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September 18
1962 - Articles of incorporation filed for Golden State Memorial Hospital on Lyons Avenue [story]
Golden State Hospital

dvh070113a_largeCollege of the Canyons Chancellor Dr. Dianne G. Van Hook released the following statement today in response to President Obama’s America’s College Promise, which proposes that the first two years of college should be tuition-free for American students:

“What an amazing opportunity this would be for a generation of students who likely thought college was out of reach. It creates a clear pathway to a degree or career, and delivers on the promise of the American dream. Eliminating the barrier of tuition will open the doors to a lifetime of opportunities that would never have been possible without a college education.

“From a policy perspective, this is a common-sense, cost-effective proposal. Research clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of community colleges in helping students to succeed academically and be better positioned to earn bachelor’s degrees. We serve far more students, at a far lower cost, than other systems of higher education.

“The president’s proposal would also be a tremendous boon to the economy, ensuring students enter the workforce equipped to work in emerging fields that require technical skills and training. Recent estimates show California alone may face a shortage of 1.5 million qualified workers within 10 years. If enacted, the president’s plan would go a long way toward closing that gap.”

Dr. Dianne G. Van Hook serves as Chancellor of College of the Canyons, which was recently recognized as the second-fastest growing community college of its size in the nation. Dr. Van Hook is the longest-serving community college chief executive officer in California, having led College of the Canyons since 1988. For more information about College of the Canyons please visit www.canyons.edu.

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  1. Adam Kirk says:

    I’ve always known she was a moron.

    • “Always Known” ? Hilarious!

    • Lesley Vennero says:

      Based on what? This woman is not a moron, but a leader in our community that has elevated a once tired COC to the educational institution it is now. Moron? Clearly, you know nothing about her contribution to this community. Maybe you should google it.

  2. It would only be free to those who don’t pay taxes…cough cough illegals…so yes let’s get prepared for an ENORMOUS tax increase if this passes…

    • ILLEGALS can’t go to college, HELLO.

    • They can in California, Jerry Brown set that up

    • And Obama just let them all stay, notice the dmv lines

    • Elva Durazo says:

      OMG!! Unbelievable comments!! Really!!

    • There is so much ignorance here that I believe a college education would have benefited you – and that vast majority of “illegals” do pay taxes – and the government gets to keep their refunds since they don’t file returns

    • And these comments make me laugh. Do you really believe this is good? This is why I left this state.

    • Such ignorant comments. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves.

    • Edgar Merino says:

      Your comment is based on nothing but ignorance. “Illegals” do pay taxes. The IRS gives “illegals” something called an ITIN, under which an illegal pays taxes just like an American citizen. I strongly suggest doing some research before posting ignorant comments. I assume you also believe the earth is flat.

      • Rick says:

        Some illegals pay taxes. Many do not. Most illegals send much of their money OUT of country back home to their families. Illegals hurt the economy not help it. Nothing in life is free someone pays for it. Public schools already offer 13 years of education for free. What needs to happen is the schools need to go back to teaching trades instead of birth control and rights to sue their parents.

    • I knew I’d get flack…oh well…I’m not stupid nor ignorant…illegals pay sales tax, but don’t mostly get paid under the table? So, there’s no income tax there and do they really buy houses??? And you all have your heads in the sand if you really think this is “free.” That’s ignorant. Teachers, administrators, misc employees and campus bills have got to be paid somehow.

      • Lesley Vennero says:

        You do realize that you are a product of immigrants. That your family wasn’t born here. This complete hatred toward “illegals” shows that you either only devour the propaganda you here or you are ignorant. You may not like to hear it, but illegal immigrants are often the most hard working people, working the longest hours, doing the dirtiest jobs that the average American thinks they’re to good for. And all the while you think they’re getting everything for free. Most “illegals” never receive a thing because they’re terrified to apply for any help. Yet all the while, they pay a minimum of sales tax, buy from local businesses who thrive from their patronage, which allows them to hire more employees, who then can afford to buy more and invest in their community. One sided views on immigration are just ignorance and prejudice in disguise.

    • I knew I’d get flack…oh well…I’m not stupid nor ignorant…illegals pay sales tax, but don’t mostly get paid under the table? So, there’s no income tax there and do they really buy houses??? And you all have your heads in the sand if you really think this is “free.” That’s ignorant. Teachers, administrators, misc employees and campus bills have got to be paid somehow.

      • Bill says:

        Good comments, Kimberly
        A majority of the illegals send the money home to support their families. It is a big factor of Mexico and other Central America’s economies.

        Any freebies they receive here are paid by the productive taxpayers

    • Yes Kimberly. Illegal aliens get paid cash majority of the time, pay in cash for everything virtually therefore for go paying income tax. :-(

    • Yes Kimberly. Illegal aliens get paid cash majority of the time, pay in cash for everything virtually therefore for go paying income tax. :-(

    • state or federal tax. They dont pay into the system they are draining. I’m not so sure why its so difficult for others to see this….

    • state or federal tax. They dont pay into the system they are draining. I’m not so sure why its so difficult for others to see this….

    • Thanks Carla Jung Campbell for backing me up!

    • Thanks Carla Jung Campbell for backing me up!

    • Tameca Jack says:

      You are an idiot!

    • Tameca Jack says:

      You are an idiot!

    • So Tameca how do you think this is supposed to be funded?

    • You should go to college yourself ! Your ignorance would benefit from college education ! Illegals pay tax they consume and get deductions from there paychecks and at the end of the years don’t file for the refund because are scared of the government and loose out on the refund they deserve! And without a doubt do all the jobs legal people don’t want to do (legal people rather ask for money with a homeless sign begging for money,than do any labor hardworking) every time you eat thank illegal because they do all the hard work to get food to your table (farming,factory work) !

    • The thing is that the opportunity to do the jobs the “illegals” do aren’t given to “legals” so that’s an unfair argument. And have I mentioned anywhere that I do or don’t have some kind of college education? Also, my argument works for the more than not “illegals” that get paid under the table (combined with the free everything they get from our country)…if they get paid cash for whatever work they do how is any kind of tax (state and/or federal) refund relevant? They can’t even file anything if they have never received a real documented paycheck.

    • People are so ignorant. Illegals do make taxes with something call ITIN instead of a SSN.

    • Edgar Merino says:

      Kim its funded by American citizens and illegal aliens as well. Like I said, illegals pay end of year taxes just like you do. At the end of it all, we will all benifit from it. I love this country and I love the opportunities it provides for people. Did you know that it will only be “sponsored by tax payers” to people who keep a 2.5 GPA? It only rewards those who actually try to be better. Is that a bad thing?

    • If you come here and embrace our country instead of hinder it then great, but how many stories are there like that? I wish there were a lot. And do you really think a C average is good? That’s showing up and slightly paying attention in order to pass. I’m just lost on how “undocumented” people pay taxes if our country doesn’t know they exist? Isn’t that the difference between undocumented and documented? Oh and thanks for not attacking me by saying that I’m ignorant and/or stupid…wish more people counter argued like that.

    • Edgar Merino says:

      I agree a C average isn’t the best but it’s a lot compared to what some citizens and illegals do. I believe those who work for it should be rewarded. Im baffled as well as to how undocumented people pay taxes, but it’s true. I know because I was one of them, and i payed for taxes. You have to understand that most people come here to be better not to mess up this country. I agree there are people who take complete advantage of it, but it’s not just illegals its also American citizens who abuse it as well. I was lucky enough to fix my status and I have done everything to better my self currently going to a CSU and maintaining a 3.8 GPA. I know many people are doing the same. I just wish people wouldn’t judge as much. I honestly think education should be sponsored by the people, for people who will do good for this country.

