Sunday afternoon update [KHTS]
“Detectives recovered information that shows the suspect acted alone and no actual plan to assault any students or school had been formulated. No firearms were found at the residence, and the suspect’s family does not own any firearms,” according to a press release sent out by the Santa Clarita Sheriff’s station officials. “Based on statements made by the suspect, it appears he made these posts to get a reaction from friends on social media, realizing too late that the threats were being taken seriously.”
The suspect was taken into custody and will be released into the custody of the Los Angeles County Probation Department, officials said.
[KHTS] – Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station detectives are investigating a series of threats made online against Santa Clarita Valley residents, including a threat made against Valencia High School.
A 15-year-old Golden Valley High School student was arrested around 9 a.m. in connection with the threats, a Sheriff’s official said.
Officials believe that more arrests will be forthcoming.

Swear words redacted from original by SCVNews.
The threats, which posted through the Instagram account “yaboyplank,” showed pictures of guns and said: “TO THE PEOPLE OF THE SCV AREA. THERE WILL BE A HUGE (expletive) SHOOTING SOON… ” and went on to say the threat was aimed at high school students.”
A representative of the Detectives Bureau for the Sheriff’s Station said the photos appeared to be stock Internet footage and “there is not evidence the suspect has any access to these guns,” according to Lt. Brenda Cambra of the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station.
“Detectives immediately responded to the station to begin working this investigation,” Cambra said. “A police report for Criminal Threats was written. At least twenty-five additional calls from residents alerting us to this post were received during the night.”
Deputies assigned to the Santa Clarita Valley Station received a phone call from a woman reporting that threatening posts had been made on Instagram around 10 p.m. Saturday.
The Instagram account used a photo of a Valencia High School in Texas to threaten a shooting in the Santa Clarita Valley in another post.
“Detectives immediately responded to the station to begin working this investigation,” the statement from Cambra read.
The Hart district released a statement to parents Sunday morning saying it “takes threats of this nature very seriously. We are working with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.
“Extra precaution is being taken to ensure the safety of our students and staff on all of our campuses while it’s being investigated,” the statement read.
There have been no cancellation of classes, according to the statement.
This case is currently under investigation.
If you have any information as to who posted these threats, Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station officials ask you call 661-255-1121 or if you would like to remain anonymous, please call the LA Regional Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS.
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Most of these mass murderers don’t leave specific clues like this. I don’t know if this kid was joking, but he should have known that posting that was a bad idea.
he does now
He was joking. He just wanted to get reactions from friends. That’s what the story said
Wow ^ i cant believe people are believing this beast!
Rachel Bousquet
Dumb A$$ kid ….
Ali Baxter
Alex Sanchez
So true!!!
Sometimes dicipling your children doesn’t correct mental issues, so not sure this is the way to say it. That’s old school.
It’s not always about the discipline or that the parents didn’t do something right
It’s not always about the discipline or that the parents didn’t do something right
Maria, there are usually mental issues associated with these kind of peoples. Don’t blame the parents, blame the 15 year old who is very capable of knowing right from wrong.
Well said Kaycie. Also we should try to help these people. I’m sure they don’t like feeling the way they do. Just last week everyone was suddenly an advocate for depression. Let our actions speak louder than our words! Help those in need instead of staring or judging. There but for the grace of God go you.
Danielle Wagner Kallin. We’re ok now!
Stupid post just landed this dumb ass in jail for a while. Way to go slick.
I laugh at the kids who think they can recreate “The Purge” without getting caught.
Geno, I like your comment, but I love your profile picture.
Thank you!
Absolute morons
The world is going hell
Stacy Kelley Laura Savery
Lucy Mendoza
Good deal. It’s sad that this kid wants to live in Awesometown and can’t. Lmfao.
I can’t believe a 15 year old would even have these thoughts .. Hey parents ! Hug your damn kids
Nessa Cannon Caitlyn Tuzon
Wow ! His parents must be proud !
Yeah and/or his parents can’t believe they raised an idiot ….
Ryan Pollock
Jennifer Padmos Liliana Berenice Gil
Hope the sheriff’s office is investigating of this kid was acting alone or if others were involved.
Note to children (of any age): The sheriffs monitor our & everybody else’s posts
Don’t tell them that.. then there will be no warning.. I’m glad these idiots are gonna hopefully go to jail but lets not teach them how to skirt the law…
Oh my frickin god!! R u srs?
Police state USA
Andrea Evans
Thanks Alex!
Patty Connolly Brauneisen
De puerco or pollo ;)
Dame tres de pollo, y uno de dulce.
Cafe con leche
Mango Mango Mango Mango Mango Mango Mango Mango Mango Mango
Paul you killed it
son de chivo los tamales . . . . ha
A como estan?
