Servin but I know this valley better than most do to my job and if you dare to think its “dangerous” your an idiot. Drive 20 min down the 5 to pacoima or sylmar. That’s 100x more. Compare us to re nation and we are Disneyland. How many murders do you think happen here? Cause sorry bro, can’t HIDE murder rates! So enjoy living in Santa Clarita aka Fallujah!

  76. Andy Macias says:

    Why would they go after drug dealers when they’re the suppliers?

  77. Scv sheriffs don’t have anything better to do but harass

  78. Making awesome town awesome again!! Now i need to find another fruit salad vendor!!

  79. Arleen-Edgar Hernandez

  80. Gina Vargas says:

    Not the Lonchera ?????????

  81. Cuz police can’t catch anyone else

  82. I lived in the valley I saw some sick stuff, abt time they crack down

  83. Get that corn outta my face!

  84. That’s right in front of the pad huh g Jessie Romero

  85. Isabel Diaz says:

    Beautiful Idea, best I’ve heard all WEEK!! Good job SCSD

  86. I pay 10s of thousands a year in taxes and license fees. I do not employ illegals and consistently support local vendors but they need to be licensed and follow every law I do
    And for the idiots saying they are going to call about lemonade stands and yards sales grow up

  87. Aww damn it hopefully they didn’t get the raspado man cus this summer heat is heavy ?

  88. Bobby says:

    Well last time I checked no restaurants sell corn the way they make them, they freaken delicious, look I neever see them get harassed in LA or the Valley, face it it’s the the stuck up Santa Clarita Valley people that complain, makes there town look ghetto. That’s the real reason!

  89. Laura Conant, the corn guy is going down!

  90. so glad I left scv! the morals & ideas that brew in this town are only real in this bubble. some of these awesome natives wouldn’t last in the real world.

  91. Why is it okay to commit any crime? If this is a local ordinance violation was it voted in by the community? local board members who were voted in? Either way at some point we all said, Hey I’m gonna let some one else take care of these problems.

  92. It’s so complicated and expensive to do business in Califirnia. It’s either make and sell something or spend your time trying to figure out all of the forms, fees, taxes….

  93. Those food vendors that sell out of the big trucks drive to the poorer areas and sell groceries at very cheap prices. They even have milk, fresh fruit, veggies and bread. They are just trying to make a living and they do actually help the less fortunate by not having outrageous prices.

  94. Joe Grizzle says:

    So as I read through these comments I only see the negative and sadly none of you are saying “thank you”! Look, these units are paid to do the best they can daily, do you at your job get everything done on a day? Lies if you say “yes”! Deputies are given a job to go cover, they don’t ask questions, they just do (just like your job) what they’re told to do. How about some thoughts toward if they wasn’t here for us….?????

  95. We need a Task force for homeless druggies, lazy begging scammers, drug sales taking kids lives hostage, crack prostitues. Broad daylight mind you!! I myself intervene many times and chase them away! Sheriff are too busy! SCV is turning to crap! We pay high taxes to keep a nice clean city….do we really need more flowers and medians??? I contact the Mayor, Senator, Sheriff, monthly on these problems!! SCV is turning to crap. No homeless shelter please, DONT invite more ! Make them rehabilitate and work, maybe help Clean up the SCV, work work work, earn earn earn.. not beg beg beg. I KNOW it’s possible, I’ve seen someone go from drugs, street, to getting a degree and getting a State job!!! No pity parties from me!! Get a job! Sell corn, fruit if needed!!!!

  96. Adriana Barr says:

    Let’s focus on illegal mayo and not the drug issues in this valley! Smh

  97. Adriana Barr says:

    Let’s focus on illegal mayo and not the drug issues in this valley! Smh

  98. Seriously though.. My husband was hospitalized because of food poisoning from a food vendor that makes the food at her house and goes into work places to sell it. I know there are much bigger problems in town, we just choose not to eat anything from those type of vendors anymore because of a bad experience. Still, I’d rather see the drugs and crime rate go down over food vendors.

