1842 - Francisco Lopez makes California's first documented gold discovery in Placerita Canyon [ story]
1913 - Castaic Range War: Chromicle ally Billy Rose shoots, wounds landowner William W. Jenkins [ story]
The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Santa Clarita Valley invites the community to indulge in a delicious way to support the fight against cancer with its spring-themed See’s Candies fundraiser.
The Santa Clarita Valley Man and Woman of the Year Committee has released the names of the 12 nominees and the nomination organizations for 2025 Santa Clarita Man of the Year.
The Santa Clarita Valley Man and Woman of the Year Committee has released the names of the 21 nominees and the nomination organizations for 2025 Santa Clarita Woman of the Year.
The Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff's Station has rescheduled the March 12 Coffee with a Cop in Canyon Country to the new date of Wednesday, March 19.
The Santa Clarita City Council will meet in open session on Tuesday, March 11 at City Hall to consider a number of agenda items, including awarding a contract for an environmental impact report for the Belcaro at Sand Canyon Project.
The city of Santa Clarita will offer a free Mountain Bike Demo Day at the Bike Park of Santa Clarita on Saturday, March 8, 10 a.m.-noon.
The city of Santa Clarita has been awarded a $1.4 million Measure A competitive grant from the Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District, securing vital funding to expand and protect open space in the Santa Clarita Valley. Santa Clarita was among just 13 projects selected for funding.
The Santa Clarita Valley Include Everyone Project will offer a dining fundraiser on International Women's Day Sunday, March 8, 10 a.m.-9 p.m. at Apolo Greek Grill, 28263 Newhall Ranch Road, Valencia, CA 91355.
Santa Clarita Valley nonprofit Fostering Youth Independence is celebrating its eighth year with the theme of “GR8TFULNESS,” acknowledging the many volunteers, donors and community partners who have supported the organization since its founding in 2017. On March 11 a training session will be held for anyone interested in learning more about what being an FYI Ally entails.
The No. 1 team in the country took care of business Wednesday night, March 6 as The Master's University men's volleyball team swept the University of Jamestown (ND) Jimmies 25-15, 25-16, 25-22 in The MacArthur Center.
The Master's University men's Golf team finished second by just one stroke at the RMC Intercollegiate in Henderson, Nev. on Wednesday, March 5.
1976 - Groundbreaking for new First Presbyterian Church in Newhall; former structure heavily damaged in 1971 earthquake [ story]
On Sunday, Feb. 16, The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Homicide Bureau detectives located and arrested a suspect related to the Feb. 4, murder of Menghan Zhuang, a student at California Institue of the Arts, which occurred in the city of Newhall.
In response to proposed cuts to the Department of Veterans Affairs by the federal administration, Assemblywoman Pilar Schiavo issued a statement which is available for press interviews after the legislative session today or by phone and video.
The Santa Clarita Artists Association will be hosting a Plein Air Outdoor Artmaking and public meet up Friday, March 21, 9 a.m.- noon.
The William S. Hart Union High School District Governing Board unanimously approved the appointment of Ramon Zuniga as a new assistant principal at West Ranch High School.
City of Santa Clarita residents are invited to pre-register for the annual Neighborhood Cleanup in celebration of Earth Day taking place on Saturday, April 19, to join the city in removing litter from local neighborhoods and public spaces.
The Master's University men's basketball team came up just a bit short, 75-77, on Tuesday, March 4 at home against the No. 2 Arizona Christian Firestorm in the GASC Championship final.
Throughout my entire life, I have surrounded myself with animals, whether it is my beloved donkey, cattle dogs or horses, animals truly do have incredible personalities and dynamic feelings.
Rancho Camulos Museum in Piru will host Californio Fiesta de Rancho Camulos on Friday, April 11, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m
The city of Santa Clarita invites families, young artists and the entire community to the ninth Annual Youth Arts Showcase on Saturday, March 15, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Newhall Community Center, 22421 Market Street, Newhall, CA 91321.
The 29th Santa Clarita Cowboy Festival is back in town and the city of Santa Clarita is seeking volunteers to help make it a success by assisting with different activities.
REAL NAMES ONLY: All posters must use their real individual or business name. This applies equally to Twitter account holders who use a nickname.
Eddie J Olvera
Arleen Smith
I’m excited!!
