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Today in
S.C.V. History
June 26
1972 - Upper (main) Castaic Lake opens for swimming and boating; afterbay opened in May [story]
Castaic Lake

Image of Ian James Pike in his hospital bed; Pike posted the photo to his Facebook page.

Image of Ian James Pike in his hospital bed; Pike posted the photo to his Facebook page and called it the “gnarliest bruise I’ve ever had.”

A Granada Hills man who was the lone survivor of a fatal Rowher Flats crash has been charged with one count of involuntary manslaughter while intoxicated on top of his previous DUI charge, District Attorney officials said Thursday.

Ian James Pike, 26, appeared was scheduled to appear in court Wednesday but was unable to appear due to the injuries he sustained in the crash, officials said.

Pike was arrested Sunday and paid a $100,000 bond, said Ricardo Sandoval, District Attorney Spokesman.

Pike is scheduled for arraignment on Jan. 26.


Victim Jacqueline "Jackie" Cork, whom Pike identifies on his Facebook page as his girlfriend.

Victim Jacqueline “Jackie” Cork, whom Pike identifies on his Facebook page as his girlfriend.

Previous story:

Jacqueline Cork, 25, of Redlands, died as a result of injuries sustained in the crash.

California Highway Patrol officers suspect alcohol was a factor, according to a CHP report.

Pike was arrested on a DUI charge Jan. 18 by CHP officials, according to Sheriff’s Department arrest records.

CHP officials could not confirm additional charges Wednesday afternoon, but the crash is still under investigation.

Photo of Pike's vehicle prior to the crash; posted to his Facebook page.

Photo of Pike’s vehicle prior to the crash; posted to his Facebook page.

Pike reportedly was driving a 1996 Jeep Cherokee with Cork. They were headed up a steep hill when Pike lost control of the vehicle and it tumbled backwards down the hill, officials stated.

The vehicle was found 1,500 feet below at the bottom of the ravine.

One Arrested For Alleged DUI Crash In Rowher Flats

After: CHP photo.

Five days after the crash, officials utilized the help of Timberline Helicopters to assist with the recovery of the vehicle.

The crew had to use a K-Max helicopter and an external load-sling to recover the vehicle from the ravine.

CHP investigators are still working with the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office to investigate the collision.

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  1. Nick Pavelka says:

    He deserves a long time in jail

  2. Ryan Mcneill says:

    A bruise? You killed your girlfriend and you post a picture of a bruise? Facebook should be the last thing on his mind. How about an apology

  3. John Gilbert says:

    a little late for the “Fall Risk” warning. The band on his other wrist reads, “L-O-S-E-R”.

  4. Do yall think he intentionally killed his girlfriend?? Really, I’m pretty sure he feels horrible.

  5. Wow they’re charging him with manslaughter, you really think he wanted to get in an accident with his girlfriend. That’s ridiculous. I’m sure he feels horrible knowing what he did. Kick a person more why don’t they.

  6. involuntary manslaughter! he didnt mean to. hence the word involuntary! can you imagine the shame, guilt and fear hes already carrying?

    • Just like texting while driving, street racing, etc, drunk driving willfully disregards the safety of others, so if you kill someone you are guilty of manslaughter. If he was in fact drunk, he deserves prison.

    • Im aware. involuntary manslaughter however poses an entirely different meaning…it would have been a vehicular manslaughter charge id he was kn fact drunk. the charge could change but he is suspected of DUI. Innocent until proven guilty.

    • his concerns shouldnt be about his bruise! his girlfriend is dead because of him and hes posting funny pics on social media?! proof of what kind of person he is…pathetic!

    • Joel Barrett says:

      Everyone deals with things differently. Some people use humor to try to get over the pain.

    • Cameron Zajc says:

      I don’t think he deserves prison. If he didn’t drive, she would have. He will need counseling and AA along with heavy amounts of therapy. He has to live with the fact that he was responsible for someone’s death. Prison will do nothing but change this man for the worse. He didn’t intentionally kill this woman.

    • That may be Joel, but imagine you’re this girls father and this kid posts this? Give me a break, using humor to cope is one thing, posting something like this to social media so soon after a tragedy and making light of his injuries is pretty messed up.

  7. Seems a bit off to post a pic like this on your FB after an being the driver in an accident that killed your girlfriend.
    And if alcohol was indeed a factor, the involuntary manslaughter charge is well deserved.

  8. You guys and girls defending him do realize he is being charged because he’s suspected of driving under the influence, right? If he was DUI, he deserves to go to jail for disregarding her safety as well as the safety of others by getting behind the wheel while intoxicated.

  9. Melanie Lynn says:

    His FB isn’t private and the way he posted about his girlfriends death is sickening. I would never be able to announce killing my boyfriend on Facebook

    • Same here. After a tragedy like this, he should have maintained radio silence on all social media. Instead he posted what looks to be a very lukewarm goodbye. None of us know what he’s truly feeling but his posts just look really, really bad.

    • He shows no remorse. He is more concerned about his own injures. Could care less that his actions took the life of another. I would be devastated if I lost my partner much less if I was the one who took his life.

