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1925 - By letter, Wyatt Earp beseeches his friend William S. Hart to portray him in a movie, to correct the "lies about me." Hart never did. [story]
Hart-Wyatt Earp

The Real Side | Commentary by Joe Messina
| Wednesday, Jun 17, 2015

joemessinamugMr. Obama is at it again, trying to regulate another part of our lives that makes us uniquely American.

Americans understand freedom, the ability to work harder, do better, move up – and out. We work harder at work to get a better position, make more money, have more security and more opportunities.

Americans move to communities that reflect their values, have better schools, less density, more density, more pubs, fewer pubs, more shopping and restaurants, or less shopping and restaurants. We move to certain areas to better our lives or our children’s lives.

Enter his Social Highness Mr. Obama, who has decided that we Americans don’t really understand equality. He thinks we don’t understand how to help our neighbors, or others, so he is going to mandate it. As usual, he thinks by forcing his view of “equality” on us, it will make everything perfect. (How did that work out for you, Mr. Obama, in the Middle East?)

The president is having HUD – those same wonderful people who gave you “the projects,” “ghettos” and “Section 8 housing” – look at the inequities in various neighborhoods … neighborhoods that are mostly white, mostly black, mostly rich, mostly poor, and basically not diverse enough.

Why? To implement forced equality.

President Obama wants to use billions of dollars in HUD grants as a carrot to cities to mix up the neighborhoods a bit more. You know, make adjustments in building codes and such to bring in more “diversity.” If you don’t, well then, your grant money just might disappear.

I say we start in Beverly Hills, Brentwood and Upper Manhattan. He and HUD are going to dictate how a neighborhood should look – or else.

Here’s the deal. Obama will take away any and all incentives to better oneself. Why bother? Just let the government do it.

You don’t want to work harder to make more money? No problem. The government will force a living wage on employers. Don’t move up, the government will help.

Don’t look for a job that offers benefits. The government will help by forcing benefits on you and making the American populace pay for them. Take it easy – they got you covered.

Didn’t take advantage of government-issued birth control? No problem. The government’s got you covered with a government-paid abortion at a clinic near you. And if you happen to be underage, no big deal. Your parents need not know.

Food stamps and welfare are just a form away. Fill it in, and even you can get an EBT card.

What’s that? You have no ID? No problem. Just tell them how hard it was for you to get over the border at night, and you’ll quickly be added to the welfare rolls.

If you’re one of those who just can’t seem to figure out how to move up and get yourself out of your neighborhood – let’s say, like Detroit – just sit tight. Obama and HUD are hatching up a plan to get you out.

The president feels it is unfair for people who might be sacrificing by working multiple jobs (rather than indulging in activities that blow their hard-earned cash) so they can move out of bad areas and into good areas should not be allowed to be the only ones who benefit. He thinks if an area has been built up and has many “well-off” white folks, it’s just not right or fair. Blacks and other minorities should have the ability to move to those communities also.

Last I checked, Mr. Prez, they do. (Who’s stopping them?) Get another job, work hard, do better and you can move to a better neighborhood. It’s how America works.

When I grew up in Boston’s North End, it was considered one of the poorest areas in the country. My mother decided we needed to get out. We moved in with my grandmother, and she started working more hours. I had plenty of family around, so I was well supervised, and at some point she saved enough for us to move out of the city and get me into a decent school in a decent community.

A single woman, no government aid, with one child in tow. She had incentive to work harder and do better. Not do nothing (or worse) and scream, “Oh, woe is me. Government please come save me.” She came here from Italy – to the land of opportunity, not handouts.

Obama’s proposed HUD-forced integration flies right in the face of current federal law dictating that you can’t refuse to sell or rent to someone based on color, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc. But now he’s going to make it so you will be required to turn someone down if they don’t meet certain demographic criteria? That makes no sense.

What if you live in Anchorage? Do we fly in blacks and Hispanics? Or is that not desirable enough? Montana’s black population is 0.67 percent, while Mississippi has more than 37 percent. Start up the shuttles; we’re going to need to even out that inequity. Beautiful places like Oregon, Washington and West Virginia all have less than 4-percent black populations. Hey Prez, what do we do there?

Let’s talk about moving the whites around. People of all colors and ethnicities have moved out of areas because of the shape of bad government and bad conditions. Detroit; Jackson, MS; Miami Gardens; Birmingham; and Baltimore are all over 65-percent minority. All of those cities are either close to or in bankruptcy. All of them are in the dumper.

And you’re gonna force people to move back there? From what hell do people come from to move UP to these places?

My mom knew the government wasn’t there to help her. She knew if she wanted better, she would have to work for it. She was proud of her accomplishments. Why? Because she did it herself, not the government. She did it speaking broken English, with a green card in hand, and almost a sixth-grade education. She went on to become one of the most noted hairdressers in Boston and even beat Vidal Sassoon in a competition back in the 1970s. She owned several beauty parlors and a beauty supply distribution company.

