Despite initial reports from some parents at Santa Clarita Elementary School that staff are receiving death threats over the controversy surrounding the school’s scarecrow contest, officials from Saugus Union School District emphatically shut down those reports Wednesday.
“There are no death threats whatsoever,” said SUSD Spokesperson Lee Morrell. “The safety and security of our entire school community remains our top priority.”
As part of the school’s Fall Festival, a group of sixth grade students chose a scarecrow depicting President Donald Trump.
The Trump scarecrow was only up for the festival itself and came down Saturday night, Morrell said.
The controversy began when someone on a local watchdog group on Facebook posted her complaint on social media. Morrell confirmed this person is not affiliated with the school nor does this person have children who attend the school.
The complaint prompted SUSD Board Member David Powell to release a statement.
“The District strives to create a positive learning environment for all of our children. We were made aware of the event this weekend and will strive to ensure that any similar instance will not occur in the future. We regret the concern that this has caused and will implement safeguards to ensure that this will not occur again. The safety and learning of our children are top priorities and we will continue to work to make our campuses accepting places for all perspectives.”
Parents’ reactions to the controversy have been mixed.
One father posted: “Now, with more information available, this looks much more benign. With political tensions as high as they are today, criticism of the Trump scarecrow was inevitable. Had it been a Hillary Clinton scarecrow, the other side would be complaining. I think we need to learn a lesson here, lighten up a bit, and let this pass.”
While another parent said: “Even if the kids came up with this on their own, it is only the children re-hashing what they are hearing at home. This is offensive and misguided. To have some teacher allow this political statement to made among young children is irresponsible and offensive.”
While parents continue to argue about the incident online, Morrell said this incident is a learning opportunity for all.
“We are still investigating a lot of the things that happened,” Morrell said. “Whatever we learn will help inform us with guidelines for future events like this.”
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Stop showing the picture it just keeps rehashing this over and over, tired of seeing it and tired of hearing about it, enough already
Amen ??
Really, enough.
These “teachers” are lame. Does anyone think they would’ve been ok with thr kids deciding an Obama scarecrow would be alright?
RUBEN ANDRE NORTE….your totally beaner… that name can’t hide it!!
Karina Diaz ha, you need to educate yourself on where the Spanish language came from… hint… it wasn’t beaners. And what do beaners have to do with anything?
Why do people think making a scarecrow of a public figure is an insult? There are Halloween costumes of all kinds of famous people. I didn’t think it was a big deal. The kids were just thinking of famous figures for a little fun activity and everyone has put their own spin and ideaology on it. It’s the adults involved that made this into something controversial. I’m sad the district didn’t support the kids. I guess you see what you want to see. I see a bunch of kids trying to have some Halloween fun. Let this go, and lighten up!!!
There are plenty of people kids can choose to have fun with other than our president….Dem or Republican.
Teach kids respect. Enough said for our country who needs to unite!!
The teachers asked for it.
It was an assignment completed at home.
Every news outlet that did not inquire for more information first are responsible for following this woman down this ridiculous rabbit hole. She posted to the group and then as parents from the school who knew facts tried to share that on the watchdog group site they found themselves blocked from the page and all of their statements deleted from the thread! This woman wanted to create a problem. And the fact that she was entertained in her wish by our local news outlets who did not gather any facts, they just wanted to add to the divisiveness in the country. That is disgusting. The school staff may not have been receiving death threats, they were having to field calls of complaints that nobody should have to receive.
All I got to say is those teachers have pretty big balls LOL
Good,they made a bad choice.Actions have consequences.
The teacher asked for this . Children and politics don’t mix . Enough with this story . Why is it even a news story to begin with ?
Omg shut up over this already ??
Tempest in a teapot.
Move on. This is not news
Should not be allowed at this school level…it’s parent driven children way too young to understand politics unless parents or others are trying to influence young minds
I can guarantee you with much certainty this was the students idea.
Kathryn Hoar really? With no parental influence? Are you kidding me? At this age? If so god help us all
Trudy Trump Have you heard, Donald J Trump is our President now! When a kid is asked what he is basing his art project on, he might actually be doing it because he likes the President! These are kids!