Eric Gelpi
Johnny Chavez
There is one right up the street on golden valley.
No Bueno!
Really? B K never noticed
How many Starbucks do they need at that intersection?
They should keep the playground for the kids.
There is already 2 Starbucks on that 4 way intersection. What the hell, let’s make it 3.
They are getting rid of the one near in n out
That’s my thought, too, Dave.
Right? The one by In n Out isn’t a drive thru.
There is a Starbucks directly across the street! Should have been a coffee bean
Good move
No way!!!!! ?
Who cares?
Thank you
I’m still calling that the “new Burger King”?
This is where I emotionally eat. ? #Poorcopingskills
This is a great air conditioned play place where my kids love to go when the park is too hot. It’s clean and usually empty…this sucks.
It’s usually empty, maybe that is why it’s closing
Steven Bennett lol that’s what i was thinking
Ya no customers.
Who eats this crap anyway?
Ronit Woodard
turn it into a sonics..
The only reason we don’t have Sonic is because a franchisee has to open three of them within a 20 mile radius based on the contract. You literally can’t have just one.
how did Palmdale get aways with only one? lets put one in C.C,valencia and newhall problem solved
Kevin Mathis I like your idea!!
I’m honestly not sure, that’s just what the company told me when I asked them what it took to open a local franchise. The only issue is having the capital to start it up. You got 1.2 million per location not including assets, supplies, and payroll? I’ll gladly go into business with you if you do.
Andrew!!!! No more burger king
I’d rather have Burger King then Starbucks
But there’s already a lot …..
Greg Springer…that is going to be a sad day for Lucky bucks! Long fish sandwiches no more lol!
There’s already a Starbucks across the street ?
I almost set that place on fire on accident. Remember Jessie Ramirez
Me too
Don’t spark it up in BK! ?
Jerson Morales!!! No Effin way!!!
Julio Rincon
Julio Rincon told u
Jason – no more Burger King for you…
We don’t need anymore Starbucks in SCV lmao so dumb
You’re right, but the fact is that people become ” addicted ” to caffeine not hamburgers. Its all about the money profit.
Oh no!!! Love taking my kids there for the playground, we don’t have enough of those in SCV. Jamie Grayem Mary Galbraith, this sucks!!
Brandon did they ever mention relocation to you guys when they notified you on Monday??
Nope!! The only one that’s gonna be open is the Lyons one. They didn’t even tell the managers.
Amber Marie ??? RIP Burger King
Drive through tho??
im down
Jackie Kasaback don’t have to drive all the way to copper lol
Really? There’s literally a Burger King across the street by in n out and another across the other street but Ralph’s and that will leave one Burger King in Santa Clarita ridiculous
Uhhh do you mean there is a STARBUCKS across the street?
One too many.
Lol yea my bad
They will close the other one by in n out I’m sure
He should convert the play place into a second floor where he can add ANOTHER Starbucks INSIDE the drive thru one! :)
Do we need more than one Burger King anyway? More tan enough fast food burger joints in the SCV.
Well we don’t need ONE more Starbucks either
I say, build it and they will come.
Really? There’s literally a Burger King across the street by in n out and another across the other street but Ralph’s and that will leave one Burger King in Santa Clarita ridiculous
Like we need an other Starbucks
Starbucks is a drive through drug hub keeping all the caffeine addicted people happy. Nobody wakes up in the morning saying ” I got to have my whopper ” before I can function today. Lol
Actually, I used to get Jr Whoppers on my way in to work at least once a week and skip the Starbucks.
Blaine Gardner Corlew junior whoppers were my go to breakfast in high school!
Good one!!!
I do. I wake up and say “wheres my whopper?”
Nicole Coia Lathrop
Wesley J Pascolla
Jess Bakshi
It’s about time! There is one right across the street??
WhatttNatalia Jauregui
Yes it does! Although having a drive thru starbucks down the street makes it a little better
Mirella Lopez – Gonzalez Robledo Sanchez Mini Ocampo que les dije
Mmmmm, yea…..
Nooooo. No more 2 for 5 whoppers
David Valdez no more French toast sticks
NO NO NO that makes 3 in one intersection. How stupid….
I’d turn this into a bar but keep the play place intact for drunken adults. The drive thru can be a roundabout for ubers/cabs.
