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S.C.V. History
March 12
1928 - St. Francis Dam collapses at 11:57:30 PM, killing an estimated 411 people from Saugus to the sea. America's deadliest civil engineering failure of the 20th Century [stories & photos]
St. Francis Dam

[KHTS] – Santa Clarita’s Mulligan’s Restaurant and Bar is closing down Friday after more than 40 years, but they are going out with a bang.

mulligansThe Irish Pub will be hosting a big Halloween party, that will go from when they open at 11:30 a.m. to when they close at around 2 a.m. Saturday, according to restaurant officials.

Mulligan’s has been a place that many Santa Clarita residents have frequented for as long as they have been open. 

“My husband had a couple of his campaign parties at Mulligan’s, and it was always a fun location,” said Robin Strickland, wife of Paul Strickland, former William S. Hart School Board member. “It’s sad that a local restaurant icon is closing.” 

Mulligan’s was even on The Food Network’s show “On The Rocks,” last January.

The episode was titled Irish Pub Troubles: “Bar expert John Green visits Mulligan’s, an Irish pub in Santa Clarita, Calif. With only four days to turn this bar around, this pub will undergo extensive bar training, a major revamping of the cocktail and food menu and a makeover that brings tears to the owner’s eyes,” according to the Food Network’s website.

Tomorrow is the last day to say goodbye to this staple in the Santa Clarita Valley.

The restaurant did not disclose a reason for the closing, but did say that it saddens them to see it go.

Mulligan’s Restaurant and Bar is located at 25848 Tournament Rd. in Valencia. For more information visit their website here.

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  1. Wow! So many great memories there :(

  2. This place has gone down the tubes. It’s run down, no AC and filthy. It’s a shell of its former self.

  3. If you need a drink you could always go to Sunrise Liquor right behind Mulligans, lol

  4. Jim Uhl says:

    40 years in THIS location? or were they located elsewhere before?

  5. Hmmm it’s been there at least 20years in that spot.

  6. Christine says:

    Wow another place leaving Santa Clarita. Sad to see it go, but then again with how high rent is im not surprised. i wouldn’t be surprised if it was Santa Clarita that was pushing them out either. but either way, sad to see them go.

  7. I heard a Portos is going there.

  8. Devin Suttles Eric Pressman Dennis Macchiaverna Sara Freck Daisy Aguilar good thing we went a couple weeks ago! Hahaha

  9. Art Tom says:

    Good riddance. Worst example of a pub I’ve ever seen.

  10. I know it’s been there for over 32 years .. I had my Baby shower there … Wait … it wasn’t my Baby shower it was my bridal shower and that was over 34 years ago

  11. It’s Obama’s fault

  12. I had to because of that great picture comment above

  13. Kelly Berry says:

    Matthew, good ‘ol Mulligans. I grew up there, literally. I did my homework in the bar area, played countless games of darts, drank Shirley Temples, and even held my wedding reception in the back room. It was a wonderful place for a long time.

  14. Sarai Elizabeth Villasenor

  15. I loved Mulligan’s! It’s sad to see it go. Losing a lot of good ole places in Santa Clarita. They were smart to go on Bar Rescue and have them fix it up to make it sell better.

  16. I see Portos filling the spot of the old Elephant Bar location.

  17. Wow, going to miss this place.

  18. Carly Jennings how am I going to go out to do karaoke with you now!?!

  19. Steve Behen says:

    Wow, I remember eating there in the 80’s before I moved away.

  20. Megan Scherich do u remember when your mom gave us a coupon to this place and we couldn’t find it!?

  21. Dwayne Pine says:

    Cops are gonna be all over that place

  22. Noooo way! Did I do that?

  23. Favorite place for St Patrick’s Day celebration and have so many other great memories of special times with family, friends and co-workers.

  24. Shannon Lee says:

    Part of my childhood. Sad

  25. What that’s to bad. Had some good times there .

  26. Randy Kolar says:

    Susanne , Eric …crazy

  27. How sad :/ I cocktailed there about 10 years ago – good times.

  28. Angie Nonenmacher nooooooooo!

  29. Danielle Renee Guevara

  30. Lisa Dixon says:

    Wow. That’s so sad

  31. Spent my last Thanksgiving in California at Mulligans in 1993.

  32. Ariana Jocelyn Gucciardi

  33. Sorry to hear this – not sure exactly when it became Mulligans but it was not 40 years ago. Before Mulligans there was Torian’s plum and the Village Inn before that at this location which opened around 38 years ago.

  34. Hugo Torres says:

    Marcus Magdaleno, no more bloody Mary’s. ..

  35. I remember when it opened and it the Village Inn !

  36. Deidre. …want to go tomorrow? Haha

  37. Debbie Hanna says:

    Lindsey Hanna member our night there

  38. Once Leo sold it, it was never the same! To bad it’s closin I spent many a Saturday nights there in the late 90’s!

  39. How sad, had my uncle’s wake there will sort of, my uncle was not there as in a true Irish wake.

  40. Lisa Hershfeld-Smith sad day!

  41. Alan Bingham says:

    Current owner has no idea how to run a business, I stared going there after the show revamped it, it was ok for a couple of months, but the owner quickly returned to her old ways, the dinner portions became lunch sized portions. The place was targeting the “college” kids (why I don’t know, they show up drunk, don’t buy any food or drinks) go out in the parking lot and drink their own beers and leave their bottles on other peoples cars such as mine) if the buy a drink in the bar, it puts them over and they fall out of their chairs breaking their glass on the floor. She had a group of regulars who were her friends who drank for free and hit on all the women who are there with their dates.

