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Today in
S.C.V. History
July 2
1869 - Sanford Lyon (as in Lyons Avenue) appointed postmaster of Petroliopolis (today's Eternal Valley Cemetery area) [story]
Sanford Lyon

Commentary by Darryl Manzer
| Thursday, Sep 21, 2017

Next time I’m in California, I think I’m going to decide which laws I want to follow. Since so few seem to adhere to the speed limit anyway, I think I will follow those laws – but I don’t think I will follow laws concerning private property.

I could take the shortcuts overland with my truck. Hey, if I wanted to drive up Pico Canyon, I’m sure my four-wheel drive would get me over the creek and onto the road past the gates at Mentryville. It is state property, but I will, in my defense, use the sanctuary clause now used by California: I don’t have to obey the law if I feel it is unfair or I don’t like the politicians now in office.

If I get a traffic ticket in Fillmore – a noted speed trap, as many of you know – I’ll refuse to pay the fine and declare that Santa Clarita is my sanctuary and Fillmore can’t come and get me.

Really, that is what is being used in defense of non-citizens of the United States, so why can’t I use it, too? Since when does a citizen have fewer rights than a non-citizen?

OK, the odds of me being in California are growing slimmer every day. Before anyone says it, I will: I don’t think you want me there any longer. I’m just so sorry about what is happening to the state of California. The state of my birth. The state I still love but can’t live in.

Now that the formerly great state of California is a sanctuary, I’ve got to compare that action with the actions in the early 1860s of the states of North and South Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Alabama, Texas, Mississippi and Louisiana. Yes, the Confederate States of America. They decided what laws they wanted to follow and what ones they didn’t. That action didn’t turn out too well for them at all. I think that is a valid comparison.

There are counties in northern California and southern Oregon that want to break away from their states and form a new state to be called Jefferson. The same thing happened in the 1860s. Certain western counties of Virginia broke away and became West Virginia. They did it legally.

More than 600,000 men on both sides of the Civil War died. Half of them were fighting to keep the states united. The Northern states fought for the Union. When some states decide that the laws of the union don’t apply to them, the Union is once again in danger.

I’ve just spent more than two months in the Commonwealth of Virginia. On the trip there and back, I can’t tell you how many folks talked about California. Texans “like” all of the new citizens from California, as do many of the folks in the other states along our travels. We met many folks from many states while we were camp hosts at First Landing State Park in Virginia Beach, Va. Nearly all get a good laugh at California. I used to defend California. I can’t do that now.

I can’t defend actions of the political leaders of California who seek to divide the state from all of the other states. I can’t defend actions that increase taxes and also allow dangerous felons to be released from prison and commit violent crimes again.

Some of the biggest laughs I heard were about the stupid things the state is doing. Just to list a few, here they are:

1. Cow flatulence control. Keeping cows from farting seems to be so very important to control climate change. I guess they never heard about the millions of American bison that roamed the Midwest at one time.

2. The high-speed train. Just what is it needed for when the highways are in such a bad condition?

3. Gasoline taxes. Is it a race to see what state will have the highest gas tax?

4. Sanctuary state law.

5. Voting of non-citizens. Get registered to vote when you get your license. Must have some great controls.

6. Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters. In some places just saying those two names brought laughs followed by words that can’t be published here. Former Californians would add Jerry Brown.

For me, this is all so sad. I love the beaches, mountains, valleys and deserts of California. I love the history, too. I grew up in part of that history. Today I am ashamed. I’m ashamed that my home state has no home for me. I’m ashamed even to say I’m a native Californian.

I do understand now why folks say “I’m sorry” when I tell them where I was born and raised. What happened?



Darryl Manzer grew up in the Pico Canyon oil town of Mentryville in the 1960s and attended Hart High School. After a career in the U.S. Navy he returned to live in the Santa Clarita Valley for a spell. Now he hangs his cowboy hat in Arizona. He can be reached at dmanzer@scvhistory.com. His older commentaries are archived at DManzer.com; his newer commentaries can be accessed [here]. Watch his walking tour of Mentryville [here].

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  1. “What Happened?” — Darryl you obviously need to read Hillary’s new fictional account and ask her. She and all those “experts” in Sacramental now a lot (both Demonrat and Republacrat).

  2. We hate the idea of a sanctuary state, city, etc. The politicians definitely don’t speak for all of California’s citizens. This sanctuary crap makes me want to puke!!!!!

  3. Abigail says:

    That is one of the biggest conversations we have going on in our family now. When and how to get out of California. We are not sure where we are going but we have come to terms with we need out. It is sad that we have become a joke to this nation. It is sad this country has become a joke to most other countries. I don’t agree with much going on in Washington DC, but I don’t agree with turning your back on your country more.