It’s gonna be one of those “evening Starbucks” that serves wine and beer, so that uber thing isn’t a bad idea ??
….But can they keep the playground? Alicia Costin best Starbucks everrrrrr
Oh my god, you need to propose the idea ? I would spend all my lunch breaks there
Talk about overkill of Starbucks, there is one right across the street
Ooh! A Krispy Kreme
we are turning into Seattle a Starbucks on every corner
Donut shop would be better
Noooooo!!! There is a Starbucks across the street by inn n out that’s stupid
We need more coffee beans!!!!
Yes we do need more coffee bean
Vikki Verhoff Madrigal oh no our brbr King!!
Still waiting for that DC Discovery zone
So when do they officially close. Does anyone know? I need my fix.
Julie Lundt Dorrell
I hate Starsucks..
Rachel Orbon
Sean Sorrow No more BK!
Ruben Perez
They can change it into Starbucks only if they keep the play place! It’s a great inexpensive place to take the kids when escaping the heat!
Nooooooo!!!! UGH we have plenty of Starbucks in SCV.. Don’t need anymore! They closed the BK on Soledad Cyn Rd in Canyon Country, and now this one? That’ll leave just 1?! Ugh and way on the other side of town. ?
Wayyyy other side
Tere De La Cruz yessssssss??
Just what we need another Starbucks
Join the club. Sunland, Tujunga and la Crescenta also closed and became ST. :(
Probably do better as Starbucks being In and Out there
Kristine Darabedyan Chris Rodriguez
We’ve had two by us turned into Starbucks, one in Sunland and the other in LaCrescenta!
No! It’s the best play area in town!!!!!!!
Antonio Ambriz Aguilera oh no! Hahaha
I will not buy coffee here my kids love it as Burger King the only one near Canyon Country! You have a Starbucks across the street take your buns over there and drink your coffee who is with me we don’t need a Starbucks here
They will probably close the one across the street. That’s what they did here in Castaic.
Nancy Rivas Arteaga ?????
Heather Kennedy
Nooooooo! I need my tender crisp sandwich!!! Nichole Shelton
Ariel Navas gentrification has gone too far
How many Starbucks does this city need!! Geez forget aliens ?, Starbucks is the true invasion ?!! This sucks ?!
Im.okay with it i hate burger kings so nasty
That’s 3 Starbucks all at one intersection lol
That’ll work for me… Hope they also include a play area for the kids. Lol loren Medrano
That sucks!
Yes I agree…keep the playground. And I also agree that no more Starbucks are needed. Keep the Burger King.
Rob Taylor
Melissa Vasquez Stewart
I knew it! That burger King is run down!
Well this sucks ass!! Another inflated coffee house. I travel from across town just to get their chicken sandwich.
I missed the part where they asked my permission or opinion.
Because if there’s one thing that Santa Clarita needs, it’s more Starbucks.
There’s one across the street lol
Like seriously
Lol I know like wtf? Only because this one will be a drive thru? Like cmon get your ass off and get your damn coffee lol
Guess I’ll have to eat more in and out
Any one else have their parents drop you off there back in the early 90’s just to play free video games on their Sega’s?
There’s already 2 Starbucks within walking distance! Why???
Michael Born, but isn’t their a Starbucks right across the street by in n out already?? Lol
Yes! So stupid!
Build a King Taco….
Burger King is the worst of the worst fast food I haven’t eaten there in 20 years (since it made me sick) good riddance.
Starbucks has great low-calorie foods that are very good and great drinks. BK is crap and Wendy’s will benefit! ??
I think I read somewhere (maybe in a comment section) that there was on across the street. Anyways that’s gonna be one big Starbucks.
As if there isn’t enough already…wait, THERE’S ONE LITERALLY ACROSS THE STREET FROM THERE. Of all things, why another Starbucks?
Seriously?? They couldn’t think of ANYTHING else to put in there?
And guess what folks? Another drive thru Starbucks is going to go in where the KFC is on Lyons and Orchard Village Road. Even tho there is a Starbucks on the corner of Orchard Village already. Source at the City said Starbucks wants to put more drive thrus in SCV. And that they are keeping the Starbucks on Orchard Village because it has a nice seating area outside. No worries tho – KFC is going a block down to the old Chase bank building. Now you will have KFC and Popeyes right across the street from each other. LOL Chicken Wars.
