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Today in
S.C.V. History
February 28
1890 - Jenkins ranch hands Dolores Cook and George Walton of Castaic slain by rival William Chormicle and W.A. Gardener [story]
Dolores Cook

The County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation, in cooperation with The Friends of Hart Park, is excited to presenting its second annual Summer Movies in the Park series.

The community is invited to FREE Friday night movies, starting June 27 with the Academy Award-winning animated feature, “Frozen.” In all, park visitors can enjoy five outstanding, family-friendly movies, as well as pre-movie music, entertainment and games.

Bring your blankets, pillows and lawn chairs, and please remember: Unleased animals, smoking and alcohol are prohibited in the park at all times.

Movies are shown in the picnic grounds at William S. Hart Regional Park, 24151 Newhall Avenue. Showtimes are 7 p.m.

* “Frozen” – Friday, June 27

* “Lego: The Movie” – Friday, July 11

* “Despicable Me 2” – Friday, July 25

* “The Nut Job” – Friday, Aug. 8

* “The Wizard of Oz” (1939 re-mastered) – Friday, Aug. 22



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  1. NIcole Slamer-Higdon we should take the kids to the muppets on the 11th.

  2. Julie Morrison Sternberg

  3. Jennifer Reisinger Sands. Adrienne Valdez-Webb. Christopher Webb.

  4. Miyagi Kelso says:

    Michele Silverlake Sherry Hulien Cardenas

  5. Jade, we should do this!

  6. Jade Lansing says:

    Jaimie Martin that would be awesome!!! We should!

  7. Jade Lansing says:

    Jaimie Martin that would be awesome!!! We should!

  8. Lupita Guerrero we should go :)

  9. Lupita Guerrero we should go :)

  10. Ill check my calendar, sounds good!

  11. Ill check my calendar, sounds good!

  12. Kelly R Axen says:

    Lisa Zulueta Rapo DezRae Stevens Cuomo

  13. Fun, Dana Woodworth, something to do with the nut!

  14. Tina Satterfield let’s take the kids!! I have Cameron for the weekend of Despicable Me 2 !!

  15. Justin Silva Jessie Davis Jamie Pundt Otteson Simone Lecompte let’s take the kiddos!

  16. Ruiz Alejandra we should take the babies

  17. Ruiz Alejandra we should take the babies

  18. Heather Sandnes any of these Friday night worthy?

  19. Patricia TinyMamaz Vasquez Jose Amaya here’s a good idea for all off us to enjoy with the kids

  20. Hey am down like James Brown lol Nancy Vasquez

  21. Frank Allen this would be fun to do with torri

  22. Vero E Peña says:

    Danny Arellano Let’s go! :)

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Friday, Feb 28, 2025
The Lead Singers of Classic Rock Spotlight Series concert will be held Saturday, March 22 at 8 p.m. at the Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center on the campus of College of the Canyons.
Thursday, Feb 27, 2025
Mobile Studio USA has announced the return of SCV BandsCast at The MAIN, with Cosmic Ocean as the headlining act, 7 p.m. Thursday, April 3.
Wednesday, Feb 26, 2025
Mission Opera has annouced its upcoming performance of Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana, scheduled for Saturday, March 1 at 7:30 p.m. at the Canyon High School Performing Arts Center.
Wednesday, Feb 26, 2025
Due to extreme demand, the Canyon Theatre Guild is extending the run of West Side Story for one more weekend. Last two performances will be Saturday March 1st at 8pm and Sunday March 2. at 2 p.m. 
Tuesday, Feb 25, 2025
The Tavern Brawlers present "A Couple of Blaguards," the springboard for Frank McCourt’s Pulitzer Prize-winning memoir “Angela’s Ashes.” Perormances on stage at The MAIN in Old Town Newhall, March 14-23.
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1890 - Jenkins ranch hands Dolores Cook and George Walton of Castaic slain by rival William Chormicle and W.A. Gardener [story]
Dolores Cook
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Winifred Westover
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