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1842 - Francisco Lopez makes California's first documented gold discovery in Placerita Canyon [story]

Message from City Manager Ken Striplin
| Tuesday, Oct 1, 2013
Ken Striplin

Ken Striplin

I hope this fall season finds you and your family well. It is my pleasure to share with you some of what’s keeping us busy at the City in the final quarter of the year.

A number of construction projects are underway throughout the city right now, and I want to thank you for your patience as we complete each of them.

In Valencia, we are nearing completion of the new Park and Ride facility at the McBean Transfer Station, which will add 270 more parking spaces for commuters. On McBean Parkway, we are widening the bridge by the post office to provide more traffic lanes and a dedicated bike trail. At the Valencia branch library, we are finishing up a new parking lot expansion, landscaping and art addition to ease parking and make this corner more attractive. In Canyon Country, we are working on a beautification project at Sand Canyon and State Route 14 (on and off ramps) that will really spruce up this area of our city.

Also in Canyon Country, we are getting ready to start a project to widen the Golden Valley Road bridge over State Route 14. In Saugus, we are under construction for two new lighted playing fields at Central Park which will open next summer.

The Newhall roundabout is taking shape next to Hart Park. Click to see more.

The Newhall roundabout is taking shape next to Hart Park. Click to see more.

And in Newhall, the new roundabout will be completed early next spring. Complimented by the recently improved Hart Park frontage project, the roundabout will improve traffic flow and serve as a gateway into Old Town Newhall. There are also numerous median landscape projects around town including projects on Soledad Canyon Road, Sierra Highway, Golden Valley Road and in Newhall.

If you would like to hear first-hand what is happening in our city, I invite you to attend our annual State of the City Luncheon on Oct. 16 at 11:30 a.m. at the Hyatt Valencia. Hosted by the Santa Clarita City Council, the luncheon event is open to the public and you can RSVP online at www.santa-clarita.com or by calling 661-255-4939. The cost is $40 per person.

Thank you for your interest in Santa Clarita. I appreciate your taking time to learn more about what is happening in our great City. I would also like to encourage you to check our regularly updated city blog at www.santaclaritacitybriefs.com. Feel free to email me directly with your comments, suggestions and ideas at: kstriplin@santa-clarita.com.


Ken Striplin is city manager of the city of Santa Clarita.


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