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Today in
S.C.V. History
May 8
1875 - John F. Powell, an Irish immigrant, becomes Justice of the Peace [story]
John F. Powell

Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. Friday signed a package of legislation that will increase the gas taxes and vehicles fees to improve transportation and create jobs in communities across California.

“Safe and smooth roads make California a better place to live and strengthen our economy,” said Brown. “This legislation will put thousands of people to work.”

“While Washington can barely get its act together, in California we stepped up to address one of the most pressing concerns facing our residents. This plan is fiscally responsible and will improve the quality of life for all Californians while creating jobs. Our roads will be safer and our cities and towns will be better connected to each other – finally bringing our transportation infrastructure into the 21st century,” said Senate President pro Tempore Kevin de León.

“SB 1 will make our roads better and safer and help make commutes shorter. Supporting SB 1 required a combination of common sense, political courage, and concern for the Californians who drive on our roads and bridges. Now we owe it to the people of California to perform the oversight and do the due diligence that will ensure the transportation projects SB 1 funds are completed in the timely and efficient manner our constituents deserve,” said Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon.

“Today is the culmination of over two years of work that I’ve devoted to SB 1. It was never destined to be an easy piece of legislation but the work resulted in the first major investment in California’s transportation infrastructure in 23 years,” said Senator Jim Beall.

“For too long we have neglected our state and local transportation needs. Our roads are falling apart and our bridges are in desperate need of repair. After two years of visiting every area of the state, I have heard people’s concerns about commuting to work, running errands or just getting their kids to soccer practice. Transportation is integral to our quality of life and SB 1 is the comprehensive funding package that will help repair our state highways and local streets and roads, while also expanding our travel options with funding for public transit. With Governor Brown’s signature on SB 1 we can finally improve California’s transportation infrastructure,” said Assemblymember Jim Frazier.

SB 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017, co-authored by Senator Jim Beall (D-San Jose) and Assemblymember Jim L. Frazier Jr. (D-Discovery Bay), is backed by a broad coalition of supporters and invests $52.4 billion over the next decade to fix roads, freeways and bridges in communities across California and put more dollars toward transit and safety.

State and legislative leaders joined city and county officials and local and statewide business, labor and transportation leaders in Riverside, Concord, Fresno, Bakersfield, San Diego, Los Angeles and Sacramento to build support for the landmark transportation investment package and Governor Brown testified at Senate and Assembly hearings on the legislation.

“In contrast to the gridlock in Washington D.C., California has taken responsibility to address its crumbling infrastructure. SB 1 will not only repair our highways and roads, but will also address the over 500 bridges in California currently requiring major repair, including the nearly 400 that are considered structurally deficient. This will drive our economy, create jobs, while decreasing traffic delays and providing for a smoother commute. Governor Brown, Assembly Speaker Rendon, Senate Pro Tem De León and the vast majority of Legislators have shown leadership in improving the quality of life for all residents,” said State Building and Construction Trades Council, AFL-CIO President Robbie Hunter.

“Fixing our roads and improving transportation in the state is critical to California’s economy and our job climate. SB 1 enhances the long standing user pay program that provides the long term funding source necessary to keep people and goods moving in our state,” said California Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Allan Zaremberg.

“California cities appreciate the Governor’s signature on SB 1 today. Now our cities can get to work repairing and maintaining our streets and roads. These investments will also reduce car repair bills for our residents and improve our transportation system that is so vital to our economy and quality of life,” said League of California Cities President JoAnne Mounce.

“This landmark legislation offers counties real hope to catch up on a significant backlog of deferred maintenance. From my home county of Alameda to rural counties like Alpine, we’re finally going to be able to start fixing potholes, improving pavement and making sure our bridges are structurally sound. We thank Governor Brown, Senators De León and Beall, Speaker Rendon and Assemblyman Frazier for their leadership on this bill,” said California State Association of Counties President Keith Carson.

“SB 1 is so much more than just a roads bill. The bill also provides an historic level of stable and permanent funding for public transit and active transportation projects, assuring California can meet its mobility goals while achieving important environmental objectives,” said California State Transportation Agency Secretary Brian Kelly.

