Big weekend for music! On Friday night, the Valencia Jazz and Blues Concert series features singer, songwriter and guitarist Jim Gibson. The street party on Town Center Drive off McBean Parkway in front of the Hyatt Valencia starts at 7 p.m., and proceeds from food and beverage sales go to local nonprofits. The price of admission is right – it’s free for all ages.

DSB (Don’t Stop Beleivin’)
Also free is the first of the city of Santa Clarita’s summer Concerts in the Park, on Saturday night at Central Park up Bouquet Canyon Road. Popular Journey tribute band DSB, as in “Don’t Stop Believin,’” is the headliner. The show starts at 7 p.m., but get there early to save your spot on the lawn. Food, beverages and snacks will be available, too.
And later Saturday night, be sure catch the encore telecast of our special show featuring Loafers’ Glory. The acoustic bluegrass-old time music quartet features guitarist Herb Pedersen and bass player Bill Bryson of Desert Rose Band renown, plus fiddle champ Tom Sauber and his banjo-mando-playing son Patrick Sauber. They previewed a few songs from the first Loafers’ Glory album and we got to talk between songs about the bandmembers’ colorful history. That’s Loafers’ Glory on “House Blend” hosted by yours truly, Saturday night at 10 on SCVTV, and streaming everywhere at
Santa Clarita journalist Stephen K. Peeples is a features writer and photographer for AM 1220 KHTS Radio News and the station’s award-winning website (, and for SCVTV’s Peeples also hosts and co-produces SCVTV’s acclaimed “House Blend” music and interview program, and posts more entertainment news and reviews on his own site at
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Geri Ann Littlefield Scott Littlefield we saw them at Octoberfest!
As someone who has seen Journey live in concert, I can honestly say that DSB does Journey better than Journey
Sorry, you must not have heard Steve Perry sing. There is no one like him and no tribute band can do him justice.