It would be surprising to identify anyone who seriously and honestly believes the mainstream media are not wholly in the bag for Democrats; all of the left, in all degrees.
The last three email dumps, ala Hillary, proved more and more classified emails were found, and moreover, ones that would have been deemed at least “sensitive” by any responsible person titled as Secretary of state. But there was no mention of any of those events in the L.A. Times.
When FBI director Comey held a press conference and gave every reason why Hillary should be indicted and then left her free as a wild bird, it was stunning. Forget that Comey gave several clear instances where Hillary plainly lied.
When questioned by the press, Comey admitted he wasn’t in the “interview.” Shocking. One of the most high profile people in the country as well as the informed world, and the big guy isn’t present?
Comey admitted, the interview was not recorded, nor was Hillary under oath.
In essence, there were no parameters. It was a coffee clutch. No record, no oath wherein she could be liable for perjury; no problem.
Comey knew Hillary sent information to Sid Blumenthal, who has as much security clearance as you and I do. Blumenthal is so toxic, Obama refused to allow him in his administration, so the Clintons hired him under the dome of the Clinton Foundation.
Hillary hired lawyers to destroy more than 30,000 emails after they sifted through them. Comey looked foolish when he said the unauthorized lawyers didn’t actually read them, just checked titles.
If the attorneys and scrubbers didn’t read each one, how can Americans believe more emails with dire subject matter didn’t get destroyed?
We can’t.
You can’t have it both ways … well, actually you can. If you are part of the Obama team, or your name is Clinton, or if one is under the Democrats’ tent, you can.
Her proven track record of handling sensitive and classified material is clearer than clean glass, yet there she is.
Worse, now that she’s been formally crowned queen, she gets the same intelligence briefings as a president.
I can already hear the “what about Trump” crowd asking, “What about him”?
What about him? Trump hasn’t abused or misused the secrets to America’s security.
These items just scratch the surface, but the point is, the MSM did not substantively cover the matter and certainly did not ask any questions.
Every day the L.A. Times has three negative stories on Trump. Hillary is not covered, period.
Hillary and the left complain Trump gets too much free air time. Yet Hillary hasn’t had a press conference and opened herself up to questioning in well over 200 days.
The press doesn’t seek her out, either.
The MSM has no problem peddling the Trump-Kahn matter. Each day the coverage is more exaggerated.
The Times, for one, is now reporting that Trump attacked the dead Kahn son, specifically.
That’s a bold-faced lie.
As I watched Kahn perform his prepared speech, I immediately wondered why this couple was chosen, considering the many equally suffering Gold Star families.
We found out days later.
Kahn is a lawyer who has garnered a lot of money by getting wealthy Pakistanis and others from that part of world into the United States to be legally present.
As one web site puts it, “The father of a Muslim-American soldier killed in Iraq, who spoke at the Democrat National Convention, is an immigration lawyer who specializes in a visa program that allows immigrants to effectively buy U.S. citizenship with an E-2 or EB-5 visa.”
When Trump calls for absolute vetting, that threatens Kahn.
Furthermore, the Kahns are Hillary donors and big Clinton Foundation donors.
Other Gold Star families ought to be outraged.
Kahn holding up the U.S. Constitution was bizarre. He has yet to tell us what the point was, but clearly it was immigration at any cost to America.
He didn’t tell us where in the Constitution it says we just erase our borders and let everyone in.
It’s a sad day in America when citizens have to laboriously search to learn the real news — the whole news.
That’s what we used to think “news” was: representing subjects in depth and unbiased. We were led to believe that was the purpose of newspapers and journalists.
The first time was shame on them; now, its shame on us to stay naïve.
Betty Arenson has lived in the SCV since 1968 and describes herself as a conservative who’s concerned about progressives’ politics and their impacts on the country, her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She says she is unashamed to own a gun or a Bible, couldn’t care less about the color of the president’s skin, and demands that he uphold his oath to protect and follow the Constitution of the United States in its entirety.
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REAL NAMES ONLY: All posters must use their real individual or business name. This applies equally to Twitter account holders who use a nickname.
It’s over and your rhetoric is tired, predictable and at times false.
It’s over, Trump has lost.
Trump has lost to probably the weakest candidate ever but she has one thing that he doesn’t … Intelligence.
It’s over, Trump has lost and he’s responsible, not the MSM
You have lost all cred with your very first paragraph, Betty. Thanks to Bubba’s signing of the Communication Consolidation Act the mainstream media are all corporate-owned by the right wing. Don’t they tell you that on FOX?
I find you to be quite disgusting; not one that shares good family values. Quit with your narrow-minded vitriol. You set a bad example for our children.
Once again, Betty, you tell the truth about the evils that are being perpetrated against our country. Those who don’t like it attack you, the messenger, because their attitude is a big part of the problem. Keep going; you do us all a much-needed favor in these perilous times.