    • Edgar Merino says:

      I agree a C average isn’t the best but it’s a lot compared to what some citizens and illegals do. I believe those who work for it should be rewarded. Im baffled as well as to how undocumented people pay taxes, but it’s true. I know because I was one of them, and i payed for taxes. You have to understand that most people come here to be better not to mess up this country. I agree there are people who take complete advantage of it, but it’s not just illegals its also American citizens who abuse it as well. I was lucky enough to fix my status and I have done everything to better my self currently going to a CSU and maintaining a 3.8 GPA. I know many people are doing the same. I just wish people wouldn’t judge as much. I honestly think education should be sponsored by the people, for people who will do good for this country.

    • Oh trust me I know that citizens take advantage too…my mother being one as well as the families of generations after generations maintaining a lifestyle of government assistance with no desire to better their lives. And I don’t think it’s judgement being placed here rather anger coming out since it’s one more thing that takes from our family table because of the endless numbers of billions of dollars that come out of how much we are in the hole of taking care of the people here illegally. Then on top of that they get endless benefits that we work hard to give them…no questions asked. It’s just frustrating.

    • Oh trust me I know that citizens take advantage too…my mother being one as well as the families of generations after generations maintaining a lifestyle of government assistance with no desire to better their lives. And I don’t think it’s judgement being placed here rather anger coming out since it’s one more thing that takes from our family table because of the endless numbers of billions of dollars that come out of how much we are in the hole of taking care of the people here illegally. Then on top of that they get endless benefits that we work hard to give them…no questions asked. It’s just frustrating.

    • Kimberly I’m with you. Illegal: forbidden by law or statute.

    • We should start a GoFund Me to send Kim to college! Your comments are an embarrassment. Get an education you Ninny

    • So calling names is adult behavior? Is it a lie that our state is in the hole because of the billions of dollars that are given away for free??? And like I’ve asked others but got no response how do you think this going to be paid for? And how do you know I don’t have some type of college education? Never stated either way.

  3. And haven’t the people learned anything from Obamacare??? Nothing is free!!!

  4. She’s drinking the Osama Obama kook aide, what a foolish thing to do!!!

  5. Jase Yo says:

    Sure she supports the proposal. It’s not her dime and it’s job security as an “educator”.

  6. Kurt Buck says:

    Nothing is ever “free” and this will drive up the actual costs of junior college faster than anything else you could possibly do, while hiding that cost from the people who pay it. Nice but bad idea.

  7. And how much do you think tuition will go up when this happens. Since nowadays an AA doesn’t give you squat!

  8. Cue the anti-obama posts in 3-2-1…..

  9. Nina Garwood says:

    Does anyone really buy this “free” college tuition ?? Absolutely nothing is free about it. Additional taxes will be imposed for certain…greater burden on the already overtaxed American people.

    • Nina Garwood says:

      Exactly Kristine!!!

    • If people are educated, then the type of jobs they can get will be with a higher income, therefore higher taxes to contribute. We all pay taxes, the more you make the more you pay. So if you start creating a society with higher education, you will also obtained higher taxes from those people which benefits everyone at the end of the day. Instead what companies do, is bring the professionals from other countries with an H1 visa , pay them 100,000+ and then legalize them. All those jobs are lost for the people living in here. And the simple reason is that we don’t have enough professionals to cover those jobs. I see it all the time in the companies I audit.

    • If people are educated, then the type of jobs they can get will be with a higher income, therefore higher taxes to contribute. We all pay taxes, the more you make the more you pay. So if you start creating a society with higher education, you will also obtained higher taxes from those people which benefits everyone at the end of the day. Instead what companies do, is bring the professionals from other countries with an H1 visa , pay them 100,000+ and then legalize them. All those jobs are lost for the people living in here. And the simple reason is that we don’t have enough professionals to cover those jobs. I see it all the time in the companies I audit.

    • Historically, our taxes are at an all time low. Don’t just join the old clichéd “I pay too much in taxes” without some perspective on this country and where we rank in the world tax wise. It’s all relative. And perhaps you should find out more about this plan before

    • …claiming our taxes must be going up.

    • Overtaxed and overburdened!? We pay less in taxes than most countries around this great planet perhaps you should look into that.

      • Bill says:

        The most successful societies pay less taxes. A good example is Hong Kong. The failing societies, overburdened with debt pay the most.

    • Cary Ray says:

      Community College was supposed to be free or at least very inexpensive. This is a good thing. Also, it’s our tax dollars, it’s ok to use it on us!

    • Nina Garwood says:

      When you add up the taxes we pay in every area, it isn’t very far off from most other countries . Furthermore, the community college system in California IS inexpensive! Not sure which state you’re referring to, but it’s not ours! We do have aid in place for very low income earners . Check your facts!

  10. Kelly Childs says:

    I teach at a community college, while this might some job security for me, I am 100% against this! Tuition is already subsidized by the taxpayers to help those who can not afford a “traditional” four year college. The system seems to be working, don’t screw this up along with everything else!

    • I hope you don’t teach English

    • Kelly Childs says:

      Nope, don’t claim to be an English guru either.

    • You have no clue about “subsidizing”. Maybe teachers (professor only if you have a PhD which I doubt) should get fire for ignorant comments like you. Tuition is subsidized for some students. If you are under 24 years old, you have to provide your parents income whether they are willing to help you or not. If they make over $40-50k (which it is nothing in an state like California) then FAFSA won’t give the student anything.

    • You have no clue about “subsidizing”. Maybe teachers (professor only if you have a PhD which I doubt) should get fire for ignorant comments like you. Tuition is subsidized for some students. If you are under 24 years old, you have to provide your parents income whether they are willing to help you or not. If they make over $40-50k (which it is nothing in an state like California) then FAFSA won’t give the student anything.

    • Kelly Childs says:

      ^^Community college tuition is reduced in total by the local tax payers, and ALL students pay a lower tuition regardless of income. I don’t think you understand how the community college system works. Everyone benefits from the local subsidy through lower tuition. I think you intended to say I should be fired, not “fire” as you so eloquently stated.

    • Nina Garwood says:

      Kelly Childs is correct! If someone makes $40-50k per year, they make enough to help support a child in community college . The student could contribute as well. The fees are already minimal in comparison to completing the same courses at a four year university. I am also an educator and do not see a reason to change what is already successfully working at the community college level. What the state needs to monitor are the rising costs of four year institutions!

    • If people are educated, then the type of jobs they can get will be with a higher income, therefore higher taxes to contribute. We all pay taxes, the more you make the more you pay. So if you start creating a society with higher education, you will also obtained higher taxes from those people which benefits everyone at the end of the day. Instead what companies do, is bring the professionals from other countries with an H1 visa , pay them 100,000+ and then legalize them. All those jobs are lost for the people living in here. And the simple reason is that we don’t have enough professionals to cover those jobs. I see it all the time in the companies I audit.

    • If people are educated, then the type of jobs they can get will be with a higher income, therefore higher taxes to contribute. We all pay taxes, the more you make the more you pay. So if you start creating a society with higher education, you will also obtained higher taxes from those people which benefits everyone at the end of the day. Instead what companies do, is bring the professionals from other countries with an H1 visa , pay them 100,000+ and then legalize them. All those jobs are lost for the people living in here. And the simple reason is that we don’t have enough professionals to cover those jobs. I see it all the time in the companies I audit.

    • What else is screwed up Kelly? Cracks me up when people make these blanket statements.

  11. Students in Germany get FREE college educations! Just think of what they will accomplish!

  12. And just think, I had to pay for my indoctrination.

  13. Alex Vogel says:

    America NEEDS more educated workers to fill 21st Century jobs. At the company I work for we can’t find enough IT and SAP engineers, nor can we find enough CNC operators, CNC programmers, CNC machinists -THIS is EXACTLY where our tax dollars SHOULD GO. COLLEGE Education for ALL. Didn’t see a whole lot of “fiscally responsible” Conservatives opposing two expensive unfunded wars or huge tax breaks for billionaires. This is investment in America’s FUTURE.
    OR hey, Republicans can propose more “transvaginal wands” and Darrel Grand Theft Issa witch hunts to get Americans educated to compete with the REST OF the world.
    oh, BTW far-righties, lemme MANSPLAIN SOMETHING. This is NOT OBAMA’S idea- This was originally a Republican idea implemented in Tennessee by Bill Haslam – a REPUBLICAN GOVERNOR. They found a way to pay for it through lottery revenues and endowments.

