Registration is now open for Family Promise of Santa Clarita Valley’s second poker night fundraiser, “All In for Family Promise.” The event will take place on Friday, March 3, at the Canyon Country Community Center. Food, drinks, and mocktails are available from 6 p.m. and cards fly at 7 p.m. Registration is $100 per person and initial buy-in and add-ons are available.
Register for the poker event [here].
Also, a Paint and Pinot event will run simultaneously for non-poker players. $25 entry includes a professional team of artists to provide step-by-step instructions to reproduce a pre-selected work of art while participants enjoy wine, beer, or mocktail beverages. Sessions are 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. or 8 p.m. -9 p.m. Register for the Paint and Pinot event at [here].
Note: See flyer below for more details.
Sponsorship opportunities include: $2,000 Title, $1,000 Food, Beer, and Wine, $750 Award, and $500 Table sponsors. Current $500 Poker table sponsors are Bank of Southern California, Dee Dee Jacobson, and Dr. Roché Vermaak and $500 Paint table sponsor is Cindy Marks – Forever. In-kind sponsors are Firestone Walker Brewing Company, Lussier Aesthetics, Marston’s, Out of the Box, SCV Connected, and Sober Cheetahs. The city of Santa Clarita is providing the venue. MVP Poker Tournament is providing the poker supplies and dealers.
It will be a fantastic evening with dinner, drinks, prizes, painting, and poker! All money raised from the “All In for Family Promise” event will go directly to provide services and support for local SCV families experiencing homelessness. For details, contact our event coordinator Kelly O’Keefe at (661) 433-8425 or by email at
Visit Family Promise at
Family Promise has been in operation in the Santa Clarita Valley since 2011 and provides shelter in motels and their interim house, case management and support, and rental assistance to local children and their families experiencing homelessness.

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