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1932 - Robert Poore wins the greased pole climbing contest and $2.50 at Newhall's July 4th celebration [story]
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Now and Then in the SCV | Commentary by Darryl Manzer
| Sunday, Aug 10, 2014

darrylmanzer_blacktieI really enjoyed my day off from this writing gig. Trains and dumps get a little old. But there is nothing like a good case of misinformation and lies, salted with just a little bit of toxic chemicals and contaminated water. Thank you, VVCAC, CCL, CATC and those who support them.

It looks like there is some actual “pay for votes” going on, too. That can be directly attributed to the fact that the county of Los Angeles does not provide funds to operate the various town councils. They have to get operating funds themselves.

So the Castaic Area Town Council has a 5K run every year, and the two main sponsors are, for about $8,000, Newhall Land and Farming and Chiquita Canyon Landfill.

Oh, Chiquita also donates to the Castaic Lions Club some $1,000 a year. I did see the names of Lions Club officers which are many of the same names one sees on the Castaic Area Town Council.

In spite of what those folks might say, I think it would be best if they didn’t vote on anything to do with the landfill. I’m sure the donations and sponsorship would not sway the votes of those folks, but there is the appearance that it might help them decide in favor of the dump. Can we prove it? No, except that the appearance of a “money for votes” scheme should stop the CATC from even commenting on the Chiquita Canyon Landfill expansion.

As individuals, they can comment all they want. Just leave your title and position on the CATC out of your comments.

I’ve already stated that the Val Verde Community Advocacy Committee gets about $20,000 a year from the landfill company. Does anyone find it strange that the Castaic Area Town Council has to scratch together around $8,000 a year to operate, and the VVCAC gets $20,000 from the very same company it is supposed to keep in check for the citizens of Val Verde? Last I heard, the bank account for that committee had a balance of more than $200,000. Now we’re talking some serious bucks here.

We know the Community Benefits Fund gets upwards of $350,000 each year, and that appears to be the money best spent. There are scholarships and many other community improvement projects. Still, that is a lot of money for folks to look at and desire.

If Los Angeles County would provide the operating funds for the town councils, then the desire for money to support them would diminish. The appearance of being paid to vote would go away. Not saying that they do that, but considering how some are supporting the landfill expansion, one must wonder.

The odds of L.A. County paying for the committees and town councils are someplace between zero and none. Ain’t going to happen for a long time to come. Maybe as the current crop of county supervisors is replaced through term limits. We should start to see changes in 2016.

I’m really tired of hearing about what a good neighbor the Chiquita Canyon Landfill is and will be. Could you explain that to the folks who have to live in the smell that can be so awful, they get sick?

Maybe that same “good neighbor” can explain why dogs and some people have kidney and liver problems at a rate higher than normal. I’ve also been told of families which have had to suffer through multiple miscarriages, and they live close to the dump and smell the place all day, every day.

Digging into this, I cannot help but draw a comparison to the book and movie, “Erin Brokovich.” We hear: “We’re operating at the highest standards” and “public safety is our highest concern.”

Well, public safety may be the highest concern of the landfill … but the large fans designed to lower the stench are gasoline-powered instead of electric. Every night those fans run until they run out of fuel. Nobody is there to fill the tanks and keep them running. Little wonder that the smells get bad in the late evening. Residents have been told it would be too expensive to install electric fans. We’d ask the VVCAC to get us the cost comparison from the landfill, since the VVCAC is the “liaison and advocate for the community.” Instead I’ll ask it here. What is the cost difference? This way, I’ll have a chance of getting the answer.

There is so much going on with this dump that borders on being inexplicable and a whole bunch strange. It spends thousands of dollars on a community fund but can’t afford electric fans. It is tasked with having proper air and water quality monitoring equipment, also being the operators of same.

I guess they figure that since they have given so much – maybe it is time to cash in on the investments in CATC, VVCAC and county elected officials – they shouldn’t have to do so much.

It is time, my friends. They should shut down and cease all operations ASAP. Tomorrow I’ll tell you the legal reasons for that request.


Darryl Manzer grew up in the Pico Canyon oil town of Mentryville in the 1960s and attended Hart High School. After a career in the U.S. Navy he returned to live in the Santa Clarita Valley. He can be reached at dmanzer@scvhistory.com and his commentaries are archived at DManzer.com. Watch his walking tour of Mentryville [here].

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  1. Cam Noltemeyer says:

    Thank You. It is time to shut it down.

  2. Roger says:

    LOL… it’s amazing that anyone could actually believe anything you write. It’s just all so wrong. Every bit wrong… if not outright lies. You are clearly in the pocket of Val Verde. You don’t even know that the VVCAC is an “ADVISORY” committee. It doesn’t “Advocate.” Where do you get all your misinformation from? The VVCA? Val Verde residents? It’s all nonsense. But I enjoy reading fiction… makes things so much more interesting when facts aren’t involved. #AnxiouslyAwaritingNextFiction

  3. Geese says:

    He is not the pocket of anyone. The VVCAC may state it is an advisory committee, but they don’t listen the community. This is an opinion of his. I actually agree with him. With so much controversy and who knows what else, this request of Chiquita Canyon Landfill should be postponed until there is more clarification on the TRUTH.

