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The Real Side | Commentary by Joe Messina
| Monday, Mar 24, 2014

joemessinamugLet me start with the proverbial poke in the eye. Why does a woman get to play God?

For nearly four years, I’ve been covering stories about abortion, right to life and sanctity of life. The common thread in every case is, the woman holds all the cards. The man has no rights at all. Except when it comes to child support for a baby he didn’t know existed because the mother didn’t think he would make a good father – just a good sex partner – and now, after the baby is born, he needs to pay up for years to come for maybe a few minutes of pleasure?

The “freedom of choice” people are extremely hypocritical when it comes to this topic. Choice advocates – baby and daddy are excluded from this group – tell you the mom or the “carrier” has the right to terminate the growth of the “parasite” in her body up to and until the head of the potential human is about to “crown” at 40 weeks.

No, third trimester abortion-life terminations are not legal in all situations but can easily be worked around and are being performed nonetheless.

Mainstream media are suppressing stories of butchers like Philadelphia abortionist Dr. Gosnell, who specialized in post-birth abortions. Mainstream media gave it very little attention at first, and not very much after it broke elsewhere.

There are doctors across the country performing these kinds of abortions, yet there is no real outrage.

Here’s the rub. Men who forced abortions on their pregnant girlfriends were found guilty of murder or manslaughter and are spending time in jail. How does that make sense?

There were many crimes they might be guilty of – and I say “might” because I wasn’t there. Assault comes to mind. Kidnapping (being held against one’s will), and I am sure there are more. The men involved in recent incidents of this were all found guilty of some form of murder.

Two of the men, when they found out their girlfriends would not have the abortion, punched or kicked them in the stomach. They were charged with assault and manslaughter. Three others were charged with the same after administering a drug that would induce contractions, thus aborting or terminating the baby. And still another headline: “Obstetrician’s son charged with tricking girlfriend into taking abortion pill Cytotec that killed fetus.” “He has been charged with first-degree murder of the child he was to have with Remee Lee,” the story said.

But the question is, how is it murder? If it’s OK for the mother to terminate the pregnancy, why can’t the man? This is a serious double standard.

You science freaks want people against abortion, like me, to adhere to science and insist it’s not a life until it’s born and breathing on its own. Science says it’s not viable until well after 20-some-odd weeks and blah, blah, blah. Science also says this “blob” has a nervous system at 8 weeks, all fingers, legs and toes, nerve endings and brain functions at 16 weeks, and many premature “blobs” have survived and grown into humans at 20-plus weeks. There’s your science.

Simply put, the woman has been deemed God. If she decides to terminate or expel this “parasite” at almost any stage, for any reason, and in some cases, for it possibly being the wrong gender (there’s an uptick in these types of abortions), then she just aborted a pregnancy. Not a life. Not a possible human. Not a potential being. Because she is the carrier, she has total control.

What if it becomes possible to transfer the pregnancy to another willing carrier? Do the rules and laws change at that point? Should they? Never mind. Don’t want to put you on the spot.

The big “gotcha” is, if a male terminates the pregnancy, he is guilty of murder. So, at the hand of a female it’s terminating a pregnancy, and at the hand of a male it’s murder.

Don’t give me the garbage that “it’s her body she should have control.” It’s the baby’s body, too. What control do they have?

The hypocrisy isn’t in who makes the decision. The hypocrisy is you changing terms to suit your needs. Either a life is being terminated or it’s not. Period. You can’t argue in one instance that the life of this little human was taken from the mother, but when the “carrier” decides to abort the “life,” it gets changed to a “parasite.” That’s just a lie. You can’t have it both ways. If you try, you’re just a hypocrite.

Just to be clear, I do not condone in any way the actions of the males in these stories. They are mean people who deserve jail time. But for you pro-abortion, pro-choice people, they are doing nothing more than the carrier does in many terminated pregnancies.


Joe Messina is host of The Real Side (TheRealSide.com), a nationally syndicated talk show that runs on AM-1220 KHTS radio and SCVTV [here]. He is also a member of the Hart School Board. His commentary publishes Mondays.


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  1. Kai Ellis says:

    I just want two comments: First, a man gets to choose which women he puts his penis into and thereby potentially create a child. Second, child support is not payment for sex, it is payment for support of a child he created when he made the first choice.

  2. Renee Page says:

    How to ‘fix it’ – wear a condom.

  3. What does this have to do with Benghazi?

  4. Kris Kelso says:

    What a terrible writer you are. Just terrible. Your arguments make zero sense. I mean equating an abortion too getting punched in the belly while pregnant and losing the kid as the same thing? Despite your little disclaimer at the end your true colors are shown. I mean I really want to say some mean things but the best I can do is say learn to write it will help you communicate your message of ignorance better.

  5. Sterilize all men…then we won’t have to worry about it.

  6. Kris Kelso says:

    I am just stunned by his ignorance and the assumptions he is operating under. This guy is an elected official and he thinks punching a women in the stomach and killing the baby is the same as a women’s choice to get an abortion? Scary, I will be voting this dude out as soon as possible.

  7. Why does a woman get to play God, a pregnancy question answered and commented on by a man. My word I have found the hypocrisy, its you Joe.

  8. Wow……disgusted

  9. Lucky ol gals “holding all the cards”. My dream is one day we men control the world and we hold all the cards not those pesky free thinking women. Who allowed them to give birth and populate the earth anyway??? Oh yea, God.

    Geez joe take this one as a do over.

    • Joe Messina says:

      Nope, you read it over.. If its a HUMAN when a guy kills it at 22 weeks, Its a human when the woman kills it at 22 weeks, Are you really going to say the “being” in her body changes status depending on who stops its life?