  10. SUSPECTED! innocent until proven guilty. He had another post that this page failed to produce which apologized and expressed his sorry. Judgemental idiots who apparently dont understand our rights….his rights. Until its proven and he gets a DUI im staying with my opinion. But in all reality the ones who passed were probably drunk and knowing the driver was (assuming its proven) got into rhe vehicle.

  11. involuntary manslaughter poses an entirely different meaning…it would have been a vehicular manslaughter charge if he was in fact drunk. the charge could change but he is only suspected of DUI. Innocent until proven guilty people.

  12. Max Young says:

    I agree he doesn’t look remorseful at all! Your girlfriend is dead because of you & your posting this on FB?! The nerve

  13. so what!! respect his privacy you dumb []!!! santa clarita look for better news !!!! wtf this who think we care !!!!!

  14. Pathetic! Charged with DUI on top of his previous DUI.

  15. what he looks like in a picture has nothing to do with his remorse level. You cant see feelings just like you can read his apology but you cant feel it. Stop judging the poor guy.

  16. To all of you who are defending him and taking in consideration of how bad he must feel, this was no accident. We all know the what the consequences could be when you drive intoxicated. He made the decision when he got in the car and allowed another person to get in the car with him. He needs to own it and take the consequences. One can argue that she knew what she was doing when she got in the car with him, but it is the driver who needs to take the responsibility and make the right choice of not driving intoxicated.

  17. Diana Prado says:


  18. Craig Berry says:

    Why are people always posting “innocent until proven guilty” in these threads? That is in a court of law. Facebook isn’t a court. It’s everybody’s right to form an opinion and express that opinion. If you want to lecture someone save it for the jury.

  19. Probably one of his last FB posts since he’s been charged. No face booking in jail.

  20. Steve Huguez says:

    Story states he has a previous DUI. …If he has taken DUI classes previously he is Lucky thats its only a Involuntary Manslaughter charge rather than a Murder charge

  21. The victims family is asking for prayer for this young man. It is clear that we don’t always see both sides.
    Drinking and driving is inexcusable, but I’m pretty sure the two of them thought they were ok.
    Prayers to the families of them both.

  22. Jim Oge Jr says:

    Glad you posted this, guy is trash no remorse.

  23. Carrie Garcin says:

    He could potentially be charged with murder. At a conviction of a DUI, you are read and/or sign a Watson Admonition which reads, “Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or both, impairs your ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. Therefore, it is extremely dangerous to drive while under the influence of alcohol, or drugs, or both. If you continue to drive while under the influence of alcohol, or drugs, or both, and as a result of you driving, someone is killed, you can be charged with murder.”

  24. Jerk all you are worried about is your stupid bruise!!!

  25. Manslaughter (which = 3rd degree murder in California) is a placeholder charge. If convicted of DUI, the charge would likely be upgraded.

  26. It was way too wet to be up there that day, he walked out and the rescue folks couldn’t get to her for a few hours, he was well aware what happened…

  27. Cameron Zajc says:

    Prison won’t help him with his drinking issues. If anything it’ll make it worse. Get this man some AA, therapy, community service on the highest degree, and take his license for life. If he didn’t drive, she would have and I doubt that she was sober herself.

  28. Rico Suavee says:

    First off we all know the dangers when you go off roading intoxicated or not off roading is dangerous.

  29. Clearly a narcissistic sociopath.

  30. Well if he has a prior DUI then I’m sure he signed the watson law waiver form!! Which is basically a form that says of you kill someone while driving under the influence you can be charged with 2nd degree murder!!!

  31. Tommy Rini says:

    Drinking and driving is fun especially when in a deep canyon 10 12 beers it’s a party Marty so what she died (DARWIN’S AWARD)… What?!!?

  32. Tommy Rini says:

    Most of you folks are drunken buffoons in your own rights lay off it could’ve been YOU in the driver’s seat .

  33. Tom McNeill says:

    This guy has no remorse ! If i were her parents i would handle him myself.

  34. Why are you all so quick to judge this man? Why and how could you think you know what is going on in this man’s life.. Is he supposed to go on Facebook and announce to Facebook of what a terrible mistake an accident happened?? Everyone that knows him or gets the newspaper online already knows that his gf is dead.. He obviously didn’t intentionally kill her . people jeep rower flats all the time and usually they have a few beers in there system , just like being in the desert and riding your dirt bike. She knew the chances of getting in that jeep.. Anyone who goes up there. Knows the chances they have .. All you guys need to calm down and let the justice system do its thing. It baffles me how you all are so quick to judge this man and say he’s not even showing any remorse.. Did it occur to u how many drugs they have pumped in his system and how badly he was hurt..not to mention the shock he’s still in .. This man has to live with the accident everyday that took his gf.

    • If you go on his facebook he does mention his girlfriend and how much he misses her

    • Uh he had priors from a previous DUI charge…so I find it hard to sympathize for someone who learned nothing at all and still put his and his gf’s life at risk knowing the consequences could be fatal. Offloading there kills people who are sober, let alone someone who is intoxicated. Sorry, he deserves to be judged and he will be judged by a jury of his peers, which could easily be any one of us.

