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The Real Side | Commentary by Joe Messina
| Monday, Jan 11, 2016

joemessinamugThey just want a safe place to go. Sure they do.

Over Christmas and New Year’s, Germany had a rash of rapes and assaults. The numbers were shocking. They have never seen this kind of crime spree against women. More than 100 filed “complaints” of rape and assault over the new year, and police believe there are more than 1,000 male refugees involved. Rapes were conducted by “rape gangs,” and women were beaten and raped in public.

The mayor of the German city, Cologne, where many of the assaults took place, suggested it was the fault of the women.

Let that settle in.

She stated: “This means, they should go out and have fun, but they need to be better prepared, especially with the Cologne carnival coming up. For this, we will publish online guidelines that these young women can read through to prepare themselves.”

Huh? Prepare to be gang-raped? To carry a gun? (No, they can’t do that there.) How to use pepper spray? To dress more modestly?

It’s simple: How about you arrest and deport these people? If they came there for a better and safer life, then why are they breaking laws and assaulting others? And why aren’t you keeping your people safe?

Chancellor Merkel said she was enacting a law that would deport people convicted of these type of crimes. Again I say – huh? Don’t they already have such a law?

Can you imagine a group of Republicans or conservatives or Christians making these same statements? Even in my own posts, when I have suggested that women dress more conservatively than a string bikini when they go to parties down at the loading docks where sailors who’ve been at sea for a year or so hang out (and have a tendency to get nasty with them), I’m called a promoter of rape culture.

Where are all of you social liberals on these gang rapes in Europe? None of the posts I saw had libs in there talking about how bad this is. How hateful.

You guys have made the average “white person” feel so bad about their “white privilege” that a young lady being raped by an Iranian refugee didn’t want to report him because she was afraid he would have to go back to Iran where he wouldn’t be safe. Are you serious? No, better he should stay in your area to rape again and again and again, right? Wrong. What about her life? What about what she has to go through for the rest of her life?

Sweden (already known for its rising rape culture) has also seen an uptick in gang rape from – yep, you guessed it – “refugees.” In a recent case where a 23-year-old was repeatedly raped until 3 a.m. by many men, she was able to escape and identify some of her assailants. One was 15 years old and given parole. Funny thing is, he had no ID. The courts simply took his word for it because they can’t verify his age. That whole vetting thing is working well, huh?

In Denmark and Norway, rape rates are also climbing. A recent study showed 100 percent of violent street rapes committed in the capital city of Oslo were committed by “non-Western” immigrants or refugees. It’s about the same in Denmark, where you also see the majority of rapes are committed by Muslim immigrants.

In England, rapes are on the climb, as well – committed by, you guessed it, Muslim refugees.

The refugee camps are running rampant with rape and assault. These are Muslim men raping and beating Muslim women. If I use the logic of the left, we need to run out and arrest every non-Muslim white Anglo Saxon who alludes to the fact that Muslim refugees might be at fault. Why? Your guess is as good as mine.

Where are the feminists? Where are those champions of women’s rights on the left? If it were happening in Christian refugee camps, you would see outrage on every blog and every paper in the world.

What are they afraid of? It’s simple. If you have gangrene in your arm, you don’t cut off your leg. If you have a brain tumor, you don’t operate on your finger.

If the majority of crimes are being committed by a certain group, a certain class, or a certain type of people, you put stricter guidelines in place and you deport at the first sign of trouble.

Again, what are they afraid of? It ain’t brain surgery.



Joe Messina is host of The Real Side (TheRealSide.com), a nationally syndicated talk show that runs on AM-1220 KHTS radio and SCVTV [here]. He is also an elected member of the Hart School Board. His commentary publishes Mondays.


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  1. Joe is #1 fear monger.

    • Lee Taylor says:

      What if a gay married football player is really good? “Do we care if he his gay, or do we care if he can play?” Which is it, Joe? This Messina guy is really mixed up.

  2. Another article, another example of Joe’s penchant for having his head rammed so far up his rectum he can see the back of his teeth. Does that weird right eye of yours make it impossible to see the truth, Joe? Or are you just blind to any other truth than what is fed to you by your Conservative extremist overlords?

    • Monique Papa says:

      Everything he said is true. Insults and denial won’t improve the situation.

    • Yet his article and your viewpoint insults anyone with half a brain and a moral compass. Your argument is invalid. You want a country based on hate? Please, start it somewhere else.

    • Suzi S Smith says:

      He and Betty are our constant reminders of the mean-spirited, narrow-minded faction in the otherwise beautiful SCV.

    • Yes, and to think he’s on the school board….

