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July 3
1925 - By letter, Wyatt Earp beseeches his friend William S. Hart to portray him in a movie, to correct the "lies about me." Hart never did. [story]
Hart-Wyatt Earp

jerry flattum homeless

Jerry Flattum

Jerry Flattum is a performer, songwriter, and writer. Pursuing a Master’s degree from the Academy of Art since January 2016, Flattum was on the path to reach his creative and professional goals.

Until he was evicted on April 3.

“I’m now out in the cold and rain in Santa Clarita and have to find a way to get my cats and belongings. The person who was helping me has other plans and no longer wishes to help me,” wrote Flattum on a blog post on his LinkedIn page, titled “Songwriter/Writer is Now Homeless.”

Flattum stated on his LinkedIn that his student loans were cut off due to an issue with Title IV, which are federal financial aid funds.

Although he is not specific as to what the complications are, Flattum was unable to pay the bills due to this complication and was evicted from his North Hollywood apartment.

In an apparent cry for help, Flattum posted onto Craiglist that he is in need of foster care help for his three cats, which he brought along with him.

“I am not putting them up for adoption. This is strictly for foster care. I will help as much as I can,” Flattum wrote. “Obviously I’m trying to find shelter for myself, get a cheap car, and of course, find work. Once I’m situated again, I can come get the cats.”

Flattum stated on his various blog posts on his LinkedIn that he is using Wifi wherever he can find it in the Santa Clarita Valley.

Flattum’s story is one in possibly thousands for those in the Santa Clarita Valley: the U.S. Census Bureau estimated that, as of 2014, about 14.8 percent of the Santa Clarita Valley population lives in poverty.

Poverty is defined by the U.S. Census as “a family’s total income [being] less than the family’s threshold, then that family and every individual in it is considered in poverty.”

While this statistic accounts for many living in poverty, there are many others who have reached the point of homelessness or have traveled to Santa Clarita and are unable to be accounted for in statistics, such as Flattum.

Shelters, such as the Bridge to Home Shelter in Newhall, have been built to help this issue, especially during the cold winter months and in light of 2016’s El Niño season.

“It, [homelessness], is not a choice. I made mistakes, and am dedicated to changing, ending this miserable situation, and getting back to pursuing my career,” wrote Flattum on his LinkedIn page. “These are trying times. The homeless situation in America has reached critical mass, and I’m the latest victim of my own mistakes. I accept full responsibility.”

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  1. Tina Ann says:

    I drove around looking for him today for 2 hrs.. I had a case of cat food for him but I couldn’t find him.. Last I heard a few hours ago someone is fostering his cats..

  2. I have some cat food and other supplies if needed

  3. Any suggestions on how we can help this man besides cat food?

  4. Tina Ann says:

    In the other group they’re collecting blankets for him

  5. Jim Shorts says:

    Jerry, it’s time to grow up and put your big boy pants on. You look to be late 40’s early 50’s, a little late to be pursuing your dream of writing songs. I say you stop playing and start producing. Get a job and go to work to support yourself. Someone in your finacial situation shouldn’t have 3 cats (any man shouldn’t have a cat period imho). Time to get rid of the cats and take care of business. Be a man and work for a living. You can ‘pursue’ your dreams when you have the money. If you want to take responsibility then get to work and stop looking for handouts. A man your age should be working and not going to school, play time is over for you pal. You can write poems and songs, ride unicorns and whatever you want on your lunch breaks at your job.

    • Dtd says:

      Jim Shorts- how effing rude, inconsiderate, and judgemental you are. You don’t know this man’s complete situation- he was working and going to school. Yet you sit there, look down your nose at him and judge him. Obviously you have never been homeless and/or a victim of unfortunate circumstances? Someone as heartless as you would say something like dump the cats and you have no business owning any, etc. No offense, but you’re kind of a pr*ck. This man has already been through enough, and you sit there and rub his face in it. Go back to watching Fox News and attending your Tea Party meetings. God forbid you lose your home and are in the streets, perhaps others will kick you when you’re down. Judge not lest ye be judged yourself.

    • Sam says:

      Jim Shorts is spot on. Jerry, you’re 63, grow the hell up!! Stop begging for handouts like a loser and go get a job! Plenty of fast food places, retail stores etc. are hiring! You can pursue your dreams when you’re not working. Don’t expect any sympathy from us for your poor life choices.

