The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Board of Commissioners, the entity that oversees and sets policy for the nation’s largest municipal utility, has formally adopted the Los Angeles County Water Plan. This marks an important step in the region’s pursuit of safe, clean and reliable water resources for all communities in Los Angeles County.
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power joins seven other leading local water agencies in adopting the plan, which has a goal of increasing the region’s water supply by 600,000-acre feet by 2045 through stormwater capture, recycled water, water conservation, and other strategies.
“LADWP is an impactful water leader, and we are grateful for their partnership and commitment to creating a resilient water future for their 681,000 customers and all of Los Angeles County,” said Lindsey P. Horvath, Chair, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. “If LADWP can do it, EVERY agency can—through collaboration and partnership. We look forward to our continued work with LADWP, and the many other cities and water agencies across the County, to realize the urgent goals of the County Water Plan.”
The County Water Plan was developed in partnership with a diverse mix of local water agencies, tribes, and a wide range of engaged environmental organizations and community members. The plan identifies needs and opportunities to ensure Los Angeles County has equitable and reliable water supplies well into the future.
“Only working together collaboratively as a region will we meet our safe, clean and reliable water resources goals for the future,” said Anselmo Collins, Senior Assistant General Manager, Power System at LADWP. “LADWP is fully engaged in efforts to increase stormwater capture, recycle water and facilitate water conservation by our customers. We look forward to continuing to work with our colleagues to enhance these efforts regionally.”
The County Water Plan charts a path forward in four key focal areas:
Improving regional water supply reliability by leveraging our collective water resources and infrastructure.
Improving the quality, production and cost-effective treatment of unused groundwater supplies through regional collaboration and shared resources.
Ensuring a consistently high standard of water service for everyone in Los Angeles County by providing regional support for small systems, with focused attention to under-resourced communities.
Mitigating the impacts of wildfire on our water supplies through coordinated efforts between land and water managers.
For more information, visit
For news and information on all things water in the L.A. County Region, visit

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