  14. Erick Jesus Castro are you talking about the undocumented workers sending our money back home to pay property taxes in mexico? I want to know of an undocumented worker you know of that owns a home here and pays property taxes! And maybe the 30% paying income taxes are working “legitamately” with a stolen social security number? I agree this is just going to drain the system more! Smh

  15. Alex Vogel says:

    It’s an Obama plot to make Americans SMARTER and more competitive with the REST OF the world!
    We should just EMBRACE mediocrity and less than averageness !!!!
    DON’T FORGET -About 100 years ago the same decision was made to provide Americans with “free” high school, and Conservaturds lost their MINDS back then too. Because apparently the more educated a person IS, the LESS likely they will vote conservative. It’s TIME America “the Most Mediocre Nation on Earth” CATCH UP – we’re #31 in Math. #24 in science. #21 in reading and #36 in overall education in the WORLD.
    ONLY FOOLS would want an America filled with uneducated unemployed masses, trying to utilize 19th century skills in a 21st Century job market. Education is EXACTLY WHERE OUR TAX DOLLARS SHOULD GO.
    Even our Founding Fathers realized the importance of an education.

    “The whole people must take upon themselves the education of the whole people and be willing to bear the expenses of it. There should not be a district of one mile square, without a school in it, not founded by a charitable individual, but maintained at the public expense of the people themselves.”

    — John Adams, U.S. President, 1785

    • Extremely well said. Hopefully this is what we need to become competitive again. What all these short sighted Obama bashers fail to realize is that this investment will strengthen our economy over the long term.

    • Too bad the tests students were given back in 1785 aren’t the same ones we give students today. We would see how illiterate students are today.

    • WOW!! Your comment gave me the chills. I can’t express how much I agree with your comment. I am an accountant and I audit private and public companies. Even in this tough economy, companies prefer to hire people from other countries for high tech jobs because people in here are not willing to study for the job market. I appreciate your vision!!!

    • WOW!! Your comment gave me the chills. I can’t express how much I agree with your comment. I am an accountant and I audit private and public companies. Even in this tough economy, companies prefer to hire people from other countries for high tech jobs because people in here are not willing to study for the job market. I appreciate your vision!!!

    • That’s great but I’m sick of being stuck with the taxes.

    • Your quote is from before Obama!! He spent all the money on failed businesses and General Motors in particular, then solar companies that went bust. He created low income jobs and put lazy people on welfare. Then he spent billions a failing health program with gov. Subsidies. Shall I go on. Education is free for everyone enc. illegals from all over the world til 12th grade. 50 percent drop out, whine, work for cash and collect from the broke gov. Who has borrowed billions from communist China. They keep interest rates low or our interest payments to China will go up and increase the already record debt. Socialism has never worked. Look at Greece and France. Both broke!! Don’t vote for a color without experience next time.!!

    • Your quote is from before Obama!! He spent all the money on failed businesses and General Motors in particular, then solar companies that went bust. He created low income jobs and put lazy people on welfare. Then he spent billions a failing health program with gov. Subsidies. Shall I go on. Education is free for everyone enc. illegals from all over the world til 12th grade. 50 percent drop out, whine, work for cash and collect from the broke gov. Who has borrowed billions from communist China. They keep interest rates low or our interest payments to China will go up and increase the already record debt. Socialism has never worked. Look at Greece and France. Both broke!! Don’t vote for a color without experience next time.!!

    • Alex Vogel says:

      No lady we did NOT borrow from China as much as we borrowed from ourselves – Social Security used to be solvent until Republicans borrowed against it. Look it up and learn the difference between Federal Deficit and National Debt.

    • Alex Vogel says:

      No lady we did NOT borrow from China as much as we borrowed from ourselves – Social Security used to be solvent until Republicans borrowed against it. Look it up and learn the difference between Federal Deficit and National Debt.

    • Alex Vogel says:

      As for solar -another LIE.
      We installed 3024 solar panels and permanently retired our diesel-powered generator. We now save 664,000 dollars a YEAR and no longer have to worry about “flex alerts” or rolling blackouts.

    • Alex Vogel says:

      As for solar -another LIE.
      We installed 3024 solar panels and permanently retired our diesel-powered generator. We now save 664,000 dollars a YEAR and no longer have to worry about “flex alerts” or rolling blackouts.

    • Very well said. I totally agree.

    • Ckay Walker says:

      We still pay less in taxes than other countries.

    • Nina Garwood says:

      So we’re going to make the American population smarter by offering “free” community college education for all?? It’s already extremely inexpensive and also offers grants and loans for those in need. Why don’t we put our time , energy and resources at the K-12 level where all the statistics are cited from?? We need to start strong and carry through high school and beyond. Throwing more money at community colleges isn’t the answer .

    • Alex Vogel says:

      If K-12 can offer 21st Century technology to teach kids.

    • Alex Vogel says:

      If K-12 can offer 21st Century technology to teach kids.

  16. Who is gonna pay for it…idiots!!!

  17. How many Cal State Schools will close because of tuition loss … when the freebies are flocking to the CC system ?

  18. Daniel Tobin says:

    If you like your professor, you can keep your professor.

  19. Kris Kelso says:

    Right on Alex great post

    • Alex Vogel says:

      Yes, community college SHOULD BE “free” the same way bridges, roads, freeways, public education K-12, police services, fire department etc is “free”.

    • Oh, clearly I understand better than you do, dear. It’s not free. It’s just paid for by someone else. My kid starts junior college next year and she’d qualify but I’d rather work more hours and pay for her education myself than create a new entitlement program.

    • Alex Vogel says:

      No you don’t lady. Lemme MANSPLAIN. If you think education is expensive, try IGNORANCE.

      • Bill says:

        Your comments are an excellent example of condescending ignorance. Keep it up, you are very entertaining

    • If you think bridges, roads, freeways, public education, police services and fire dept is “Free” you better read your property tax bill and see where all that money goes. NOTHING IS FREE. It’s paid by the working class in taxes.

    • If you think bridges, roads, freeways, public education, police services and fire dept is “Free” you better read your property tax bill and see where all that money goes. NOTHING IS FREE. It’s paid by the working class in taxes.

    • @Alex:Nothing is ‘free’

    • Alex Vogel says:

      You people soiling your Depends over “free” and think investing in America’s FUTURE isn’t worth “WAAAA my taxes boo hoo” make Al Qeada look classy. Congratulations, you LOSERS need to go to Yemen and root for the failure of America from over there. Our future is WORTH paying taxes for and worth investing in.
      You people think America is sooooo great and didn’t bat an eye when we spend more on defense than 26 countries combined, 74% of which are ALLIES, but didn’t care when we gutted education for it. You thought education was expensive? Look at the price of ignorance. We are NO LONGER the greatest nation on Earth. We rank # 37 in overall quality of health care. #21 in reading. #24 in science. #36 in overall quality of education. You know what America is REALLY GOOD at? Highest number of fat people on Earth. Congratulations conservatives who cut funding to education so you can maintain your illusion of security in the event we are ever attacked by 23 nations at once.
      You people built this ignorant, uneducated America.

  20. Sales tax – prop tax yes. Income tax NO. FICA NO. SDI NO. Calif personal income tax NO

  21. I’d be impressed if Obama got with his teacher union buddies and lowered the cost by having the teachers take a pay cut. But that’s not how O rolls. Here come the tax hikes.

    • Alex Vogel says:

      Take a pay cut ?
      You must be a SPECIAL kind of STUPID to think that cutting teacher’s salaries by 20% is GOOD but raising taxes on the top wealthiest by 2% is BAD.

  22. Elva Durazo says:

    Oh yes they do pay … Get informed !!