  6. He sent to cats to the shelter but kept one, he has been by the Starbucks in Newhall on Carl’s ct.

  7. Sylvia Anna says:

    Can anyone help?

  8. He needs a job. People are evicted for non payment of rent. Pets are costly. I hope he can restructure his situation. If I were him, I would immediately withdraw from school & work full time, rent a room & stabilize financially. The cats can be fostered & he can visit & support them.

    • He needs to work. School is not a money making activity, it’s costly & doesn’t pay. It’s an expense. He needs to work & earn a living.

    • Paquita, you have some learning to do. 1) Empathy. 2) Check your spelling and typos and you will look more professional. It’s spelled ‘eligibility’. I’m referring to the job title on your profile. You’re welcome.

  9. If he can’t find full time work than he should work two part time jobs. Forget a second masters degree. At his age people are very reluctant to take him in as a student. He must immediately get to work, and rent a room not an apartment.

  10. SCVTV Santa Clarita: please change your settings to “public” so we can share this

  11. Frank Trejo says:

    I don’t feel for this guy. Carl’s Jr. is hiring as are many other stores, etc. If you want to work, you’ll find it and he shouldn’t of waited till he got evicted with 3 cats. Now he’s crying the blues. Let me guess, he still has his Chai tea latte from Starbucks on a daily basis?

  12. jack says:

    With the poverty level on the rise and the price of rent here in the area is also so high. It seems like santa clarita is trying to get rid of low income people. Its like this….make enough income to pay for a $1500 apartment or get out!

  13. Peter Bishop says:

    Just curious if no job is beneath him, why is he going to school to get a second Masters degree? What will a Masters in Music do for him? I think his priorities are off. I’d rather help support a family man who got laid off recently working in the oil industry.

    • I read the story. Best action plan is to forget about school, get a job or two, save & help the foster family feed his cats. Getting to work & making money is the solution.

    • it’s an urgent matter. I’m glad he wants to work. Free lance work is not reliable.

    • With all that talent, why wouldn’t he be pursuing another degree? Don’t you realize what it takes to be a college professor? This man has so much to offer.

    • Tracy incredibly talented! I think he should continue to pursue his talents. And just because he is not a “family man” doesn’t mean he deserves less help. He’s still a human being. We don’t know why he has no wife or children, we shouldn’t judge.

  14. Exactly. ..if no job is beneath him, he could be working any kind of job. I was making over $50/hr and was let go (replaced for cheaper staff!)…I’m a single mother of 4, so while I was waiting to hear back on jobs I looked into any type of job I could find to help make ends meet, even cleaning toilets, fast food, bagging groceries, whatever. Sometimes you have to work at other jobs until your dream job gets going to where it can support you financially. Advancing his degree can be done while he works, not in lieu of working. Priorities, man. But then again, our society enables dependency…many panhandle make more money than working people, and tax free to boot…where’s the incentive???

  15. God bless you, Carrie! <3

  16. Paquita, easier said than done. And do you have a room to rent to a man with 3 cats?

  17. For all you judgemental people, I hope this never happens to you. I received a 60 day notice to vacate recently. Do you know how expensive it is to rent in this valley especially if you have pets? Take a look at craigslist. Not to mention moving costs! I received my notice after getting out of the hospital and facing 4K in my cost for the bills. Also preparing for treatment for leukemia. The owner of my condo doesn’t care. She just wants to sell to make more money now that the costs of real estate here has gone up. And she wants to get out the responsibility of dealing with a ridiculous HOA and a worthless property management company. For that I can’t blame her. But God is good and I found a much better living arrangement and I will be moving next month.

  18. Paquita Izabel Engle he is willing to accept any work. He will scrub toilets if he has to. I think school is the last thing on his mind right now. I’m not sure where you got the impression he is asking for someone to take him in as a student or take him in all. He never said that. This is is wonderful man. If you ever meet him you will see that. He has suffered a series of unfortunate events. He took the 3 things that matter most to him, his cats. He left everything else he owns behind.

  19. Tracy Walling Otis life is all about cost benefits. I do not rent rooms. But many people do. No one should indulge in having pets they can’t properly provide shelter for. Pets can not think for themselves. We have to have our personal life & consider changes when change is called for. The man has two masters degrees. I’m sure he can figure this out.

