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The William S. Hart Union High School District Governing Board will hold its regular meeting virtually Wednesday, Nov. 18, beginning with a closed session at 6:00 p.m., followed immediately by open session at 7:00 p.m.

The meeting can be viewed on YouTube at https://youtu.be/LoTXFi32eko.

To provide public comment, email wshpubliccomments@hartdistrict.org no later than 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 18. Use “Public Comment” in the title of the email and limit your comments to a maximum of two minutes when read aloud. No action will be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda.

Note: This meeting will include a Public Hearing for item IX-A – Governing Board’s Intended Appointee to the Personnel Commission.

Items on the agenda include the appointments of principals at Academy of the Canyons and Bowman High School, as well as an update on return to school.

The full agenda can be viewed in its entirety below:

Regular (Virtual) Meeting of the Governing Board
William S. Hart Union HSD
November 18, 2020 7:00PM
The meeting can be viewed on YouTube at https://youtu.be/LoTXFi32eko To provide public comment, email wshpubliccomments@hartdistrict.org no later than 4:00 p.m., November 18. Please use “Public Comment” in the title of the email and limit your comments to a maximum of two minutes when read aloud. No action will be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda. NOTE: This meeting will include a Public Hearing for item IX-A – Governing Board’s Intended Appointee to the Personnel Commission.

I. Call to Order (6:00 p.m.)
I.A. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum
II. First Closed Session
II.A. Public Comments for Closed Session Items

Quick Summary / Abstract:
If you wish to make a public comment on a Closed Session item, you may submit written comments by email to wshpubliccomments@hartdistrict.org no later than 4:00 p.m., November 18. Please use “Public Comment” in the title of the email and limit your comments to a maximum of two minutes when read aloud. No action will be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda.
II.B. First Closed Session Items
II.B.1. Public Employee Appointment/Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Reassignment/Non-reelection (per Government Code Section 54957)

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Public employee appointment/discipline/dismissal/release/reassignment/non-reelection.
II.B.2. Conference with Labor Negotiator: Michael Vierra – Negotiations with Hart District Teachers Association (per Government Code Section 54957.6)

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Negotiations with Hart District Teachers Association.
II.B.3. Conference with Labor Negotiator: Michael Vierra – Negotiations with California School Employees Association Chapter 349 (per Government Code Section 54957.6)

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Negotiations with California School Employees Association.
II.B.4. Appointment of School Principals (per Government Code Section 54957)

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Consideration of appointment of school principals.
III. Public Session (7:00 p.m.)
III.A. Report of First Closed Session Action
III.B. Establishment of Quorum
III.C. Pledge of Allegiance
III.D. Approval of Agenda
IV. Recognitions by Board
V. Communications
V.A. Board Member Reports
V.B. Student Board Member Report
V.C. Employee Association Leadership
V.C.1. Hart District Teachers Association (HDTA) President John Minkus
V.C.2. California School Employees Association (CSEA) Chapter 349 President Kathy Hefferon
V.D. School Site Report – Academy of the Canyons/Learning Post Academy

Kathy Hunter, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Academy of the Canyons/Learning Post Academy Principal Erum Velek will give a presentation on ways the schools are working to ensure equity for all students.
AOC/LPA Presentation
VI. Special Items
VI.A. Remembering November 14, 2019

Mike Kuhlman, Superintendent
Quick Summary / Abstract:
It has been one year since the tragedy at Saugus High School. Unity of Community Day was held on November 14, 2020, to remember and honor Gracie Muehlberger and Dominic Blackwell, acknowledge the courage of injured students, and let the staff and students at Saugus High School know that the community stands with them and supports them in their recovery.
VI.B. Appointment of Academy of the Canyons/Learning Post Academy Principal

Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Staff will present a candidate for the position of Academy of the Canyons/Learning Post Academy principal.
Financial Impact:
Appropriate placement on the certificated management salary schedule.
Recommended Motion:
Approve candidate presented for the position of Academy of the Canyons/Learning Post Academy principal.
VI.C. Appointment of Bowman High School Principal

Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Staff will present a candidate for the position of Bowman High School principal.
Financial Impact:
Appropriate placement on the certificated management salary schedule.
Recommended Motion:
Approve candidate presented for the position of Bowman High School principal.
VII. Public Comments

Quick Summary / Abstract:
To provide public comment, you may submit written comments by email to wshpubliccomments@hartdistrict.org no later than 4:00 p.m., November 18. Please use “Public Comment” in the title of the email and limit your comments to a maximum of two minutes when read aloud. No action will be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda.
VIII. Discussion Items
VIII.A. Instructional Materials Selection Committee Task Force Update

David N. LeBarron, Director of Curriculum and Assessment
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Instructional Materials Selection Committee Task Force, comprised of teachers, students, and parents, has been reviewing District policies and procedures in order to improve the selection process to ensure appropriate material selection. Staff will give an update on the committee’s work. The committee will present its recommendations to the Board in the spring.
VIII.B. Return to School Update