    • Moral compass? My compass says that we are responsible to Americans and not anyone in the world that has a problem.

      I find it sad that you resort to name-calling when you don’t like what is say…

    • And the Conservatives do any better? Must be great to live in a delusional daydream.

    • His eyes look alright to me…..lol

    • So it’s “hate” to not want women to be raped. Got it. Honest mistake, I didn’t know you signed off on that sort of thing.

    • He has no respect for women.

    • Ron C. Roques says:

      You’re correct, Michael. It isn’t hate to not want women to get raped. What is hate is to pin it on one group of people or religion. I used to really have hope from America but based on the stupidity of a nation that would even think of voting in Trump, I think I speak for both myself and millions of others when I say that there is a big problem with uneducated, uncultured conservatism that is rotting out the country from within. Pretending that one group is responsible for a more widespread epidemic is tantamount to removing one tumor from a body full of them.

    • Hey Ron, look at the track record of everything that has to do with Islam, and don’t come back with personal attacks,like you have room for that! I looked at your pics and I could say a lot but I will spare us all! I want facts! Everything he said is correct. Bringing those men here will be a huge mistake for our country! Americans first! Every one thinks the only way is to bring them here! Where are all the Middle East countries, why aren’t they helping! There is a million empty tents in Iran!

    • Sean Nichols says:

      Jennifer, unless you are Native American you might want to re-think your little “Americans First!” rant. Pretty sure your family were immigrants as well, and some of them were probably treated with the same hateful ignorance that you’re treating Mr. Roques with.

    • Odd that liberals fight to bring an actual “rape culture” to our fine country.

    • Monique Papa says:

      Sean, Jennifer doesn’t have to forsake her safety and concern for herself and modern-day America because of what took place in the past. The article in question is factual but rather than acknowledge an obvious concern progressives on this thread resort to name-calling, personal attacks or insinuate someone cannot be concerned for themselves or their country because of something that happened in the past. That’s not logical or rational. Additionally, Jennifer did not treat Ron with hateful ignorance, she stated facts (although, the million tents are in Saudi Arabia), and putting a “Mr.” in front of Ron’s name didn’t make him a gentleman. He has done nothing to contribute intelligent dialogue to this very real issue but instead called names and had a rant about Trump and conservatives. If you’ll look at a bigger picture you’ll see that Europe has a very big problem with Islam and muslim refugees and if we don’t put measures in place to prevent that disaster over here then we’re next. Its completely appropriate to follow immigration laws and properly vet anyone coming into this country. For some of you it won’t hit home until it’s you, your wife, sister, daughter or granddaughter that’s raped.

    • There was a fight the Indians lost, survival of the fittest. Unfortunately we have people like you Sean who are committed to the destruction of the American culture.

    • Sean Nichols says:

      You would describe fighting to bring a rape culture to our country as “odd”? Pretty sure “liberals” are not the problem, smart guy.

    • Sean Nichols says:

      I’m not denying there is a problem. I am denying your ability to intelligently debate your way through it. Ron made an excellent point about the way thisnproblemnis being handled-with hate, racism, ignorance, and a fear based aggression that will only make the problem worse in the long run. Do I think we should just blindly let tens of thousands of immigrants into this country? Of course not. But I think that would be a bad idea no matter what race, religion, creed or culture we are talking about. Hating on Muslims is easy-especially if you already have a penchant for discriminating. Just keep all of them out and the problem is solved, right? Sure. Worked with the Japanese in World War II, right? Oh that’s right, I forgot-those internment camps are considered an abomination now. They were sure acceptable at the time though.
      See, the part of the issue someone like you doesn’t see is you have no sense of history. No perspective. You’re just scared and angry and want an easy solution. Well, I have news for you-they don’t exist.
      Ok, go ahead and fire back with your simpleton, single-minded answers and tell me how I name called you. It still won’t change that your point of view is ignorant and destructive.

    • Sean Nichols says:

      Jennifer, you nothing about the history of Native Americans in this country. Your obvious ignorance on this subject is disgusting. Does your survival of the fittest theory apply to all mass murders? Is that how you would describe the holocaust?

    • The Indians lost an organized war. During the holocaust people were rounded up and killed. Why aren’t you watching the football game like the rest of the men? Your behavior speaks for itself Sean , you are an absolute liberal twit and a disgrace to UCLA! You have offered not one good reason for us to take in the Muslims. You have directed this discussion on you and your pettiness. Know one cares how smart you think you are.

    • In your case Sean, if you have to tell people you are smart………

    • Jennifer Rodriguez So imagine if these so called “dangerous immigrants” come and fight us, and we lose just like the Natives did. Would you agree that we lost fairly then? It is survival of the fittest after all.

