1875 - Tiburcio Vasquez murder trial opens in San Jose [ story]
The next regular meeting of the Governing Board of the William S. Hart Union High School District is Friday, September 13, 2017 at the Administrative Center, 21380 Centre Pointe Parkway, Santa Clarita 91350.
A closed session starts at 6 p.m. followed by the regular meeting at 7 p.m.
PLEASE NOTE: This meeting will include two Public Hearings for items IX-A – Resolution No. 17/18-11 – Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials Incentive Act and IX-E – Resolution No. 17/18-10 – Dedicating an Easement to Newhall County Water District at Hart High School for Roadway and Utilities Purposes.
The agenda follows:
A member of the audience may address the Board on items listed in Closed Session by completing a Speaker Card. Please use the microphone and state your name and location of residence. No action will be taken at this time, and the Board President will limit comment time to 2 (two) minutes. If you wish to speak regarding an item not appearing on the Closed Session agenda, please make your comments during the Public Session (see below). |
Conference with legal counsel. |
Consideration of Settlement Agreement. |
Action to be taken on Claim No 16/17L. Documentation is confidential and maintained in District files. |
Public employee appointment/discipline/dismissal/release/reassignment/non-reelection. |
Negotiations with Hart District Teachers Association. |
Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources |
Each school has selected a Teacher of the Year for the 2017/18 school year, and these worthy teachers are being recognized this evening. |
The California Teacher of the Year program, which began in 1972, has brought recognition to exemplary teachers, paying tribute to their resolute efforts. With the District’s many outstanding teachers, staff takes pride in identifying and honoring its own heroes of Hart District classrooms. Selection criteria include personal growth, commitment, personal attributes, and professional skills.
Being honored tonight as Teachers of the Year by their individual schools are: Michele Siner, Academy of the Canyons; Jessica Meraz, Arroyo Seco Junior High School; Ravinder Athwal, Bowman High School; Mary Purdy, Canyon High School; Jamie Foderaro, Golden Valley High School; Martin Kirby, Hart High School; Denise Baker, Learning Post; Jessica Dabbeekeh, La Mesa Junior High School; Monica Ludlow, Placerita Junior High School; Carine Clewis, Rancho Pico Junior High School; Matthew Sheridan, Rio Norte Junior High School; Monica Lunde, Saugus High School; Teri Rodriguez, Sequoia School; Stephanie Caneday, Sierra Vista Junior High School; Brenda Monteleone, Valencia High School; Linda Cox, West Ranch High School; and Marci Gabriel, Golden Oak Adult School.
For the 2017/18 school year, the District recognizes Mary Purdy as the Hart District Teacher of the Year. Mary has recently concluded her teaching career after 39 years, 35 of those with the Hart District and the past 26 of those at Canyon High School. She was an outstanding music educator whose passion for the arts inspired her students and her colleagues. Mary has done amazing things at Canyon High School with her various choral groups and has put the School and District on the map nationally. The Canyon High School Choirs have traveled to New York, San Diego and Canada, among other locales, and often receive high accolades by the adjudicators. Most recently, a trip to perform in Carnegie Hall in the spring of 2016 was a highlight to Mary’s career. But Mary did much more on campus that made her stand out as the Hart District’s Teacher of the Year. Mary created the Tri-M Music Honor Society, was the advisor for various clubs, including the Bible Club, and you could often find her with a smile on her face around campus. Mary will be missed by Canyon High School and the Hart District, but her efforts will not go unnoticed as she has set up students for success whether by going on to college or beginning their careers.
