Pukúu Cultural Community Services, founded in 1971 by members of the local Fernandeño-Tataviam Band of Mission Indians, will host its 13th Annual scholarship gala fundraiser, “Night With the Stars,” in Sunland on Saturday, November 4 starting at 6 p.m.
Through the generous funds raised at the black-tie event, Pukúu provides scholarships for American Indian students aiming to obtain a college education and achieve their dreams, thereby setting examples in our community.
Pukúu invites all members of the community to join in celebrating the 2017 scholarship honorees and Native American Heritage month with elected officials, dignitaries and prominent community leaders.
The Angeles National Golf Club is located at 9401 Foothill Blvd., Sunland 91040.
[Make reservations here.]
For more information, call 818-336-6105 or email contact@pukuu.org.
2017 Pukuu Scholarship Honorees

Elizabeth FastHorse
Rincon Band of Luiseno Indians
An enrolled tribal member of the Rincon Band of Luiseno Indians, Elizabeth FastHorse grew up on the Rincon Indian reservation, where she was raised by her grandmother, and grew up with a sister and cousin located in Valley Center (North San Diego County). She is the director of Education and Cultural Learning Department for the Fernandeno Tataviam Band of Mission Indians providing cultural and educational programming to American Indians in the Los Angeles County.
Michelle A. Enfield
Michelle Enfield is of the Red Running Into the Water people Clan (Tachii’nii), born for the Black Streak Wood People clan (Tsi’naajinii). Her maternal grandfather’s clan is of the Near The Water clan (Tó’áhaní), her paternal grandfather’s clan is of the Bitter Water clan (Todich’ii’nii). This is how she is Navajo, Dine. She is originally from Lukachukai, Arizona but now resides in Los Angeles. She is the program coordinator at the Red Circle Project at APLA Health & Wellness and works specifically with the Native American population by providing HIV education.
Angela Mooney D’Arcy
Juaneno Band of Mission Indians, Acjachemen Nation
Angela is from the Native Nation whose traditional territories include the area now known as Orange County. She has been working with Native Nations, Indigenous people, grassroots and nonprofit organizations, artists, educators and educational institutions on environmental and cultural justice issues for nearly 20 years. She is the executive director and founder of Sacred Places Institute for Indigenous Peoples, a Los Angeles-based, Indigenous-led community organization and affiliate of the Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples dedicated to building the capacity of Native Nations and Indigenous Peoples to protect sacred lands, waters, and cultures.
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