  4. Steve Lee says:

    Roger, you should read the original contract. You will see no funds can be used at any time to give a bad name to the land fill. It also states that they will never go over a certain tonnage, which is soon approaching. You will also notice that there is gas equipment. Reading is a wonderful tool. Don’t waste the gifts of the facts. I am attaching the original contract.


    • SCVNews.com says:

      Leon here. Standing back an looking at this issue and reading Darryl’s commentaries and many of the responses from people on the CATC and VVCAC and the rest of the alphabet soup, it appears there is one fundamental fact that has escaped some (but not most) people, and it’s this: This is a dump. It is not an amenity that makes the Santa Clarita Valley prettier, or nicer, or a better place to live, or raises our property values. It is a dump. Yes, I think it’s important to explore the health issues and the management and either prove or disprove various allegations. But that does not change the fact that even if it were the cleanest dump in the world, it is a dump. And more to the point, it is a dump that WE DO NOT NEED, because it primarily DOES NOT SERVICE US. Fully EIGHTY percent of the trash that goes into that dump IS NOT OURS. It comes from other parts of Los Angeles, Orange and Ventura counties (and elsewhere). And if its maximum allowable daily and weekly capacity is allowed to double, the percentage will only get worse. I’ve heard people say we need to “do our fair share.” Well I’m sorry, but that notion is garbage. Doing our “fair share” would be handling OUR OWN trash – not the rest of Southern California’s. Doing our “fair share” means we dispose of the garbage WE generate rather than making somebody else do it. Period. That is what “fair share” means. Look it up. If this dump ONLY served the Santa Clarita Valley, fine. But it does not, by any stretch of the imagination. Putting a dump next to a residential community in the Santa Clarita Valley is NO DIFFERENT from the many things Los Angeles County (and the state and others) have tried to stick us with over the last four decades. It is NO different, in any way, shape or form, from (working backward) Cemex, the proposed Elsmere dump, the toxic dump that was going to go into the riverbed in Sand Canyon in 1979-80, and a host of other things. It makes absolutely NO SENSE for anyone who lives in this valley to support YET ANOTHER BAD THING that L.A. County wants to foist upon us. We need to rattle every saber in our arsenal to make sure this dump closes in 2019 (because that’s what the collective “we” agreed to, even if it was just a small sub-sector), and on a local political, committee, town council, etc., level, it is high time we remove from office anybody who has either drunk the Kool-Aid or is simply too damn dumb to know that at the end of the day, a mega-regional-dump is a BAD THING for the Santa Clarita Valley.

  5. Roger says:

    Again… I believe it would be great if the management and opinion contributors actually followed their own policies and supported and encouraged facts. Actual facts. Not misinformation and lies reported here. I would think that hired management would be concerned about loosing its biggest financial contributer, the City of Santa Clarita. Yes… Tax payer dollars paying the salaries of those who wildly comitt liable against a local SCV business. You may not like their business, but I don’t like your dirty “news” business either. Landfills are held to a very high standard. This “news” agency funded by the City of Santa Clarita and the school districts of our Valley deserve should learn to hold themselves to a high standard.

  6. Roger says:

    In fact Leon… Perhaps we should piece apart every part of Darryl and your “reporting” and determine just how many of your alleged facts are actually fiction and total lies. Then maybe The City of Santa Clarita will step in and require actual news and facts given they’re the ones signing your paycheck. We deserve honesty and integrity which is clearly lacking with our Public Access News. I’m really surprised someone hasn’t sued you for what you’ve written above. #Justsaying

    • SCVNews.com says:

      Didn’t know I get a paycheck, Roger, much less one signed by the city of Santa Clarita, but OK, I’ll take that into consideration when evaluating your “facts.” But as stated, I couldn’t care less about your opinion. That’s not what it’s about. It’s about the county siting a landfill that we do not need. (Leon)

  7. Cynthia Kimura says:

    Roger & Steve Roter, I am a Val Verde resident. I’ve been following Darryl’s commentary and appreciate his non-corporate funded viewpoint. It is a side we are truly missing. I’ve been to meetings in which we’re told there are no problems. However, when research is done, the opposite is uncovered. How are we supposed to trust a corporation that denies that sludge has been accepted, when in fact it’s documented that it has? Roger & Steve, have you personally done any research into this topic or are you looking at the $$$$$ involved? Do you have a stake in the issue? If so, what is it?

  8. Roger says:

    Leon… You probably shouldn’t tell constituents you don’t care about their opinions. You sound very arrogant as a paid representative of the city of Santa Clarita’s public access news station. I think you and your advisory committee and board should be held accountable for what you’ve allowed to occur on this site which is totally subsidized by taxpayer dollars. SCVTV and scvnews are out of control and need to be reigned in. Libel will land you and everyone involved in court. Check your “facts” before you print them. It’s journalism 101. Thanks for listening.

  9. Greg Kimura says:

    Dear Editor,

    In an effort to be fair and just, I recommend every comment here to have a first and last name of the person posting.

    If they are too scared to post their own name, then they should not be allowed to do so.

    I am a community leader both in Val Verde and Castaic. I include my name and have more at stake than any of the people who won’t follow the rules.

    Thank you.


    • Geese says:

      To everyone on this site…..Geese is Susie Evans. I will make the necessary changes for any further posts I make.

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