  23. This is exactly why we need more education, as a tax payer, I wouldn’t mind paying extra for education.

    I only ask myself if people think illegals are taking their jobs, having some to no education, imagine having education?

    I do believe everyone needs to follow laws, pay taxes and do the right thing, but please get informed before you speak about something.

    Just my opinion…

  24. Nothing is free…I understand wanting everyone to get educated but one of the best things my parents ever did was to make me pay for my own education. Taxpayers will end up paying for this. Not a good idea! The more you tax the worker, the less they have to spend on goods that actually help the economy grow.

    • Alex Vogel says:

      I work my arse off. I don’t mind paying MORE in taxes to put America back on top.

    • Whatever job you are in…if you work hard and do your best I guarantee that you will be promoted. I own several small businesses and I would rather have someone who works hard and knows the job than someone with a degree.

    • Too bad as an emoloyer, you’re in the minority. Times have changed and the emphasis on having a degree is greater than ever…a BA is barely enough to cut it with the competitiveness of the job market.

    • Marcos Rubalcava I know lots of employers who are disenchanted with all these kids coming out of college and being lazy and entitled. We would all rather have people trained on the job and willing to learn! This is why it’s important to support small businesses. Most small businesses don’t thrive unless the whole team puts forth an effort to succeed! My employees are very well paid and happy not just because of it but also because they see the fruits of their hard work.

    • Marcos Rubalcava I know lots of employers who are disenchanted with all these kids coming out of college and being lazy and entitled. We would all rather have people trained on the job and willing to learn! This is why it’s important to support small businesses. Most small businesses don’t thrive unless the whole team puts forth an effort to succeed! My employees are very well paid and happy not just because of it but also because they see the fruits of their hard work.

    • Well I mean if you as an employer hire a person to be a cashier or place items in shelfs, you don’t need a person with skills. At the same time these people get pay nothing . Low skill=low pay. Now if you work as an engineer, lawyer, doctor, nurse, accountant, etc( I can keep going all night) you HAVE to have an education to back up your basic knowledge on the subject. So, the type of ppl that you are talking about ARE the lazy ones that are not willing to work hard and go through school.

    • Well I mean if you as an employer hire a person to be a cashier or place items in shelfs, you don’t need a person with skills. At the same time these people get pay nothing . Low skill=low pay. Now if you work as an engineer, lawyer, doctor, nurse, accountant, etc( I can keep going all night) you HAVE to have an education to back up your basic knowledge on the subject. So, the type of ppl that you are talking about ARE the lazy ones that are not willing to work hard and go through school.

    • Gabriela D’Alfonso that is rude to call these people lazy. School is not for everyone. I think unless you want to go into a field like medicine or law you pretty much can forget about school. I will be homeschooling my daughter and with the curriculum I will be using she will graduate high school with more knowledge than most college students. I went to college and have a bachelor’s degree and my husband has a doctorate and we both agree that colleges have become places of indoctrination not learning. I also notice you are an accountant. Don’t you think if you trained under a real accountant in real life it would have been a faster way to learn with practical experience? I don’t have an accounting degree but I can work my way around quickbooks pretty well and probably understand tax codes better than the average person by reading books.

    • Alex Vogel says:

      You people soiling your Depends over “free” and think investing in America’s FUTURE isn’t worth “WAAAA my taxes boo hoo” make Al Qeada look classy. Congratulations, you LOSERS need to go to Yemen and root for the failure of America from over there. Our future is WORTH paying taxes for and worth investing in.
      You people think America is sooooo great and didn’t bat an eye when we spend more on defense than 26 countries combined, 74% of which are ALLIES, but didn’t care when we gutted education for it. You thought education was expensive? Look at the price of ignorance. We are NO LONGER the greatest nation on Earth. We rank # 37 in overall quality of health care. #21 in reading. #24 in science. #36 in overall quality of education. You know what America is REALLY GOOD at? Highest number of fat people on Earth. Congratulations conservatives who cut funding to education so you can maintain your illusion of security in the event we are ever attacked by 23 nations at once.
      You people built this ignorant, uneducated America.

    • Gabriela, not everyone can afford school. Some young people had to work growing up to help support their family.

    • I think what you are missing is the fact that a college education provides a person a well rounded knowledge along other skills. Homeschooling in my opinion is the worst thing you can do to a child. She will lack communication skills, being able to defend her points , grow around people that think different than her, be around other kids!! Have a diverse mind set, use critical thinking !! Specially getting used to deal a dominated make society!! Education is not only about memorizing a book but way more!! And no, I think in many jobs like accounting, you need basic knowledge that no company is willing to invest in order for you to build up from it. The tax code is 3 huge blocks of box. I’m pretty sure if tax accountant take a lot of training and reading through it, I find it difficult that you can understand the tax code.

    • Marie, I got my bachelors degree being a single mom and working (including loans). My brother was a full time employee and graduated with his bachelors. My sister is doing the same. And I know PLENTY of students ( some of them even illegal) than worked their butt off and paid for their schooling. ” If there is a will, there is a way” if not, there is always an excuse for it. Also, because I know how hard it is, I totally SUPPORT OBAMA providing 2 out of the 4 years to get a bachelors free.

    • Gabriela D’Alfonso for someone who knows accounting you sure don’t understand taxation because the two years aren’t “free”…. Also homeschooling students are the number 1 most recruited to colleges and universities so I’m not sure what you are talking about???

    • If people are educated, then the type of jobs they can get will be with a higher income, therefore higher taxes to contribute. We all pay taxes, the more you make the more you pay. So if you start creating a society with higher education, you will also obtained higher taxes from those people which benefits everyone at the end of the day. Instead what companies do, is bring the professionals from other countries with an H1 visa , pay them 100,000+ and then legalize them. All those jobs are lost for the people living in here. And the simple reason is that we don’t have enough professionals to cover those jobs. I see it all the time in the companies I audit.

    • If people are educated, then the type of jobs they can get will be with a higher income, therefore higher taxes to contribute. We all pay taxes, the more you make the more you pay. So if you start creating a society with higher education, you will also obtained higher taxes from those people which benefits everyone at the end of the day. Instead what companies do, is bring the professionals from other countries with an H1 visa , pay them 100,000+ and then legalize them. All those jobs are lost for the people living in here. And the simple reason is that we don’t have enough professionals to cover those jobs. I see it all the time in the companies I audit.

    • You are such a clown! Not a good idea? “Not a good idea” is funding a war in Iraq and looking for weapons that WERENT THERE. How many billions in tax dollars went to that hot mess? If we steer the “tax dollars” you seem to think we will “lose” we win as a country by having less morons that want to go on fox hunts for things that don’t exist! You yourself need to get educated Jenny

    • Patrick Garvey did I say anything about spending money on the war? You call me a clown…look at your profile picture. Thank God I left this state.

  25. How much are you willing to pay? How much do you pay now? How much more should everyone else pay? I think I pay enough.

  26. Nikki Bowles says:

    Krystal Morrice Mariah Torres Amanda Van Boxtel Heather Rodriguez Savannah Lee Kelly Horan Sava Monica Bailey

  27. Ammine,you don’t know what you’re talking about.

  28. Awesome! Now pay the instructors better wages and we’ll be all set!

  29. Chris Kramer says:

    Why don’t you send all the kids door-to-door and ask the neighbors for college money? That’s who will pay any way. Where do you think the money will come from? Obama has the treasury printing money that the treasury buys in the form of treasury bonds, but that printing press can’t go on forever.

    Dr. Van Hook is an educated woman, perhaps she can identify the funding source? (The Obama money tree doesn’t count, at least not in the real world).

  30. Chris Kramer says:

    Why don’t you send all the kids door-to-door and ask the neighbors for college money? That’s who will pay any way. Where do you think the money will come from? Obama has the treasury printing money that the treasury buys in the form of treasury bonds, but that printing press can’t go on forever.
    Dr. Van Hook is an educated woman, perhaps she can identify the funding source? (The Obama money tree doesn’t count, at least not in the real world).