I regularly read the comments section in the Signal and and you, Betty and Mr. Baker seem to be regulars on both, peddling your Far Right doctrine of hate, fear and self righteousness to those gullible and uninformed enough to buy it. For your information, most of the MSM are only in it for the money. Yes, there are liberal media companies, just like there are conservative media companies. Would you eliminate the liberal ones if you could? What then of freedom of speech? While you may possibly have valid points to make, they tend to be obscured by your and Mr. Baker’s comments that are filled with undisguised hatred and contempt of those who disagree with your political and philosophical views. You regularly vilify Hilary Clinton and any other Democrat while pointedly ignoring the circus of insanity that your party has become. There is so much wrong with the world today, yet you obsess over the “Commie socialists” who merely want to help the disadvantaged and poor of the world and make it a little better place to live. Your contribution to that vision seems to be to sneer at the poor and deny women control of their own bodies. You are not Pro life, you are Pro birth, and refuse to even consider providing child support to those mothers you would force to have kids they don’t want. I am no Far Left liberal, I am an independent moderate who is disgusted at the excesses of the Far Left and the Far Right. But at least Democrats err on the side of perhaps caring too much; Republicans only seem to care about themselves, the rest can eat cake.
General David Petraeus, former head of the CIA and a Republican, handed over numerous personal notebooks containing highly classified, Top Secret information to his mistress and official biographer, was caught doing so, tried, and on April 23, 2015, Petraeus pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of mishandling classified materials. He was given a two-year probationary period and a fine of $100,000. He subsequently resigned as director of the CIA.
Where was your outrage then?
At least ten congressional investigations costing the American taxpayer a minimum of $6.8 million dollars has found zero evidence that Hilary Clinton, as secretary of state, did anything criminal, or even inappropriate.
I am not a big Hilary Clinton fan, but when faced with an egomaniacal demagogic man-child with serious emotional problems running against her, I don’t see any choice but to vote for her. If you want to be taken seriously, you need to stop spewing endless hate and fear and start living the Christian ethos you apparently identify with, since it doesn’t seem to be working, except for those already of the same mindset.
Your hatred of those unlike you is toxic and ultimately self-defeating. The National Republican party is tearing itself to pieces, and the Tea Party is largely to blame. If you truly believe in Jesus, rather than simply roll him out to support your vindictiveness, then perhaps you need to rediscover his message of love, inclusion and forgiveness.
Say, thanks for the Honorable Mention in your little rant there.
“Yes, there are liberal media companies, just like there are conservative media companies. Would you eliminate the liberal ones if you could? What then of freedom of speech?”
Well, Lee, you claim to be familiar with my writings. Care to point out ANY time or place when I’ve called for banning leftists publications?
You see, I’m a conservative, and unlike Dem/socialists, I don’t believe in banning things I don’t like or agree with.
“You regularly vilify Hilary Clinton and any other Democrat while pointedly ignoring the circus of insanity that your party has become.”
And what party would that be? I’m an Independent.
“I am an independent moderate who is disgusted at the excesses of the Far Left and the Far Right.”
Yes, yes, I’m sure. Funny how all you Dem/socialists claim to be “independent moderates”. I wonder where the REAL far Left hides?
Go figure…
“At least ten congressional investigations costing the American taxpayer a minimum of $6.8 million dollars has found zero evidence that Hilary Clinton, as secretary of state, did anything criminal, or even inappropriate.”
And ONE FBI investigation led to a laundry list of criminal acts, which they decided not to prosecute, a great example of corruption at its finest. Which means she’s an unindicted federal felon.
“I am not a big Hilary Clinton fan, but when faced with an egomaniacal demagogic man-child with serious emotional problems running against her, I don’t see any choice but to vote for her.”
Sure, I get it. MUCH better to vote for the unindicted federal felon and pathological liar, the woman whose tenure as SecState resulted in a record with not one single achievement of note and a string of failures leading to anarchy and chaos in the Middle East, and whose husband is a convicted perjurer and accused serial rapist.
I’m impressed, I’m sure.
That was mockery. You get that, right?
Trump is a 70 year old complainer. He wants to return to the 1950’s when only white males had power, women and minorities had to wait until the 1970’s when we could get college scholarships and over the counter birth control. Moreover, he’s a compulsive liar. I think of him as the Wizard of Oz, the chaos maker behind the curtain. The Confederate Wing of the Republican Party now has too much power. I can only vote Republican in CA, federally, and reluctantly I have to vote for Hillary becauase we know what we’ll get.
Hey Betty,
The StoneAge is calling they want you back. You carp on the media as if it exists as a single minded monolith. Let me remind you and your ilk, that your beloved Fox News, or is it Faux News? has single handily spoon fed your neo-conservative pablum to the uniformed masses for over a decade. I don’t hear you critize them for their racist, sexist and hate filled vitriol they have spewed why is that? Oh! right because that doesn’t fit your narrative. Just another example of you perpetuating a myth based on illogical assumption and myth. Pot, meet kettle.