  10. Part of society is too far lost in a cesspool of their narcissistic rut to know right from wrong let alone ever think of sacrificing 9 months of their life to save one. I was of the same mind once. But not any more. Hypocrisy for sure.

  11. Well we dont have to let you know that we re pregnant…especially if our relationship is dicey in some way…and ultimatly we have to consider the life this possible child might potentially have…so I dont know what to tell you…its a very serious consideration for most people to make…be they in good relationship or no…its personal and its complicated….

  12. Abortion is and will always stay a legal option. Move on, daddy-o.

  13. Cheryl says:

    This gal, Remee Lee has had abortions before and only decided to “keep” this one because she rjought she would trap the future doctor (med student) Andrew Welsen.

  14. Wouldn’t the first hypocrisy be, not taking responsibility for yourself in the first place? Don’t want a baby? Wear a condom, or better yet get fixed! Classifying it as “having a little fun” seems extremely hypocritical as well. We grown ups know that sex equals babies. Your argument loses it’s legs when you don’t accept your first responsibility. Using the term punching a pregnant women in the stomach as an example of fair play sickens me.

    • Joe Messina says:

      You missed it as well…. None of what those men did was acceptable.. You guys all went into this as if this was a story about a guy trying to stop a baby from being born… amazing! I believe everyone including the woman needs to be responsible for their actions, BUT again not the point.

  15. Cheryl says:

    Remee Lee, the stripper thought she was going to marry the future (medical student) doctor, Andrew Welden. She has had abortions in the past and decided to “keep” this one. There is a double standard for women. What about if the man wanted the baby and the woman chose to abort? It has his DNA. She is only the oven for 9 months. Wake up men!

  16. Kim Sloan says:

    Not a good commentary. It’s 2014 not 1814. Grow up and get with the times Joe Messina. We now have rights as women in America, and freedom of choice and having medical privacy is standard. You can give your backwards sermons to your own children. I will teach mine freedom, choice, and responsibility.

  17. Kim. Teaching abortion as a choice it is not teaching responsibilities. It’s teaching to run from them.

  18. So sick of the right wing pushing their antiquated beliefs down our throats. Nobody is pro abortion but it is a woman’s right. Nobody ever tells a man what he can or cannot do with his body reproductive or otherwise.

  19. Kris Kelso says:

    The issue with Joe’s piece is that he wants to teach boys to take matters into their own hands despite what the mom/society wants. As a dad I of course wanted my say in terms of my wife’s pregnancies, but ultimately she had to carry the children and physically take on the pregnancy. I couldn’t just decide I don’t want these kids and push her down a flight of stairs to terminate the pregnancy. Joe wants to teach his sons/daughters that this is ok or at least on the same level as a woman’s right to choose. Scary very very scary.

    • Joe Messina says:

      You too missed the point of the article. Interesting. The piece has nothing to do with the morality of abortion. The men/boys who treated these women badly AS I SAID IN THE ARTICLE need to go to jail.

  20. I am not against abortion. But I don’t like it. I do think it’s killing of a life. But simple fact is it is legal.

    Same goes for guns I don’t think we should all have the right because there are some crazy people out there, but it is Legal.

    What is the conclusion, if it is legal then STFU !!!

  21. PS says:

    I’m not sure that the G d aspect stops at the decision to carry or abort. What about the woman that deliberately abuses a partner’s trust and intentionally gets pregnant. Thereafter, drags her former partner’s name through the mud in court so that he has no chance of being involved in the child’s life – oh, sorry, didn’t mean to open that box up…

  22. Vivian says:

    To SCVnews.com: I will be ending my subscription to SCVnews.com for making the terrible decision to publish this commentary.

    Bad move especially since the page that loaded this unpleasant commentary had a huge banner for Gloria Fortine-Mercado for Santa Clarita city Council – The visual is unequivocally damaging for her campaign as it will subconsciously relate her to this commentary to the masses.

    To Mr. Messina… your ignorance is unparalleled. When you can carry a child in your womb then you can decide what to do with it. In the mean time, following Kai Ellis comment, you have the choice to protect your penis or not.

    I wonder if you got kicked in the head really hard, if your ignorance will cease to exist.

  23. Marilyn Boron says:

    No matter which way it’s done or by whom, it is killing a human baby, not a cat, a dog, a virus, a bacteria nor a parasite! Good for you, Joe, and God is with you with many of His blessings.

  24. This is one of the worst articles I’ve read in my life, and I’ve seen some bad ones. You’re defending a man who kicked a girl in the stomach after she refused to have an abortion? Do you have any daughters?!?! It sounds like you hate women. Put a sock in it.

    • Joe Messina says:

      Your ignorance is outstanding… READ the article with understanding, I actually state these guys NEED to do jail-time. You missed the whole point.. and I will not explain it to you.

  25. Joe Messina says:

    Many of you on this post hate me anyway. So its VERY hard to take what you post seriously. You can read any of my posts with any kind of open mind. This piece had nothing to do with the morality of abortion.. Nothing to do with When its a life. Had to do with your hypocrisy of what the crime is based on who stops the heartbeat. a MALE does it, even by accident in the form of a negligent act (and for clarity for those of you who don’t reason well, I do not mean the guys who intentionally caused these women to abort) can be brought up on manslaughter charges. A woman walks into an abortion clinic and stops the heart and its just a procedure. Therefore what you are saying is the woman decided if its a life or not Just own it, its what you want. The question again should you care to have honest dialogue is.. When is it a life?, When is it human? only when a man takes it? is that the identifier?

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