Those are some pretty old weapons dumb…
Audrie A Gillum
I am trying to figure out how a person can get arrested for speech. Did the First Amendment get repealed ?
There are laws against making terrorist threats.
What in the world ???? Free speech!!!
If you are threatening a life or several and are saying that you promise to make those threats reality. Then you must be found and stopped. This is not a free speech.
I can freely say you are a dumb a$$. But I will not promise to hurt you or tell you I will harm you.
For the same reason that a person can’t yell Fire in a movie theater. This person isn’t sa
For the same reason that freedom of speech doesn’t allow a person to yell Fire in a crowded movie theater. This kid isn’t speaking about how he/she dislikes school, they are speaking about specific threats of violence against other innocent children.
I saw the post on Instagram and it was alarming
Hope it gets around…
Karla Elizabeth I got this text early this morning without the blackout or blurs… So disturbing
Either it was a kid that wanted classes cancelled or some metal detection company inciting panic so the schools buy their scanning products.
Federal because they are using telecommunication device, internet. So sad. I partly feel bad for the parents. One of the kids involved put that he was following the kid because the kid was following him. It shows don’t follow ones you don’t know because you can innocently be part of something you don’t know anything about
Yeah, but he also posted that he “liked” the picture. How stupid do you have to be to like a picture with the captioning that points out a mass shooting, fake or not?
Yep they all will learn now
My daughter freaks out when someone she doesn’t know requests to follow her. She hits “no”, she only allows people she physically knows to follow her & she only follows people she physically knows.
Cyndee Williams
Only “1arrest has been made of a 15 yr old student” more are suspected to be involved .. The Sherrifs Dept is still investigating. School staff have been yet to be called into an emergency meeting but they have all been informed. UNBELIEVABLE!!
How do you know more are involved?
that’s what the sheriffs said.
Thanks to the Sheriff’s department for working soo hard to identify a suspect in this situation, I hope the boy is able to get help for whatever issues he may be dealing with!!!
Is it real
ak-47 gun
I hope they prosecute this kid to the fullest extent. I have a child at a school in SCV and one of my biggest fears is something like this happening. So tired of things like this happening. Joking or not. You don’t joke when it comes to things like this!
I hardly doubt he was joking. His words are pretty intense. I think is a lame excuse to get out of this one with a slap in the hand and finish what he started. They need to prosecute him or we all shall stand our grounds if they let him free.
Hmmm and where is he getting all these weapons and ammo? He must be doing it illegally yet I do it legally and I have to suffer gun control laws…
It’s because of people like this kid/kids
if u actually read the story it said the photos were stock meaning he copied and pasted them from the internet. read the facts before you sound ignorant
He clearly made the claim with intentions of doing damage so he must of had access to weapons. Just because he stole a photo doesn’t mean a thing.
Ashley Kagaoan they caught someone. Thank God.
No Mercy will be shown? So no te van a show? Haha
Krysta Warfield
Will Ito
This kid will learn the hard way….jail time…what is wrong with these kids
Candice De Long
Tania Rodriguez-Munoz :)
It was clear from the beginning a kid and a prank… That is a lame cache of firearms… Looks like a police photo of what was confiscated from a drug house….
Too sad..Pray for our nation and especially our children.
Martha Ramos Michelle Ramos so scary
Sonia Alejandrez
The kid is stupid.. That Valencia high school sign was from a school in Texas they said …
The picture he used was a stock photo from the internet. They are currently looking for at least 3 more connected to this incident.
Good they arrested someone. So sad..
Now, can they find the root of why even think of this threat?
Araceli Dominguez
Meaghan York
This is just awful! Glad he was caught & nothing happened. Just crazy!
Problem is that the damn parents in this town (not all, but most) let all these damn kids do whatever they want IG is full of teens taking pics of them doing idiotic immoral things and I ask ” where are the damn parents” sure some will say ” the parents always get blamed, it’s not always the parents”
Well to them I say yes it is your fault because they bend over backwards to give these I’ll advised kids freedoms they don’t deserve. They give no consequences for their child’s bad behavior and they are too busy being a friend and not a parent.
Just ask yourself this if the child has bad grades has pics of themselves smoking weed and you still allow them to have a 500 dollar cellphone and a I pad. Then yes you are a horrible parent and you are the ones to blame
Not just what’s wrong with the kids, but what the hell is wrong with the parents do they have no idea what their children are doing? Better parenting makes better kids.
