Bait Shack at Sable Ranch
With the approval of the South Sand Canyon annexation on Tuesday, April 16, 2013, the City of Santa Clarita welcomed its first three movie ranch properties into the Movie Ranch Overlay Zone, including Sable Movie Ranch, Rancho Maria and A Rancho Deluxe. Of the 692 acres included in the annexation, 540 acres are dedicated movie ranch properties.
The City created the Movie Ranch Overlay Zone as a way to support existing production and film businesses while attracting new production and film companies. Filming on these properties will benefit from reduced cost permits and expedited permit processing time.
“Filming is one of Santa Clarita’s top industries because it continues to employ thousands of residents and generates millions of dollars for our local businesses,” said Mayor Bob Kellar. “The Movie Ranch Overlay Zone is one more incentive to increase filming within Santa Clarita, thereby increasing the economic benefit to our community.”

Dojo Studio Exterior at Rancho Deluxe
Of the cities located in the 30-Mile Zone, Santa Clarita is the first to create this zoning designation. The MOZ reinforces confidence in the pro-filming emphasis of the City, guaranteeing Santa Clarita’s commitment and stability to the film industry. It also provides an incentive for film productions to relocate to Santa Clarita and creates additional film-related jobs.
Santa Clarita is one of the most filmed Southern California film communities in the 30-Mile Zone because of its film-friendly practices and policies, as well as its film infrastructure, which includes nearly 10 movie ranches in the area.

Italian-style Villa at Rancho Deluxe
The City of Santa Clarita works to balance the needs of film production with those of its residents and businesses. This includes implementing consistent and fair filming practices, which are the foundation of the City’s filming ordinance and the new Movie Ranch Overlay Zone. The MOZ was approved by the City Council on November 8, 2011 and officially went into effect on December 8, 2011.
For more information, please contact the Santa Clarita Film Office at (661) 284-1425 or visit FilmSantaClarita.com.

Sable Ranch | Photo: Leon Worden 3/16/2014

Sable Ranch | Photo: Leon Worden 3/16/2014
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