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Today in
S.C.V. History
March 28
1934 - Bouquet Canyon Reservoir, replacement for ill-fated St. Francis Dam & reservoir, begins to fill with water [story]
Bouquet Reservoir

TGI Friday’s in the Westfield Valencia Town Center shopping mall will close its doors Nov. 22.

The official notice of closure came Sept. 22 when the restaurant gave notice under the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act.

Photo: TGI Friday's Valencia

Photo: TGI Friday’s Valencia

Multiple phone calls to TGI Friday’s media representatives were not immediately returned.

In recent years the restaurant offered many new ways to bring in crowds including their “endless apps” offerings and Karaoke nights in the bar.

“Friday’s has been a long standing tenant at Valencia Town Center. They were one of the first tenants to open here and will leave a legacy of wonderful memories for the community, said Stacie House, marketing director for the Westfield Valencia Town Center. “As a staple in our Center and the community, we are sad to see them go and wish the Briard company the best.”

Some Santa Clarita residents were saddened to hear of the popular restaurant’s closure.

“It’s super unfortunate because it’s one of the few places that me and my friends would go to instantly that was a guaranteed good time.” Brian Jensen, a frequent Friday’s-goer.

| Skylar Barti

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  1. thank god! they have the worst service and food!

  2. The service here was one of the worst I’ve ever experienced in the scv, so it’s not a big loss.

  3. Shane Weeks says:

    I though they were going to build a stand alone restaurant in the corner of the mall parking lot?

  4. Weird another business in scv closed? That makes how many thousand empty buildings and less jobs but hey move more people here and build more houses so it can take an hour to go 5 miles nice work

  5. Hahah oh asstown *ahem* awesome town. A chain restaurant is referred to as a “legacy of wonderful memories for the community … a staple in our Center and the community”…that’s pathetic. Is it a staple because people liked to go get drunk on their cheap alcohol deals, get in fights, and probably go home with strangers…nice.

  6. Alix Murphy says:

    There goes the last fun thing to do in SCV.
    Where am i supposed to drink and sing karaoke now???

  7. Peter Abba, Sam Graziano, Jason Sitomer ???? no more Friday’s karaoke

  8. Now can we pls get a Cheesecake Factory or California chicken cafe?!?

  9. Kris Doyle says:

    It’s about time, the service was always horrible and so was the food. Glad to see it go

  10. Julia Choi says:

    Is ok come to lees wine bistro! Fri Sat we have pork chops salmon…rib eye

  11. Sucks for the people working there. And right before the holidays. Not cool!!

  12. Daniel Estrada RIP. TGIF 2 nite?

  13. Now you have no place to wear your Seahawks jersey you bought from the toddler section at TJ Maxx David Jimenez

  14. Jerry Michael Verduzco

  15. Pascale DeBaun Tricia White-Kampe Katie Maloney :(

  16. Horrible chain, horrible food, completely outdated. Let’s get something unique/independent in there. No more chains!

  17. Hopefully they’ll put an Applebee’s there (I kid…)

  18. Lisa Stacey says:

    We gave this place so many chances and they could never seem to get anything right. We would wait forever for our order and it would just come our wrong. The one in Porter Ranch is always so much busier and better (and still not that fantastic) I agree would love to see a Cheesecake Factory move in! Would also like to see this town get a PF Changs!!!

  19. Tanya Parker says:

    Did they have enough employees to have to qualify for the WARN act?

  20. Peter Bishop says:

    Went there once. It felt like a dungeon and the food was plain. Can’t figure out why it took so long to close. I think chain restaurants were once a novelty but people are growing tired of them.

  21. Kim Audet says:

    Cheesecake Factory!!!!!!!!

  22. Great story in this old issue of LA Magazine about Cafe Melissé, the failed attempt by Chef Josiah Citrin to bring fine dining to the Valencia Town Center – let’s just say it didn’t work out very well! But hey – TGIF failed and the Newhall Refinery is thriving so maybe there’s hope for the SCV yet!https://books.google.com/books?id=Cl4EAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA77&lpg=PA77&dq=cafe+melisse+valencia&source=bl&ots=AQDbAeoGW6&sig=m-2Wj4uuYub3mlbKiBs8AQSPICI&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CCUQ6AEwB2oVChMI9pKgt_OsyAIVi0uICh2JZwfa

  23. Alan Duvo says:

    They are putting Saddle Ranch in there… Aka “skank ranch” enjoy?

  24. Jackie Ellis Jocelyn Reed

  25. Jackie Ellis says:

    So sad. Had so many good times at that place Shawnee Gentry Jocelyn Reed ?

  26. El Rey Grace says:

    I worked security for that mall when it was really turning over drunks at their Bar. So many dui’s came out of that place is not even funny. Thank God. That place only survived thanks to the alcohol problem in scv. Watched sheriff’s to judges left trashed from that place.

  27. Karla Love says:

    Cheese cake factory shall open now

  28. I hope they open up a Porto’s….like the one in Burbank. :)

  29. Red robin is moving out also…

  30. It seems like people are saying it’s not good food just because it’s a chain restaurant like that has nothing to do with the food

  31. Really sad to see all the horrible comments about this place.
    All you Valencia people won’t be happy when you see what’s taking its place. Talking about fights and dui’s? Just you wait!

  32. Lanna Ng says:

    How come elephant bar and Haggens employees didn’t get that same notice??

  33. One of the waitresses told my friend and i they already leased that spot to another restaurant for 10 years!!

  34. Alyssa McCabe, I think we need to go one last time:)

  35. Finally! The service here was always terrible. Anything would be a step up from this place. Management must of been a big problem here or they wouldnt be getting all these comments about their bad service consistently through the years

  36. Tianna Lopez the place of our first dinner date is closing ?. Should we be that cheesy couple that goes one last time before it’s gone? ???

  37. Anonymous says:


  38. No big loss here as the food always sucked and was usually flung at you by someone barely entering puberty. GOOD RIDDANCE!

  39. Heard Saddle Ranch is replacing it. ?

  40. A PF Changs, Cheesecake Factory or Porto’s would be great.

    • I don’t think any of those would go there, too small. I was hoping the old Elephant Bar would become one of those great restaurants. But no, they are moving Red Robin over there. Another outdated restaurant.

  41. Bob Levine says:

    Say what you want about the service, but Friday’s was one of a very few decent places to go in the SCV to get a late night meal.
    We had a tradition in my family that when my kids turned 21, we took them to Friday’s at midnight on their 21st Birthday for a celebratory late night dinner and their legal first drink.
    I will miss it!

  42. Buffalo Wild Wings would be AWESOME!!

  43. Yay! Their service has SUCKED for years!!!

  44. Dana Deuson says:

    More people out of work, feel bad for employees!

  45. How about a Yard House?

  46. Ooh noo Lydia we need to go before!

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