It’s not always the parenting!! But then again it’s people who have never had to deal with rebellion and kids who’ve made bad choices or got mixed up with the wrong crowds who thinks “if only the parents would have been better parents”
It’s not always the parenting!! But then again it’s people who have never had to deal with rebellion and kids who’ve made bad choices or got mixed up with the wrong crowds who thinks “if only the parents would have been better parents”
I highly doubt most parents know what their kids post on Instagram or even if they have one. Parents are always last to know.
I highly doubt most parents know what their kids post on Instagram or even if they have one. Parents are always last to know.
Parents are not always last to know. I for one see EVERYTHING my kids post. And I’m pretty sure there is a lot more than you think monitoring their children’s accounts. Granted there are parents who don’t, but please do not generalize…
In reading all these texts, it’s time for the School districts to have plans in order if something like this happens at one of our neighborhood schools. I don’t think school faculty are trained properly and maybe the Sheriff community outreach can do trainings for our schools. I know as a parent it would help with making me feel more secure.
My wife works for the Saugus school district and they actually have drills for if something like that were to happen…. at least at her school. They should do that at every school tho I agree. But they need better training for sure. in my honest opinion I would feel better if they had armed guards at least one at every school cuz one good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun and the police are always a few mins too late in most of those situations.
Arm all students.
Rael Funk Narvell
That explains why so many sheriffs the other am @ local jr high…lighten up on the parents…they usually have their hands quite full what with working…shopping…cleaning…cooking…laundry…drs appts…taking kids wherever they need to go…providing for their family…its not possible to moniter a grown child every minute of the day…and cover all the other bases as well…this particular child obviously is asking for a higher level of monitering…and will.probably now get that…
Let me explain, in defense of a parent of 6 exceptionally well behaved children…4 adults that are above average, productive citizens….you cannot hover over your children around the clock. You cannot attach yourself to a teenager 24/7.
Teenagers are a species created by the devil himself…full of strange ideas and capable of unthinkable destruction at times.
They are no different than a defiant toddler.
Free will lends to bad ideas at times.
I am positive that this boy’s parents are mortified.
We don’t live in a community full of murderers.
There’s no culture here for that.
However, this kid made a bad decision, certainly showing off for some crazy reason, and he’ll have pay, like his parents, to clean up the mess he made.
I wouldn’t be so quick to criticize parents.
I’m pretty sure he won’t have access to the internet for awhile.
Seems a bit ridiculous to paint all teens under the same brush as you have. Yes, some people are extremely disturbed, and often times teenagers who suffer from that need help, not jail. But sometimes, yes, it is the parents’ fault, not necessarily for how their child behaves, but for not getting them help earlier on.
Amen Kari!!! I call teenagers aliens
Well said!
They need take this very seriously and not sweep this under the carpet like they usually do !!!
Have ARMED GATE GUARDS. Problem solved
I don’t know, somehow living in a town with police guarding the entrance to my school and other places I would frequent doesn’t seem to make me feel safer
Wow :'(
Do we know if others were involved? I hope the sheriff’s are investigating. This is scary.
Good catch…
the kid that was arrested was not even the one who posted the threats……sheriffs are only going by what they hear from residents but they are not doing their own investigations…..all they have to do is go into instagram and pull up all the names of all those kids involved……but so far only one was caught?….that’s just hard to believe!
Gigi Ramos I got an email from Hart District, they said a boy has been arrested.
Gina Gonzalez-Anaya
Stephanie Diaz
Can’t officers track down where this post was uploaded via IP Address or is it that hard to figure out?
Can’t officers track down where this post was uploaded via IP Address or is it that hard to figure out?
So even if we Yank this person’s Civil Rights or the Second Amendment even if he didn’t killed anyone yet.. What makes you think he won’t get one from the Black Market and continue with his plan??.. The problem is not just his mindset, banning guns or stripping his Rights away..No,its the FREE BLACK MARKET,which many times our Government is involve (“fast and furious ” rings any bells)…. The Black market of weaponry is Full alive and the government should be aiming at that.Well that’s Right isn’t it!, our own Government is behind it,back to square one of our problem..
So even if we Yank this person’s Civil Rights or the Second Amendment even if he didn’t killed anyone yet.. What makes you think he won’t get one from the Black Market and continue with his plan??.. The problem is not just his mindset, banning guns or stripping his Rights away..No,its the FREE BLACK MARKET,which many times our Government is involve (“fast and furious ” rings any bells)…. The Black market of weaponry is Full alive and the government should be aiming at that.Well that’s Right isn’t it!, our own Government is behind it,back to square one of our problem..