  99. Sam Barbosa says:

    Danm the block on the news yoo that’s fool was the homie to

  100. Maria says:

    How are they suppose to refegerate Cheese and mayo while selling it on the streets? They’re just people trying to make money to provide for their family.

  101. Literary right outside my house. The ppl that run the truck in the pic are great hardworking individuals. Scv police is a joke

  102. Literary right outside my house. The ppl that run the truck in the pic are great hardworking individuals. Scv police is a joke

  103. Literary right outside my house. The ppl that run the truck in the pic are great hardworking individuals. Scv police is a joke

  104. On another note
    If your worried about the mayo and your other “catastrophic” concerns simply don’t buy from from the vendors/WORKERS seriously what business is it of yours? Are they selling heroin or any other drugs to your children? Are they breaking into your cars? Are they hurting your life? Focus on how you can volunteer and take the drugs of the streets not the workers. Prayers, mercy and grace.

  105. Wow. I can’t believe these negative comments towards our police and our city. Tell me, are there ANY cities that allow people to sell food to the public from food trucks without oversight?? Maybe that’s where the illegal venders should go… Then they will be legal. Sheesh.

  106. Wow. I can’t believe these negative comments towards our police and our city. Tell me, are there ANY cities that allow people to sell food to the public from food trucks without oversight?? Maybe that’s where the illegal venders should go… Then they will be legal. Sheesh.

  107. We have bigger fish to fry!!! Get my tax dollars and work on serious issues like the crazy heroin problem in our town!!!

  108. We have bigger fish to fry!!! Get my tax dollars and work on serious issues like the crazy heroin problem in our town!!!

  109. Rocio Guzman says:

    Really? These sheiffs can’t crack dwn the dope dealers out in the SCV? So they go & track dwn a truck with fruits & vegtables so THEY can earn THEIR PAYCHECK! They ain’t got no more gangmembers to harass!! Us mexicans WE impervise we have the grocery store come to us! Lol let the poor ppl make their $$

  110. Rocio Guzman says:

    Really? These sheiffs can’t crack dwn the dope dealers out in the SCV? So they go & track dwn a truck with fruits & vegtables so THEY can earn THEIR PAYCHECK! They ain’t got no more gangmembers to harass!! Us mexicans WE impervise we have the grocery store come to us! Lol let the poor ppl make their $$

  111. That’s right in front of my pad Xavier Taylor i still be seeing that truck crusing around

  112. Christina Rodriguez says:

    So happy to hear that somebody is monitoring this issue. Who doesn’t love that ROASTED CORN slathered with butter, mayo and Parmesan? I don’t want to wind up in the hospital with salmonella poisoning or worse.

  113. Where are the street food vendors ?? I’ve never seen any!!

  114. Where are the street food vendors ?? I’ve never seen any!!

  115. Just doing their job! Come on people!!! They are the ones who risk their lives everyday when you call and need their help! Give all cops a break!

  116. Just doing their job! Come on people!!! They are the ones who risk their lives everyday when you call and need their help! Give all cops a break!

  117. james says:

    Was the food still good? Why throw it away unless its making people sick. People are starving out there.

  118. james says:

    Santa clarita sheriffs need to be reformed.

  119. This is ridiculous.

  120. Jean says:

    Is there an official crackdown on street vendors for Anaheim?

  121. Terry says:

    Well this is a pretty old comment page effective January of 2018 when I was in the downtown LA area the streets were aligned with illegal food vendors and we are being told by police and they have been ordered by the mayor to stop bothering these people

  122. Terry says:

    Well this is a pretty old comment page effective January of 2018 when I was in the downtown LA area the streets were aligned with illegal food vendors and we are being told by police and they have been ordered by the mayor to stop bothering these people. I understand that there was a push to legalize Street Vending making permits unnecessary! Shocking

