I know many of you have been to the Valencia Jazz and Blues Concert Series held each Friday night on Town Center Drive. Yep, right in the street.
Last night it was a group called the Delgado Brothers. WOW. Good jazz with a Latin twist, and they really lay down some great blues licks.
Until a couple of day ago, I knew nothing of these events. It all started when I was looking for a Dixieland jazz band that would need a banjo player – like me.
A search on this here old computer and presto, a lady named Barbara Myler started answering my questions. You see, the beautiful and talented Ms. Myler is the owner-producer of the Valencia Jazz and Blues Concert Series, so she was able to let me know quickly that I should come and see the productions.
It turns out, the shows are really a neighborhood event – only it’s neighbors from all over the area. Along with great music, you can get some great food from places like Salt Creek Grille and BJ’s, along with shaved ice, Hawaiian style. Great for a hot summer evening. Beer, wine and soft drinks are also available at a reasonable price.
I quickly found that many people in attendance have been going there for almost all of the 13 years it has been in existence. They are glad that it has good sponsors again and continues week after week.

The Delgado Brothers
Now I’m hooked. I was only there for a short time, but it was a blast.
About all we had for summertime live music was the Hart High School summer band. We usually did a number of concerts at Hart Park, sitting in the grass at the little ranch house just off of Newhall Avenue.
I don’t remember those summer concerts being planned and advertised much. It always seemed like a big crowd would show up and see we were going to play with all of those musical instruments we brought along.
We always played some patriotic tunes and even stuff that seemed like summer. Dave Downs, son of Robert K. Downs – the best band teacher ever at Hart High – had a habit of playing a flute solo or two during many of those concerts. It was a great crowd pleaser when he did that. You see, Dave played tuba.
We also did some Big Band stuff along with some of our own arrangements. It was at a summer concert in Hart Park when we first played our version of “Indian Love Call” that we had arranged for the band. It was kind of our “fight song” after that summer.
The feel of the crowd was much the same during those old concerts as what I felt last night. Toe tapping, a little dancing even some singalong. Good summertime fun. Neighbors gathered together to enjoy the music and love of community.
No talk of billboards, or evil council folks, or angry and irresponsible folks trying to voice an opinion in a most uncivil manner.
Lots of that can just plain wait. This is summertime. Let’s kick back and listen to a little music. Music can heal all kinds of things that would make many afraid.
During those times, we learned that no matter how awful the rest of the world, our healing took place as many times as the hurt came anew.
That is what I felt and heard last night.
Some say I just imagined it all. If so, it was a pretty good dream.
Darryl Manzer grew up in the Pico Canyon oil town of Mentryville in the 1960s and attended Hart High School. After a career in the U.S. Navy he returned to live in the Santa Clarita Valley. He can be reached at dmanzer@scvhistory.com and his commentaries are archived at DManzer.com. Watch his walking tour of Mentryville [here].

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We have a lot going on here in our valley. Here is the link to Santa Clarita Summer Concers.
Jazz. Don, Lise, you might be interested in this. See the link below from Jeannette.
Philip Lujan and Gueysel Baires