Honorees and their school principals have been invited to the Board meeting. |
Mike Kuhlman, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services |
Canyon High School Principal John Costanzo will give a presentation on the school’s goals and unique programs. |
CHS Board Report |
If you wish to address the Governing Board on a topic within the subject matter of its jurisdiction, please complete the Request to Address the Board form and return it to the Secretary to the Board prior to the beginning of the item. Comments regarding the Consent Calendar will be taken during Public Comments. Please use the microphone and state your name and location of residence. No action will be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda, and the Board President will limit your comments to 2 (two) minutes. The President may limit public comment time based on the number of persons who wish to speak. If you wish to speak regarding an item that appears on the agenda, you will be called upon to make your comments at the time the item is discussed by the Board. |
Michael Otavka, Director of Facilities, Planning and Construction |
A representative from Flewelling & Moody and District staff will give an update on the Hart High School Two-Story Modular Classroom Building Project.
Hart 2-Story Presentation |
Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources |
The enrollment and average daily attendance numbers for the previous and current school year will be discussed. |
David N. LeBarron, Director of Curriculum and Assessment |
A public hearing will be held regarding the Pupil Textbook and Instructional
Materials Incentive Act. |
School districts are subject to the requirements of Education Code Section 60119 in order to receive funding for the Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials Incentive program and/or funding for instructional materials from any state source. One of the requirements is that a public hearing be held once a year, before the end of the eighth week of school, to determine whether each pupil in the school district will have sufficient textbooks or instructional materials. The intent of the public hearing is to encourage participation on this issue by parents, teachers, and members of the community.
SB 550 defines “sufficient instructional materials or textbooks” as each student, including English Language Learners, having a textbook or instructional materials to use in class and to take home to complete required homework assignments. SB 550 specifies that this language does not require two sets of textbooks for each pupil.
SB 550 also requires the Governing Board to determine that each student enrolled in a foreign language or health course has sufficient standards-aligned textbooks and that laboratory equipment is available to students in grades 9-12. |
Direct the Superintendent to assure the State Superintendent of Public Instruction that the Governing Board has complied with provisions of Education Code Section 60119 through Resolution No. 17/18-11 – Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials Incentive Act. |
Public Textbook RES September 2017 |
Ralph Peschek, Chief Financial Officer |
Resolution No. 17/18-7 certifies the 2016/17 Unaudited Actuals Financial Report, as required by California Education Code Section 42100, and appropriates differences between estimated year-end balances and unaudited year-end balances to the ending fund balance for each fund. |
Annually, the District prepares a closing report of the budget for the prior fiscal year. This document reflects actual revenues and expenditures for the entire twelve months of operation, including accruals. The report is mandated and must first be accepted by the Board and then submitted to the Los Angeles County Office of Education.
At the time that the District develops its annual budget, the ending balance for the prior fiscal year is estimated based upon prior year patterns of spending, current legislation and established time lines. This estimate is truly just that: an estimate. By year-end, when actual goods and services are received, and revenues earned, these figures can change. However, the importance of this report is two-fold. First, it establishes the actual ending balance of the prior fiscal year, which then becomes the beginning balance of the current fiscal year. Second, it finalizes the actual revenues and expenditures of the prior fiscal year. These figures will change only if there is an audit adjustment as a result of the annual financial audit. |
None |
Adopt Resolution No. 17/18-7 certifying the unaudited actuals report for the 2016/2017 school year, as presented. |
2016/17 Unaudited Actuals
2016/17 Unaudited Actuals Presentation
Resolution 17/18-7 Unaudited Actuals Financial Report |
Ralph Peschek, Chief Financial Officer |
Resolution No. 17/18-8 adopts the District’s Gann Limit establishing an appropriations limit in accordance with Article XIII-B of the California Constitution. |
In 1979, voters enacted Proposition 4 limiting growth in government spending to no more than the growth in population and inflation. This spending limit, commonly referred to as the “Gann Limit” after the initiative’s author, Paul Gann, applies not only to the State of California, but also to cities, counties, special districts, school districts, and county offices of education. The revenues subject to the Gann Limit are limited to state and local tax sources. Federal aid and non-tax income (e.g. cafeteria sales and adult education fees) are excluded from the calculation.