    • Stop the erroneous finger pointing. Obama doesn’t have the treasury printing money any more than any other administration who has to pay our debt.

    • Cary Ray says:

      Oh boy, another one?

    • Chris Kramer says:

      What color is the sky in your world?

    • Chris Kramer says:

      There is another 13 billion T-bond auction this week. Watch for the results. When the U.S.
      Treasury buys it’s own bonds, which it does since China stopped buying them, that means they are just “creating” money from thin air.

      Take a look at the money supply numbers. Use your time to look for facts and stop getting your news from one source.

      Don’t believe anyone, not even me. Check it out for yourself. If you hear it on MSNBS Or Fox, check the sources.

      I hope you wake up soon.

  31. Tim Vagen says:

    Boom! We are thinking the same thing up here

  32. How about forgiveness for our kids who are still in debt for their student loans?

    • Maybe if the job market was as great as Obama says it is students could pay off their own debts by getting good jobs….taxpayers here in CA already subsidize community colleges heavily…I think the textbook publishers need to be looked into as to why it costs a couple hundred $$ for a science book. .that is where the students get ripped off.

    • Ana Gigi says:

      Or a tax or interest reduction for those of us w student loans. Instead!!!

  33. Judi Jo says:

    Make upper ed not free, but loans interest free… I pay cash for my kids. One graduated UCSB and the other now at CP SLO. All cash. I have zero retirement but that is what I have worked for… to get them educated and no debt to start…

    • I admire you as a parent. However, I don’t feel fair you having to give up your retirement in order to pay for your children’s education. Education should be accessible to everyone, not only the rich. I pay for my son to go to a private school because public schools in my area are horrible. I can afforded, but sometimes it upsets me that I have to spend so much money for my son to obtain a good foundation for his future.

    • I admire you as a parent. However, I don’t feel fair you having to give up your retirement in order to pay for your children’s education. Education should be accessible to everyone, not only the rich. I pay for my son to go to a private school because public schools in my area are horrible. I can afforded, but sometimes it upsets me that I have to spend so much money for my son to obtain a good foundation for his future.

    • Ana Gigi says:

      While you pay taxes for others kids… Nice!

  34. Daniel Tobin says:

    If this was such a brilliant idea, why did it take him 6 years to propose it? This has nothing to do with education and everything to do with politics. This move is like a parent suggesting the kids eat ice cream for dinner. The republicans are forced to be the responsible parent that makes them eat their veggies. Well played Mr. President. Well played.

    • The man has been quite busy. A great idea is still a great idea regardless of when it’s proposed. He is not running for re-election — he doesn’t need to propose ice cream for dinner, to use your analogy.

    • Ana Gigi says:

      Busy playing golf…

    • Jonathan Mitchell. You’re, playing to the choir. No, thank god he can’t run again. He will go down in history as our worst president. Making Carter move up a notch. Our debt under him is horrible and the country has nothing to show for it. Even unions and democrats are turning on him. Pay for your kids, we paid for ours and let’s secure our borders and send illegals home. Oh, and vote for a brain, not a color next year.

    • Shirley Vercelli, I’ve been reading some of your comments and truly your not informed. Google the debt of all Presidents and see Obama made the economy better, Bush put the economy in debt. Obama and his wife both have law degrees. I think your just a bigoted nasty woman that just wants to bash a black man.

  35. Travis Winn says:

    hahaha…. nothing is free. This is a joke.

  36. Savannah Lee says:

    Wow! Way cool! Thanks Nikki Bowles

  37. I’m sure books and parking would be more expensive too.

  38. I think it’s brilliant and that Obama and the schools themselves should reach into their own pockets and pay for it all. More freebies at the expense of others.

  39. Nothing is ever free. Maybe Obama could go to COC and tell us where he thinks he derives this power from

  40. Yea, well her hair is awesome so she can do what she wants.

  41. Me says:

    Did you know that in the 70’s community college tuition was free?

  42. Donn Miller says:

    So glad i have to pay for Lame Arse idea. What an idiot

  43. Cam Weiberg says:

    Does anyone remember that CC tuition was free in the 70’s…

  44. This is another socialist, Obama, giveaway to illegals for their vote after amnesty. The taxpayers will pay the bill for their kids and now someone else’s kids. Fyi, illegals work for cash, don’t pay taxes,rent,don’t pay property taxes, get free health care,food stamps, free schooling kindergarten to 12th now. Drive without insurance. So now give them free college. Swell!

    • Alex Vogel says:

      You people soiling your Depends over “free” and think investing in America’s FUTURE isn’t worth “WAAAA my taxes boo hoo” make Al Qeada look classy. Congratulations, you LOSERS need to go to Yemen and root for the failure of America from over there. Our future is WORTH paying taxes for and worth investing in.
      You people think America is sooooo great and didn’t bat an eye when we spend more on defense than 26 countries combined, 74% of which are ALLIES, but didn’t care when we gutted education for it. You thought education was expensive? Look at the price of ignorance. We are NO LONGER the greatest nation on Earth. We rank # 37 in overall quality of health care. #21 in reading. #24 in science. #36 in overall quality of education. You know what America is REALLY GOOD at? Highest number of fat people on Earth. Congratulations conservatives who cut funding to education so you can maintain your illusion of security in the event we are ever attacked by 23 nations at once.
      You people built this ignorant, uneducated America.

    • I think you’re the one who needs the community college Shirley, because clearly your uneducated and ignorant little trite rant
      about Socialist-this and illegals get everything for free non-sense us just that –nonsense. Feel free to join us in the real world when you’re ready.

    • Oh, u speak from a place of democrat denial and so your excused. Lol

    • Oh, u speak from a place of democrat denial and so your excused. Lol

    • Tom Moriarty says:

      I’m sure more than illegals, Socialist, and Democratic kids will take advantage of this. There are plenty of white Republican kids at the JC’s.

    • Cary Ray says:

      Shirley? Tom? Are you from this planet? Our country needs educated people! That is bad because? Sick of the BS from the right. Idiots.

  45. Sales tax yes – most others NO. THEY ARE MOSTLY PAID UNDER THE TABLE, AND HARDLY ANY OWN PROPERTY. THE NET DIFFERENCE as far as taxpayer benefits they receive over what they pay -JUST IN CALIFORNIA – IS > $5 Billion / yr.

  46. I understand the frustration that people have with giving things out for free… But those opposed to this, or concluding that this is to help illegals or make republicans look bad, I just have one question: is helping others really that unacceptable? I understand, it’s on “our” dime – which by stating it that way you feel a sense of community with others that believe in your ideals and therefore give a reaffirming feeling of approval for your belief. But were all here for one purpose, to do what makes us happy through human connection, knowledge, implication of skill and community (I pick these loosely as a theory). In my opinion, giving “free” college isn’t a bad idea – if it manifests – embrace that people want to learn and we should help each other in that process. Not be limited by a fixed belief or greed: when things get hard or money gets tight we all find a way to get through it and survive. This is about education, and sharing education should be highly desirable.

  47. If more and more things are “free”, where does one get the motivation to work for something?? Then these people graduate and want to get a job at the top of the pay scale instead of working their way up like the rest of us did.

    • With higher education, you have to work smarter not harder. I don’t want to copy paper or be a secretary when I’m an accountant. That’s not why ppl go to school for. And if you were lazy not to go to school then you should confront your own consequences of having to work twice as hard than someone with education.

    • With higher education, you have to work smarter not harder. I don’t want to copy paper or be a secretary when I’m an accountant. That’s not why ppl go to school for. And if you were lazy not to go to school then you should confront your own consequences of having to work twice as hard than someone with education.

    • Learn a trade. College degree does not assure a job in much more than flipping burgers if that.

    • More and more things are not free Christy, so let’s not over-generalize. This is a great idea and something that goes on in many educated and thriving economies, such as Germany.

