1927 - Newhall telephone exchange, est. 1900, now serves 100 phones [ story]
How to Successfully Start Your New Business
This hands-on workshop will help you get started quickly as you learn the steps necessary to successfully launch your new business. Learn to prepare a written plan you can use to build and grow a profitable business. Learn the best way to structure your business as you identify and focus on the key marketing, sales and financial issues of your business and how to bring it all together. This powerful event has helped many entrepreneurs achieve success.
Date: Wednesday, August 14
Time: 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Cost: $30 + $2 parking fee (kiosk located in lot 14)
Location: University Center at College of the Canyons, Room 222
26455 Rockwell Canyon Road, Santa Clarita 91355
10 Ways to Effective Marketing
Come prepared to listen, learn and discuss how Marketing is like washing dishes! This energetic workshop will help you review what you have been doing; analyze what is working and what has not and what to do about it. Learn proven ways to grow your business with low cost, targeted advertising and marketing that works from a marketing and sales expert with more than 35 years of successful business experience. We begin with a presentation of how to create and execute a marketing and selling program and then it is your turn – you ask the questions about your business situation and get answers that are customized to your business situation. Ideal for both existing business owners and those just getting started.
Date: Thursday, August 15
Time: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Cost: $35
Location: Build WorkSource Center
9201 Eton Avenue, Chatsworth 91311
Marketing and Optimizing Your Website
How can you stand out on the web and draw the right leads to your business? 85% of all web searches are done through Google. Join us for a powerful workshop sharing new tools you can instantly integrate into your marketing that will deliver immediate results. Google Places is fast becoming the go to portal for businesses needing a presence on the Internet that goes deeper than just a website. It’s the most cost-effective marketing available.
In this one-and-a-half hour intensive workshop you’ll learn how your customers are using Google Places to make purchasing decisions. You’ll discover the latest innovative Google product, Google Panoramic Photos, and you’ll learn how to better optimize your website and your Google Places for critical, long-lasting organic search term results. In addition, if you currently don’t have a website, the SBDC will share their expertise on how to set up an inexpensivebut powerful website through Google.
Date: Tuesday, August 20
Time: 8:00 am – 9:30 am
Cost: $35 + $2 parking fee (kiosk located in lot 14)
Location: University Center at College of the Canyons, Room 107
26455 Rockwell Canyon Road, Santa Clarita 91355
Social Media Marketing Made Simple
You’ve probably heard of social media. You may even understand the value social media can bring to your business. Now wondering how to start? In this introductory session, we cover strategies and best practices to get the most out of your social media activities, including:
- What social media marketing really is and why use it
- Introduction to social media channels and how to evaluate what’s right for your business or organization
- How small businesses are using these low-cost tools to gain visibility, develop relationships and drive sales and response
- How to create good content for your social media marketing campaigns and time management
- How to balance social media marketing with email marketing and your other marketing efforts
Register online at: http://tinyurl.com/Social-Media-Marketing-082113
Date: Wednesday, August 21
Time: 8:30 am – 10:30 am
Cost: FREE + $2 parking fee (kiosk located in lot 14)
Location: University Center at College of the Canyons, Room 301
26455 Rockwell Canyon Road, Santa Clarita 91355
Essential Steps for Writing a Business Plan
A business plan is a necessity for the success of your business! This workshop will cover all aspects of creating a business plan, as well as emphasize the importance of goals and outline methods to achieve these goals. Critical topics such as business development, marketing plans, advertising strategies, financial analysis & budgeting will be covered. Attendees may bring a laptop to work on their business plan during the training.
Date: Wednesday, August 21
Time: 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Cost: $35 + $2 parking fee (kiosk located in lot 14)
Location: University Center at College of the Canyons, Room 222
26455 Rockwell Canyon Road, Santa Clarita 91355
QuickBooks Boot Camp
In this day long workshop, participants will learn how to set up their company file from scratch; how to create a quality chart of accounts; how to create new vendors, customer, items and accounts. You will also learn how to pay bills, invoice customers, receive payments, make deposits and reconcile bank accounts. An introduction to the report center will be covered, including how to create a Profit & Loss Statement and a Balance Sheet. Ideal for business owners, office managers, and bookkeepers who are brand new to QuickBooks, as well as, existing users who would like some formal education in one of these QuickBooks features.
Date: Friday, August 23
Time: 10:00 am – 4:30 pm
Cost: $99 + $2 parking fee (kiosk located in lot 14)
Location: University Center at College of the Canyons, Room 309
26455 Rockwell Canyon Road, Santa Clarita 91355
Federal/State Basic Payroll Tax Seminar
In this workshop, conducted by the Employment Development Depatment (EDD) and the Internal RevenueService (IRS), you will learn:
- California payroll reporting requirements: forms, employer obligations, reporting, and payment requirements.
- Independent contractor reporting requirements.
- Electronic filing and payment requirements and options.
- Federal payroll reporting requirements, including Forms 940, 941, 1099, W-2, W-4, W-9, and alternative filing.
Register online directly with EDD at:
http://www.edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Tax_Seminars/Seminar_Registration_Form.aspx?param=f66718be-ebbd-4bb5-ae86-a6b538883cf0#sthash.PF4C4HGG.dpuf or call 866-873-6086.
Date: Friday, August 23
Time: 9:00 am – 3:30 pm
Cost: FREE + $2 parking fee (kiosk located in lot 14)
Location: University Center at College of the Canyons, Room 107
26455 Rockwell Canyon Road, Santa Clarita 91355
Essential Steps for Writing a Business Plan
A business plan is a necessity for the success of your business! This workshop will cover all aspects of creating a business plan, as well as emphasize the importance of goals and outline methods to achieve these goals. Critical topics such as business development, marketing plans, advertising strategies, financial analysis & budgeting will be covered. Attendees may bring a laptop to work on their business plan during the training.
Date: Tuesday, August 27
Time: 8:30 am – 11:30 am
Cost: $35 + $2 parking fee (kiosk located in lot 14)
Location: University Center at College of the Canyons, Room 222
26455 Rockwell Canyon Road, Santa Clarita 91355
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