    All I can say is good riddens, maybe someone else will open a real restaurant and bar there.

  42. My friend bought it and will transform it to a great place!!! Can’t wait!

  43. I love that bar, my dad and brother and I were in a bowling tournament they had one year on saint Patricks day it was a blast, hung out there many night after work with my dad..

  44. Karen Blum says:

    What is the plan for it? The neighborhood needs a Cheers type place where we can get to know each other or a great family spot where you can walk to have breakfast, dinner, coffee or dessert.

  45. Guess it’s another one that Bar Rescue couldn’t save. That show doesn’t have a great track record.

  46. Diana Thorn says:

    No more corned beef and cabbage. :'(

  47. Allan Cameron says:

    It is true that this location has had several different brands during the last 30 plus years, including Torians Plum and the Village Inn. Mulligan’s has NOT been there for 40 years. I used to got there frequently. Stopped when the food and service became mediocre. Never was a good physical location.

  48. I know Niki I’m very sad!!!! :(

  49. Long ago they had a claw machine but you pulled up live lobster instead of stuffed animals. Was great

  50. Km. What is going there

  51. Km. What is going there

  52. Jose Hernandez Annamarie Canilao

  53. Jose Hernandez Annamarie Canilao

  54. David Doyle says:

    Its a dump anyways

  55. David Doyle says:

    Its a dump anyways

  56. Ryan Clapham didn’t we go here once?

  57. Ryan Clapham didn’t we go here once?

  58. Kerri Spurlin Mike Spurlin

  59. Kerri Spurlin Mike Spurlin

  60. Kris Doyle says:

    Well all I can say is, they had a long life of 40 yrs, a lot longer then a lot of places out here, so she must have done something right. Only really went there for Saint Patties day and we always had a good time. Farewell Mulligan’s

  61. That’s sad went to a whole Lotta New Year’s Eves there when I was younger I wish things could stay the same forever but they can’t! Thank you mulligans sorry to see you go!

  62. Andrew Boron – so long ago White Russians were the drink of choice!?! Wth?

  63. Montana Maxim Nisar isn’t this where you and Austin had your first date :-(

  64. Susan Felber Denise McCarty Kristin Herr Hogan Michelle Murphy LaBrie I miss your sweet, beautiful faces!! This made me remember all the fun & laughs we use to have! Maybe we need a reunion? xoxo

  65. Awwwwww. Bummer their closing.

  66. Ryan Kennedy Erica :(

  67. WOW! I met my ex-husband there. Seems fitting that the restaurant would be closing down too. LOL

  68. Mayra Montes says:

    Matt Freier Millicent Crouch bye mulligans!

  69. Wow. Sad to c it close

  70. Well gotta say that I went there twice for St Patricks Day and twice I was disappointed. But the service was good, and I really liked the lighting in there. 40 yrs…wow, that is kinda sad. Someone stated here that they know what’s going in there. I too would LOVE to see an independent food place go in, like ( to quote that other statement here) a CHEERS type place. A place not just geared for young partyhearty types but a place EVERYONE could come, eat drink, and be happy hanging out. FIRST REQUEST is GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE. ! We have ENOUGH restaurants that employ total ding dongs to serve the public or are just rude.

  71. Susan Felber says:

    Adrianne Adams Rendall those were the best times! Kristin Herr Hogan I think your dad needs to look into bringing it back, And leave Carp not a chance :)

  72. Where is the place. I’m thinking near the golf course. Maybe by Sun Liquor

  73. Lindsey Eichler-Leitelt where will you do karaoke now?

  74. Nick Gillott says:

    Their landlord is a nazi!!!!! I hope they get hemroids for life

  75. Did they get a new onwer?

  76. I loved this place! People tell me I celebrated my 25th birthday there. Shame it is closing.

  77. Craig Grimes says:

    It was never an Irish bar. It was called Mulligans because of the golf course that is nearby. You know, you get a mulligan when you make a bad shot.


    Great place to hang out on NASCAR Sunday’s


    Great place to hang out

  80. Barbara Ortega says:

    Well, only 8 yrs late seeing this news & comments posted. I was reminiscing & decided to Google. I MUST contribute! I started going here when it was Torian’s in 1979, then Mulligans. This was before the SCV population explosion. This was far more than a wonderful restaurant/bar. It was family! Everyone knew everyone…”Cheers” had nothing on Mulligans. We ate together(fabulous food), drank,
    danced, had contests, watched Monday Night Football,celebrated, laughed, & yes…cried. It was home (away from home) & we had soooo much fun! No ‘regular’ ever got out of hand! Everyone had your back. This place was a huge part of everyone’s life!
    So, I hope that whatever establishment follows on the foundation of Mulligan’s/Torian’s…that they enjoy the success & “love” deposited there. ❤

  81. Tom and Trisha says:

    Jerry Hodges, Chuck Popham Tom & I use to have a real BLAST.

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