    • Amy Zelch says:

      Nothing is free, it’s “free” for HARD WORKING STUDENTS who are required to to community service in exchange for it. Do research before you making stupid comments

    • Ckay Walker says:

      Why start at the bottom when you can start in a better position?

  48. Alex Vogel says:

    You people soiling your Depends over “free” and think investing in America’s FUTURE isn’t worth “WAAAA my taxes boo hoo” make Al Qeada look classy. Congratulations, you LOSERS need to go to Yemen and root for the failure of America from over there. Our future is WORTH paying taxes for and worth investing in.
    You people think America is sooooo great and didn’t bat an eye when we spend more on defense than 26 countries combined, 74% of which are ALLIES, but didn’t care when we gutted education for it. You thought education was expensive? Look at the price of ignorance. We are NO LONGER the greatest nation on Earth. We rank # 37 in overall quality of health care. #21 in reading. #24 in science. #36 in overall quality of education. You know what America is REALLY GOOD at? Highest number of fat people on Earth. Congratulations conservatives who cut funding to education so you can maintain your illusion of security in the event we are ever attacked by 23 nations at once.
    You people built this ignorant, uneducated America.

  49. Alex Vogel says:

    You people soiling your Depends over “free” and think investing in America’s FUTURE isn’t worth “WAAAA my taxes boo hoo” make Al Qeada look classy. Congratulations, you LOSERS need to go to Yemen and root for the failure of America from over there. Our future is WORTH paying taxes for and worth investing in.
    You people think America is sooooo great and didn’t bat an eye when we spend more on defense than 26 countries combined, 74% of which are ALLIES, but didn’t care when we gutted education for it. You thought education was expensive? Look at the price of ignorance. We are NO LONGER the greatest nation on Earth. We rank # 37 in overall quality of health care. #21 in reading. #24 in science. #36 in overall quality of education. You know what America is REALLY GOOD at? Highest number of fat people on Earth. Congratulations conservatives who cut funding to education so you can maintain your illusion of security in the event we are ever attacked by 23 nations at once.
    You people built this ignorant, uneducated America.

  50. I doubt with the influx of students it would be a two year community college program any longer. It already is hard enough to get classes. So what would happen if it went longer than two years? Add this to my tax debt too.

  51. I doubt with the influx of students it would be a two year community college program any longer. It already is hard enough to get classes. So what would happen if it went longer than two years? Add this to my tax debt too.

  52. be ready for NO open classes after the 1st week of registration !!

  53. be ready for NO open classes after the 1st week of registration !!

  54. I paid for my own education beyond high school. This is a tough call

  55. I paid for my own education beyond high school. This is a tough call

  56. Armine your profile says you only graduated from high school. So how in the world are you going to know about taxes?? You have no clue how they work, I bet You don’t even understand your taxes. Go and consult an accountant before you talk

  57. Armine your profile says you only graduated from high school. So how in the world are you going to know about taxes?? You have no clue how they work, I bet You don’t even understand your taxes. Go and consult an accountant before you talk

  58. She is so pretty. Love her hair!

  59. She is so pretty. Love her hair!

  60. Hank Schorz says:

    This idiot is an intellectual nitwit.

  61. Jjayne Saporito says:

    Omg I can’t believe she said this. THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH! Where will the money com from? I’m tapped out with tax as it is.

  62. We need to do something to educate our population or they will be ignorant and think illegals don’t pay taxes. Geez!! We are so far behind other so called civilized countries in education & health care. Love Alex’s comment below.

  63. You know Gabriela you can be smart all the while not going to college…and this whole issue isn’t rocket science…the teachers, administrators, misc employees, and bills need to be paid somehow so yet again it will hit everyone HARD who earns a documented paycheck. Most undocumented people earn money under the table so therefore they aren’t paying anything into state and/or federal taxes just into the sales tax. But then a lot of those people are getting government aid so it’s us paying the tax again.

  64. Arif Halaby says:

    When something is free it is valued less. If something is important, we find a way to pay for it, legally and ethically. Ask the immigrants who have come here legally over the years and worked in a store or a field or a gas station. They succeeded and valued education for themselves and family, because they worked for it. There are universities that give tuition “free” but those that require work to be done in exchange, have a greater graduation rate. It doesn’t have to be about Obama, just economics. We have $18+ trillion in debt, the State is virtually bankrupt as we have become one of the most taxed states in the nations history. We can’t afford to pay the me teachers and others what they were making just a few years ago (furlough days). Let’s put aside politics and do the math.

  65. Arif Halaby says:

    When something is free it is valued less. If something is important, we find a way to pay for it, legally and ethically. Ask the immigrants who have come here legally over the years and worked in a store or a field or a gas station. They succeeded and valued education for themselves and family, because they worked for it. There are universities that give tuition “free” but those that require work to be done in exchange, have a greater graduation rate. It doesn’t have to be about Obama, just economics. We have $18+ trillion in debt, the State is virtually bankrupt as we have become one of the most taxed states in the nations history. We can’t afford to pay the me teachers and others what they were making just a few years ago (furlough days). Let’s put aside politics and do the math.

    • Alex Vogel says:

      AGAIN. You people soiling your Depends over “free” and think investing in America’s FUTURE isn’t worth “WAAAA my taxes boo hoo” make Al Qeada look classy. Congratulations, you LOSERS need to go to Yemen and root for the failure of America from over there. Our future is WORTH paying taxes for and worth investing in.
      You people think America is sooooo great and didn’t bat an eye when we spend more on defense than 26 countries combined, 74% of which are ALLIES, but didn’t care when we gutted education for it. You thought education was expensive? Look at the price of ignorance. We are NO LONGER the greatest nation on Earth. We rank # 37 in overall quality of health care. #21 in reading. #24 in science. #36 in overall quality of education. You know what America is REALLY GOOD at? Highest number of fat people on Earth. Congratulations conservatives who cut funding to education so you can maintain your illusion of security in the event we are ever attacked by 23 nations at once.
      You people built this ignorant, uneducated America.

    • Alex Vogel says:

      AGAIN. You people soiling your Depends over “free” and think investing in America’s FUTURE isn’t worth “WAAAA my taxes boo hoo” make Al Qeada look classy. Congratulations, you LOSERS need to go to Yemen and root for the failure of America from over there. Our future is WORTH paying taxes for and worth investing in.
      You people think America is sooooo great and didn’t bat an eye when we spend more on defense than 26 countries combined, 74% of which are ALLIES, but didn’t care when we gutted education for it. You thought education was expensive? Look at the price of ignorance. We are NO LONGER the greatest nation on Earth. We rank # 37 in overall quality of health care. #21 in reading. #24 in science. #36 in overall quality of education. You know what America is REALLY GOOD at? Highest number of fat people on Earth. Congratulations conservatives who cut funding to education so you can maintain your illusion of security in the event we are ever attacked by 23 nations at once.
      You people built this ignorant, uneducated America.

  66. Nicole Robb says:

    I can’t believe how narrow minded some of you people are. Free college is not a new idea. As a matter of fact do your research and see how many countries have a free university system and how beneficial it is to the country as a whole. Having a more educated population without forcing debt on citizens pays off in future tax revenue not to mention lower crime rates and dare I say it a more diverse community of educated professionals. God forbid you get behind something that effects society As a whole and not your own personal universe. how do we always find money to fund wars and not education?

  67. Nicole Robb says:

    I can’t believe how narrow minded some of you people are. Free college is not a new idea. As a matter of fact do your research and see how many countries have a free university system and how beneficial it is to the country as a whole. Having a more educated population without forcing debt on citizens pays off in future tax revenue not to mention lower crime rates and dare I say it a more diverse community of educated professionals. God forbid you get behind something that effects society As a whole and not your own personal universe. how do we always find money to fund wars and not education?

  68. When it comes from the mouth of this POTUS, it sounds good because it appeals to emotional things, but it is not grounded in reality! He does not have any idea where the funding is going to come! Nothing is free! It is nothing but a political ploy!