  20. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

  21. Cheri Eubanks Young he’s been in school & his financial aid was canceled. Never said in the article he has a job. I’m just suggesting that he forget about school. He may be a wonderful guy, but he has a situation that if not aggressively dealt with, could set him back hugely. In addition, having an eviction on a credit report is not good. Indicates he can’t, won’t or didn’t pay rent. He needs to revamp. That’s all. His cats have temporary accommodations. Handing humans cat food, and blankets is temporary help. He needs a job, get permanent room or housing so cats can be with him again. Money making is were it at. He’s a smart well educated man. He can do it!

  22. Paquita Izabel Engle he has forgotten about school. His focus is now on working and reuniting with his cats. He’s embarrassed and ashamed of his current situation. He’s terrified being on the streets. He doesn’t know what else to do. Now that his cats are safe. He can look for work. He really is a wonderful man. We will care for and keep his cats safe for however long it takes.

  23. Tracy Walling Otis cliche.

    • Wow! That’s very impressive. This man has so much to offer. No wonder he is trying to further his education. As I said in your other comment, it takes this kind of qualifications to become a college professor.

  24. I wish the man well. Thank God he does have a good education. That will be very helpful to secure a job or two

  25. Paquita Izabel Engle shut your hole.

  26. Paquita Izabel Engle all you have to do is meet this man once and you would see his soul. Your comments make him sound like he’s not willing to work. He’s willing to work 5 jobs if that’s what it takes. He gave his last dime to feed his cats.

  27. In reality most people are just a few paychecks away from becoming homeless. Maybe some of us are lucky enough to have good friends or family who would be there for us if we found ourselves homeless. Jerry has no family and found out he also has no true friends.

  28. Paquita, it’s called empathy. Something that you are lacking in this situation. I hope that IRL with people that you know personally, that you have more empathy than this. If not, you have a problem.

  29. Paquita, it’s spelled ‘eligibility’.

  30. Rhonda Soria says:

    Sad situation I hope things get better for him

  31. Hey folks Jerry is trying. He is getting foster care for his cats. That’s #1 for me. Don’t judge him, tell you have walked a mile in his shoes. ok. Everyone is different, different situations. I hope he gets all his needs meant and gets his kitties back….you know animals are family, and maybe this is all the family he has….good luck to Jerry in all he does.

  32. Carrie, it was so nice of you to take in his cats & I wish this man the best !

  33. Carol Milam says:

    Tina, I am sure Carrie could direct you where to find him.

  34. Please check your other mail box. :) <3

  35. Thank-you Carrie for being so wonderful and helping him! If he needs help with any cat food or what not for the ones he has please let me know :) I have three cats myself otherwise I would offer as a foster.

  36. glady says:

    carrie you are the best and many blessings i give for helping this man….with your help he can climb mountains….some needless advice was given and sometimes just helping or some can help by not saying anything if its not positive , he is struggling im sure he knows now what to concentrate on….we never know when it can happen to us…god bless you and him and the cats

  37. JoAnn Faris says:

    You can pursue your dreams and work at the same time. He’s old enough to know that there is no free ride in this world and if he wants a roof over his head and food to eat that a job help get you those items.

  38. Jambes Marks says:

    Jerry’s just a mooch. 63 years old, no career, no pension apparently, no friends, no family. There’s a REASON Jerry is homeless. There’s a REASON Jerry has collected only about 10% of his gofundme goal. If I were Jerry I would go to a church or some charity and see if they could help me. Some churches and charities have programs to get people off the streets.

  39. swany ochoa says:

    Please notify me where cats are. Neutered? Females? Males? Vaccinated? TY

  40. Sam says:

    Let me preface my comment by stating that I genuinely wish Jerry the best and hope he finds a job soon and starts supporting himself. That being said, I’m sure even Jerry understands that he’s made several poor life choices. The fact that he gave such a large sum of money to sublet a room from what seems to be a random stranger shows incredibly poor judgement on the part of Jerry. The fact that at the age of 63, Jerry has no savings and has to beg for money from strangers does not place Jerry in a good light. Jerry should have had had tens of thousands of dollars in savings right now, easily.Jerry needs to start behaving like an adult and stop behaving like a child. I’m worried for him, strangers won’t always be there to give money to him or take care of his cats, what will Jerry do then? Jerry, stop living in la la land and get a job. Work on your songs on your days off.

