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Today in
S.C.V. History
March 23
1886 - Film director Robert N. Bradbury born in Washington state; launched John Wayne's career in Placerita Canyon [watch]
Blue Steel

Saddleridge Fire Now 43 Percent Contained
Monday, Oct 14, 2019

Firefighters continued battling the Saddleridge Fire over the weekend as wind speed decreased, and the blaze was 43% contained as of 7 a.m. Monday, according to the Los Angeles Fire Department. Smoke from the brush fire continued to cause unhealthy air in the area. A Los Angeles County Department of...

Firefighters Quickly Douse Saugus House Fire
Tuesday, Oct 8, 2019

Heavy smoke seen coming from a vacant home near Bouquet Canyon Park prompted a swift response by firefighters early Tuesday afternoon. Shortly after 1:00 p.m., firefighters with the Los Angeles County Fire Department received reports of fire at a house on the 28000 block of Cero Drive, north of Alaminos...

Man Hurt in ‘Take-Down’ Involving Deputies at Town Center Mall
Monday, Oct 7, 2019

First responders converged on the Westfield Valencia Town Center mall mid-afternoon Monday after hearing a local sheriff’s deputy was hurt in a fight. After responding to the emergency call, however, they discovered a civilian, not a deputy, had been hurt in the altercation. Shortly after 3:30 p.m.,...

Deputies Seek Driver in Saugus Hit-and-Run
Friday, Sep 27, 2019

A man in his 30s suffered serious injuries and was rushed to the hospital Friday morning in what local sheriff’s deputies are treating as a hit and run in Saugus. The patient, whose identity was not released, was described as a Hispanic man. Deputies with the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station...

Saugus Spot Fire Quickly Doused
Thursday, Sep 26, 2019

Swift response from firefighters snuffed out a brush fire in Saugus Thursday morning. The fire was described by Los Angeles County Fire Department officials as a spot fire that burned an area 30 feet by 30 feet. Firefighters responded to reports of a brush fire at 10:30 a.m. near the intersection of...

Geyser from Broken Hydrant Floods Walnut Street in Newhall
Monday, Aug 12, 2019

A fountain of water spewed skyward and flooded streets in Newhall Monday morning after a vehicle struck a fire hydrant on Walnut Street. “We got the initial call at 8:39, that it was a traffic collision,” said Marvin Lim, Los Angeles County Fire Department spokesman. “It turned out...

Newhall Brush Fire Doused in About 30 Minutes
Monday, Jul 29, 2019

A vehicle fire that sparked a brush fire that then “jumped a hill,” prompting a full brush-fire response, was snuffed out within a half-hour over the weekend. About 8:15 p.m. Saturday, firefighters with the Los Angeles County Fire Department were dispatched to reports of a vehicle fire in the northbound...

LACoFD Suspends All Burn Permits
Thursday, Jul 18, 2019

In an ongoing effort to prevent wildfires, all burn permits in Los Angeles County will be suspended. As of July 2, 2019, the Los Angeles County Fire Department has stopped issuing burn permits due to increased fire activity throughout Southern California. This burn suspension will remain in effect...

Message from City Manager Ken Striplin
Tuesday, Jul 2, 2019

When was the last time you checked your emergency kit, stocked up on water or practiced your family emergency plan? Living in California we have become accustomed to the constant threat of natural disasters. It’s been several years since the last big earthquake, but I bet many of us still vividly remember...

Truck Hauling Furniture Catches Fire, Spills Oil
Friday, Jun 21, 2019

A furniture-hauling truck caught fire as it made its way through the Grapevine on Friday morning, spilling about 10 gallons of engine oil and prompting a response by firefighters specially trained in handling hazardous materials. Shortly after 4:20 a.m., the cab of a semi hauling furniture along the...

