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[KHTS] – The Board of Supervisors will also vote Tuesday on a drought mitigation motion by Supervisor Michael Antonovich.
He recommends that the board direct the Public Works Department to expedite the construction of storm water capture projects, work with the Army Corps of Engineers and continue working with federal, state and local agencies.
“Our ability to further enhance water supply reliability faces tremendous regulatory hurdles and fiscal challenges,” Antonovich’s motion reads.
The recent storm in Southern California did little in the long-run to eliminate the ongoing drought.
The motion also addresses the issue of sediment collecting in county dams.
“The benefits of several recent enhancement projects at County dams and downstream spreading grounds are in jeopardy due to the impacts of sediment accumulation at reservoirs in the wake of recent fires,” according to the motion. “Sediment reduces the storage capacity of the reservoirs for capturing stormwater and could affect the ability to release water from the reservoirs.”
It is similar to the problem affecting Bouquet Canyon, where the board declared a state of emergency on Feb. 25.
If the motion is passed, the Public Works Department would be instructed to take actions ensuring that state and federal lawmakers would pass legislation to increase funding and streamline the regulatory process for storm water capture facilities.
New Playground Equipment for Castaic Sports Complex
On the consent calendar for the Board of Supervisors are suggested improvements for several parks in the unincorporated county.
If approved, the Castaic Sports Complex would receive $450,000 of new playground equipment.
“The proposed Castaic Project includes installation of new playground equipment for 5- to 12-year-olds to replace the existing, non-compliant Americans with Disabilities Act playground equipment; and installation of a new 50’x27’x31’ shade structure. The proposed Castaic Project will also include path of travel to the play area from the parking lot to comply with ADA requirements,” according to a board report.
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