  41. Is there a way I can meet him to donate some money?

  42. Please have him PM me. I would like to give him some money

  43. J Marks says:

    Jerry, you mention in earlier writings that menial work is beneath you. Reality is a cold hard mistress. You’ve burned all your bridges and have resorted to begging from cat ladies. Time to grow up. Walk into that Starbucks and ask for a job.

  44. I can only honor what I have discovered to be some of the most wonderful people I’ve ever met in my life. People like Carrie, who are dedicated to making this world a better place. You can judge me all you want. Perhaps I deserve it. But that’s me personally. There are far too many others suffering from homelessness, foreclosures, chronic illness, family dysfunction. And then, of course, there are the animals. You would think 9/11 has taught us how much this world needs compassion and empathy. Those who suffer are not “infidels.” This is not my story. This is Carrie’s story and so many other’s like her that just pick up where the doomsayers fall. I am truly grateful for the help I’ve received. Condemning my schooling is silly, since you’re condeming the millions of returning adult students who not only wish to further their education, but need specific technological training in a New Millennium world changing faster than iPhone 6 to iPhone 7. Doctors, lawyers, NASA technicians, and so many others are continuously taking new courses to stay abreast of latest developments. I was never evicted. I was vacated. There’s no eviction on my record. And, I’ve been pursuing the 2nd Masters for a year and a half, not since Jan 2016. Just a couple of facts to clear up. I thank the writer of this article for what otherwise is an excellently written article…from one writer to another! My cats are safe, loved and well cared for. For me, that’s an accomplishment. — Jerry Flattum

    • Angel says:


      You should tell these nice people all about your arrest a few years ago for sticking a firearm in the faces of some frightened women. The cops seized your gun and some notes you wrote that caused them great concern. You’re a ticking time bomb and I hope none of these nice ladies takes you in. Get help for your numerous issues.

  45. I can only honor what I have discovered to be some of the most wonderful people I’ve ever met in my life. People like Carrie, who are dedicated to making this world a better place. You can judge me all you want. Perhaps I deserve it. But that’s me personally. There are far too many others suffering from homelessness, foreclosures, chronic illness, family dysfunction. And then, of course, there are the animals. You would think 9/11 has taught us how much this world needs compassion and empathy. Those who suffer are not “infidels.” This is not my story. This is Carrie’s story and so many other’s like her that just pick up where the doomsayers fall. I am truly grateful for the help I’ve received. Condemning my schooling is silly, since you’re condeming the millions of returning adult students who not only wish to further their education, but need specific technological training in a New Millennium world changing faster than iPhone 6 to iPhone 7. Doctors, lawyers, NASA technicians, and so many others are continuously taking new courses to stay abreast of latest developments. I was never evicted. I was vacated. There’s no eviction on my record. And, I’ve been pursuing the 2nd Masters for a year and a half, not since Jan 2016. Just a couple of facts to clear up. I thank the writer of this article for what otherwise is an excellently written article…from one writer to another! My cats are safe, loved and well cared for. For me, that’s an accomplishment. And for those who seem to think saying nasty things is the way to go, I only hope your brothers, sisters, children and parents never befall tragedy in your midst. It must be wonderful never to have made poor life choices. — Jerry Flattum

  46. glady says:

    pm me on facebook or email me please carrie….

  47. Jerry:

    There is a “Labor Ready” at 24225 Main St, Newhall, CA 91321. Their phone number is (661) 260-3650.

    You are a healthy, able bodied man. Get down there and get to work. They will put you to work immediatel and pay you same-day.

    If you’re not a complete tool, you can expect repeat assignments from them. Since you have no real expenses right now AND an EBT card, you can save most of your money.

    This is how you get back on your feet. Be a man and stop being a mooch; there are a lot of people down there in LA “pursuing their dreams” just like you are, but the major difference between most of them and you is the fact that they also have day jobs to pay the bills.

  48. Pho Yu says:

    Jerry, those cats don’t care about you. They only moved on your naughty bits because you fed them. Get a dog when you get back on your feet.

