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March 5
1864 - L.A. Star newspaper report: County supervisors have accepted Beale's Cut as complete [story]
Beale's Cut

2013 Export Workshop Series Comes to the SFV!

The SBDC, the Port of Los Angeles, and its’ industry partners are bringing the 2013 Export Workshop Series to the San Fernando Valley.  This highly touted eight part series, beginning May 1 and running through August 7, includes:

For more information about a particular session or to register for a specific training, click on the name of the class above.  To register for the entire series click here:  http://tinyurl.com/ExportUSFValley2013


Date:  As shown above

Time:  9 am – 12 pm

Cost:  FREE

Location: ITT Technical Institute

12669 Encinitas Ave., Sylmar  91342  – 5 Freeway at Roxford exit

How to Successfully Start Your New Business

This hands-on workshop will help you get started quickly as you learn the steps necessary to successfully launch your new business. Learn to prepare a written plan you can use to build and grow a profitable business. Learn the best way to structure your business as you identify and focus on the key marketing, sales and financial issues of your business and how to bring it all together. This powerful event has helped many entrepreneurs achieve success.


Date:  Wednesday, June 5

Time:  4:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Cost:  $30 + $2 parking fee (kiosk located in lot 14)
Location:  University Center at College of the Canyons, Room 222
  26455 Rockwell Canyon Road, Santa Clarita  91355
10 Ways to Effective Marketing 

Come prepared to listen, learn and discuss how Marketing is like washing dishes!  This energetic workshop will help you review what you have been doing; analyze what is working and what has not and what to do about it.  Learn proven ways to grow your business with low cost, targeted advertising and marketing that works from a marketing and sales expert with more than 35 years of successful business experience.  We begin with a presentation of how to create and execute a marketing and selling program and then it is your turn – you ask the questions about your business situation and get answers that are customized to your business situation.  Ideal for both existing business owners and those just getting started.


Date:  Thursday, June 6

Time:  9:30 am – 12:30 pm

Cost:  $35
Location:  Build WorkSource Center
  9207 Eton Ave., Chatsworth  91311
Linked-In 101

Are you using LinkedIn actively? Effectively? Do you know that LinkedIn is more than a “social media” site to connect with people you know? In fact, LinkedIn is a professional networking site with which you can search for and connect with potential clients, strategic referral partners, service providers and vendors, and industry peers.


In this hands-on workshop in the computer lab, you’ll learn how to effectively use LinkedIn to increase and leverage your existing professional network and grow your business. You’ll receive in-depth guidance on improving your LinkedIn profile, building a useful network, prospecting for new contacts, making new connections and building professional business relationships. Please come with a free LinkedIn account and profile already created. Held in a computer lab with limited seating.

Date:  Friday, June 7

Time:  9:00 am – 11:00 am

Cost:  $35 + $2 parking fee (kiosk located in lot 14)
Location:  University Center at College of the Canyons, Room 309
  26455 Rockwell Canyon Road, Santa Clarita  91355
Essential Steps for Writing a Business Plan
A business plan is a necessity for the success of your business! This workshop will cover all aspects of creating a business plan, as well as emphasize the importance of goals and outline methods to achieve these goals. Critical topics such as business development, marketing plans, advertising strategies, financial analysis & budgeting will be covered. Attendees may bring a laptop to work on their business plan during the training.   Register online at:  http://tinyurl.com/Business-Plan-060713

Date:  Friday, June 7

Time:  10 am – 1 pm

Cost:  FREE
Location:  University of Antelope Valley
  44055 North Sierra Highway, Lancaster 93534
Start Your Home-Based Business – Saturday Class!

Home-Based Businesses are one of hottest trends in business today. The benefits of working from home are endless: be independent, do away with traffic, office politics and more. Learn how to develop the entrepreneurial qualities -motivation, discipline, and creativity – that you will need. This class is a great way to start your own home-based business or enhance an existing one.   This workshop will walk you through:

  • Entrepreneurial Qualities
  • Business Selection Process
  • Start-up Procedures and Legal Requirements
  • Licenses, Permits and the Zoning Board
  • Banking and Record Keeping
  • Sales, Marketing, Advertising and Promotion
  • Business Image
  • Balancing your Life
Date:  Saturday, June 8

Time:  9:00 am – 1:00 pm

Cost:  $35 + $2 parking fee (kiosk located in lot 14)

Location:  University Center at College of the Canyons, Room 222
  26455 Rockwell Canyon Road, Santa Clarita  91355
How to Successfully Start Your New Business

This hands-on workshop will help you get started quickly as you learn the steps necessary to successfully launch your new business. Learn to prepare a written plan you can use to build and grow a profitable business. Learn the best way to structure your business as you identify and focus on the key marketing, sales and financial issues of your business and how to bring it all together. This powerful event has helped many entrepreneurs achieve success.


Date:  Tuesday, June 11

Time:  9:00 am – 11:00 am

Cost:  $30 + $2 parking fee (kiosk located in lot 14)
Location:  University Center at College of the Canyons, Room 222
  26455 Rockwell Canyon Road, Santa Clarita  91355
Create a Business Website

Create a high quality, low cost business website using new Google Tools! Small businesses across California are getting online through a free program from Google. Join us for an exciting hands-on workshop, in a computer lab, where you will create an easy-to-build Intuit website, get a free customized domain name, get free web hosting for one year, learn about free online tools and training. You will create a functioning website in this class so come prepared with a gmail account (available free from Google) and a flash drive with any photos or information such as bios, “about us”, or product information that you may want to upload to your new website. This training is held in a computer lab with limited seating.


