A motion by Supervisors Michael D. Antonovich and Gloria Molina to hire an independent consultant to provide a comprehensive jail plan report in 60 days was approved unanimously.
“The CEO’s long-delayed proposal failed to answer critical questions on the future needs of the jail system,” said Supervisor Antonovich. “Without justification or rationale, it proposed a total of 1,348 beds dedicated for female inmates even though the current female inmate population is in excess of 2,400.”
“A comprehensive plan – not a piecemeal approach – is required for an informed and fiscally prudent decision” he said.
The comprehensive report will contain:
1. Description of existing facilities, number and types of beds;
2. Profile by classification of the existing inmate population;
3. Trend analysis that projects the need for beds by security classification type over the next ten, twenty and thirty years;
4. Jail plan options and related assumptions which include one-time and on-going funding needs; including state funding options; and,
5. A timeline/delivery schedule, including swing space during construction.
Jail Plan:
The Jail Plan and Alternatives to Incarceration board letter seeks actions intended to address the county’s growing jail population, among other things, through a comprehensive approach. The total estimated cost of the capital project associated with the jail plan, if approved, would exceed $1 billion. However, the plan, as currently presented, does not include several important elements necessary for the board to make informed decisions about a project of this magnitude.
In order to consider a jail plan, the board should have the benefit of a comprehensive and thoroughly vetted needs assessment including a simple, yet full and accurate, description of the existing custody facilities, profile of current inmate population, average daily population, number and types of beds, trends, and analysis of the interrelation between the different components. For example, Table 1 in the board letter shows that Twin Towers Correctional Facility has a “rated bed capacity” of 1,766 high security beds and 478 medium security beds. However, under the “proposed rated bed capacity” it has zero high security beds and 2,244 medium security beds without any rationale for the change.
The board letter proposes to have a total of 1,348 beds dedicated for female inmates(1,156 beds plus 192 medical/mental health beds). This proposal provides no justification or rationale for the total beds proposed give n that there are in excess of 2,400 female inmates currently in custody.
Additionally, the board letter seeks 30 days to initiate an analysis of the Mira Loma Detention Facility which has been vacant for 112 days (since November 27, 2012), and it seeks 90 days to provide programmatic assumptions, some of which presumably form the very basis of the jail plan and future needs.
[CLICK HERE] to read CAO Fujioka & Sheriff Baca’s board letter.
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