Yup. All without the help of the government. All because she wanted better, she had incentive, and she understood the American dream. She used to say, “No one’s going to do it for you. Get up and go do it yourself.”

I came from that background. I have owned several successful – and not-so-successful – businesses. I have lived in my car and in a nice house. And yes, at times I have taken advantage of government programs to help me get over a bump. But I never stayed parked in one of those programs. What kept me going and moving forward was incentive to do better for me and my family.

Those of you who have kids know, the more you do for them, the lazier they get. The more the government does for people, the less they have to do for themselves.

Mr. Obama, please come back to reality and to the American way of life. Allow us to live our lives to work harder, and please … stop “helping us.”


Joe Messina is host of The Real Side (TheRealSide.com), a nationally syndicated talk show that runs on AM-1220 KHTS radio and SCVTV [here]. He is also an elected member of the Hart School Board. His commentary publishes Mondays.


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  1. Gary says:

    Geez, Joe – can you write even ONE column that’s not pitting white people against black people?

    Hey, at least the government GAVE YOUR MOM A GREEN CARD. They are pretty damn hard to get these days for most hard working latinos who want to come here, today. That was your mom’s first hand out.

    Joe – I have to bet you went to college, although sometimes it doesn’t seem so certain. If you did, what’s the chance you went to a STATE college. GOVERNMENT HANDOUT! Hey, you went to public school, right? GOVERNMENT HANDOUT. You ate food inspected by the USDA. GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION AND HANDOUT.

    Go read your bible, Joe. Take the mote out of your own eye before looking at others.

  2. Dave Warburton says:

    Not everyone is as fortunate as you, Joe, despite their hard work. We are becoming a majority-minority country whether you like it or not. Many of the states in the interior of the country haven’t yet gotten that message but they will, regardless of whether the government nudges them along or not.

  3. Right on Joe, time for a new president not Clinton and her oil money backers Obama where you gonna live when your not in the white house no where close to section 8 or hud huh

  4. Right on Joe, time for a new president not Clinton and her oil money backers Obama where you gonna live when your not in the white house no where close to section 8 or hud huh

  5. Ryan Young says:

    A) This should be on your personal blog
    B) This is a one sided argument, not an article
    C) You really think your mother would have the opportunities that she did without “big bad government”? She was granted a green card to live and work in America and was given that opportunity by our government. Where did she come from and why wasn’t she able to build her life (and yours) over there? While I admire your mother’s hard work and determination, your attitude is what’s hurting America.

    “My mom knew the government wasn’t there to help her. She knew if she wanted better, she would have to work for it. She was proud of her accomplishments. Why? Because she did it herself, not the government. She did it speaking broken English, with a green card in hand, and almost a sixth-grade education. She went on to become one of the most noted hairdressers in Boston and even beat Vidal Sassoon in a competition back in the 1970s. She owned several beauty parlors and a beauty supply distribution company.
    Yup. All without the help of the government. All because she wanted better, she had incentive, and she understood the American dream. She used to say, “No one’s going to do it for you. Get up and go do it yourself.””

    D) Sure, you have your right to publish and preach whatever you like… I’m sure that’s no thanks to government, either.

    • Dean Botton says:

      Disagree, because the majority of Americans cannot stand our king. Therefore; his article speaks on behalf of the majority of the U.S.

    • He is not a king, he was voted into a democracy by the people.

    • Mary Caldas says:

      He is a dictator. He makes his own rules. He is destroying our Country.

    • Elected twice. Not a dictator. Actually born in Hawaii and has the worst congress in the history of the United States. PS my 401k is really looking better these days, and so is the stock market.

    • Hawaii Kenya. You are right he is not a dictator. In pea brain though he thinks he is one. Obama loves China’s form of government. Your 401k and Stock shared are improving because the faith in the market is back with the Republicans pulling the reins back on Obama’s socialism. This next Presidential election is going to be interesting.

    • I like the Clean Water Act”, pretty much credit stock market turn around on Dems, crash on Republicans. Republicans doing best to eliminate Dodd Frank so we’ll get another Crash. Dems are much better at governing.

    • I also like clean energy. Meanwhile air in SCV unhealthful ): I really like air, Kinda need it.

    • Dean Botton says:

      It’s not the vote that counts, it’s who counts the votes – Stalin

    • Dean — you are completely wrong and ill-informed. The majority of Americans elected the President twice. And the majority still stand behind him. You’re just plain wrong. Whatever problems you have in life, I guarantee the President is not the source of them. The Tea-publicans have done a great job of creating fear and propagating lies and pointing fingers at the President from day 1 and saying “he’s to blame for your lot in life.”