    • Sean Nichols says:

      Ahhh Jennifer, name calling and questioning my manhood. Well, I guess in the absence of any valid argument….

    • Sean Nichols says:

      Btw Jennifer, with all the personal stuff you included in your last post about me you’re about a half a step away from stalking me. Quit trolling my page or this problem will be bigger than a simple debate on facebook. Are we clear, or are you going to continue being creepy?

    • Sean Nichols says:

      Jennifer Rodriguez no more personal attacks. You are a half step away from stalking me. You showed your true colors by making this personal. Do not go there again.

  3. Monique Papa says:

    Bravo! Thank you for your refreshingly politically incorrect article stating the obvious facts and asking questions that demand answers. This movement to not offend anyone is ludicrous, dangerous and unjust. We have basic moral guidelines and human instincts that identify right from wrong which contributes to self-preservation and helping our fellow man but political correctness attempts to blur the lines and cause an appalling lack of common sense. Additionally, it strips the backbone and integrity from every individual it infects. I hope millions and millions of people will begin and/or continue to stand up and let their voices be heard and put an end to this self-destructive nonsense. We have a right to be protected in our own land and it is absolutely the obligation and responsibility of elected leaders to ensure that it happens. Enforcing immigration laws and deporting anyone who does not follow the law is without a doubt a basic common sense first step in protecting the citizens and solving the problem.

    • Got a good joke about that kind of thinking for you… what is a Conservative’s favorite nursery rhyme? “Row, row, row this country straight off a cliff…” It isn’t about being PC; it’s about not being a country that is built on hatred and contempt for anyone that doesn’t believe the same or come from the same background. There was a country like that back in the thirties… perhaps you have heard of Germany under the Nazis?

    • Monique Papa says:

      Europe is a progressive dream state and look at the blatant problems they’re having. You’re biases obviously keep your head deep in the sand and you’re clearly not willing to see the problem. “It’s not about PC, it’s about hatred and contempt?” That is a ridiculous and laughable statement when clearly what’s hateful and contemptible is the rapes the so called refugees are committing.

    • There is no dream state or country. That’s all US suburb idealism. Humans are rotten to each other the world over. We’re no exception. As the world population explodes expect human migration to continue. Nothing anyone can do to stop it.

    • Monique Papa says:

      Paquita, dream state as in a state of being or condition and it’s still early but so far that is the most sinical and defeatist statement I’ve heard all day. Humans can be rotten but they can be incredibly good too. The world population is not necessarily exploding and individual countries can absolutely do something about migration and they should. This is a political religious attempt by Islam to expand and conquer and it should be resisted with every ounce of resource and strength Western civilization can muster.

    • Again with the refugees? So, white people don’t rape people by your logic? What are you doing to stop that? I see the problem here; it’s pantywaist conservatism that seems to want to put only one viewpoint above all the other problems in society. Remember, Hitler put an emphasis on the Jews as the problem; do you want to go down that path? How long until your brave patron saint Trump says that he’ll put everyone that disagrees into special camps? How long until your kind is goose-stepping down the National Mall to the approval of your fearless (and cowardly) leader? It’s funny that you talk about bias, Monique, because it seems like you’re quite biased against real human logic.

    • Monique Papa says:

      Ron , you can use your tired vocabulary of conservative, Hitler, Nazi blah blah blah all day long but you’re still not acknowledging the obvious problem this article brought up, that thousands of refugees are pouring in to Europe and the crime rates are sky rocketing, in particular, rape. Political correctness has stymied and suffocated common sense free speech to such an extent that it’s created large swathes of people like yourself who cowardly deny there is a problem and call those who will acknowledge it, a racist or something to that affect. Remain in your parallel universe and those of us who aren’t afraid to do something, will.

    • Ron C. Roques Yes we are totally screwed if we don’t take more people in some that potentially could be terrorist. Do you even logic?

    • If tanking the country is doing something, then do it elsewhere. And Nathan, it is “use logic” but thank you for proving my point for me. How can one use logic with a vocabulary like yours?

    • Monique Papa says:

      Ron, making sure citizens remain safe and taking the necessary steps to ensure that is common sense governing, not “tanking the country.” You’re not reasoning well but you get an A+ for acting like a child and name calling.

    • Ron C. Roques says:

      Who’s acting like a child? Let’s use a metaphor here… if you have one kid from a family who bullies you, do you automatically hate the whole family? Even if one of those people is a doctor working on cancer research? At what point do you stop damning the whole tree for a few rotten branches? It isn’t common sense to spread hatred or govern by fear. It isn’t my reasoning that is off; it is yours. If you were educated at all, you’d understand that your type of thinking does not work historically. What makes you think this time will be different?