“This bill clearly demonstrates California’s commitment to clean, sustainable transportation, and the role that public transit plays in that vision. While California’s transportation infrastructure needs are many, this proposal acknowledges the importance of public transit in achieving the 21st century transportation network that Californians need and deserve. We expect these new investments to lead to cleaner transit vehicle fleets, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants, as Californians will be offered more attractive mobility options,” said California Transit Association Executive Committee Chair Michael Wiley.

“The benefits of SB 1 go well beyond desperately needed repairs for our streets and roads by funding important sustainable improvements to our transportation system for walking and cycling as well — good for our health, our environment, and our economy,” said Transportation California Executive Director Roger Dickinson.

“This legislation was a once-in-a-generation opportunity to invest in the future of California’s quality of life and economic growth. SB 1 creates a responsible and dedicated source of revenue for decades to come by including voter-approved constitutional protections. We thank Governor Brown and the Legislature for taking this issue head-on and approving transformational legislation that will create hundreds of thousands of good-paying jobs, increase safety and improve commerce,” said California Alliance For Jobs Executive Director Michael Quigley.

The legislative package will cost most drivers less than $10 a month and includes strict accountability provisions to ensure the funds can only be spent on transportation. The new funding will allow Caltrans to make major repairs to California’s transportation infrastructure including 17,000 miles of pavement, 500 bridges and 55,000 culverts over the next ten years. The package will also fund huge investments in repairing local streets and roads. The package also provides historic levels of public transportation funding — roughly double what was provided by Proposition 1B in 2006.

The following funds will be split equally between state and local investments over a ten-year horizon:

Fix Local Streets and Transportation Infrastructure (50 percent):

– $15 billion in “Fix-It-First” local road repairs, including fixing potholes
– $7.5 billion to improve local public transportation
– $2 billion to support local “self-help” communities that are making their own investments in transportation improvements
– $1 billion to improve infrastructure that promotes walking and bicycling–double the existing funding levels
– $825 million for the State Transportation Improvement Program local contribution
– $250 million in local transportation planning grants.

Fix State Highways and Transportation Infrastructure (50 percent):

– $15 billion in “Fix-it-First” highway repairs, including smoother pavement
– $4 billion in bridge and culvert repairs
– $3 billion to improve trade corridors
– $2.5 billion to reduce congestion on major commute corridors
– $1.4 billion in other transportation investments, including $275 million for highway and intercity-transit improvements.

Ensure Taxpayer Dollars Are Spent Properly with Strong Accountability Measures:

– Constitutional amendment, ACA 5 for voter approval on the June 2018 ballot, to prohibit spending the funds on anything but transportation
– Inspector General to ensure Caltrans and any entities receiving state transportation funds spend taxpayer dollars efficiently, effectively and in compliance with state and federal requirements
– Provision that empowers the California Transportation Commission to hold state and local government accountable for making the transportation improvements they commit to delivering
– Authorization for the California Transportation Commission to review and allocate Caltrans funding and staffing for highway maintenance to ensure those levels are reasonable and responsible
– Authorization for Caltrans to complete earlier mitigation of environmental impacts from construction, a policy that will reduce costs and delays while protecting natural resources.

Guided by the principles set forth by President Ronald Reagan when he signed bipartisan legislation to increase the federal gas tax in 1982, today’s transportation investment package is funded – over a ten-year horizon – by everyone who uses our roads and highways, in the following ways:

– $7.3 billion by increasing diesel excise tax 20 cents on November 1, 2017
– $3.5 billion by increasing diesel sales tax to 5.75 percent on November 1, 2017
– $24.4 billion by increasing gasoline excise tax 12 cents on November 1, 2017
– $16.3 billion from an annual transportation improvement fee based on a vehicle’s value starting January 1, 2018
– $200 million from an annual $100 Zero Emission Vehicle fee starting July 1, 2020
– $706 million in General Fund loan repayments.

The Governor has also signed the following bills:

– SB 131 by the Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review – State public employment: memorandum of understanding: approval
– SB 132 by the Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review – Budget Act of 2016
– SB 496 by Senator Anthony Cannella (R-Ceres) – Indemnity: design professionals

For full text of the bills, visit: http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov

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  1. You people believe this IDIOT.