    • President Obama can travel to Europe and not worry about getting arrested for torture. Bush and Cheney should travel to Europe, someone needs to prosecute them.

    • @michael trueblood pea brain? Damn you’re disrespectful. Turn off your tv. You sound like every slob TV watcher. Has the Republicans not brought in that low life Sarah Palin into the picture 8 years ago, things may be a whole lot different. They screwed up. The moment they announced Sarah Palin. I said to my husband, the democrats will win. Lick your sore loser wounds. You’re a typical couch sitting political smack talker. Obama inherited the subprime mess. That was not his doing.

    • The idiocy is strong in these people calling him a king and dictator. Smh. Go live in North Korea then we can talk.

  6. Ryan Young says:

    A) This should be on your personal blog
    B) This is a one sided argument, not an article
    C) You really think your mother would have the opportunities that she did without “big bad government”? She was granted a green card to live and work in America and was given that opportunity by our government. Where did she come from and why wasn’t she able to build her life (and yours) over there? While I admire your mother’s hard work and determination, your attitude is what’s hurting America.

    “My mom knew the government wasn’t there to help her. She knew if she wanted better, she would have to work for it. She was proud of her accomplishments. Why? Because she did it herself, not the government. She did it speaking broken English, with a green card in hand, and almost a sixth-grade education. She went on to become one of the most noted hairdressers in Boston and even beat Vidal Sassoon in a competition back in the 1970s. She owned several beauty parlors and a beauty supply distribution company.
    Yup. All without the help of the government. All because she wanted better, she had incentive, and she understood the American dream. She used to say, “No one’s going to do it for you. Get up and go do it yourself.””

    D) Sure, you have your right to publish and preach whatever you like… I’m sure that’s no thanks to government, either.

  7. I can’t believe that anyone would believe the vitriol you spew, Mr. Messina. All you are is a puppet for the irrelevant, corporate right that seems to think that screwing the American people sideways will somehow make our country better. I see you complaining about our “welfare state” but did you make one peep when George W. Bush began the bailouts? Or were those companies just working hard at the lobbyist table and that’s why they got bailouts? How about all the money we spent looking for weapons of mass distraction (yes, I spelled it right). What about when Bush destabilized Iraq and allowed extremism to gain a foothold? Are we going to ignore that too?

    Remember, the destruction of the country won’t come from outside; it’ll come draped in the American flag. You can pretend that your views will bring fairness but if you give the money a long leash, they’ll run away with it and leave destitute, impoverished people behind the machine.

    If your half-brained and cockney view of America came to pass, we’d all better invest in the Vaseline now…

  8. I can’t believe that anyone would believe the vitriol you spew, Mr. Messina. All you are is a puppet for the irrelevant, corporate right that seems to think that screwing the American people sideways will somehow make our country better. I see you complaining about our “welfare state” but did you make one peep when George W. Bush began the bailouts? Or were those companies just working hard at the lobbyist table and that’s why they got bailouts? How about all the money we spent looking for weapons of mass distraction (yes, I spelled it right). What about when Bush destabilized Iraq and allowed extremism to gain a foothold? Are we going to ignore that too?

    Remember, the destruction of the country won’t come from outside; it’ll come draped in the American flag. You can pretend that your views will bring fairness but if you give the money a long leash, they’ll run away with it and leave destitute, impoverished people behind the machine.

    If your half-brained and cockney view of America came to pass, we’d all better invest in the Vaseline now…

  9. Ian Riner says:

    Why would this be here??

  10. It’s amazing I know when my great grandparents and grandparent came from Italy and Germany through Ellis Island, they were counted by the USA they became citizens after a time and never asked anything of the Government. They always told us kids work hard for your family and your country. It will be the best life possible. Today do many want a hand out be it people born here or coming here. This country was not found on slackers. It was found on hard work and determination. Not everything is perfect but our country is still the best but only if we don’t allow government to take over.

  11. Brace yourselves…the racist comments are coming! #awesometown

  12. Dean Botton says:

    I support you Joe! While this may be a one sided article, it agrees with the majority opinion of the U.S. as of today.

  13. Zita Norte says:

    I want to sue the government for this forced equality. I have to send my kid to private school because of what HUD and section 8 have done to SCV. If you don’t earn it, you don’t appreciate it.

    • So your terrified of your kids being with minorities and people with less money than you. Got it. Segregation here we go.

    • Zita Norte says:

      My mom is a LEGAL immigrant from Mexico but there used to be a time where people that were in the same social class NOT RACE lived in neighborhoods together. I had black, chinese, arab, white, Hispanic in my neighborhood. None of us were placed there and given free or subsidized housing. Segregation would be telling a black family with money that they couldn’t move into a neighborhood with others in their same financial class. I’m not falling for the racist bs you are pulling.

