Multiple structures and surrounding grass in Agua Dulce burned early Monday morning in what investigators believe to be an arson incident.
A home and barn across the street from Le Chene restaurant were a total loss, according to Los Angeles County Fire Department officials, who confirmed the suspicion was arson.
The fire also burned two acres of brush surrounding the area, according to Fire Department officials.
Deputies with the Sheriff’s Station were on scene and still in the initial phases of their investigation as of about 5:30 a.m., according to Lt. Becerra of the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station.
No one was transported to the hospital as a result of injury, per fire officials.
The initial calls involved a possible dispute at the residence; however, Sheriff’s Station officials could only confirm at this time that deputies were on scene investigating.
Photos by Rick McClure. Article provided by SCVNews and KHTS AM-1220 staff
Firefighters put out the flames at 4 a.m., Haralson said.

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Thank you to our firefighters for their bravery getting fire out before it got away thank you for helicopter drop so we can be safe God bless
Bobby Marshall crazyy
Was anyone ever arrested ?