Date:  Tuesday, June 11

Time:  2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Cost:  $50 + $2 parking fee (kiosk located in lot 14)
Location:  University Center at College of the Canyons, Room 309
  26455 Rockwell Canyon Road, Santa Clarita  91355
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The Nostalgic Radio Show is making its annual return to The MAIN (24266 Main Street) with two rollicking fun evenings on Friday, March 7 and Saturday, March 8.
March 7: ‘The Nostalgic Radio Show’ at The MAIN
When a cyber-attack hit a local elementary school district in 2024, Hsiawen Hull, executive director of infrastructure and information security at College of the Canyons, pitched in to help them recover and guide their decisions to improve their security posture. 
COC Employee Named 2025 CISOA Rising Star
Senator Suzette Valladares (R-Santa Clarita) announced the introduction of Senate Bill 816, the small business tax relief bill, which would exempt small businesses, with 25 or fewer employees and maximum gross receipts of $5 million, from paying the state’s $800 annual franchise tax.
Valladares Introduces Bill to Lower Taxes for California Small Businesses
Los Angeles County filed suit today against Southern California Edison and Edison International to recover costs and damages sustained by the County from the Eaton Fire.   
County Sues Edison Over Eaton Fire
Applications are now available for California Credit Union’s Summer Internship Program for college students.
California Credit Union Offers Summer Internship Program
 Los Angeles County Assessor Jeff Prang has issued an advisory to clarify a point of confusion for property owners impacted by the recent fires regarding construction allowances that permit the rebuilding of a larger structure.
Assessor Clarifies Confusion for Property Owners Impacted by Recent Fires
The University Student Union invites Matadors to attend Night Market on Friday, April 18, in the USU from 7 to 11 p.m.
April 18: Spring 2025 Night Market to Celebrate Art and Community at CSUN
Santa Clarita Valley International, a tuition-free TK-12 public charter school, invites families to visit its campus and experience its innovative, student-centered approach to learning.
March 6: SCVi Invites Families to Explore Its Unique TK-12 Learning Community at Four Upcoming Events
California State University, Northridge is working across disciplines to use machine learning to train a new generation of students in how to use existing data to prepare for potential disasters such as wildfires.
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1864 - L.A. Star newspaper report: County supervisors have accepted Beale's Cut as complete [story]
Beale's Cut
The Saugus Union School District Measure EE Citizens' Oversight Committee Meeting will be held on Thursday, March 6, at 6 p.m. in the Saugus Union School District Office
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Los Angeles County Public Works is closely monitoring a series of storm systems forecasted to bring light to moderate rainfall to the region, including the Santa Clarita Valley, through Friday.
NWS Predicts Light to Moderate Rain, Possible Mountain Snow
The Saugus Union School District Asset Management Committee will hold its next meeting on Wednesday, March. 5, 6:30 p.m. at the Saugus Union School District Office in the Bramlett Room.
March 5: Saugus School District Asset Management Committee Meets
The regular meeting of the William S. Hart Union High School District’s Governing Board of Trustees will be held Wednesday, March 5, beginning with a closed session at 6:30 p.m., followed by an open session at 7 p.m.
March 5: Hart School District Trustees Regular Board Meeting
The regular meeting of the city of Santa Clarita Parks, Recreation and Community Services Commission will be held Thursday, March 6 at 6 p.m. The commission will discuss the Begonias Lane Park playground refurbishment project.
March 6: Parks Commission to Discuss Begonias Lane Playground Update
Behind a powerful serve, The Master's University men's volleyball team did what they had to do to get past Olivet Nazarene (IL) 25-11, 24-26, 25-22, 25-16 Saturday night, March 1 in The MacArthur Center.
Mustangs Need Four to get Past Tigers
Assemblywoman Pilar Schiavo (D-Chatsworth) led a press conference on Tuesday, March 4, at the state capitol in Sacramento urging the federal government to protect funding for Social Security, Medicare and Medi-Cal as part of Assembly Joint Resolution 3 (AJR 3).
Schiavo Leads Presser Urging Protection of Healthcare Funding
For the second year in a row, The Master's University women's basketball team pulled off an upset to claim another GSAC Women's Basketball Tournament championship with a 72-66 win over the No. 1-seed Arizona Christian Firestorm Monday night, March 3 in Glendale, Ariz.
Lady Mustangs Repeat as GSAC Champions
The Santa Clarita Valley Youth Symphony will welcome the Grammy-nominated ensemble Palaver Strings for a one day workshop on Thursday, March 13 from 4-7:30 p.m. at the College of the Canyons University Center.
March 13: Youth Symphony Presents Palaver Strings Workshop
The Santa Clarita Master Chorale, a community choir known for bringing the joy of music to the Santa Clarita Valley and the surrounding areas, has faced an unexpected financial setback due to ticketing platform Brown Paper Tickets' non-payment of more than $20,000.
Santa Clarita Master Chorale Calls for Accountability from Brown Paper Tickets
"Support Structures," a joint exhibition of the work of Michelle Miracle and Donna Rooney, will be held at the Santa Clarita Artists Association Gallery in Old Town Newhall March 28-30.
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The regular meeting of the Saugus Union School District Governing Board will take place Tuesday, March 4, beginning at 6:30 p.m. The board will hear a presentation from members of the Behavior Council about efforts to address student behaviors.
March 4: SUSD Governing Board to Hear Update from Behavior Council