Communication with All Life University and founder Joan Ranquet present upcoming workshop on her farm in Santa Clarita in learning animal communication, energy healing techniques for animals, and working with animals in sanctuaries.
According to Joan Ranquet, author of “Communication with All Life: Revelations of an Animal Communicator” and her latest book, “Energy Healing for Animals”, animal communication and energy healing can not only deepen the relationship with our domestic pets but improve life at sanctuaries and shelters as each animal is “heard” and its specific needs are met.
On April 21 to 28, internationally renowned animal communicator, author, speaker, healer, teacher, wildlife advocate and marine naturalist Joan Ranquet will be teaching three separate hands-on workshops at her farm in Santa Clarita. April 21-23 will be “Beginning and Advanced Animal Communication,” April 24-25 will be “EFT for Animals,” and April 26-28 will be “Animal Communication and Energy Healing in Sanctuaries.”
“There is something magical about being in the same room or barnyard with so many other like-minded people. All ships rise with the tide so the beginners grow when they see advanced students, and the advanced students are inspired by the greatness of the beginners,” states Ranquet.
What do her students have to say? One such student, Kara Udziela and a Graduate of CWALU, states, “Joan’s teaching style is clear and crisp. Her dedication and support for her students is unmatched. Her natural teaching and storytelling abilities are infused with a unique combination of dry wit and generosity of spirit that make her classes the most engaging I have ever taken.”
Joan Ranquet has appeared on Dateline, The Today Show, Good Morning America, Animal Planet and was featured in The LA Times, The Sun Sentinel and The Palm Beach Post. For more information or to register for workshops, please visit http://www.JoanRanquet.com
If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Joan Ranquet, please call Cheryl Cuttineau at (949)463-3017 or email Cheryl at dr.cherylc@yahoo.com.
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