Newest Additions to SCVNews.com
1886 - Film director Robert N. Bradbury born in Washington state; launched John Wayne's career in Placerita Canyon [watch]
Blue Steel
Jack Lilley, renowned Hollywood stuntman and long-time Santa Clarita Valley resident, died Wednesday, March 19, he was 91. Lilley was enshrined on the Newhall Walk of Western Stars in 2008.
Jack Lilley, Hollywood Stuntman, Dies at 91
1875 - Construction begins on San Fernando Railroad Tunnel [story]
San Fernando Railroad Tunnel
Join the Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce for the April Business After Hours Mixer on Wednesday, April 16 at Sand Canyon Country Club.
April 16: SCV Chamber After Hours Mixer at Sand Canyon Country Club
The Santa Clarita Community College District Board of Trustees will hold a special joint meeting with the Associated Student Government on Wednesday, March 26, beginning at 2 p.m.
March 26: COC Board Holds Joint Meeting with ASG
On Saturday, April 5, the College of the Canyons Department for Early Childhood Education will host ‘Play Day’ as part of the nationally celebrated Week of the Young Child, which is sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children.
April 5: College of the Canyons to Host Free Children’s Play Day
Get ready to step back in time and immerse yourself in the spirit of the Old West at The MAIN in Old Town Newhall.
Saddle Up for a Wild West Experience at The MAIN
The 2024 Volunteer Impact Report has been released by the city of Santa Clarita reflecting the impact that volunteers have on life in the Santa Clarita Valley.
Santa Clarita 2024 Volunteer Impact Annual Report
As part of the city of Santa Clarita Playground Replacement program, Begonias Lane Park playground was identified for replacement in fiscal year 2024-25.
City Asks Residents for Input on Begonias Lane Park Playground
“The Descent,” the second full-length feature film produced by The Master’s University, is now available for streaming on Tubi.
TMU Releases Student Feature Film ‘The Descent’
The Master's University men's volleyball team made a statement Thursday night, March 20 in The MacArthur Center with a 25-18, 25-11, 29-27 win over No. 15 Hope International
Mustangs Buck Royals in Straight Sets
The Santa Clarita City Council will hold its regular, open-session, meeting on Tuesday, March 25 at 6 p.m. at City Hall, City Council Chambers, 23920 Valencia Blvd., Santa Clarita, CA 91355.
March 25: City Council to Discuss Vista Canyon Water Testing
1927 - Baker Ranch Rodeo owners announce they'll award $4,000 in cash prizes at first major event (2nd annual rodeo at future Saugus Speedway) [story]
Detectives from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Operation Safe Streets Bureau, Palmdale Station began investigating an Antelope Valley criminal street gang engaged in violent criminal activities throughout the Antelope Valley.
LASD Operation Safe Streets Arrest 13 During A.V. Sweep
College of the Canyons will host a Resume Refresh in preparation for the SCV Job Fair, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Wednesday, April 16 at the COC Employment Center Building at the Valencia Campus.
April 16: Free Resume Refresh COC Employment Center
The Black Business Council will host a "Linking Leaders" event to introduce the newly appointed Council Chair, Tamara Pickering, 5-6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 2 at Venue Valencia, 28678 The Old Road, Valencia, CA 91355.
April 2: Black Business Council ‘Linking Leaders’ Event
Venue Valencia in partnership with Harley Davidson of Santa Clarita, True Barre and D'Wilifri DanceArt Entertainment will present a "Easter Eggstravaganza" event, noon-6 p.m. Friday, April 11 at 28678 The Old Road, Valencia, CA 91355.
April 11: ‘Easter Eggstravaganza’ Event at Venue Valencia
The 1983 Tony Award winner for Best Musical, "CATS," opens Saturday, March 22, and will run through Saturday, April 26, at the Canyon Theatre Guild in Old Town Newhall.
March 22- April 26: The Canyon Theater Guild Presents ‘CATS’
Anne and William Hawley, of Garden Grove, allege in a 2024 lawsuit filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court that the X2 roller coaster at Six Flags Magic Mountain caused the death of their son Christopher Hawley.
Parents Sue Six Flags Magic Mountain After Son’s Death
The Santa Clarita Artists Association Gallery will showcase the group art show, Western Close Up, beginning, Friday April 4-19 with an opening reception on Saturday, April 5, 5-8 p.m.
April 4-19: SCAA Presents ‘Western Close Up’ Art Show, Reception
A series of late-winter storms brought much-needed rain to the region last week, raising the total volume of stormwater captured by Los Angeles County to 11.9 billion gallons just weeks before the end of storm season on April 15.
Recent Storms Boost Stormwater Capture in Los Angeles County
The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority released preliminary raw Unsheltered Count data for the 2025 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count. Based on these early numbers, the Homeless Services Authority expects unsheltered homelessness within the Los Angeles Continuum of Care to decrease by 5-10%.
Preliminary Homeless Count Shows Second Consecutive Decrease
Mojean Aria, an emerging Australian actor, talked all things film with College of the Canyons students enrolled in the Media Entertainment Arts program during an open master class on Tuesday, March 18.
Actor Mojean Aria Leads Master Class for College of the Canyons Students
The William S. Hart Union High School District Governing Board unanimously approved the appointment of Gretchen Bergstrom as the new Director of Fiscal Services.
Hart District Names New Director of Fiscal Services