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The Real Side | Commentary by Joe Messina
| Monday, Jul 7, 2014

joemessinamugYou know that awkward moment when you go to your wife’s aunt Mabel’s second cousin’s 96th birthday party? She is in a wheelchair, doesn’t really know who is in the room with her, and has to be fed and cleaned by others. Everyone remembers when she was a vibrant, smart and loving person, not always nice, but always fair. She helped whenever she could. You don’t know whether to wish her “Happy Birthday with many more to come” or “God’s speed” to be in the presence of the Almighty, pain-free and without earthly shackles.

I felt that way this past week. How was I going to wish America a “Happy Birthday” when I wasn’t really sure if the America we all know and love would exist as that “shining city on the hill” next year or in years to come?

According to John Quincy Adams, America’s birthday (the 4th of July) and Christmas (the birth of Christ) were intrinsically connected. Adams implied that on the Fourth, the Founders simply took the precepts of Christ and incorporated those principles into civil government.

The Founders understood that for America to survive, it had to have a solid code by which it functioned and existed. It had to have a moral compass and guide. But whose? And what kind?

The French? No, that was a monarchy and tyranny. The Spanish? More of the same. The Brits? That’s what they were running away from. The Germans? Who?

They wanted freedom for man. None of these provided that. The ultimate power was in a king, a man. That’s not what they wanted. They wanted freedom for the citizenry to choose their leaders, their way of life, their religion, to start or not start a business, to celebrate or not celebrate Christmas or any other holiday. Complete freedom.

The America my grandparents came to live in, the one my mom came to live in, the one I saw those many immigrants who came to the Italian North End of Boston to work and start their own business in – is no longer here.

Now, for clarity, many of the immigrants I have spoken with over the last year say America is still much better than where they came from, but even they have seen freedoms erode since arriving.

We no longer have three branches of government. We have one. The chief and grand supreme dictator, Barack Obama. His pen and his phone will do all of the work. His “Capos” will carry out his commands, and he will run America the way he sees fit. It won’t matter what his experts say. It won’t matter what history has seen. It won’t even matter if the facts and figures show him to be wrong. He will continue do it his way.

Great presidents before him understood how the Constitution worked and usually reached out to all parties. Reagan and Tip O’Neil worked together; Clinton and Gingrich did, too; and they got things done. It was not uncommon for those presidents to call over the Speaker of the House and others to work through the issues with both sides giving and taking to come up with a solution.

Not this guy. He knows all and sees all. He is a savior to all he can con. He takes no advice from anyone (well, maybe Valerie Jarret, maybe). He has made America the most untrusted country on the face of the planet.

Trust has nothing to do with right or wrong; it has to do with being counted on to operate a certain way every time. Right now, our allies can trust that we will talk a big game and leave them high and dry every time.

Mr. Obama, it’s the United States Constitution, not the United States Constitutional Suggestions. It takes the people, not your pen, phone and henchmen to change it.

If Obama had been president during World War II, we would all be speaking German. Really. When he figures out how to sidestep the Supreme Court, we will be in an even worse world of hurt.

Happy Birthday, America? Only if that means we go back to a free market – not one propped up by more than $80 billion per month infused by the Fed. Happy Birthday, America? Only if that means we back off the EPA, IRS and NSA to name a few. Happy Birthday, America? Only if that means we go back to a three-branch government.

Happy Birthday, America? I hope so. Only God knows.


Joe Messina is host of The Real Side (TheRealSide.com), a nationally syndicated talk show that runs on AM-1220 KHTS radio and SCVTV [here]. He is also the current president of the Hart School Board. His commentary publishes Mondays.


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  1. Dude, don’t like it, leave! I do live in another country and miss the US terribly. Bush is the one that tore our country to pieces and the rest of the world knows it! America is the greatest nation in the world, shame on you!!!! Again, why do they give you a platform to spew your vile garbage????

  2. Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Lest you also be like him (or Her). Still blaming Bush? Wow.

  3. Maybe you’ll like Hillary better!!! Hillary 2016, woo hoo!!!!

  4. “The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.”

    – John Adams

  5. Mike Dill says:

    Any one who follows what has been going on in the beltway, knows that this article is a load of partisan nonsense…..Question…Why is Obama going it alone? The answer is simple, no cooperation from the legislative branch. Plain and simple. Despite what everyone wants to believe, we have a lot of bigots in the legislature. Actions speak louder than words.

  6. msc545 says:

    Why in the world does this publication give space to this clown? It was Bush you moron.

  7. Kim Sloan says:

    Here’s another whining commentary by Mr. Messina. He always complains about President Obama & religion. It’s like hearing a spoiled 9 year old who just can’t get what he wants. I suppose some people learn the hard way when they don’t get their way. Good luck at your family functions Joe, and I hope when your that old hard of hearing semi demented lady in your wheelchair at 95, you remember you wrote this commentary, while your family treats you like a useless rock.

