1839 - Gov. Juan B. Alvarado gives most of SCV to Mexican Army Lt. Antonio del Valle. [ story]
The next regular meeting of the Governing Board of the William S. Hart Union High School District is set for Wednesday, Oct. 10, at the Administrative Center, 21380 Centre Pointe Parkway, Santa Clarita 91350.
A closed session starts at 5:30 p.m. and the regular meeting will follow at 7 p.m.
PLEASE NOTE: This meeting will include a Public Hearing for item IX-A – Resolution No. 18/19-11 – Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials Incentive Act.
A member of the audience may address the Board on items listed in Closed Session by completing a Speaker Card. Please use the microphone and state your name and location of residence. No action will be taken at this time, and the Board President will limit comment time to 2 (two) minutes. If you wish to speak regarding an item not appearing on the Closed Session agenda, please make your comments during the Public Session (see below). |
Conference with legal counsel. |
Action to be taken on Settlement Agreement No. 18/19-02SE. Documentation is confidential and maintained in District files. |
Real property negotiations. |
Public employee appointment/discipline/dismissal/release/reassignment/non-reelection. |
Negotiations with Hart District Teachers Association. |
Negotiations with California School Employees Association. |
Ratification requested for Student Expulsion Report No. 18/19-02. Documentation is confidential and maintained in District files. |
Ratification requested for Student Expulsion Report No. 18/19-03. Documentation is confidential and maintained in District files. |
Ratification requested for Student Expulsion Report No. 18/19-05. Documentation is confidential and maintained in District files. |
Vicki Engbrecht, Superintendent |
Introduction of Valencia High School senior Brennan Book as the 2018/19 Student Board Member. |
High school representatives serving on the Student Communications Council elect one high school member of the Council each year to serve as the non-voting member of the Board. Brennan Book, a senior at Valencia High School, has been elected as the 2018/19 Student Board Member.
Brennan is Valencia’s current ASB president and loves being involved on campus. He works hard for the students at Valencia every day with the hope that they will always look back on their high school years with fond memories. He is the president of FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) and NHS (National Honor Society). His plan is to hopefully attend UCLA in the fall and study economics or political science. He also plans on attending seminary after college to study theology and eventually end up in ministry. Brennan is an amazing young adult. He is driven to be his very best. What makes Brennan special is that in his effort to become his best, he will put it all aside to ensure those around him are able to succeed and rise to their potential.
Congratulations and a warm welcome are extended to Brennan as he takes his seat at the Board dais this evening. |
Mike Kuhlman, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services |
Hart High School Principal Jason d’Autremont will give a presentation on the school’s unique programs that support the safety and wellness of students, staff, and families. |
Hart Presentation |
If you wish to address the Governing Board on a topic within the subject matter of its jurisdiction, please complete the Request to Address the Board form and return it to the Secretary to the Board prior to the beginning of the item. Comments regarding the Consent Calendar will be taken during Public Comments. Please use the microphone and state your name and location of residence. No action will be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda, and the Board President will limit your comments to 2 (two) minutes. The President may limit public comment time based on the number of persons who wish to speak. If you wish to speak regarding an item that appears on the agenda, you will be called upon to make your comments at the time the item is discussed by the Board. |
Mike Kuhlman, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services |
Principal Melanie Hagman will give a progress report toward the opening of Castaic High School in the fall of 2019. |
Mike Kuhlman, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services |
Education Code 35186 requires all school districts in California to file a Williams Uniform Complaint Quarterly Summary with the Los Angeles County Office of Education and the local Governing Board. No complaints were filed between July 1-September 30, 2018. |
2018.19 Wms Complaint Form 1st Quarter |
David N. LeBarron, Director of Curriculum and Assessment |
A public hearing will be held regarding the Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials Incentive Act. |
School districts are subject to the requirements of Education Code Section 60119 in order to receive funding for the Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials Incentive program and/or funding for instructional materials from any state source. One of the requirements is that a public hearing be held once a year, before the end of the eighth week of school, to determine whether each pupil in the school district will have sufficient textbooks or instructional materials. The intent of the public hearing is to encourage participation on this issue by parents, teachers, and members of the community.