KJ Slo I bow to your superior intellect as I had no idea who out president is
Seriously SCVTV?
Quiet news day? This is nothing! Move on to some real issues in this valley, like traffic and congestion!
Please stop giving this post life. I’ve seen it on my feed four times in the past two days and every time there are TRIGGERED responses that only make this ridiculousness worse.
Stupid socialist teachers. Stop bringing politics to school
I agree!! Stop the politics!!
Did you see the Trump complexion MAGA parody hat?
Wait no it’s trumps $45 ill conceived Halloween MAGA hat.
Why is this disgusting display still up I. Facebook? Why ! It’s outrageous! At a elementary school ????. Stupid adults a specially the Principal of this school .
Years ago mostly republicans lived out here. A shame others crawled their way out here
We know what you mean by “others,” but this is a community where people of all races and religious beliefs are welcome. This is America. ??
Were still here Stephanie Santos: You can tell just by driving through the neighborhood . Most everyone on my street in Saugus is a Republican . Our American flags fly proud yearly. I miss the good ole days as you are referring too.
Reiteratw.. Used to be Republican conservatives in Santa Clarita. Now it appears others, undesirable to me personally, have moved out here. Like you for instance
Replace with a black face and it will stop.
Not in elementary school. Principal needs guidance…out the door. A Dem.
Positive learning experience? What a load of crock, they are teaching these children to be disrespectful, not good for our future leaders.
Trump is the one who teaches disrespect. He mocks disabled people, calls names and is rude (even the the survivors of deceased military), and he boasts about touching people’s private parts against their will. As a parent, the only hope is that kids see as little of his behavior as possible. He’s a horrible role model. And it’s a shame his supporters make excuses for his grotesque actions.
Anthony Breznican there you go again. Were you on the construction committee? Stay tuned for the explosion of facts in the democrat party and Clinton corruption and money laundering!! In will amaze you??
Yuge news!
Will this story ever just go away!
I dunno why you people are getting pissed, he’s scaring away the Mexicans… y’all should be happy about that for once. ????
Poor scarecrow….
People get a grip, public figures are scrutinized and parodied on a daily basis. The current occupant in the WH is and should be no exception. The fact that his face was placed on scarecrow is lame since his ass will soon be impeached if justice prevails.
The lies spread on the phony baloney “Watchdog” page make me mad. We are not as a group investigator reporters. Some people just want to smear without facts.
Hopefully teacher will be suspended & the school need to have a meeting with the parents. Done & done
We can all thank the SCV Community Watchdog FB group for bringing this anger and chaos to a school in our town. That group should be ashamed of themselves for hyping this false information to generate outrage. Instead, they are boasting about it.
Lesson learned? This was not just the “children” idea. This political statement had the help, planning and construction of adult parents. Yes they thought it was funny and clever, but they found out differently. Then to add insult, they blame it on the kids!
Blah,blah blah Santa Clarita..More important things to worry about than this !
HAHA! This is HILARIOUS! People getting offended over every tiny thing about Trump. What a joke! Kids nowadays are smarter than half the adults that parent them and they understand that 45 is no LEADER, so let them make their scarecrow however they want. It isn’t just crows that need to be scared of that thing. You’re either against him or you’re in denial. He has done NOTHING good. Just lies, broken promises, threats, lies, and bringing us to the front lines of a war.
So tired of hearing about this, it’s truly no big deal, let it go already!!!! I mean look at him, he’d make a pretty good scarecrow ??
I find this totally inappropriate for students to be allowed to display and degrade any person in our leadership government whether it is right or left!! Children should learn respect for our leaders especially the office of the POTUS!!
Respect is earned; as is the WH and Presidency; NOT bought by Russian influence or fear and ignorance. Disgusting, vile, small handed men need not apply. Also, racists, bigots, homophobes, sexists, misogynists, egomaniacs, narcissists, and morally, ethically and intellectually challenged need not run ever.
Move on!
Time to unlike your page!!!
Nothing in this story backs up the headline.
I guess this is how you raise kids to burn flags or burn an effigy of someone. If it was meant as an insult or a compliment it should not have been allowed. Real persons images should not be allowed. Actors portraying a pretend character in a movie could be allowed.