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Dr. Jason Wright, an astronomy and astrophysics professor at Penn State, will present “Intelligent Ways to Search for Extraterrestrials” at the College of the Canyons Fall 2024 Star Party on Friday, Nov. 1.
Nov. 1: COC 2024 Fall Star Party at Canyon Country Campus
The city of Santa Clarita will present the cult classic, The Rocky Horror Picture Show weekend showings from Friday, Oct. 25 - Sunday, Oct. 27 at the Centre, 20880 Centre Pointe Parkway, Saugus, CA 91350.
Oct. 25-27: Rocky Horror Picture Show Weekend Showing at the Centre
The Santa Clarita City Council will hold its regular meeting Tuesday, Oct. 8, in open session beginning at 6 p.m.
Oct. 8: Council to Hold Public Hearing on Tesoro Del Valle Project Changes
Los Angeles County Fifth District Supervisor Kathryn Barger recently honored Donna Deutchman, the retired Chief Executive Officer of Homes 4 Families, a non-profit organization exclusively dedicated to helping veterans and their families attain affordable housing
Barger Honors Retired CEO of Homes 4 Families
The award-winning Hart High School dance team is hosting a youth clinic on Saturday, Oct. 12, 2-4:30 p.m. in the school’s gymnasium. The event is open to boys and girls ages 4-18 and no previous dance experience is required.
Oct. 12: Hart High Dance Team Hosts Youth Clinic
The Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk has announced voters can expect to start receiving their ballots for the Nov. 5 General Election in the mail within the next few days.
L.A. County Issues Vote by Mail Ballots
The United States Department of Justice has announced federal and local law enforcement have arrested 42 members and associates of the SFV Peckerwoods, a San Fernando Valley-based white supremacist street gang, on a 76-count federal grand jury indictment.
Canyon Country Woman Charged in Federal Indictment
The Santa Clarita Symphony Orchestra presents "Young Stars and Old Masters," Sunday, Oct. 13 2-4 p.m. at Canyon High School Performing Arts Center, 19300 Nadal St., Santa Clarita, 91351.
Oct. 13:  Santa Clarita Symphony Orchestra ‘Young Stars, Old Masters’
1900 - Pico oil driller Alex Mentry (as in Mentryville) succumbs to typhoid fever at California Hospital in Los Angeles [story]
Alex Mentry
The Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce announced its 14th annual Salute to Patriots event, as the business community comes together to salute veterans for leadership in the business community and their dedicated service to America.
Nov. 7: Salute to Patriots Nominations Now Open
The family of Los Angeles County Sheriff Deputy Ryan Clinkunbroomer in partnership with the American Red Cross presents the Deputy Ryan Clinkunbroomer Memorial Blood Drive on Monday, Oct. 7.
Oct. 7: Deputy Ryan Clinkunbroomer Memorial Blood Drive
The city of Santa Clarita announces the return of the second annual Pet Adoption Week, Monday, Oct. 7-Saturday, Oct. 12.
City Waives Adoption Fees for Pet Adoption Week
The Sable Movie Ranch, located near the intersection of Sand Canyon and Placerita Canyon Roads has been listed for sale at $35 million.
Sable Movie Ranch Listed for $35M
As fall approaches, the city of Santa Clarita is gearing up for its most anticipated season of the year.
Jason Gibbs | Explore Events at Santa Clarita Community Centers
On behalf of Q2 Solutions, IQVIA Laboratories invites members of the Santa Clarita Valley business community to the Grand Opening ceremony on Wednesday, Oct. 9, 9-10:30 a.m.
Oct. 9: Q2 Solutions Grand Opening, Site Tour
California Institute of the Arts has announced the death of Robert J. Fitzpatrick, 84, (1940-2024), CalArt’s second president, who died on Sept. 30.
Robert Fitzpatrick, CalArts’ Second President Dies at 84
For the fifth consecutive time since its formation in 2018, Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency has been recognized by the United States Environmental Protection Agency with a WaterSense Excellence Award.
SCV Water Wins Fifth Consecutive U.S. EPA WaterSense Excellence Award
College of the Canyons women's soccer opened the Western State Conference, South Division portion of its schedule Tuesday, Oct. 1, with a 2-0 victory over visiting Glendale College.
COC Women’s Soccer Starts Conference, 2-0 Over Glendale