  49. SK says:

    How dare anyone to judge. Do you know how hard it must be to be in such a desperate situation and feeling you have nobody to turn to? For 7 months my full time job was looking for a job. What I learned in the process is that age discrimination is very real and I’m 20 years younger than Jerry. For those that lecture that someone desperate for work should take any job, its not as simple as you may think. Places that pay minimum wage are not looking to hire someone that is over qualified because they know that the person will leave as soon as they get a job in their field. Do you honestly think a company that has many applicants is going to choose the entry level worker or the over qualified worker? Probably the entry level worker is a better bet long term because they are less likely to leave. These are the obstacles many people who are judging don’t seem to comprehend.

    • glady says:

      SK….as soon as we judge and think we are above it happening to us we don’t know what could lie ahead for us….if we got nothing nice to say …just ignore these posts….

      • SK says:

        Gladly, I 100% agree with you. And I’m so very sick of the narrow minded people that think that every homeless person is homeless because they don’t want to work. On Easter my Boy friend and I were walking back from brunch at a restaurant when I spotted a woman with a cat sitting on a corner. Her cat was sitting on her lap and she was sitting on the ground. I had to talk to her. I needed to help her I needed to no her story. Every homeless person has a story and we need to help each other. After hearing her story it broke my heart. I gave her $20.00 because it was what I had on me and she said someone she knows rents her a room for $15.00 a night but when she doesn’t have $15.00 she sleeps under a bridge. I live in PA where we have cold weather some of the year and Easter happened to be very chilly this year. There needs to be compassionate towards the homeless and empathy. I believe we are all here to help each other.

  50. jim shorts says:

    Dtd – I’m not rude, just honest. The truth only hurts when you are on the wrong side of it, either ideologically or literally. I am not judging him, I’m giving him some good advice. I never called him a loser or any names. Fact – he is homeless and not working. Fact – he could get a job TODAY and get paid TODAY. Fact – he is CHOOSING not to and instead waxing poetic about how hard life has been to him. Let me just tell all you people who think I am being heartless…I was down and out, I was basically homeless a few times. My situation only changed when I stopped dreaming and started working. I jettisoned my fantasies and latched onto reality; I worked my a** off and guess what? Life actually started working in my favor. My dreams became goals and not just fantasies. Jerry, sorry to say pal but at your age if you haven’t figured this out yet then good luck being a homeless guy with the 3 cats. Stop sitting at Starbucks talking to lonely women about writing songs and sliding down rainbows…get to work! PS – What else is there to watch besides Fox News and UFC?

  51. jim shorts says:

    SK and glady….blah blah blah….really? If you had to spend 7 months looking for a job then you were being too picky. Labor Ready will hire ANYONE at ANYTIME!!! That is there business model! They could care less if you were Albert Einstein!!! Thats is the biggest bunch of BS I have ever heard. Anyone who says they can’t find work is full of BS! “oh poor me… I’m so smart I can’t get a job” Please. I see 40-70 year old folks working all over this great city; Wal Mart, restaurants, grocery stores, HomeDepot and Lowes. You and old Jerry are kindred spirits…”oh man, life is so hard when you are looking for that perfect job” Get real. You three should get together and play hopscotch. Two of you can play while the other holds a cardboard sign saying how you will ‘work’ for food.

  52. Jamie says:

    Well said jim shorts

  53. Ben Boulbie says:

    Funny how someone with enough money to spend a lot of time with me and my partner “Heekee” at Roman Holiday “needs” money for rent.

  54. Jambes Marks says:

    Jerry serves as an example from which all can learn. Nothing like watching a life utterly thrown away. “I’ve been in the Army, I’ve worked on the farm, and all I’ve got to show is the muscle in my arm.” No skills. Unemployable degrees. Can Jerry even collect Social Security? Have a good evening in the tent, boy!

  55. Dick Chernobyl says:

    Jerry, if something happens and Carrie can’t foster your cats, Jane Smegma may be able to help.

  56. Jackie says:

    Jerry, living off school loans without a job or a backup plan isn’t smart. That said, I hope you find work soon. The Labor Ready suggestion was a good one. You will work and get paid the same day. Also try local businesses. You don’t have to do a lot of explaining. Just tell them you are retired. Good luck.

  57. Bob A. Booie says:

    If you could arrange
    to let me keep the change
    for JERRY!

