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1882 - Henry Mayo Newhall dies at 56 of erysipelas he contracted in SCV, his immune system having been weakened by malaria 2 years earlier [story]
Henry M. Newhall

Now and Then in the SCV | Commentary by Darryl Manzer
| Wednesday, Jul 23, 2014

darrylmanzer_blacktieA week or so ago I wrote that I thought the current occupant of the White House should be impeached. I received many comments about that, but a couple of them really disturbed me. The comments said what I wrote was “hate speech.”

I thought what I wrote was “free speech.” You see, I can’t stand the guy who holds the office that gets him free room and board in that big white house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C.

I made a list of the things I didn’t like about his policies and current actions, making no statement that was personal. I didn’t attack his personality, race, creed, whatever. I just stated I thought he was breaking the law and ought to be impeached.

So it is OK if I say good things that someone likes about President Obama, but if I say I don’t like the job he is or isn’t doing, it is “hate speech?” Balderdash.

The same thing happens at the local level. Take the last election for City Council in Santa Clarita and most especially the little issue about billboards.

When it came to those two subjects, I kept reading in Letters to the Editor and various Facebook pages that some people thought others were using “hate speech.” Really? I don’t think so.

The current PC (politically correct) era where we all must “play nice” isn’t in the best interests of our city, county, state or country. Our rich and wonderful English language is a tool we can all use to better advantage in all of our affairs. If we allow it to be curbed in just about any way to “not offend” some small part of society, we will end up only talking about how pleasant the weather has or hasn’t been and maybe how we wish … whatever.

I might not agree with you, or you with me, but whilst you’re on your soapbox advocating a view I can’t stand, I ask that you grant me the civility of letting me stand on my soapbox and expound upon my views. We can both yell at the top of our lungs. We can shake our fists. We can call each other names. None of that would ordinarily be called “hate speech.”

I can even write things like this: “Who called the President an SOB?” Then the answer comes: “Who called that SOB a President?” Just my opinion versus your opinion, so deal with it. It is called the First Amendment.

I’d not seen this valley so “riled up” in years, when it came to the little issue of billboards. Would that many years before, they’d brought up the subject to remove them. But along came the council election, and it seemed like a perfect way to slam the incumbents on the City Council who were running for reelection. What the critics said about those council members wasn’t nice. It wasn’t fair, either. One thing for sure: It wasn’t “hate speech.”

There is “hate speech,” for sure. Most anything that comes from the KKK is classified as such. Neo-Nazi folks, too. Our various political parties and groups don’t use hate speech. They just disagree at length over just about any topic known in the political arena.

Do I open that can of worms about “race?” Do I need to do that? I have to say I’m tired of being called a racist because I disagree with Mr. Obama or the illustrious attorney general, Mr. Holder. In fact, I take great umbrage at them and others calling me that, because I don’t like what they are doing and I vote most often as a … non-committed voter.

I find it childish and immature that when someone states a view contrary to what those two gentlemen think, you become either a “racist” or a “hater.” I was taught in various debate classes that name-calling does nothing to change the minds of those you want to adopt the views you have. In fact, when many of us out here in the real world of the Santa Clarita Valley and even the Antelope Valley hear that, we get angry. Open up an honest debate and do not turn to name calling.

I do find it a bit hypocritical when the folks call me names like that. Do you get that same feeling or thought?

I’m tired of it. Remember that free speech is a two-way street. You might not like what I say or write, but isn’t it wonderful that we live in a land where we can say or write just about anything?


Darryl Manzer grew up in the Pico Canyon oil town of Mentryville in the 1960s and attended Hart High School. After a career in the U.S. Navy he returned to live in the Santa Clarita Valley. He can be reached at dmanzer@scvhistory.com and his commentaries are archived at DManzer.com. Watch his walking tour of Mentryville [here].

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  1. bill says:

    It’s very simple. A Racist is someone who doe not agree with or give money to leftist causes.

    For lack of intelligent argument, throw out the race card

  2. Linda says:

    Well stated. I like to read other’s opinions, but not name calling.

  3. Are you and Joe best buds?

  4. Julie obviously dislikes you both. We all think you’re wonderful. Keep writing!

  5. You might not like that I call you a racist or a hater, but isn’t it wonderful that we live in a land where we can say or write just about anything.