Kathy Hunter, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Staff will give an update on Online Learning and the continued planning for a return to campus when it is deemed safe to do so.
IX. Action Items
IX.A. Public Hearing of Governing Board’s Intended Appointee to the Personnel Commission

John-Anthony Muraki, Director of Classified Personnel
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The Governing Board announced its intention to reappoint Ronda Chobanian to the Personnel Commission for a three year term commencing December 1, 2020.  A Public Hearing will be conducted to provide stakeholders the opportunity to share their views regarding the intended appointee.
The Governing Board announced its intention to reappoint Ronda Chobanian to the Personnel Commission for a three year term commencing December 1, 2020.  In compliance with California Education Code, a Public Hearing will be conducted to provide stakeholders the opportunity to share their views regarding the intended appointee.  At the conclusion of the Public Hearing, the Governing Board will take action to make their appointment to the Personnel Commission.
Recommended Motion:
Recommend the Governing Board take action to select their appointee to the Personnel Commission.
IX.B. Temporary Move of Academy of the Canyons to the Castaic High School Campus for the 2021 Spring Semester

Mike Kuhlman, Superintendent
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Due to College of the Canyons’ move to an online format for the entire 2020/21 school year, staff is recommending a temporary relocation of Academy of the Canyons to the Castaic High School site for the spring 2021 semester.
Academy of the Canyons (AOC), housed on the College of the Canyons campus, uses many services provided at the college campus including the cafeteria, computer labs, health center, library, and the Learning Center. Due to these services being unavailable for the remainder of the 2020/21 school year, and the fact that AOC’s classroom size does not allow room for proper social distancing, staff is recommending AOC temporarily relocate to the Castaic High School campus.
Recommended Motion:
Approve the relocation of Academy of the Canyons to the Castaic High School campus for the 2021 spring semester.
IX.C. Resolution No. 20/21-9 – Authorizing for Issuance and Sale of William S. Hart Union High School District 2020 General Obligation Refunding Bonds

Ralph Peschek, Chief Business Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Adopt Resolution No. 20/21-9 authorizing the issuance and sale of 2020 general obligation refunding bonds, prescribing the sale terms, authorizing execution and delivery of a preliminary official statement, and an official statement for such bonds, approving documents for the sale of such bonds, approving related documents and agreements, and making certain findings and determinations and taking related actions to refund prior bonds.

The William S. Hart Union High School District (“District”) previously called and conducted a general obligation bond election in 2001 (designated as “Measure V”) (“Measure V Election”), pursuant to applicable State of California (“State”) law, including the provisions of the California Constitution.  Measure V was approved by the voters within the District.  The District also previously called and conducted a general obligation bond election in 2008 (designated as “Measure SA”) (“Measure SA Election”), pursuant to applicable State law, including the provisions of the California Constitution.  Measure SA was approved by the voters within the District.

Pursuant to the authorizations provided in the Measure V Election and the Measure SA Election (collectively, the “Elections”), the provisions of the California Constitution, provisions of the California Education Code and the California Government Code, the District previously issued, or caused to be issued, certain general obligation bonds, and general obligation refunding bonds, which bonds are further described in Resolution No. 20/21-9.  These outstanding general obligation bonds, and general obligation refunding bonds, of the District are collectively referred herein and in Resolution No. 20/21-9 as the “Prior Bonds.”  The Prior Bonds are repaid from ad valorem property taxes collected from properties within the District’s boundaries pursuant to the authorizations provided under the respective Elections and as required under State law.

California law allows public agencies, including public school districts, to issue refunding bonds to refund all or a portion of previously issued general obligation bonds and general obligation refunding bonds, providing that there is a net debt service savings to the final maturity resulting from such refunding.  It is currently proposed to issue the William S. Hart Union High School District 2020 General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Federally Taxable) (“Refunding Bonds”) to refund certain maturities of the outstanding Prior Bonds.  Based on information provided by the District’s Municipal (Financial) Advisor (California Financial Services) (“Municipal Advisor”), the District expects to be able to achieve a net debt service savings on some maturities of the identified Prior Bonds by refunding them with the proceeds of the Refunding Bonds.  The refunding of the designated maturities of the Prior Bonds will only be completed if such a savings can be achieved.  The final determination on the maturities of the Prior Bonds that will be refunded will be made by District staff in consultation with the District’s Municipal Advisor based on market and investment conditions.

Resolution No. 20/21-9 authorizes matters relating to the issuance and sale of the Refunding Bonds pursuant to the terms set out in that Resolution.  The Refunding Bonds will be issued directly by the District rather than through the County of Los Angeles (“County”) (although the County will be kept abreast of the Refunding Bond sale and involved in the holding of certain funds for the Refunding Bonds as required by law).  Resolution No. 20/21-9 also makes certain findings and determinations and directs various actions required by State law to provide for the issuance of the Refunding Bonds and various related matters.