To calculate the Gann limit, the base year (1978/79) appropriation limit has been increased annually for both inflation, as measured by the annual percentage change in California per capita personal income, and population, as measured by the annual change in average daily attendance (ADA). All calculations (see attached) have been prepared in accordance with applicable constitutional and statutory law as provided for by the California Department of Education SACS Form GANN. The District’s Gann Limit for 2016/17 ($118,285,725.75) and the estimated limit for 2017/18 ($122,552,348.65) do not exceed the limitations imposed by Proposition 4.
Therefore, staff requests the Governing Board adopt Resolution No. 17/18-8 declaring that the District’s budget appropriations in the 2016/17 and 2017/18 fiscal years do not exceed the limitations imposed by Proposition 4. |
Adopt Resolution No. 17/18-8 declaring that the District’s budget appropriations for the 2016/17 and 2017/18 fiscal years do not exceed the limitations imposed by Proposition 4. |
Gann Form
Resolution 17/18-8 Adopting Gann Limit |
Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources |
The District and the Hart District Teachers Association (HDTA) have agreed upon terms for contract negotiations for the 2016/17 academic year. HDTA unit members have voted to ratify the tentative agreement, and staff is recommending the Board approve contract revisions as indicated in the attachment. |
Approve the tentative agreement between Hart District Teachers Association and the Wm. S. Hart Union High school District for the 2016/17 academic year. |
HDTA T/A 16-17 |
Michael Otavka, Director of Facilities, Planning and Construction |
Request approval of Resolution No. 17/18-10 dedicating an easement to Newhall County Water District at Hart High School for roadway and utilities purposes.
On August 30, 2017, the Board approved Resolution No. 17/18-6 – Intent to Dedicate an Easement to Newhall County Water District at Hart High School for Roadway and Utilities Purposes. On September 1, 2017, Resolution No. 17/18-6 was posted in three public places, (the Hart District Administrative Center, the Valencia Public Library, and the Santa Clarita City Hall), and was published in The Signal newspaper on September 7, 2017, as required by law.
Resolution No, 17/18-10 will dedicate the easements to Newhall County Water District at Hart High School for roadway and utilities purposes. The resolution must be approved by two-thirds of all of the Board members.
Approve Resolution No. 17/18-10 dedicating an easement to Newhall County Water District at Hart High School for roadway and utilities purposes.
Resolution 17/18-10 |
Mike Kuhlman, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services |
Approval of Resolution No. 17/18 – 9 recognizing the second full week of October as the “Week of the School Administrator.” |
“Week of the School Administrator” is occurring October 8-14, 2017, in observance of the importance of educational leadership. Those being recognized include the superintendent, assistant superintendents, principals, assistant principals, special education and adult education leaders, curriculum and assessment leaders, school business officials, classified educational leaders, and other school district employees who are considered administrators. Resolution No. 17/18 – 9 is attached, and it addresses the valuable services made to education by school administrators. |
Adopt Resolution No. 17/18 – 9 of the William S. Hart Union High School District Governing Board recognizing the second full week of October as the “Week of the School Administrator.” |
Resolution 17.18-9 Week of the School Administrator |
Unless a Board Member has a question concerning a particular item and asks that it be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar, the Governing Board approves the items at one time. |
Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources |
Personnel Report No. 17/18- 4 regarding certificated, non-certificated, classified and non-classified employees, and Workability Program. |
Approve Personnel Report No. 17/18-4. |
17/18-4 Personnel Report |
Mike Kuhlman, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services |
Six employees are requesting authorization to attend out-of-state conferences/trainings. |
James Lane, a teacher at Hart High School, is requesting authorization to attend National Coalition of Certification Centers (NC3) Train the Trainer courses, Auto Scanner and Advanced Diagnostics, in Goldsboro, North Carolina, October 8-14, 2017.
