Plug-in electric vehicles are becoming more and more common as a transportation choice.
Purely gasoline powered engines account for almost 60% of ozone pollution and plug-in electric vehicles can emit less than half the pollution emissions.
Since high levels of ozone air pollution can injure lungs and reduce the amount of oxygen our lungs can bring to our bodies, the city of Santa Clarita has been working to support and help expand the public charging infrastructure in the area as part of the Santa Clarita 2020 Plan.
If you don’t already have an electric vehicle, you should consider one for your next vehicle. Not only do they improve the air we breathe, but they also reduce dependence on foreign oil, cost less to drive, and help create new jobs and economic growth in California, according to the PEV Collaborative.
There are three types of charging stations. The rate at which charging adds range depends on the vehicle and the battery type. The following are estimated rates for a light-duty vehicle:
There is currently a DC Fast Fill station near Soledad Canyon Road and Whites Canyon Road.
In the fall, a new DC Fast Fill station will be available near Newhall Ranch Road and McBean Parkway.
Visit the Green Santa Clarita Website which provides locations of the current public charging stations available in Santa Clarita and also includes additional links to charging station maps out of the area.
To learn more about plug-in electric vehicles, incentives and benefits, please visit the Drive Clean Website.
You may be interested in putting your name on the
waitlist for the Replace Your Ride program.
View the Replace Your Ride Website for more information on how you might be eligible for incentives and low-cost financing.
Visit for more information and green tips.

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I assume the taxpayers are being forced to pay for the charging stations, even if we don’t own an electric car. Sounds like socialism to me. I say let the electric car owners pay for them. Not everyone believes in global warming, and everyone shouldn’t have to pay for it.
Global warmer from CO2 concentration exists whether you believe it or not. It also affects ALL of us.
Thankfully, for folks like you, there ardor her reasons to own an electric vehicle (EV) besides CO2 and pollution from oil consumption. EVs are:
1) Quieter
2) Require less maintenance
3) Smoother
4) More performance (instant torque)
5) Able to refuel exclusively from home
6) Able to refuel from the sun (no taxes, no delivery truck, no strike interruptions, no emissions, available forever)
7) No leaking oil, no oil changes
8) More pleasant driving experience
There are now over one million EVs around the world, so climate deniers have probably missed the boat at stopping the evolution from oil to electric surface transport.
Now, whether a local city should pay for a charge station is something open for debate, but thankfully, they will continue to flourish nonetheless.
Just for clarification, some charging stations are required by the City as part of approval for a project. In those cases, the applicant (developer/property owner)pays for the station to be installed. If the City installs a station, it is usually part of a state or federal grant. There are also some situations, for instance Kohl’s and Whole Foods, where the business put in the stations as an added convenience to their customers. And in all cases, the electric vehicle owner pays to charge their vehicle at these public stations. Feel free to contact the City’s Environmental Services division at 661-286-4098 if you need further clarification. Thanks!