Starbucks is crap anyways does scv need another? Bring back koffee kiosks
We need another Starbucks across the street from another location ?
Go to Telly’s for a dollar more ?
NO! Not my great Burger King
Too many Starbucks!!! There is one by in and out, ralphs, 2 at Albertsons. This is crazy…
Shana Williams
Mike Lawry Gabe Perez
Wtf a Starbucks with a slide?
For anyone who doesn’t know, the store across the street is moving…so you don’t have to keep worrying about two stores being open.
But where will i get my Sbux after I buy a bunch of timber from Lowes
At least call it “BK Lounge”
It takes two hands to handle a Whopper but it takes $2.45 for grande pike coffee! Starbucks wants to sale wine and beer!
Yes. ! About time !
Brandon Sweeney David Kern make sure they got good tasting water
So poor
Rachelle Khoury-Goldfarb
Noooooo my childhood gone Sunny Sidhu Ahmad YacoubSalim Benmohamed Wissam Saab
Randy Carr
Does anyone actually eat Burger King?
Haven’t since before seventh grade!
I do, all the time and my cousin does too. Love here chicken fries, fries and they chicken sandwiches.
They did that to the Burger King in Simi too
Javier Ledesma no more BK 4 u??
Johnathan Holland
We just went down to get a farewell burger and they are already closed ! so disappointed we were not told earlier that they were closing down.
I’m not a coffee person but I have to say theirs too many coffee shops. Instead of a star bucks how about an educational center or something useful. Starbucks is getting out of hand
very POOR choice. there are too many starbucks in SCV.Starbucks
Coffee Shop · Valencia Crossroads
24286 Valencia Blvd
(661) 288-0203
Open until 10:30 PM
Coffee Shop
26802 The Old Rd
(661) 288-0074
Open until 10:00 PM
Coffee Shop · Westfield Valencia Town Center
24201 Valencia Blvd #1101
(661) 260-1516
Open until 9:45 PM
Coffee Shop
28160 Newhall Ranch Rd
(661) 702-8591
Open until 11:00 PM
Coffee Shop
24802-A Orchard Village Road
(661) 799-7898
Open until 10:00 PM
Coffee Shop · Granary Square Shopping Center
25912 McBean Pkwy
(661) 255-9850
Open until 10:00 PM
Coffee Shop
27984 Seco Canyon Rd #301
(661) 263-0332
Open until 9:30 PM
Coffee Shop
28120 The Old Rd
(661) 775-0480
Open until 11:00 PM
Coffee Shop
23790 Newhall Ave
(661) 255-8602
Open until 9:30 PM
Coffee Shop
26585 Golden Valley Rd
(661) 288-1354
Open until 10:00 PM
Coffee Shop
16548 Soledad Canyon Rd
(661) 252-1324
Open until 10:00 PM
Coffee Shop
26925 Sierra Hwy
(661) 251-0167
Open until 11:30 PM
Coffee Shop
25349 Wayne Mills Pl
(661) 260-0844
Open until 10:30 PM
Coffee Shop
26441 Bouquet Canyon Rd
(661) 263-8087
Open until 10:00 PM
Coffee Shop
27748 McBean Pkwy
(661) 296-1144
Open until 10:00 PM
Coffee Shop · Target
19105 Golden Valley Rd
(661) 977-5154
Coffee Shop · River Oaks Shopping Center
24425 Magic Mountain Pkwy
(661) 254-8001
Coffee Shop
19439 Soledad Canyon Rd
(661) 299-6710
Open until 10:00 PM
Coffee Shop · Valencia Marketplace
25850 The Old Rd
(661) 254-3570
Closing soon: 9:00 PM
Coffee Shop · Valencia Marketplace
25900 The Old Rd
(661) 259-9906
Open until 11:30 PM
……………………………………….Search Results
Coffee Shop
28050 Hasley Canyon Rd
(661) 607-0395
Closing soon: 9:00 PM
Coffee Shop
27667 Bouquet Canyon Rd
(661) 263-9681
Closing soon: 9:30 PM
Coffee Shop
27631 Bouquet Canyon Rd
(661) 296-9655
Coffee Shop · Bouquet Center Shopping Center
26518 Bouquet Canyon Rd
(661) 296-8682
Permanently closed
Coffee Shop · Promenade at Town Center Apartments
27095 McBean Pkwy
(661) 286-2508
Permanently closed
There are so many Starbucks, but 1 Burger King!!!?