  69. This is a great idea and thus article points out some of the reasons why. Finally, a bold President who realizes how important education and job training is to the future of our country. Many thriving first-world economies, such as Germany, provide free 4-year college to their people….and their kids are kicking our kids butts in test scores and overall education. Those of you who can’t or don’t want to see the big picture and prefer to rant unintelligibly about how this is a free ride to segments of our society who shouldn’t get it, or other non-sense blather aimed at the President, should maybe consider educating yourself about how the real world works.

  70. Always love how happy they are spending someone else’s money. Where are rules, performance guidelines to receive this free education & classes offered to lead to a job not a career of learning on our $’s??

  71. Free for the students but not free for the tax payers

  72. Sheryl Kolt says:

    Nothing ever becomes of a free hand out except the expectation of more handouts. There should be a charge for education; otherwise what is the incentive to attend your free classs, finish the class, and then get a decent grade? Where does the President think the money will come from to pay the tution, books, and the salaries of the teachers, administrators, janitors, etc? The schools will hike up tution for the rest of us and lay off educators and cause a mess as with the Affordable Care Act. This is obviously a ploy to get more votes. What’s nevk? Free mortages?

  73. Ana Gigi says:

    If they do pay taxes. Sure it’s on someone else’s social …

  74. Ana Gigi says:

    If people pay taxes and are us citizens then there should be assistance. Otherwise do not take from citizens to give to those who don’t deserve it. On top of that make the citizens pay higher tuitions while their parents also keep paying for others kids BS!

  75. Jenn Sartor says:

    This isn’t a new idea. It was actually a proposal from right after WORLD WAR 2. But it got shelved.

  76. Yes they have it’s worked & data not faux rhetoric proves it. But yet again there are those who are deniers of facts & science. I think that’s called short sighted ness & ignorance.

    • Estaban says:

      Another Liberal lefty with a Latino name.
      This is just one reason Americans wont except Hispanics anytime soon.
      Mr Diaz Quale your argument could of worked but you had to bring up “the Fox card” or as you socialist say “Faux”.
      Come on man, melt yourself into society, the American society.
      Then we all can get along.

  77. Not only were my first two years of community college free, but also 4 year college too. And, this was in the late 60s and 70s in NYC. AND, it was free to ALL students.

  78. Bold president!! He’s an idiot socialist. He’s a whimp! Has no respect in any foreign country. America has never been so in debt and such a laughing stock as we are under Obama. Even democrats are turning their backs on him. Wake up and smell the stink! American kids can earn scholarships and grants. Parents can save for their higher education. This is about taxpayers footing the bill for more government free stuff for illegals for their vote in 2016! Period!!

    • Alex Vogel says:


    • But you “Obama haters” don’t mind Republicans giving corporate welfare or a blank check for Military spending when we already have the strongest and greatest military in the world. How about putting some of that money towards our schools?

    • But you “Obama haters” don’t mind Republicans giving corporate welfare or a blank check for Military spending when we already have the strongest and greatest military in the world. How about putting some of that money towards our schools?

  79. Ok good Idea if it applies to ALL!! My kids are in their last yr and 3rd yr of college so obviously it doesnt apply to them, but can we get a tuition break at least or is the tuition of my kids gonna go up to pay for the free first 2 yrs tuition of other students?

  80. Lesley Vennero says:

    This is one of the most educated, forward thinking and celebrated women in our community and I wholeheartedly support her position on free college tuition for two years. If you don’t agree, then you haven’t done your homework on the perilous gaps of the undereducated in America and how it will dramatically impact our country’s economic viability and the future of our children.

  81. Obama is a communist bastard. She is a fool to back this decision.

    • Lesley Vennero says:

      Communist? Do you even know what a communist is?

      Given your limited perspective, and your very clear lack of understanding of economic systems (communism, capitalizism, socialism, etc), you seem ill suited to judge a educator like Dr. Van Hook.

      For your information, education was free in California until Ronald Reagan became Governor. What most people fail to realize is that without access to higher education to all, and not just those who can afford it, or afford to pay it back, we are living in an aristocracy not a democracy. The simple fact is there is a cavernous gap between the working class (middle and otherwise) that cannot be bridged without an education and an opportunity for higher positions of employment that an education affords.

  82. I just had to write about this for a test.
    1. Why would they make college free and cut high school spending
    2. Why not improve the high school (or the entire k-12 system) instead of just proposing the typical “Obama the giver” solution.
    3. This could lead to a 13th and 14th grade which would not be ideal and stunt the intelligent growth of the average American.

    Solutions: FIX WHAT WE HAVE NOW!!!!
    – cut summer break which was only used for children of farmers
    -adopt a system similar to Asian schooling system (which would possibly shorten the time spent before university).
    – stop trying new things and IDENTIFY THE UNDERLYING PROBLEMS (I.e. Useless or inconsistent teaching practices, lazy teachers, and lack of early childhood development

  83. MacroView says:

    The ignorance and emotion of low-information voters is on grand display here. You are the same ones who voted for Obama– TWICE– and still cling to your hubris proclaiming it was a good decision, despite all evidence to the contrary.

    It would be great fodder for political satire were it not so tragic. You people are setting fire to our lifeboat simply to roast your marshmallows upon.

  84. jimvs says:

    I know this is a waste of time. I understand that what people know and what they believe are most often (at least) two different things.

    But, I can’t help myself.

    Each and everyone of you who posted a comment (except the ones who just posted a bunch of names of their friends and family) needs to go to the start of these pages and read/re-read every single (on topic) comment and reply.
    And think about them. Do some real research. Don’t just look for other people’s spewings who think and feel like you do.

    This bunch of “text” isn’t a discussion, and it isn’t a debate. It’s not even a digital town hall meeting to argue a point.
    It’s ego, passion, belief, attitude, politics (and probably religion as well) surrounded by a thin veneer of “I’m right and you’re wrong!”

    Oh, and there’s a whole bag of ignorance sprinkled in there as well.

    Feel free to vent; feel free to sing to the stars what you believe. But don’t expect anyone with any experience in the world to believe that you know a damn thing about how the world (in this case the sub-unit of the universe known as Santa Clarita/California/USA/Earth/Sol System, subset “politics/government/community”) works.

    And therefore don’t ever expect to impact the human world around you any farther than you can reach, screech at, or pay somebody to listen.

    If you care enough to type on your keyboard what you truly believe is true, right and an (or even THE) answer to these problems, get off your duff and go and DO SOMETHING about it.

    I’d make you all a list of “somethings” but then I’d be telling you what to do wouldn’t I? And as Americans, we all hate being told what to do (unless we’re at work and the boss requires it in order for us to still get paid, take vacations, and achieve a high enough credit score to get a condo).

    So, Carry On Santa Claritans! And enjoy the results of your efforts.


    • Lesley Vennero says:

      Your diatribe reads like an insane mans manifesto. My suggestion, is not to write things that point fingers at others and condemn our supposed apathy when you know nothing about a signal contributor. Best of luck to you. You clearly live a very lonely existence.

  85. Robin Miler says:

    Emmaline cobb – I think you’ve got it right – thank you for your well thought out comments.

  86. Robin Miler says:

    Oh and I might add to start a foreign language in 3rd grade as is the custom in many parts of the world so our future generations can be more globally connected.

  87. Alex Vogel says:

    Typical conservative idiotic pathetic logic. It’s not okay to “spend other people’s money” on things like education and America’s future because “Socialism” – but tell them we’re going to spend ten thousand times more on making gay marriage illegal or transvaginal wands and they’ll be MORE than happy to “spend other people’s money”.
    The Tealiban Party wasn’t at all phased by the 24 BILLION DOLLAR government shutdown by head Zebra queef Ted Cruz because they’re the “fiscally responsible” party – but whem Obama wants to spend half that on education they completely soil their Depends.

    • Cut and paste response, eh? Too bad for you that you are such an angry guy. Try responding without all the attacks. You might feel better.