Dennis Mifflin, a teacher at Valencia High School, is requesting authorization to attend two out-of-state conferences:
(1) PACK EXPO in Las Vegas, Nevada, September 25-26, 2017
(2) DECA New York Experience conference, in New York, NY, November 29-December 3, 2017.
Dr. Mariane Doyle, Director of Career Technical Education, is requesting authorization to attend the 2017 National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships Conference in Washington, D.C., October 8-11, 2017.
Joe Monteleone and Jon Gedalia, Valencia High School teachers, are requesting authorization to attend the Simulation User Network Conference (SUN), October 8-11, 2017, in San Antonio, Texas.
Linda Cox, a West Ranch High School teacher who also handles Career and College Readiness strategic projects, is requesting authorization to attend the National Career Pathways Network Conference, October 25-27, 2017, in St. Louis, Missouri. |
James Lane’s expenses to attend NC3 Train the Trainer courses, Auto Scanner and Advanced Diagnostics, in Goldsboro, North Carolina, October 8-14, 2017, will be paid from the Career Technical Education Incentive Grant.
Dennis Mifflin’s expenses to attend the PACK EXPO in Las Vegas, Nevada, September 25-26, 2017, and the DECA New York Experience Conference, in New York, NY, November 29-December 3, 2017, will be paid from the Perkins Grant.
Dr. Mariane Doyle’s expenses to attend the 2017 National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships Conference in Washington, D.C., October 8-11, 2017, will be paid from the California Career Pathways Trust Grant.
Joe Monteleone and Jon Gedalia’s expenses to attend the Simulation User Network Conference (SUN), October 8-11, 2017, in San Antonio, Texas, will be paid from the Perkins Grant.
Linda Cox’s expenses to attend the National Career Pathways Network Conference, October 25-27, 2017, in St. Louis, Missouri, will be paid from the Perkins Grant. |
Approve James Lane’s attendance at the NC3 Train the Trainer courses, Auto Scanner and Advanced Diagnostics, in Goldsboro, North Carolina, October 8-14, 2017; approve Dennis Mifflin’s attendance at the PACK EXPO in Las Vegas, Nevada, September 25-26, 2017, and the DECA New York Experience conference, in New York, NY, November 29-December 3, 2017; approve Dr. Mariane Doyle’s attendance at the 2017 National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships Conference in Washington, D.C., October 7-11, 2017; approve Joe Monteleone and Jon Gedalia’s attendance at the SUN conference, October 8-11, 2017, in San Antonio, Texas; and approve Linda Cox’s attendance at the National Career Pathways Network conference in St. Louis, Missouri, October 25-27, 2017. |
Mike Kuhlman, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services |
Pete Ciccone, a teacher at Canyon High School, is requesting ratification of his attendance at the National Coalition of Certification Centers (NC3) Train the Trainer courses in Mechanical & Electronic Torque Instruments and On-Car Rotor Matching Brake Lathe, in Lebanon, Oregon, September 11-15, 2017. |
All expenses for Pete Ciccone’s attendance at the NC3 Train the Trainer courses in Lebanon, Oregon, September 10-16, 2017, were paid from Perkins funds. |
Ratify Pete Ciccone’s attendance at the NC3 Train the Trainer courses in Lebanon, Oregon, September 10-16, 2017. |
Vicki Engbrecht, Superintendent |
Approve overnight/out-of-state student trip requests from Hart High School (Band) and Valencia High School (Cross Country, Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA), Boys Volleyball). |
The submitted trip requests have been reviewed and meet all requirements established by Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 3541.1. Trip requests signed by Hart High School Principal Collyn Nielsen and Valencia High School Principal John Costanzo are attached. |
Approve trips: HHS Band, Flagstaff, AZ, 10/13-15/17; VHS Cross Country, Bremerton, WA, 9/29-10/2/17; VHS DECA, Phoenix, AZ, 11/16-19/17; VHS DECA, New York, NY, 11/29-12/3/17; VHS Boys Volleyball, Las Vegas, NV, 3/25-27/18. |
Trip Approvals for 9-13-17 Board |
Mike Kuhlman, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services |
The Flippen Group held Capturing Kids’ Hearts training for sixty teachers from Bowman High and Golden Valley High Schools, and Arroyo Seco, La Mesa, Placerita, and Sierra Vista Junior High Schools, and Sequoia School. The training was at the Child and Family Center on September 7-8, 2017. |