  2. Can you say “BS”

  3. Pure garbage, this little man. The roads will not be fixed. This money is just taxation to put into the fatally wounded general budget. The left is obsessed with turning CA into an overpopulated, unaffordable third-world hell hole.

  4. RJ Acosta says:

    Recall Jerry Brown

  5. How about using the existing gas tax for fixing our roads … instead of diverting it to the general fund to bail out your pet projects?

  6. Yeah for his high speed train. Yes BS

  7. Kelly Robins says:

    I can honestly say I didn’t vote for him.

  8. Can’t create jobs? Tax those who work for a living.

  9. Pat Walsh says:

    “No new taxes without voter approval.” Remember when he said that during his campaign?

  10. Trudy Trump says:

    This is unjust and borderline criminal…voters approved numerous bonds to pay for “roads and infrastructure ” only to be robbed for pensions etc…as this will again do without a vote or say from the people…????

  11. Going to be used for “transportation” aka bullet train. 2 yrs from now they will be passing new taxes to “fix roads” This one rises with inflation but the thing is it CAUSES inflation so it’ll be a vicious cycle and the victim is our bank accounts

  12. Donna Boyer says:

    A hole! I can’t believe he got elected!

  13. Greg Brown says:

    I’m blown away. ???‍♂️?

  14. He has no clue that this is the nail in his Coffin as Governor.

  15. Nancy Ginn says:

    Darn it. I thought maybe this was his obituary photo.

  16. Gary Boyer says:

    If you know anyone who voted for the Governor or the majority party in Sacramento, please take a moment and thank them for this in person. Tell them how much you are looking forward to their “Single Payer” medical coverage coming soon.

  17. Can’t believe people voted for this increase!! (Sarcasm)

  18. What loser this guy is…?

  19. He raises the minimum wage and then raises the tax on your gas and cars to get to work … who’s benefiting that wage raise ?

  20. Carlos Lara says:

    Who writes this garbage

  21. Junior Munoz says:

    Perfect like if taxes aren’t high enough in CA

  22. None NONE of this money will actually be used to pay for roads and infrastructure. All of it will be diverted to Brown’s high speed rail project and paying the state’s union pensions. Those original fuel taxes were supposed to pay for road and bridge repair in the first place!

  23. Kelly Sawyer says:

    a turd with legs…if his lips r moving…he’s lying…

  24. Crusty brownie clownie!

  25. Seriously. We pay enough.

  26. Lots of corruption behind the scenes. Wait for the new tax for parks. Wait till they pass the new health insurance bill outlawing your current coverage and you will be forced to by from the state. Oh and by the way they say it will cost at least 10,000 dollars per household.

  27. The funds will only be used for transportation. And this time we mean it.?????

    • Lilia Ortiz says:

      ???? cannot stop laughing. When, if when, the areas that really needed get to see it, and we can count how many people it takes to fill one single f pothole and how long, better yet pay attention that after the summer follwed by rain ( hoping for) the same f pothole will show again. Because….the “favorite” companies will be giving the contracts. WASTE Of our $$$$. Oh yes, the first to get the “improvements” will be all his cozy friends from the north, where the f bullet train is to pass through. This is all support “my wish/my legacy and I will give you infrastructure repairs / jobs.” When it comes to the populated areas like LA/OC/San Diego, Oh money is low, you must have a local tax for that, these areas can afforded.

  28. Donald Hicks says:

    Brown is an Asshat

  29. David Tawney says:

    “I’m so excited this passed!” – said no one ever.

  30. Cindy Pascoe says:

    Same thing Again – our Vehicle Tax was ONLY DOUBLED for Two Year’s – it Never went back down – Yep – Keep Taxing me right out of my home – I’ll find a spot on a corner with my empty dirty cup !!!!

