In this election game, strategy is key and the Democrats know how to do it. Has anyone else heard of the “other” Democrat running in this race? Doubtful. That’s because Democrats have crafted a strategy around Lee Rogers to ensure his progression to the general, regardless of some rogue candidate throwing his hat in the ring. They’ve been working this strategy for 2 years and their base is ready to pull together and get him elected.
It’s unfortunate local Republicans didn’t come together and get behind one candidate. Strategy? Who needs strategy to win? We have two well-known candidates running along with two candidates hardly anyone has ever heard of.
Did I mention you should have a strategy to actually win this game? In order to win, people need to know who you are. The best way to reach your base is through the party. If you haven’t been a regular at local party club meetings or events, you don’t stand a chance at winning. It’s just that simple. You’d be better off taking whatever money you plan on spending and lighting a bonfire in the backyard. But if you want to burn it in a campaign, that’s certainly your prerogative. Sadly, you’re also serving to dilute the votes for those candidates who actually have a chance at winning by capturing a few of the uninformed voter ballots who just “like your name” or say “hey, I’ve heard of that guy, I think?”
The known Republican candidates have both been elected to office before. Both know how to legislate and have a record we can review. We can also look at other issues of integrity, and once again, strategy.
Neither Tony Strickland, nor Steve Knight announced their intent to run for the 25th seat until they knew for sure that Congressman McKeon was not running for re-election. It’s not against the rules to run against a sitting congressman, but it’s considered bad form because it impacts the overall party strategy.
However, Strickland had already announced he was running for congress and was campaigning outside the 25th district. Numerous fundraisers were held for him with the support of several sitting Congressman the likes of Darrell Issa. Strickland’s literature was not specific about what district he was running for at that time.
In Republican circles, Knight made it clear that if McKeon retired, he would be running for his seat. That’s how it’s done. Those who are interested start garnering local support.
After campaigning for nearly six months outside our district, Strickland announced he’d be making a run in the 25th district, not the district he’d been campaigning in. What does that do? It leaves the other district vulnerable to a Democrat victory and could impact the current Republican majority in congress. People in that district thought he was running, but he bailed. Now we have two strong candidates running in the 25th. That’s just bad strategy. Someone running for congress, like Strickland, should know better than that. Strike one.
With the sizable war chest Strickland amassed (in the other district), he’s now campaigning in our district. Bait and switch, or just a covert operation prior to McKeon’s retirement announcement? Either way, I prefer my elected officials operate in transparency, and that wasn’t it. Strike two.
Knight has run a clean campaign with the majority of his campaign money coming from individual supporters within the 25th district. We can’t say the same thing for Strickland. And if you look at endorsements, Knight has the support of nearly every elected official in the district. Strickland has support from numerous congressmen, outside the district. Why is that? Strike three.
We are electing a candidate who will represent the people in his district, not other congressmen who are representing their districts. Strickland’s commercials say he’ll represent the people, but the people he wants to represent have not put their financial backing into him. That says volumes.
When it comes to the general election, it’s a new game, and whichever of these two Republicans progresses will be getting my support and my vote. However, as a voter in this primary election, I’ll be voting for Steve Knight. Is he perfect? I doubt it. But I want someone who can look at the big picture and work for the greater good of our district, our neighboring districts, and the nation, operate with transparency and integrity, and truly represent those of us who live here. So far, Knight’s actions show he’ll do just that.
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It sounds like I won’t vote for either one!
I realize that the direction this “publication” drifts is right, but I had no idea that is was simply a Republican Party newsletter. The only politics written about here are right and right of right…including this very well written endorsement.
I’m not sure what the actual demographics of this news site are, but I guarantee you it isn’t as far right as you think it is…but the more you trot out the Messinas, Ms. Arenson and Mr. Manzer, the more right you are drifting.
I’d love to see a column from a Democrat endorsing a Democrat…since I assume Ms. Messina’s endorsement is a personal opinion and not the publication’s….
So would we. Obviously, if a Democrat were to submit a column endorsing a Democrat (or anyone else), we would publish it. But it hasn’t happened. We can’t publish what doesn’t exist.
No real differences between the two Rs, except for supporters’ feelings toward McKeon. They will kiss and make up June 4th… to further obstruct Obama.