SB 550 defines “sufficient instructional materials or textbooks” as each student, including English Language Learners, having a textbook or instructional materials to use in class and to take home to complete required homework assignments. SB 550 specifies that this language does not require two sets of textbooks for each pupil.
SB 550 also requires the Governing Board to determine that each student enrolled in a foreign language or health course has sufficient standards-aligned textbooks and that laboratory equipment is available to students in grades 9-12. |
Direct the Superintendent to assure the State Superintendent of Public Instruction that the Governing Board has complied with provisions of Education Code Section 60119 through Resolution No. 18/19-11 – Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials Incentive Act. |
Public Textbook – Resolution |
Unless a Board Member has a question concerning a particular item and asks that it be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar, the Governing Board approves all the items at one time. |
Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources |
Personnel Report No. 18/19-5 regarding certificated, non-certificated, classified and non-classified employees. |
Approve Personnel Report No. 18/19-5. |
18/19 – 5 Personnel Report |
Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources |
Resolution No. 18/19-9 allows specific teachers to teach in subject areas other than their credential authorization. |
Education Code Section 44263 provides that holders of teaching credentials, by resolution of the local governing board and with the consent of the individual teachers, may serve outside of their areas of authorization if they have completed nine (9) upper division or graduate units or eighteen (18) semester units of coursework in the subject to be taught.
Education Code Section 44258.2 states that the holder of a Single Subject or Standard Secondary Teaching Credential, with his or her consent, may teach an assignment in grades 5 through 8 provided the teacher has completed six (6) upper division or graduate units or twelve (12) semester units of course work in the subject to be taught.
Education Code Section 44256(b) states that the holder of a Multiple Subject or Standard Elementary Teaching Credential may teach, with his or her consent, any subject in departmentalized classes below grade 9 provided that the teacher has completed a minimum of twelve (12) semester units or six (6) upper division or graduate semester units of coursework in the subject to be taught.
Resolution No. 18/19-9 is based upon these three provisions of the law which allow specific teachers to teach in subject areas other than their credential authorization. This is an on-going requirement that necessitates Board approval each year. |
Adopt Resolution No. 18/19-9 – Teacher Assignments allowing specific teachers to teach in subject areas other than their credential authorization. |
Teacher Assignments |
Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources |
Resolution No. 18/19-10 – Competitive Sports Authorization allows specific teachers without physical education credentials to cover one period of coaching. |
Education Code Section 44258.7(b) allows a full-time teacher who holds a credential in a subject other than physical education to coach a competitive sport for which the students receive physical education credit for one period a day, if the teacher has completed a minimum of 20 clock hours of first aid instruction appropriate to the specific sport. |
Adopt Resolution No. 18/19-10 – Competitive Sports Authorizations allowing single period coaching assignments. |
Competitive Sports Authorizations |
David N. LeBarron, Director of Curriculum and Assessment |
A textbook has been recommended for final adoption for the 2018/19 school year. |
Human Geography – Publisher: Amsco – Author: Palmer – Course Area: – AP Human Geography – Grade: 9-12 – This textbook has been recommended by many AP Human Geography teachers across the country. It contains great summaries, as well as practice multiple-choice questions. This textbook not only aligns with the standards for the course set up by the College Board, but it also aligns to our District’s Common Core Standards for Social Studies. Students will be using this book as a secondary source (supplemental to the existing course textbook) and will be evaluating the vocabulary presented while reading and using the multiple maps and charts in the book. |
Funding from School Site Funds. |
Mike Kuhlman, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services |
Out-of-state travel authorization is being requested for a teacher at Valencia High School and a Special Education program specialist. |
Jerry Ostrove, a practical arts teacher at Valencia High School, is requesting authorization to attend the Empower 19 Conference in Chicago, Ilinois, March 15-18, 2019.