    • Uh he had priors from a previous DUI charge…so I find it hard to sympathize for someone who learned nothing at all and still put his and his gf’s life at risk knowing the consequences could be fatal. Offloading there kills people who are sober, let alone someone who is intoxicated. Sorry, he deserves to be judged and he will be judged by a jury of his peers, which could easily be any one of us.

    • Sean Michael says:

      8 prior duis. Yep we should feel sorry for poor little him. Would you be okay with this is it were your daughter being buried after he killed her? I don’t think so. Those in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. So find a chair and sit the hell down.

    • Sean Michael says:

      8 prior duis. Yep we should feel sorry for poor little him. Would you be okay with this is it were your daughter being buried after he killed her? I don’t think so. Those in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. So find a chair and sit the hell down.

    • Ok if he had 8prior counts of dui s . what was he able to be driving ? And what the he’ll was he doing not being in jail??

    • Ok if he had 8prior counts of dui s . what was he able to be driving ? And what the he’ll was he doing not being in jail??

    • I’m not saying he doesn’t deserve to be tried . that’s why I said let the justice system handle it.

    • I’m not saying he doesn’t deserve to be tried . that’s why I said let the justice system handle it.

    • It’s UNFORTUNATE that this scum is still breathing! Hey Krystal Mora Patrick Drury, you can come down off of your soapbox now. There is absolutely no sympathy for a person who has several prior DUIs and STILL continues on as if he is above the law. Guess what?! No longer! I hope he likes bologna sandwiches!

    • It’s UNFORTUNATE that this scum is still breathing! Hey Krystal Mora Patrick Drury, you can come down off of your soapbox now. There is absolutely no sympathy for a person who has several prior DUIs and STILL continues on as if he is above the law. Guess what?! No longer! I hope he likes bologna sandwiches!

    • Please don’t lecture me about having someone ripped away from a drunk driver .. I know first hand and even was part of a family that changed the laws in Arizona for drunk driving.. But at the same time my person didntvget in a car he was killed walking on the street. And for her she made just of a mistake for getting in then jeep with her bf. It was an accident and you all are acting like you are the law u weren’t there but then you seem to all press blame when u don’t have the circumstances and sherriffs report sitting on your lap… This man is going to have to live the rest of his life knowing he did involuntary manslaughter on his gf.. I’ve never received a dui.. Do you all know if and when he had a previous dui? And if so wouldn’t hos own gf know not to get in a car especially in Rower flatts with him . It seems to me like her family is asking for everyone to be compassionate and prayer for him as well. That doesn’t sound like someone family that had there daughter sister etc lifebtaken away from an alcoholic.

    • Please don’t lecture me about having someone ripped away from a drunk driver .. I know first hand and even was part of a family that changed the laws in Arizona for drunk driving.. But at the same time my person didntvget in a car he was killed walking on the street. And for her she made just of a mistake for getting in then jeep with her bf. It was an accident and you all are acting like you are the law u weren’t there but then you seem to all press blame when u don’t have the circumstances and sherriffs report sitting on your lap… This man is going to have to live the rest of his life knowing he did involuntary manslaughter on his gf.. I’ve never received a dui.. Do you all know if and when he had a previous dui? And if so wouldn’t hos own gf know not to get in a car especially in Rower flatts with him . It seems to me like her family is asking for everyone to be compassionate and prayer for him as well. That doesn’t sound like someone family that had there daughter sister etc lifebtaken away from an alcoholic.

  35. John Ricci says:

    This guy is a pos! He has it coming to him!

  36. John Ricci says:

    This guy is a pos! He has it coming to him!

  37. I can’t get over his post about his girlfriend dying “as for jack she didn’t make it” ?? And he just carries on like no big .. Sick last thing id be on is face booking talking about my bruise .. Makes me sick

  38. I can’t get over his post about his girlfriend dying “as for jack she didn’t make it” ?? And he just carries on like no big .. Sick last thing id be on is face booking talking about my bruise .. Makes me sick

  39. Jeanne says:

    Beautiful girl. My condolences to her family and friends.

    The court will decide whether he was in fact “drunk” or just had alcohol in his system.
    Maybe they both had a couple beers and this accident happened because off-roading is stupid and dangerous and it had nothing to do with alcohol.

    Hospitals do not keep people for weeks because of a bruise on an arm. Looks like at least a head injury from the bruise on his face and forehead temple area. Internal injures too?

    This is a tragedy for all involved but mostly for her family and friends.

  40. Veronica says:

    This is just sad. Hard to see a life was lost because of someone’s stupidity.

  41. sal says:

    So sad, jackie was a very nice sweet girl.A prayer goes to her and her family.

  42. RaCoomes says:

    I’m actually familiar with this guy. I’ve hung out with him a couple of times and I was friends with him on Facebook. I was really surprised by his reaction to the accident. He did seem pretty nonchalant about his girlfriend passing. This wasn’t the only photo he posted making light of the situation. He had others but he took them down and deleted his facebook. I’m not sure if he was just in shock or under the influence of medication while in the hospital but I remember thinking it was really bizarre behavior.

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