  4. Dont believe it will happen. Too much money in this state. And they will leave too.

  5. Jack Murphy says:

    Great piece Darryl. Good job my brother

  6. Sue Jacobs says:

    So sad I feel exactly the same ?

  7. Dave Rickmers says:

    Ask those new Texans how they are enjoying
    the weather! Taxes on food and medicine?
    Religious crazies in positions of power add
    just the right amount of uncertainty.

    Never again.

  8. Abigail DeSesa says:

    That is one of the biggest conversations we have going on in our family now. When and how to get out of California. We are not sure where we are going but we have come to terms with we need out. It is sad that we have become a joke to this nation. It is sad this country has become a joke to most other countries. I don’t agree with much going on in Washington DC, but I don’t agree with turning your back on your country more.

  9. Do you people at SCTV go out of your way to find assholes to write these opinion pieces?

  10. SCgal says:

    Good riddance

  11. cBrow says:

    California has many issues, however something is being done right. There are plenty of jobs(if you go to school and forge a path in the right career). The homes are expensive, however people can afford them, at least the ones that are willing to put in what it takes.

  12. dennis says:

    I didn’t sign up for this libtard democratic corrupted out of touch and greed driven policys.That people like Maxine waters lives in a ten millon dollar home on a 100 thousand dollar salary we know shes corrupted and so far out of touch.Jerry brown is the most corrupt people forget what he did back in his last term the only reason he was reelected is because of all the non citizens voted him in because they were not here to see this coruppt peice of crap in action.These people sould be in jail and you and the libtard democrats know it so spare me the bulls### we know the truth and we know these people violate there oaths of office on a daily basis.We need to take these public coruppt officials and hold there feet to the fire or this crap will never stop.It will only get worse.Why do you think they dont like Trump because he knows there game and hes a threat to there coruppt criminal syndicate.And if you think im not speaking the truth fact check what im saying you libtard trolls out there.Im sick and tired of this crap TURN OF THE DAM TV AND GET OFF YOUR BUTTS AND LEARN THE FACTS SO WE CAN MAKE THIS A BETTER PLACE FOR OUR CHILDREN!!!If you dont then you can blame your self when its to late!!!Wake up for Gods sake.

  13. Nadiya Littlewarrior says:

    ……just stay in Arizona. Where they shoot their US Reps and treat American Indians like the dirt on their shoes!

  14. Lee says:

    And yet despite all of the derision, vitriol and hate, it seems that quite a few people want to move to California (besides illegal aliens, that is), which is why housing prices are sky high. I just read a news article about how many Republicans are finally beginning to acknowledge Climate change, and anyone who reads the news should already know that our birth rate is shrinking, as is most of the Western world, which is why social security and Medicare are in danger of failing, because less people are paying the taxes for the Boomer generation’s retirement. So where do we get the additional people from? (hint; it won’t be from Europe). I am no fan of illegal aliens, and don’t like my government making the entire state a “sanctuary state,” but since the progressive states in this country have often proved to be not only progressive, but also right about emerging issues, I will reserve my judgement. Frankly, it sounds like Darryl Manzer has acclimated to Arizona extremely well.

  15. Hi Darryl, As the saying goes “You can’t go Home” is so trure. Home is no longer there. The last time I was in “Newhall” was in the 70’s and home was gone then. So sad. I live in Florida now and see the some thing happening here over the past 30 yr’s. Glad I am in the winter of my life, but feel for the kids and grandkids. Hope they can some how have the good memories that we have of our early years. Sheron

  16. jim says:


    If you think that California is the only place you don’t want to be, I suspect you are mistaken.

    We’re close enough in age that we share a lot of life experiences, although since I drew the long straw in the draft for VietNam, that is one we don’t share.

    You are right about many things in your article; but if you think that the latest generation (aka constantly on-line, unable to drive with any skill, unable to live without constant digital input) are different elsewhere you are mistaken.

    As for the Liberace’s running Cali’s government, that’s no surprise. This state has been headed that way for a long time. In addition, the cost of living here would make your naval pension seem like a pittance. I don’t believe that is the way it should be. Your pension (and others) for your service should be worth a livable retirement wherever you choose to live. The same should go for your VA healthcare.

    But that is not the way things are set up. And they aren’t going to change in Washington or here in California. Not unless the Peeps shut up, stand up and pay attention to what’s going on.

    And in case you hadn’t noticed, even if they do: there is nobody listening – or doing anything about it.

    • Abigail DeSesa says:

      Jim – I agree with your assessment and I will add that none of the Peeps will ever stand up because none of them have to ever live by these retirements and medical services.

      • Mike says:

        Hard to believe libs have such control of this state…above the law…all is true…thanks to all the unionization of public jobs..you could say the mob is alive and well…i wish our federal govt would start sueing this state, revoke charter, something to lay waste to jerry brown and mooks.

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