Wesley Hester, a program specialist in Special Education, is requesting authorization to travel to Salt Lake City and Provo, Utah, April 21-23, 2019, to visit multiple residential placement sites; and he is requesting to travel to League City, Texas, December 16-17, 2018, to visit Devereux, a residential placement center. |
All expenses for Jerry Ostrove to attend the Empower 19 Conference in Chicago, Ilinois, March 15-18, 2019, will be paid from career technical education funds.
All expenses for Wesley Hester to travel to Salt Lake City and Provo, Utah, April 21-23, 2019, to visit multiple residential placement sites, and to travel to League City, Texas, December 16-17, 2018, to visit Devereux, a residential placement center, will be paid from Special Education mental health service funds. |
Approve Jerry Ostrove’s request to attend the Empower 19 Conference in Chicago, Ilinois, March 15-18, 2019.
Approve Wesley Hester’s request to travel to Salt Lake City and Provo, Utah, April 21-23, 2019, to visit multiple residential placement sites, and approve his request to travel to League City, Texas, December 16-17, 2018, to visit Devereux, a residential placement center. |
Vicki Engbrecht, Superintendent |
Approve overnight/out-of-state student trip requests from Canyon High School (Choir), Valencia High School (Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA), Jazz Choir) and Rio Norte Junior High School (Choir). |
The submitted trip requests have been reviewed and meet all requirements established by Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 3541.1. The trip requests signed by Canyon High School Principal Shellie Holcombe, Valencia High School Principal Steve Ford, and Rio Norte Junior High School Principal Audrey Asplund are attached. |
Approve trips: CHS Choir, Morro Bay, 11/2-3/18; VHS DECA, Anaheim, 11/15-18/18; VHS Jazz Choir, Reno, NV, 1/9-12/19; RNJHS Choir, San Luis Obispo, 11/1-3/18. |
Trip Approvals for 10-10-18 Board Meeting |
Vicki Engbrecht, Superintendent |
Approve ratification of overnight/out-of-state student trip requests from Hart High School (Cross Country, Girls Volleyball). |
The submitted trip requests have been reviewed and meet all requirements established by Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 3541.1. The trip requests signed by Hart High School Principal Jason d’Autremont are attached. |
Approve trips: HHS Cross Country, Fresno, 10/5-6/18; HHS Girls Volleyball, Hermosa Beach, 10/5-6/18. |
Trip Request Ratifications 10/10/18 |
Jan Daisher, Director of Special Programs and Staff Development |
The District is required to have District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) meetings during the school year. The DELAC committee consists of parents and English Language Development administrators and coordinators. Minutes of the March 20, 2018, DELAC meeting are submitted for review. |
Review minutes of the March 20, 2018, DELAC meeting. |
Minutes DELAC Meeting 3-20-18 |
Ralph Peschek, Chief Financial Officer |
Amendment to increase public school cafeteria inspection fee. |
Under the current provisions of Section 11 of the Federal Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act, each school that participates in the National School Lunch or Breakfast Program is required to receive two food safety inspections per school year. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Environmental Health (EH) has developed a uniform inspection program which addresses the requirements in the Re-authorization Act. The District first entered into a Service Agreement for Food Safety Inspections in Public School Cafeterias in June 2009, and the fee per site was $137. Amendment No. 1, approved by the Board in June 2012, provided for an increase in the inspection amount to $155 per inspection, with up to two inspections per year. Amendment No. 2 will increase the inspection fee to $197.00 per inspection. |
$6,304 annually. To be paid from Cafeteria Fund 13.0. |
Approve Amendment No. 2 to Service Agreement for Food Safety Inspections in Public School Cafeterias with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. |
Inspection Agreement w/ LA County Environmental Health |
Collyn Nielsen, Chief Administrative Officer |
The maturation projection will assist the District with long-range planning regarding possible future school sites and boundaries. |
Davis Demographics & Planning, Inc., (DDP), has submitted a professional consulting services contract to the District to prepare a maturation projection. DDP is already approved to provide a seven-year student projection for the District. The maturation projection would be incorporated into the seven-year projection set. The contract will provide the following services:
- Acquiring the latest GIS parcel file plus the Property Characteristics Data from Los Angeles County Assessor’s office [estimated to be around 90,000 parcels]
- Properly tagging and loading the existing housing units into four main categories (SFD, MFA, APT & MH)
- Calculating “maturation” student yield factors
- Estimating “build-out” housing total (measuring infill land based on current zoning)
- Running maturation projections and incorporating with seven-year projections
- Preparing up to three sets of maps depicting potential boundary exercises for locations of future sites based on specific school capacity figures
- Up to two meetings with District staff
$19,850 from the General Fund. |
Approval of Professional Consulting Services Contract with Davis Demographics & Planning, Inc., for a maturation projection. |
Davis Demographics |
Sharon Amrhein, Director of Special Education |
It is necessary to complete individual assessments as specified in students’ Individual Education Programs to determine and provide the designated instructional services (DIS) necessary for the students to benefit educationally from their instructional program. The District contracts with many vendors to perform and provide these assessments and services. |
Approve Special Education Consultant Agreement, extending from October 1, 2018, to June 30, 2019. A master contract will be generated for each Agreement (see attachment).
Health Care Services, Staff Rehab |
Budgeted from Special Education or Nursing funds as positions are needed. |
Approve Special Education Consultant Agreement, extending from October 1, 2018, to June 30, 2019. |
Vendor Master Contract |
Collyn Nielsen, Chief Administrative Officer |
Request approval of developer fee refund for $945.92. |
On March 12, 2018, the District collected $970.92 in developer fees for residential construction at 16003 Baker Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, CA 91390. Since the project did not commence, the building Certificate of Compliance numbered 1800155 has been returned and canceled and the owner has requested a refund of fees paid. Pursuant to California Education Code Section 17624, the District may reduce the refund by the administrative cost incurred in collecting and repaying the fee. Therefore, the District will refund a total of $945.92 (the original fee collected, $970.92, less an administrative charge of $25). |
$945.92 to be paid from the Capital Facilities Fund (25.0). |
Approve developer fee refund, as specified, totaling $945.92. |
Michael Otavka, Director of Facilities, Planning and Construction |
Accept Notice of Completion for Bid Package No. GO1806A for the Site and Utility Work for the Modular Restroom Building Addition at the Golden Oak Adult School at Centre Pointe Parkway. |
A Notice of Completion has been prepared for the Governing Board’s consideration for the following construction contract:
Y.Ko. Construction Co. Inc.
General Construction
Site and Utility Work for the Modular Restroom Building Addition at the Golden Oak Adult School at Centre Pointe Parkway.
Bid Package No. GO1806A
Staff requests the Governing Board accept this project as complete and release the funds (5 percent) previously retained per contract specifications. |
Accept Notice of Completion for Bid Package No. GO1806A for the Site and Utility Work for the Modular Restroom Building Addition at the Golden Oak Adult School at Centre Pointe Parkway. |
NOC GO1806A – Y.Ko. Construction – Golden Oak Restroom Building |
Michael Otavka, Director Facilities, Planning and Construction |
Accept Notice of Completion for Bid Package No. CA1806A – Canyon High School S-3 Classroom Remodel Project and authorize retention release to H&S Electric, Inc. |
A Notice of Completion has been prepared for the Governing Board’s consideration for the following construction contract:
H&S Electric, Inc.
General Construction
Canyon High School S-3 Classroom Remodel
Bid Package No. CA1806A
Staff requests the Governing Board accept this project as complete and release the funds (5 percent) previously retained per contract specifications. |
Accept Notice of Completion for Bid Package No. CA1806A – Canyon High School S-3 Classroom Remodel Project and authorize retention release to H&S Electric, Inc. |
NOC CA1806A – H&S Electric |
This Closed Session will be used as an extension of item II – First Closed Session, if needed. |
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Superintendent’s Office (661.259.0033.x201). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. |
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