  6. Tommy Rini says:

    Even if its gibberish

  7. Mike Duryea says:

    Using the words “hate speech” is just a cheap tactic used by Liberals to shame you into agreeing with them, how they think, or with the President. Never mind the fact that you disagree with his policies, you don’t disagree with him as a man or his skin color. People are funny.

  8. Bob Buechner says:

    What you or i believe to be the truth in our words, no matter what or who it’s about can always be challenged by someone with a different view , without free speech we may as well turn in all our weapons and let big brother take control…

  9. Dorene Tapp says:

    I agree with everything you wrote in this piece. Keep up the good work.

  10. Dorene Tapp says:

    I agree with everything you wrote in this piece. Keep up the good work.

  11. Dorene Tapp says:

    I agree with everything you wrote in this piece. Keep up the good work.

  12. Sophie Sidky says:

    This is probably the only article I can agree with him about.

  13. Sophie Sidky says:

    This is probably the only article I can agree with him about.

  14. Sophie Sidky says:

    This is probably the only article I can agree with him about.

  15. Obama is a disappointment to every age,every race, every sex, every yet to be born American. Let’s see, did I leave anyone out? Don’t want to appear prejudice! You spoke the truth and and it embarrasses those who voted for a color not experience.oh well.

  16. Obama is a disappointment to every age,every race, every sex, every yet to be born American. Let’s see, did I leave anyone out? Don’t want to appear prejudice! You spoke the truth and and it embarrasses those who voted for a color not experience.oh well.

  17. Obama is a disappointment to every age,every race, every sex, every yet to be born American. Let’s see, did I leave anyone out? Don’t want to appear prejudice! You spoke the truth and and it embarrasses those who voted for a color not experience.oh well.

  18. Mike Dill says:

    Not to everyone Shirley….

  19. Alex Rich says:

    It’s certainly not hate speech, but the original article was nonetheless idiotic

  20. Steve Marmel says:

    You are terrible. But, nice suit.

  21. Listen NO ONE CARES about your personal views or opinions on the president of the United States!! This is Santa Clarita Valley TV page! This isn’t Darryl Manzer personal republican blog! I don’t care if you were disturbed or your feelings were hurt. So were hundreds of people that read your annoying rant!!! Every single time I come on this site I am forced to look at you in a suit and tie with this wanna be james bond face. This is suppose to be about the happenings in SANTA CLARITA!!! KEEP IT AS SUCH!!

  22. msc545 says:

    It really is supposed to be about SCV, not your right wing political views. Can you manage to stick to that and write things of interest about SCV ?

  23. Sean says:

    Don’t worry Darryl, its people like Eric Holder who are both being racist and a fascist when they used the race card to shut down debate and slander individuals who provide performance feedback on his inept, incompetent and corrupt president.

    Obama is not the only one who should be impeached. Most of his administration should and many of them also belong in prison for their action s while in office.

    But then merit, accountability and human rights were never ever what the left was really about. Like the race card they just use these words as weapons against those whom they hate.

  24. Tim says:

    If I disagree with the brutality of the Chinese government is that hate speech? Am I displaying hatred towards all Chinese people because I believe the leaders of their country (who are also Chinese) are despicable, brutal tyrants?

  25. SCV Janie says:

    All of you slamming Mr. Manzer’s appearance sound very stupd.

  26. SCV Janie says:

    hahahaha stupid hahaha

  27. Stefano Filippelli says:

    When people call you racists it’s because they lack the ability to come up with a well thought out logical rebuttle so they resort to name calling. We see it on our playgrounds all the time. The minute a debate turns to name calling I know I’ve won the debate.

  28. When people call you racists it’s because they lack the ability to come up with a well thought out logical rebuttle so they resort to name calling. We see it on our playgrounds all the time. The minute a debate turns to name calling I know I’ve won the debate.

  29. Joe says:

    Darryl – HOME RUN! the comments have proved your point. Those who dont like what you have to say are telling you to shut up and go away, even make fun of what you are wearing. How mature of them. Its that kind of thought process and speech that will never allow us to work out our differences. Keep up the good work. Keep exercising your fee speech rights. Those of you who don’t like it and want to shut him down can always move to Russia I understand there they don’t allow any negative speech towards the government You’ll be in your own little communist heaven.

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