Deputy Chris Craft
Saugus, Zone 4
Public Safety and Crime Prevention Information
Snapshot 01/19/2015 – 01/25/2015
Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station Crime Prevention Unit

Deputy – er, Detective – Manskar
As of this week Deputy Mark Manskar has promoted and left Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff Station. He has been promoted to detective within the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Jails. He provided the Santa Clarita Valley Station with several years of dedicated service and he will be missed here.
I have been a Deputy Sheriff for nearly 13 years with the last 9 years here, at Santa Clarita Valley Station. While assigned to the Santa Clarita Valley I have spent most of my time working patrol. I was a field training officer for 4 years and for the last 2 years I have been the Zone Leader for the east Canyon Country area. I look forward to partnering with the Saugus residents and working together to find solutions to quality of life problems that face this area. My contact information is listed at the bottom of this email. Please feel free to contact me with your concerns.
Here are the part 1 crimes that occurred last week in Saugus:
An assault with a deadly weapon occurred near the 29600 block of Susan Beth Way. The victim said that he was stabbed during a fight between 10 people. The fight possibly started over a Facebook message. This case is being investigated by Santa Clarita COBRA Detectives.
A residential burglary occurred near the 20700 block of Benz Road. In this incident the suspect gained entry to the location through the open sliding glass door. The suspect ransacked the home stealing a safe containing a Browning 9MM handgun, 2 pearl necklaces, silver necklace and $8000.oo in US currency.
A grand theft was reported from Township Street. In this incident the suspect stole $13000 worth of plywood from the location.
Deputy Chris Craft
661-255-1121 EXT. 5161
Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
Twitter @SCVSheriff http://www.twitter.com/scvsheriff
Twitter @jdLASD http://www.twitter.com/jdLASD
SCV Station Homepage – http://www.santaclarita.lasd.org
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/SantaClaritaValleySheriffsStation
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we welcome you Chris, and be assured we will be in contact.
congratulations Mark!
congratulations Mark!
So who is handling Zone 8 now? We will miss you Chris.
So who is handling Zone 8 now? We will miss you Chris.
Now there’s a druggie with a gun breaking into House’s? Great!