So bummed! We love having birthday parties there!
There’s too many Starbucks in this smaller community already. I counted at least 7 off the top of my head. And isn’t there already Starbucks on Bouqet cnyn down toward the in n out? I understand they’re a popular place but goddamn…
Lucy Romero
Haha ya I saw it!!! Perfect!!!
The only other Burger King around here that I can think of is in the food court of the Valencia Mall.
I would rather have a Dunkin Donuts. Love their coffee and breakfast selection. Already too many Stabucks in SCV and their customer service is horrible in the Lowes parking lot. Service extremely slow and in the morning that slow is extremely annoying.
No f way !!!
I will never buy coffee from there to many coffee places now.
BK sucks and SB is over priced. However the BK has been there longer than I’ve lived here and I was born here. I say keep it as BK, there are way to many Starbucks in scv in my opinion
Steph Estrada
Brittany Swanson yeah baby
Freddy Mariano
James Reyes I bet u wet af
Wow this sucks!
Ryan Goldsack but ders a Starbucks across the street? Lol
It’s not enough..more starbucks! More!
Keep the playground!!! Then us parents can treat ourselves and the kids!!!
Hugo Ramirez
YaYa Hernandez Jessica Gavin
Julie Frenzel Williams yess!!!
Joey Kivi lamee
Wtf wow
Wtf wow
How about Portos?!?! ?
Really another Starbucks?! Jeez. That’s ridiculous
Lori Howard
Dylan April uh oh
Uh oh ?
God dammit
but theres one right across the street?
Let’s see here…. Do people need a cheeseburger and chicken fries and a Diet Coke or an iced latte? Latte is my answer. Or make it a drive through liquor store. Or just make it something better then a microwaved burger joint. Ew.
Drive through liquor store ?
I heard that the Starbucks by In and Out was moving to the Burger King location. Losing the King but maintaining the same number of Starbucks. == Know this as a rumor.
Stephanie Marie Bryden
Lmao!!! I wouldn’t mind, but it is a little ridiculous when you think about the one in Vons and by in & out
Sara Magana Murcia
Great news. Less fast food burger joints is a good thing.
This may be unconventional response… But I’m really stoked for another drive thru Starbucks. lol
I was just at that Starbucks by Panda Express at 9pm and they were throwing the unsold food in the garbage.
What the hell?
Marina Marquez
I remember when you opened and had computers for the kids. Many great memories with kids and grand kids! Great Business decision but it will be across the street from the other one.
TOO MANY Starbucks! How about a drive-thru pizza place. I’m always wondering why no one has thought of pizza as a drive-thru fast food.
Probably going to make a lot more money! Seem smart to me
Christy Hoover Tew
The BK staff there hate their jobs anyhow. They are always grumpy. SB would be great! Better iced tea too!
They will lose money, too hard to get in and out of that corner for that kind of traffic.
Like bouquet needs more traffic.. Yikes
Had my 6th birthday party there.
Martin Lokz
Mikayla wtf there’s one right across the street
They are closing the one across the street
There is one right across the street ya addicts
I am disappointed!! I did not regularly go to BK but I did go. My kids love the play area and I love the onion rings!! I am very sad to see this go – this was a special treat for us to head there. Sad to see that Starbucks is taking over every corner of our world!! SAD that people can’t cross a street to get their stupid coffee fix!!
Good god! That place Is a dump. Always dirty never busy!
This will change the corner.. Yeah!
Good !!! F$CK that Burger King!!! I’ve had too many chipped teeth from bones in the meat!
Andrew Holder…is that you ???? lol Are you serious about the bones?
Michelle Sanchez Smith
Unless you are heading up Newhall Ranch Road, it’s not the easiest place to get out of.
Jared Pierre Nunley daammmnnn
How stupid when there’s one across the street. Just making people more lazy and not wanting to get out of their car.
I’m 23 now but I reember coming here when there was computers and games to play Mann this sucks
Paul Montelongo
I love that Burger King!!! I’m so sick of Starbucks!!!
Joanne Southwell, me too. That is the only one left here. ugh.
Are you going to leave the playplace for the poor, innocent, children?