[L.A. County District Attorney] – District Attorney Steve Cooley, joined by Deputy District Attorneys David Walgren, Deborah Brazil and others on the trial team, met with reporters today to issue the following statement:
“After Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009, our Major Crimes Division under the leadership of then Head Deputy Pat Dixon and current Head Deputy Gary Hearnsberger worked with Los Angeles police detectives and county coroner personnel to determine what happened. The coroner ruled the death a homicide. LAPD investigators secured and then pored through evidence to see where it led. It led to Dr. Conrad Murray. After an exhaustive review of all of the evidence and consideration of the filing standards of this office, it was determined that Dr. Murray would be charged with involuntary manslaughter.
“Deputy District Attorneys David Walgren and Deborah Brazil, both veteran trial attorneys, worked closely with detectives and coroner’s personnel during the lengthy investigation. They consulted with a wide variety of relevant experts. They put together a compelling case based upon competent evidence. Their presentation of the evidence in court was superb.
“Deputy DAs Walgren and Brazil exemplify the dedication, professionalism and discipline of prosecutors in the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office. Their work serves as a model for others.
“We are gratified that the jury saw that the overwhelming evidence in this case led to just one conclusion – that Dr. Conrad Murray is guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson.
“We thank the jurors for their hard work and thoughtful deliberation.
“We also want to acknowledge the court – Judge Pastor, court personnel, bailiffs and many others staff members who assisted in ensuring that both sides in this case received a fair trial.
“We finally want to extend our sympathies to the Jackson family – especially to Prince, Paris and Blanket. They have lost a beloved father. Nothing can make up for that loss.”
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