  14. Your ideas are out dated Mr. Messina. Unfortunately, hard work and playing by the rules doesn’t work anymore. American business’s have figured out that they don’t need us anymore. Why worry about 320 million American customers when you can sell your products to 3 billion people in China and India. As a former Republican, I’m sickened by the greed in my old party. I trust business to absolutely do nothing for the American people now. As a business major, I remember our discussions in class at Pepperdine back in the 90s, there was a push by some professors to promote “out sourcing” as a way to increase profits and cut costs (lower wages, little to no regulation, etc), and how out sourcing was going to actually benefit everyone involved. The pendulum has swung too far in favor of big business, and something needs to be done to bring back equilibrium to the situation. And if that entails the government getting involved with some regulations, so be it. Thomas Jefferson feared exactly what has happened today, that if you let corporations unchecked (little or no regulations), then you would end up with an aristocracy of corporations! So I believe as Thomas Jefferson believed, that corporate charters/corporations should be renewed every 5 years!

  15. I love seeing the Joe Messina penned commentary. A quick glance let’s me know he’s baiting again. So I skip along, knowing full well whatever he’s trying ain’t working on me!

  16. Anonymous says:

    SCTV = Fox News Lite

  17. Mary Caldas says:

    Excellent article. I’m tired of my tax dollars going to help people who shouldn’t even be in our Country.

  18. James says:

    Joe, I’m not sure I know anyone as negative as you. If I lived in the Hart School District, I too would be looking for a better place for my kids to go – considering who is on the school board. I wouldn’t want my kids subjected to your drivel or from anyone who serves at your pleasure.

  19. Always like your articles Joe!!!
    You tell it like it is!

  20. IRene Betsch says:

    Socialism is forced “charity”–“income equality” via by taking some people’s money & giving it to others. Karl Marx thought that was a great idea. Socialism has never worked anywhere it has been tried. Look at Greece–never ending bailouts. As Maggie Thatcher said: “Eventually you run out of other people’s money.” I have no problem with paying my “fair share” of taxes & that a portion of my taxes help provide a safety net for CITIZENS who are unable to work. At some point those who drive the economic engine of this country will give up or move to Singapore. Why should I work my butt off when my neighbor has a better house, a better car, free medical care, pays no taxes, gets a tax refund anyhow, gets free food, and gets paid cash “under the table” for any work he does?

  21. IRene Betsch says:

    Worst Prez since Carter.

  22. Mr. Messina, you know not of what you speak. Can’t believe that you even have a stage to pander your ill-informed views. The President is not trying to regulate our lives. Any time the President has an idea (which is usually informed by the people he represents –us), people like you claim he’s trying to “regulate” our lives or impose something on us. He’s the President that was elected twice by large majority and it’s his job to address issues and make proposals. Nothing is being forced upon us. We still have checks and balances with the 3 branches of government (do you even know what they are?). The issue I think you are ranting about (affordable housing and segregated housing) is a big issue and needs addressing. Government is supposed to work for us, especially in these days of big corporations dominating our lives and the political process. You’re aiming your vitriol in the wrong direction.

  23. As a millennial I’m so thankful that my generation will be taking over this country and fixing all the nonsense taking place… and when the minorities become the majority i just hope they return the kindness to those that made it difficult for them to exist..some people forget there’s a sleeping giant amongst us and from where I’m sitting its waking up

  24. Messina, you’re paranoid. All that is BS. My Goodness what a negative rant.

  25. Kim says:

    I think commentary columns such as this one that express strong political views should not be on a NEWS website. News channels should practice objective reporting, which this (and other commentary authors) definitely does not. This type of opinion does NOT belong on a news channel.

  26. Kim Stephens says:

    I agree with Ryan – this is a COMMENTARY – an unobjective account, which does not belong on a news channel or website! This and other commentary articles have no business being associated with NEWS.

  27. Christina Rodriguez says:

    I really enjoyed your article / commentary. So right on point! My husband and I both had a pretty tough start in life but we were hyper focused on having a better life. We worked very hard and achieved what we set out to do. In my young years I did ask for government assistance, but it was just to complete my education. I was very proud to say that I had a very good job within three months and never looked back. We did it the old fashioned way and we are proud of it.

  28. James Jefferies says:

    Sir, You are an idiot.

  29. It’s cause he’s black, isn’t it Joe?

  30. Sir, you are an idiot.

  31. Howard Bloch says:

    You know what Joe? The Democrats raise the minimum wage, people lose their jobs. This was always a transitional wage, a stepping stone. The Democrats make employers pay medical after 29 hours. People get a whole lot less hours. Time and time again, through stupidity, they hurt the people they are trying to help.

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