  31. Gary Boyer says:

    On the radio the other day, it was reported that some of the money was for park bathroom improvements and encouraging more people to visit parks

  32. I’m outta here as soon as I retire. Not worth it to live in CA anymore.

  33. What a waste of space this guy is

  34. James Frame says:

    I call BS on moonbeam and his little buddy Gavin Newsom
    Let’s impeach these Rat Bastard

  35. Between​ this and the single payer percolating through the legislature, I’m so glad I’m moving out.

  36. Alt, you are are a dumb ass, bye!

  37. I hate this P.O.S. ?

  38. Steve Hunter says:

    He’s an idiot. The only ones dumber than him are the people who voted him into office

  39. Emily Ball says:

    Thank you, Governor Brown! I am looking forward to passage of SB 562 (Universal Healthcare), as well. The majority of the comments here do not represent the majority of the voters in this district.

  40. Diane Lopez says:

    Gee thanks douche nozzle

  41. Biggest ( smallest) DICK OF CREATION!

  42. John Seltzer says:

    I am a third generation Californian, on both sides off my family. I love that state, but I feel like a political refugee, because of all the outlandish decisions that are coming out of Sacramento. I own a home out there that has been in my family for almost 70 years. If it weren’t for the emotional attachment that I have with that property, I’d sell it, and never look back.

  43. Jesse Roach says:

    Jerry Brown is the perfect example of why we advocate small government. He’s absolutely terrible.

  44. Wow, not one positive comment. How did this man get voted into office??

    • Because Democrats are stupid

    • Lilia Ortiz says:

      Because there is party blindness. Brainwashing; “must vote your party, not permitted to think on your own and follow exactly as told through media.”

    • Lilia Ortiz says:

      Local Media, which all that now is followed, gone the days when individuals researched independent sources, third eye analyst, and the local media all they do is promote the local mayors (LA for example) and the f governor and give no time to the facts/issues there are no questions raised. The attention is diverted to illegal immigration, the wall, police misconduct, etc. The issue of the tax was just brushed through the media, not much time spent compared to the other issues used to create/motivate reaction so there would be news to cover.

  45. I’d still like to know what happened to the taxes that we already paid to fix the roads and infrastructure? Where is it you crooked SOB’s?

  46. Blood on your hands Jerry Brown

  47. David Aston says:

    Isn’t that what Grey Davis was recalled for? Don’t these
    dumba$$es ever learn?

  48. Denny Twigg says:

    Why do we allow this?

    • Bill Twigg says:

      Elected officials is your answer. Many from local, state, and Federal have Far left views as to how we should govern. Hell, many don’t respect our constitution or have desire to obey our laws. New higher taxes won’t fix what’s wrong there

  49. this man looks like a weasel. dont trust like that

  50. 38billions for israel…. But americans must pay to fix freeways…. That is BS.

  51. John Whitlaw says:

    Time to get the hell out of Calif Brown and his Liberal friends have ducked Calif up

  52. Jerry Brown needs to be drummed out of CA.

  53. Tom Wright says:

    Surprise, surprise.

  54. IDIOT the first time in office and still and IDIOT after being voted in again by ignorant MORONS!

  55. He’s a disgrace to our state! This bill is complete BS and will only further drain our state and push people out. Its likely none of this money will be used for our roads! It makes me sick to think of where it will go! It’s become impossible for so many to survive comfortably in CA! Can’t wait to move from here in a couple more years!

  56. Seamus says:

    “backed by a broad coalition of supporters”? ALL Demwits and socialist, Progressive, Liberals, not by the fiscally conservatives who know that this tax will NOT go to the roads but will be used for the Demwits welfare programs. It is also a hedge against losing Federal grants and money because of the ILLEGAL Calif Sanctuary City policy. Calif already has the highest gasoline tax in the country and that $$ has not be used to fix our roads. The only time our roads are fixed is when the Federal govt provides $$ to do it. This is the same scam used when the Dem controlled govt said that the Calif State Lottery $$ would go to the schools. Sounds like: “If you like your doctors, you can keep your doctors” that some other Demwit said and the lemmings believed.

  57. When do we get rid of him, enough is enough.

  58. This is on everyone that voted Moonbeam into office. ? nice job sheeple.

  59. This was the same proposal to salvage a failing CalPers the government retirement fund that is almost bankrupt. ..so either this is a cover to pour $$ into their retirement fund or we will be hit with this tax and fee a second time after the stupid people in California accept this way of life…

  60. no wonder people are leaving Calif. or are planning on it.