$23,000 from CAHSEE funds and school formula accounts |
Approve the Flippen Group training on September 7-8, 2017. |
Flippen Group “Capturing Kids’ Hearts” Training |
Mariane Doyle, Ph.D., Director of Career Technical Education |
The Hart District Career and College Readiness Program (CCR) would like to continue a Joint Venture Training Agreement with the Careers through Culinary Arts Program (C-CAP) for the 2017/18 school year. |
This agreement will be in place through June 30, 2018, and will provide online cooking school curriculum, as well as specialized culinary job training curriculum and their Serv-Safe curriculum and certification. This program also includes competitions, field trips, college and career building activities pertinent to developing not only industry awareness but also intensive professionalism and team building activities. Golden Valley High School, Valencia High School and West Ranch High School culinary arts programs will be included in this agreement. |
The total package for the Careers through Culinary Arts Program (C-CAP) is $12,000, funded through Perkins and the CTE Incentive Grant. |
Approve Joint Venture Training Agreement with Careers through Culinary Arts Program (C-CAP) through June 30, 2017, for Golden Valley High School, Valencia High School and West Ranch High School. |
C-CAP Quote |
Mariane Doyle, Ph.D., Director of Career Technical Education |
The Hart District Career and College Readiness Program (CCR) contracts annually with Newberry School of Beauty to provide Cosmetology instruction to District high school students. The California State Department of Education requires an annual review/approval by the Board of the contracted hourly rate paid to private schools. |
Newberry School of Beauty is paid per instructional hour by Hart District CCR to provide career technical education in a Cosmetology Program. The 2017/18 hourly rate being proposed for Board approval remains the same as last year at $2.25 per student/per hour. A minimum payment of $1000/month is being proposed to maintain the contract in periods of low enrollment. |
Approximately $55,000 from Career & College Readiness funding |
Approve contract with Newberry School of Beauty from July 1, 2017, to June 30, 2018. |
Newberry Contract |
Leigh Hansen, Director of Purchasing and Warehouse |
Ratify August 2017 Purchase Order Report. |
Staff requests the Governing Board ratify the attached Purchase Order Report, which covers purchases, as specified, for the period August 1, 2017, through August 31, 2017.
This report may contain open purchase orders with not-to-exceed amounts facilitating regular small purchases from single vendors. Open purchase orders with not-to-exceed amounts facilitating larger purchases from single vendors may indicate a publicly bid contract number and/or the date the Governing Board approved the vendor. In an effort to efficiently process payments, the accumulated total of these purchases may be processed and paid as a single transaction.
Please note: The August Purchase Order Report includes purchases previously ratified but not completed and closed by June 30, 2017. These purchase orders are included here again due to their necessary creation within the District’s new financial system. |
Attached report shows amounts and funding sources for purchase orders processed in August 2017, as well as purchase orders greater than or equal to $50,000. |
Ratify Purchase Order Report for the period of August 1, 2017, through August 31, 2017. |
Purchase Order Report August 2017 |
Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources |
Request approval for university agreements regarding student teaching/internships/field work. |
Agreements with universities are necessary to help fulfill future needs of the District for fully qualified teachers. |
Approve the agreements with California State University Bakersfield, Loyola Maramount, National University, and Western Governor’s University. |
University Agreements |
This Closed Session will be used as an extension of II. First Closed Session, if needed. |
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Superintendent’s Office (661.259.0033.x201). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. |
Published: September 8, 2017, 3:22 PM
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