  58. Angel says:


    Jerry is a convicted felon. He pulled a firearm on a motorist in a road rage incident. DO NOT contact him further and please protect yourself. You are putting yourself at risk.


  59. Concerned Citizen says:

    Jerry was arrested for aggravated assault, a FELONY, about six years ago, in Florida. Beware!


  60. Angel says:

    Jerry is a violent felon, and I’m afraid I’m not trolling, folks. He believes in the Second Amendment solution to his problems. Arrested in FL for pulling a gun on some women so please please beware. I posted a link earlier and I pray it is approved and you see it.

  61. jim shorts says:

    Angel – don’t insult our constitution or the great citizens who espouse the virtues of the second amendment. Our second amendment is paramount to protecting our lives, our families lives, property that we work hard for and earn…and most of all it protects us from the very real possibility of a tyrannical government, which is the true meaning the framers intended. How dare you compare a criminal who pulls a gun on an unarmed women and child to a United States Citizen defending their life with a gun?!?!? Our second amendment is not a solution for anything it is simply our right.

    On another note….how are all the bleeding hearts feeling rite about now? Ol’ Jerry is a convict, a criminal, a FELON. Lessoned learned people, a conman ALWAYS has the best sob story….that’ why he is a con man! It’s the same old adage, if it’s too good to be true then it’s not true.

  62. jim shorts says:

    chirp chirp….chirp chirp….crickets in the background of silence.

  63. Spanky says:

    Does anyone have any extra Taco Bell tacos?

  64. Jerry;s problem is because of you-know-who.

  65. Peaches says:

    Gee, where did all the helpful ladies go? No more money for Mr. Jerry?

    Crickets…crickets…chirp chirp

  66. He can live with me. Me fat foul husband can waddle his fat ass out of my house.

  67. We, the “terrorist trolls and cyber bullies” of F169 are considering donating to Jerry’s Gofundme in exchange for his performing simple tasks.

    If you are interested, Jerry, post it on your Twitter.

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Sanford Lyon
As a high schooler, Angelina Zuniga Kramer accompanied her stepfather to construction sites where he worked, and it inspired her to dream big.
CSUN Students Find Stable Living Situations Through CREA Scholarship
The Los Angeles County Health Officer has issued an excessive heat warning for the Santa Clarita Valley Wednesday through Monday, July 8 as high temperatures have been forecast.
Triple Digit Heat Coming to SCV
Six Flags Entertainment Corporation, the largest and most diverse amusement park operator in North America, announced Monday the successful completion of the merger of equals between Cedar Fair, L.P. and former Six Flags Entertainment Corporation, effective July 1, 2024.
Merger Between Six Flags, Cedar Fair Complete
Organizers for the Santa Clarita Shakespeare Festival summer camp were so blown away by the performances from its young actors in the Comedy of Errors, that the camp has decided to lower the age range of its next camp, which begins July 8.
Shakespeare Festival Summer Camp Lowers Age for Next Session
Mark your calendars for Agatha’s Murder Mystery Dinner Party, as it comes to The MAIN in Old Town Newhall Aug. 9, 10, 11 and Aug. 16, 17, 18.
‘Agatha’s Murder Mystery Dinner Party’ Coming to The MAIN in August
In preparation for the Independence Day holiday, the California Highway Patrol is launching a statewide enforcement effort aimed at keeping the public safe on our roads.
CHP Maximum Enforcement Period Launches Wednesday
Santa Clarita-based Lief Labs, a premier formulation and product development innovator and manufacturer of dietary supplements, welcomes Randy Rosinski as Chief Commercial Officer (CCO), leading Lief’s Sales and Marketing departments and joining the Executive Leadership team.
SCV-Based Lief Labs Names Randy Rosinski CCO
Saugus High School Instrumental Music Booster Club is inviting the community to help those in need with its Clothes for Cash campaign beginning Saturday, July 6, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Saugus High Music Club Clothes for Cash Campaign Begins July 6
The city of Santa Clarita’s Film Office has released the list of six productions currently filming in the Santa Clarita Valley for the week of Monday, July 1 - Sunday, July 7.
Six Productions Filming in Santa Clarita
By day, the sounds of music and laughter fill the streets as we celebrate Independence Day in true Santa Clarita fashion with the annual Fourth of July Parade.
Ken Striplin | Enjoy Fourth of July Responsibly