    • Alex Vogel says:

      Cut and paste my OWN words?
      AAAAAND your point?
      You of ALL people could use some more education. Because apparently you have NOTHING of intelligence to offer to the debate.

    • Alex Vogel says:

      Cut and paste my OWN words?
      AAAAAND your point?
      You of ALL people could use some more education. Because apparently you have NOTHING of intelligence to offer to the debate.

  88. Chris Kramer says:

    I still hear blah blah we know better than the unwashed masses blah blah…
    The department of disinformation, I mean education was created to address that same “gap” in test scores decades and trillions of tax dollars ago and we still hear “just give us more money so we can give free stuff to everyone.”
    Talk to me about the real world when you wake the f up.

  89. Chris Kramer says:

    I still hear blah blah we know better than the unwashed masses blah blah…
    The department of disinformation, I mean education was created to address that same “gap” in test scores decades and trillions of tax dollars ago and we still hear “just give us more money so we can give free stuff to everyone.”
    Talk to me about the real world when you wake the f up.

  90. Taxes taxes taxes. Is that all you people think about? It seems like you have all missed the headlines about the overwhelming student debt that is going to make everything worse if we don’t do anything to help remedy it.

    • Well Timothy, for those of us who pay taxes we would like to know they are being used efficiently and equitably before we agree to paying more. I don’t think that is the case in education. For example, in California we recently voted to spend more on education. In the ads they swore it would be used for the classroom. Those of who have been around a while new that wasn’t true. Sure enough, it passed and literally the next day the department of education said they were finally going to have the money to pay teachers for an overdue raise. Pardon us if we want our government accountable for how they spend our hard earned tax dollars.

    • Deane Cooper says:

      Sorry dear nephew. That isn’t all we think about. We also wonder about how your generation will handle the tax burden. We fear by that time this country may have so much debt piled up that it will belong to our creditors… China, Japan, etc. The debt we have now is insurmountable. Every little piece of legislation that gets passed has a price tag. That price tag lands on us, the American taxpayers. EVERY bill, every law, it all costs money. Lofty dreams like the ones Obama comes up with are costing us too much already. There is no such thing as a free lunch, everything costs. Especially if it came out of Washington DC. And here’s another thing you must consider…. every time taxes go up, prices go up. Prices on everyday items begin to rise and soon you are paying two and three times as much for milk, bread, produce and dry goods as you were paying not two months earlier. So yeah, we give a crap about taxes.

  91. jimvs says:

    Thanks for reading my comment. I didn’t expect anyone to actually respond. No one believes the worst of themselves, so I have to disagree with your opinion.
    I believe you missed my point, and that you took personal umbrage at something that was meant to be general, and applied as to “all”. If you believed it was pointed at you specifically, then I assure you it was not.

    Happy New Year!

  92. Deane Cooper says:

    How about a cap on University administrators salaries? Add in some of those profs with tenure and cut way back on pensions that continue to balloon past $100,000.00 as the years go by. Put a cap on tuition that is so low the schools are forced to cut back. Look into the salaries of the members sitting in power seats at the local Dept of Edcation,. Tell me they are worth over $150,000 a year salary. The problem with spending on education is the money spent doesn’t quite make it to the classroom level where it’s desperately needed. Check it out in your area and you’ll see just what I’m talking about. Ever since the Federal government created the dept of education the standards have gone down. When the states were in charge California had one of the highest ratings on record. It was known for it’s dedication to learning. Now where is it? The bottom.

  93. Deane Cooper says:

    How about a cap on University administrators salaries? Add in some of those profs with tenure and cut way back on pensions that continue to balloon past $100,000.00 as the years go by. Put a cap on tuition that is so low the schools are forced to cut back. Look into the salaries of the members sitting in power seats at the local Dept of Edcation,. Tell me they are worth over $150,000 a year salary. The problem with spending on education is the money spent doesn’t quite make it to the classroom level where it’s desperately needed. Check it out in your area and you’ll see just what I’m talking about. Ever since the Federal government created the dept of education the standards have gone down. When the states were in charge California had one of the highest ratings on record. It was known for it’s dedication to learning. Now where is it? The bottom.

  94. Community college is the least expensive game around…don’t come up with another reason to raise my taxes please.

    • Alex Vogel says:

      Typical conservative idiotic pathetic logic. “Nothing is free” “who’s paying for it” It’s not okay to “spend other people’s money” on things like education and America’s future because “Socialism” – but tell them we’re going to spend TEN THOUSAND times more on making gay marriage illegal or transvaginal wands and they’ll be MORE than happy to “spend other people’s money”. Not to mention we CUT spending on education so we can spend MORE on Defense than 26 other countries combined, 74% of which are ALLIES -just in case 20 nations decide to attack America at once !!!!!!!
      The Tealiban Party wasn’t at all phased by the 24 BILLION DOLLAR government shutdown by head Zebra queef Ted Cruz because they’re the “fiscally responsible” party – but when Obama wants to spend half that on education they completely soil their Depends.
      They’re afraid that if more people are educated, conservative Republicans won’t have any voting base left.

    • Alex Vogel says:

      Typical conservative idiotic pathetic logic. “Nothing is free” “who’s paying for it” It’s not okay to “spend other people’s money” on things like education and America’s future because “Socialism” – but tell them we’re going to spend TEN THOUSAND times more on making gay marriage illegal or transvaginal wands and they’ll be MORE than happy to “spend other people’s money”. Not to mention we CUT spending on education so we can spend MORE on Defense than 26 other countries combined, 74% of which are ALLIES -just in case 20 nations decide to attack America at once !!!!!!!
      The Tealiban Party wasn’t at all phased by the 24 BILLION DOLLAR government shutdown by head Zebra queef Ted Cruz because they’re the “fiscally responsible” party – but when Obama wants to spend half that on education they completely soil their Depends.
      They’re afraid that if more people are educated, conservative Republicans won’t have any voting base left.

    • My goodness you’re an angry guy. Too bad for you.

    • Alex Vogel says:

      That’s your reply?
      Do you have anything of intelligence to respond with?

    • Lol…for you? I’ve given you all you deserve. Lol

  95. Community college is the least expensive game around…don’t come up with another reason to raise my taxes please.

  96. Kim Menga says:

    Obama is talking out his a**, again. Free education to illegals, who’s going to pay for this “free” education? Better yet, put some money into the public school systems, especially high schools. You’d be surprised at the low level of standards to graduate.

  97. One thing that I haven’t seen here is that you typically need decent grades in high school to place well in college. We don’t want our junior colleges to turn into remedial high school courses.

  98. Micheala Johanson says:

    I am somewhat disappointed in Dr. Dianne G. Van Hook’s reply–after all I think this is what the column was about. I really don’t think it energizes kids to do anything. When I attended COC there was a lot of students that was given the ultimatum, go to school or get a job. To many it was a time for fun and play. To some it was a springboard to go onto further their education. It costs so little to attend COC as let’s say Kent State and if you can’t save up your money to pay for YOUR education then something went wrong before you decided to enter college. If it was an all out catastrophic situation that kept you out of college, then there are grants and scholarships. When one graduates, gets a mortgage, car payment and enough money to buy all the gizmos one feel they need, then you can pull your hair out and scream. I liked Van Hook when I attended there, but that has been sometime. In my final thought, when does the government stop paying for your life?

  99. Interesting how certain people are so concerned about paying more tuition to subsidize that of others YET quiet on the subject of middle income earners paying more taxes than millionaires and corporations.

  100. Interesting how certain people are so concerned about paying more tuition to subsidize that of others YET quiet on the subject of middle income earners paying more taxes than millionaires and corporations.

  101. Alex Vogel says:

    Republican priorities.
    Keep the country dumb because gullible uneducated masses are easily duped. A majority of Republicans STILL believe Iraq had WMD’S.

  102. David Barlavi, Esq. says:

    We should go back to what made our country great: educating only rich white citizens.

  103. David Barlavi, Esq. says:

    We should not educate illegals because then they will learn things like Gandhi said, “No human being is ever illegal.”

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