  61. We should be recalling this ass just as we did with Davis.

  62. Anne Jones says:

    BS the money will never reach us. It is CA Liberal Democrats piggy bank for their own private use. He screwed us again.

  63. Congratulations California. You voted for this moron.

  64. Jerry Brown needs to go

  65. Improve transportation…hope it doesn’t mean for the fast train

  66. And fund the out of control government pensions?

  67. And this tax is apparently tied to inflation, so sky’s the limit. Jerry Brown is in bed with the all powerful unions. Hate him is too kind of description.

  68. Sue Jacobs says:

    More taxes!! That’s all we get in California I just heard it will be at least one year before we see any improvements ?

  69. Responding to April Parks Jauregui

  70. Paul Vets says:

    Impeach Brown! If it’s brown flush it down

  71. Kenny Thomas says:

    He needs to go. Scammer

  72. Chris Baurer says:

    Wrecked the state in the 70s and continues to wreck it today, but he wouldn’t be there without ignorant voters, so there you go. Need big changes in Sacramento! Those idiots want to take your very last dime. Make it stop.

  73. Get him out of office, he is no good for California!

  74. Gregory Kaye says:

    What an absolute con man. The shell game is his best trick.

  75. Highly doubt increase taxes will b used for this. So sorry CA has to put up with this.

  76. Another reason I can’t wait to leave Ca when I retire.

  77. Lori Rhoades says:

    This man is an idiot!

  78. Julie Smith says:


  79. Moonbeam needs to go take a long walk off a short pier. As a taxpayer I would like the option to vote on this garbage.

  80. Robert Gast says:

    Jackwad ??‍♂️

  81. Robert Gast says:

    Jackwad ??‍♂️

  82. Robert Gast says:

    How is this jackwad still in office?

  83. Moonbeam is a galactic jerk!

  84. Fees, and more fees. Higher taxes. I’ve had it with this man!!!

  85. dennis says:

    This ass hole isnt doning this to help out Californians this is criminal theft and im sick of it its time to stand up and stop this CORRUPTION its time to take back our country our land and our wealth they are fleecing this country who can afford to be taxed over and over it never stops they are taking all of my hard earned money this is goingway to far its time to take up arms against this criminals once and for all!!!

  86. He also cut aid to middle class college students, while increasing spending to illegal alien students.
    He is a dedicated socialist who gives not a damn about the average citizen.
    As bad as he is, the next Governor may very well be worse.

  87. Don’t Californians pay enough in taxes already that if there was a balanced budget this wouldn’t be needed?

  88. Omg like it’s not ridiculously high already!

  89. Kevin Hill says:

    One of the highest cost of living states in the nation – and yet – with all the taxes they graft from their citizens, CA can’t build a quality infrastructure. (DMV, Oroville Dam Failure, Roads).
    AZ – one of the lowest cost of living states. Fantastic Roads. Super fast and speedy MVD and a business friendly government. Just saying, when you can’t budget and live within your means – raising taxes is not going to fix it. Well, perhaps it will pay for their raises, health care, and gas cards.

  90. Ben Lesnick says:

    The cost of liberalism

  91. Ben Lesnick says:

    At least inmates can get gender reassignment surgery if they need it

  92. Cindi Loredo says:

    & the jobs and improved roads will never happen

  93. Indiana just passed a bill to raise the tax on gas for road improvement (seems to be the going excuse). 10 cents per gallon (a penny each year for 10 years).

  94. Buddy Byars says:

    I don’t know Governor Brown but I hate this mother f*****

  95. J. Marten says:

    Watch out. The Dem’s are still trying to get rid of Prop 13 which is what protects homeowners from having their prop taxes skyrocket. The Dems keep trying to work around.
    They want more taxes anyway they can get it even if it means seniors losing homes due to unaffordable prop taxes on homes they had planned on living in after retiring.

  96. Cora pantoja says:

    I hope no one out there believes for 1 minute that the money will go to fix our roads. Brown will use that money for his pet projects. So tired of him all he wants to do is tax everybody for anything. What happened to the high tax we already pay.

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