Parents need to have some type of punishment also. Put this kid away for a long time. He is dangerous
Parents need to have some type of punishment also. Put this kid away for a long time. He is dangerous
What on earth! Joann Siracusa Roach Craig Roach Jake Roach
What on earth! Joann Siracusa Roach Craig Roach Jake Roach
Matt McClenahan Wesley Schilling Seanald Keefers Steve Gil Dylan Blake
Matt McClenahan Wesley Schilling Seanald Keefers Steve Gil Dylan Blake
Oh my god:/ this is terrible.
Oh my god:/ this is terrible.
Alex Ceja Elisa Motta Mesraje – tengan cuidado.. Que gente tan trastornada..
Gracias Gonzalez Xochitl Leticia ya estaba enterada des de esta mañana !!!!
Alex Ceja Elisa Motta Mesraje – tengan cuidado.. Que gente tan trastornada..
Gracias Gonzalez Xochitl Leticia ya estaba enterada des de esta mañana !!!!
I believe this was a shout out for help!! Listen and get him the help he needs! He’s obviously angry! It’s sad b/c most likely he will be locked up and not given the mental treatment he needs them get out and not know how to function in society!
I believe this was a shout out for help!! Listen and get him the help he needs! He’s obviously angry! It’s sad b/c most likely he will be locked up and not given the mental treatment he needs them get out and not know how to function in society!
Well isn’t that a special way to celebrate a lovely Sunday afternoon?!
The problem I see here in SCV. Parents buy their kids new cars in high school, Cell phones , and don’t make them work for anything . The kids here are spoiled .
Please don’t say ‘kids’ as a way to refer to all the kids in the SCV. There’s a good portion who are spoiled and fed everything they want, I agree, and there’s no way to change that. But there’s still also a good portion of us who still do have to work for the things we want, rather than need.
Excuse me!!! Think before you speak. My children work for the privilege to have their cell phone & cars. They pay for them themselves. And if they can’t pay for it then they don’t get to use it. Yes SOME kids are spoiled but don’t generalize every kid in SCV!!! You obviously have no clue..,
It’s funny how people attack others on a personal level. I didn’t say all kids.
Quite a generalization don’t you think? I have lived in the SCV for almost 30 years. NONE of my kids got a free ride. If I supplied the vehicle, THEY paid for their insurance, gas etc….
Sterotypical generalization is just a damaging. That way you don’t have to get “involved” or you are not to “blame.”
So ALL teenagers are angels wherever you live? Grow up, your narrow view of teenagers is equal to the days of segregation because of color.
Eileen Pavia
Crazy ass little kids
What the **** is up with these crazy as people wanting to kill people that dont deserve to be shot whats really going on with this world now a days and all those firearms where in that lil boys reach how in the hell did he get something like that really ?.
He wrote”we” this is still freaking me out, thinking there is more people involved!
This scares the crap out of me!!!!!
Omg this kid needs help!!!!! Omg!!!!!!
Clearly just some kid craving attention.
Nothing alarming here.
Sunday afternoon update [KHTS] – “Detectives recovered information that shows the suspect acted alone and no actual plan to assault any students or school had been formulated. No firearms were found at the residence, and the suspect’s family does not own any firearms,” according to a press release sent out by the Santa Clarita Sheriff’s station officials. “Based on statements made by the suspect, it appears he made these posts to get a reaction from friends on social media, realizing too late that the threats were being taken seriously.”
The suspect was taken into custody and will be released into the custody of the Los Angeles County Probation Department, officials said.
Officials with the Sheriff’s Department and the Hart School District discussed the arrest of a Santa Clarita teen at a press conference Sunday afternoon. Watch the entire press conference here.
Thank heavens they caught them
Bullsh*t he’s not mental or a victim. He committed a crime its called a terrorist threat! Hoax or truth its not a joke imagine parents receiving a phone call from the school to come identify the body of your child. Or students imagine your parents crying and grieving over you and you not being able to help them. A cry for attention is staying out late, doing drugs but not threatening to shoot up a school with innocent kids! Smh -.- where is the justice system at?
Victor Thomas
Is anyone still as concerned as I am in his post it says” WE WILL BE AIMING OUR GUNS” ummm we being key word
What a jackass
Remy, since you’ve not raised a single teenager, I’m going to just leave your comment alone.
How did he not think he was going to be screwed!!!! With a post like that!!!
His life is over…. even if his he’s done on probation his life is over especially if he has to deal with Lt. Lavelle
Rachan Mc Conico
thats it.. thats the second one. Sawyer Keith McCook
Yamel Rodriguez
Wow what is going on in kids minds to cause them to feel the need to post a hoax of a threat real or not!! Social media gives them this avenue. Times have really changed!
Wow. Which dumbass did this?
It’s good they got this guy,, not a real threat , at least officers take it seriously
dat magazine tho on the ak47u
Where does all your anger come from? Let’s all try being kind, your life will be less stressful.