Like other regions in California, the Santa Clarita Valley navigates an array of complex water challenges such as keeping water clean from pollution, dependence on imported water to meet supply demands and how to deal with frequent and severe droughts. In areas covered with an impermeable surface (such as rooftops, parking lots and roads), water cannot soak into the ground and can act as a vehicle that transports trash and pollutants into our rivers and the ocean. To help address this, residents throughout Los Angeles County voted to approve the Measure W ballot measure, in 2018 that created the Safe Clean Water Program.
Since the passage of this initiative, the city of Santa Clarita continues to actively seek opportunities to invest in projects and programs that offer multiple benefits to our community. While many projects are considered, only some are able to make it through the requirements for funding. Projects are presented to a local Steering Committee and scored on the projects ability to prevent pollution, benefit water supply, investment in the community and how it will support naturally occurring processes.
The Canyon Country Community Center, which opened about a year ago, was designed and built with the assistance of Measure W funds. If you have recently visited this wonderful new park and community center, you may have parked on top of a large storm water capture and infiltration system. This hidden facility under the Mercado parking lot treats, captures and infiltrates up to two million gallons of storm water every time it rains! Similar projects are currently being designed for future consideration including Via Princessa Park in Santa Clarita and L.A. County projects including Hasley Canyon Park and Pico Canyon Park.
To learn more about these projects and others that are being funded throughout Los Angeles County, please visit the Safe Clean Water website at If you would like to learn more about projects specific to Santa Clarita, please visit

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