  8. 1823 April 11. (Jefferson to John Adams). “The truth is that the greatest enemies to the doctrines of Jesus are those calling themselves the expositors of them, who have perverted them for the structure of a system of fancy absolutely incomprehensible, and without any foundation in his genuine words. And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away all this artificial scaffolding, and restore to us the primitive and genuine doctrines of this the most venerated reformer of human errors.”[14

  9. In 1788 John Adams said in regard to the nation’s founding: “The United States of America have exhibited, perhaps, the first example of governments erected on the simple principles of nature. . . . [In] the formation of the American governments . . . it will never be pretended that any persons employed in that service had interviews with the gods, or were in any degree under the influence of heaven. . . . These governments were contrived merely by the use of reason and the senses.”

  10. According to John Quincy Adams, America’s birthday (the 4th of July) and Christmas (the birth of Christ) were intrinsically connected. Adams implied that on the Fourth, the Founders simply took the precepts of Christ and incorporated those principles into civil government.

  11. I would love to know where John Adams said the above……

  12. Sean Nichols says:

    Hey Messina, why don’t you save everyone alot of time and trouble and just call every piece you write”This week’s hate-filled Obama rant”. That way we can skip your obligatory 1-2 paragraphs that are ultimately your predictable lead-in into your latest “Obama sucks, now you kids get off my lawn” tirade. You are full of enough hot air to power a small New England town, and no, that’s not a compliment.

  13. Sean Nichols says:

    Andrea Slominski-saying Messina plays fast and loose with the facts is like saying water is wet.

  14. Don’t anybody make the mistake of thinking we care, but John Adams did say our nation wasn’t founded on Christianity. However, Messina wasn’t talking about John Adams. He was talking about his son, John Quincy Adams, who had some different views.

    • Bill says:

      Oh, we don’t think you care but you sure feel the need to butt in to clarify that this valley leans Repub so you do too! Fox wannabees.

  15. Oh … So what’s in name? I see…if you are going to quite historical figures make sure you get the names right.

  16. That goes for me too. I would still like to see the direct quote.

  17. But as far as I remember… John Quincy Adams did not participate in the discussions with the founding fathers… He was as you say the son of…John Adams who was a declaration signatory and constitutional framer. At the time of the declaration John Quincy was 9 yrs old, i find it hard to believe that he was fit to reframe the statements of the framers themselves.

  18. bill says:

    Great article, Joe
    The indoctrinated have been trained real well as evidenced by their comments here

  19. Dave Putnam says:

    “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.”- Sinclair Lewis

  20. Sean Nichols says:

    @SCVTV-Right. You guys are so indifferent to these comments that you felt the need to post a clarifying comment yourselves. Pronouncing to everyone you don’t care about comment posts whilst simultaneously posting a comment yourself I believe is a textbook example of irony. So congrats on THAT.

  21. Gary says:


    It’s amazing that you give someone a microphone and after a time, they think they’ve earned a special place of understanding and comprehension.

    You have made accusation after accusation of the same old thing: “Obama is a dictator, Obama won’t work with the House, Obama is ruining the nation and subverting rule of law.”

    Joe, instead of empty accusations, you would be better to state your case and spread out your FACTS. What are the facts behind these emotion and perhaps (hate) filled words? How exactly, has Obama forsaken working with the House? How has the House collaborated with Obama? How have they extended their hand of fellowship and mutual respect to get the work of the people transacted? If Obama has had to govern by signing order, has there been reason for the same? Has cooperation with congress been blocked or stymied by House leadership?

    You need to be specific. Anyone can name call, but that just rallies the fearful believers. If you want converts, Joe, you’re going to have to be much more specific and genuine.

  22. Are we all done now? Do y’all feel better? Smile, take a deep breath and be happy. Life is too short to debate relentlessly on who said what, when and to who. I’d rather focus my time and attention to loving and caring about my beautiful friends and family……this is something I can make a difference with. Never have my political opinions made a difference or changed a thing and I’m sure it won’t make a difference now. I choose to make a difference in my family and my community. I made bread last weekend. I made one lonely neighbor, who had lost his wife to cancer a couple of years ago, very happy to know that he still mattered. I rest my case…… Momma always said ” Choose your battles carefully. “

    • Bill says:

      You are so correct! I agree with your sentiment and your last line is exactly right. It is very important right now to call someone out for lying and spreading hate much like his column does every week.

  23. Mirella says:

    The one thing I never understood about Barrack Obama, is he’s supposed to be a constitutional law professor, yet doesn’t seem to understand how checks and balances operates. Fortunately, the Supreme Court has produced a series of rulings against the President, including several unanimous decisions.

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