    • Maybe you don’t hate the whole family but you should look at what’s creating the bully and is it going to cause much more problems than one mean kid . Further more, the Nazi/Jew argument isn’t relative in this situation. The Jews weren’t possible terrorists infiltrating other countries bent on jihad. Hitler was a megalomaniacal psycho who didn’t like the Jews because he wanted a pure Anglo race.

    • P.S. Just because you have a difference of opinions does not make you superior or more educated than the person you disagree with.

    • Plus right before the war the US was turning down visas of many of the Jewish folks trying to escape out of Europe.
      We already have issues of rape in this country as well. What maybe a month ago a woman was raped in Valencia, and that was reported on the SCV pages.

  4. Hetty Aquino says:

    Corrupt politicians are trying to silence the people! MSM is just as guilty by changing and distorting the facts… Majority of the guys you see are infiltrating Europe are NOT refugees!

  5. Just ignorance. There has been a large increase in police murders this year too, but i presume, using the same logic this guy uses, that it is either refugees or Obamas fault. Idiots.

  6. Steve Tuttle says:

    They are evil people they do not need to be here we have plenty of veterans and homeless people that need homes and assistance why in the hell would we help these people all they want to do is take everything we got extinguish ass and take our country.

  7. https://www.facebook.com/DailyCaller/posts/10153233267491770
    Why would any country want this? Plus, there have been several incidents of actual and attempted terrorism with these so called refugees who are mostly men of military age who are leaving their families behind instead of staying and fighting for their countries. ISIS has already said they are infiltrating refugees. Then we have other nations such as Saudi Arabia which is refusing to accept any refugees and sending millions of dollars to help build European mosques to promote the Muslimization of Europe. Do we need this?

    • Another point is that these refugees have few skills and usually end up on welfare. They also sleek little or no English and end up living in enclaves or neighborhoods with their own people. There are Muslim areas in France where the police won’t even go and sharia law is practiced. Sharia treats women like dogs and is not compatible with western values.

  8. Still standing by my statement that he looks like a mole

  9. Matt H says:

    I love the fact that we have someone writing articles like this. Giving the middle finger to political correctness and pointing out the truth. I do not understand how progressives/libs don’t see this as an issue. How can you turn away from this and say, “that’s not what’s happening. It’s not true. You conservatives are racists and full of hate.” It’s the truth people! Pretty sure the Paris attacks were carried out by so called “refugees”. Like someone else said, ISIS has already said they will infiltrate the refugee population. They are hell bent on spreading their beliefs and we will have the option of convert or die.

    By the way, I think it is great seeing the conservative posts on here put together so well and come from what seem like very well educated people. Not to say that you libs aren’t well educated but your responses typed out are not coming across very educated. “Let’s call them names and try and put them down because we don’t want to admit there is an issue. We just live in LalaLand where everything is rainbows and sunshine 24/7.”

  10. Blake Frye says:

    Joe Messina I’d ove to hear your opinion on Donald Trump’s call to ban all muslims from entering the US.

  11. Don Teller says:

    Joe and Donald have a lot in common.

  12. https://www.facebook.com/Breitbart/posts/10156609203420354
    Why would anyone want these animals living in their neighborhoods.

  13. Bryan Pievac says:

    Do I even want to read what he’s got to say…..
    I feel like it’s just going to piss me off like usual

  14. Frank Rock says:

    Everybody! Lets all send a donation to Hillary Clintons’ or Bernie Sanders’ campaign in Joe’s name.

  15. I’m not sure why’d this guy still has a job.

  16. Erin says:

    Here is an article from 2013 pointing out the issues http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2013/07/rape-syria-happening-every-day0

    Here is an article from just a few days ago that delves deeper into the issue http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/europe/Syrian-refugee-allows-smugglers-to-rape-his-wife-as-payment-for-trafficking-family-to-Europe/articleshow/50472880.cms

    And here is a feminist in Germany http://www.aliceschwarzer.de/artikel/das-sind-die-folgen-der-falschen-toleranz-331143

    Along with the NYT http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/09/opinion/germanys-post-cologne-hysteria.html?_r=1

    In other words .. do not claim feminist of the progressives haven’t been around the issue. We’ve been paying attention since 13.

  17. Erin says:

    13 if not much sooner.. but those go back to 2013 with a simple google search. Unless it’s too much for the school board trustee to conduct a simple google search?

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