Resolution No. 20/21-9 provides for the negotiated sale parameters for the Refunding Bonds, which have been reviewed by the Municipal Advisor and Bond Counsel.  Resolution No. 20/21-9 authorizes the Refunding Bonds to be issued as current interest bonds.  Additional information on the structuring of the Refunding Bond sale, and related financial information, will be presented to the Board at the time Resolution No. 20/21-9 is presented for approval.

The proposed forms of the Bond Purchase Agreement and the Continuing Disclosure Certificate relating to the Refunding Bonds are attached as exhibits to Resolution No. 20/21-9.  The Bond Purchase Agreement sets out the terms under which the Refunding Bonds would be sold to the Underwriter (excluding final amounts and interest rates which will be determined when the Refunding Bonds are priced) and includes factual representations that the Underwriter is required to confirm in order to consummate a valid purchase of the Refunding Bonds.  The Continuing Disclosure Certificate is a document delivered by the District to comply with federal on-going disclosure requirements.  Those requirements apply to the Refunding Bonds and require that the District annually provide certain information relating to the Refunding Bonds to investors and potential investors.  The Bond Purchase Agreement and Continuing Disclosure Certificate are presented to the District Board in draft form and will be finalized during the process for the issuance and sale of the Refunding Bonds.

A Preliminary Official Statement, by which the Refunding Bonds will be offered to purchasers for sale, has also been prepared by Disclosure Counsel (Jones Hall) and provided to the District and the Board Members.  The Preliminary Official Statement includes information concerning the Refunding Bonds, the District and the District’s financial information.

An Escrow Agreement, to arrange for the payment, defeasance and redemption of the outstanding Prior Bonds which will be refunded, is approved by Resolution No. 20/21-9.  Various other findings and directives (required under California law) are also included in Resolution No. 20/21-9.

The District may, with the assistance of the District’s finance team, apply for bond insurance through one or more bond insurance companies and may purchase such a bond insurance policy for the Refunding Bonds if it is economically favorable to the District to do so.

The District will be represented in the issuance and sale of the Refunding Bonds by California Financial Services, as the District’s Municipal Advisor, Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo, A Professional Law Corporation, as the District’s Bond Counsel and Jones Hall as the District’s Disclosure Counsel.  All documents for the issuance and sale of the Refunding Bonds will be prepared and/or reviewed by the District’s Municipal Advisor, Bond Counsel and/or Disclosure Counsel.

The District will also arrange for the collection of the ad valorem property taxes necessary to repay the principal and interest on the Refunding Bonds through the County Tax Collector pursuant to the applicable statutory requirements and as directed in Resolution No. 20/21-9.

Financial Impact:
The potential savings generated by this refunding will be realized by taxpayers within the District through lower property taxes.  All fees and expenses incurred will be paid from refunding proceeds, and are contingent upon the successful closing of the refunding transaction.

Recommended Motion:
Adopt Resolution No. 20/21-9 to authorize the issuance, sale and delivery of the Refunding Bonds and take related actions.
Continuing Disclosure Certificate
Escrow Agreement
Preliminary Office Statement
Resolution No. 20/21-9
IX.D. Award Multi-Function Device/Digital Copier, Managed Print Services and Maintenance Services Agreement with American Business Machines, Inc., and Associated Municipal Finance Agreement with Canon Financial Services, Inc.

Leigh Hansen, Director of Purchasing and Warehouse
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Request to award Multi-Function Device/Digital Copier, Managed Print Services and Maintenance Services Agreement through PEPPM Cooperative Purchasing to American Business Machines (ABM), and associated Municipal Finance Agreement with Canon Financial Services, Inc.


The District and American Business Machines (ABM) previously entered into a Multi-Function Device/Digital Copier and Managed Print Services Agreement and associated Municipal Finance Agreement with Canon Financial Services, Inc. (Canon).  District staff identified potential cost savings through PEPPM to the current contract with Canon regarding the lease of equipment.  PEPPM is a cooperative purchasing program that serves school districts and other public agencies across the United States.

ABM has worked with the District to transition from the current contract to piggybacking on the PEPPM contract awarded to Canon. ABM will continue to provide onsite services and support.

Entering into this new agreement with Canon and American Business Machines will save the District  $313,926.

Financial Impact:
Reduction in expenditures to Fund 01 of $313,926 over the term of the agreement.
Recommended Motion:
Award Multi-Function Device/Digital Copier, Managed Print Services and Maintenance Services Agreement under the PEPPM Cooperative Purchasing program to American Business Machines (ABM) and associated Municipal Finance Agreement with Canon Financial Services, Inc.

Agreement Multi-function Device and Managed Print Services with ABM
Canon Municipal Lease Agreement
Canon Municipal Lease Agreement Addendum
IX.E. Agreement for Risk Control Services for Site Security Assessments (POMS & Associates)

Collyn Nielsen, Chief Administrative Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
An agreement for Risk Control Services for site security assessments (POMS & Associates) is presented for approval.
School safety audits are designed to assist facility management and staff with the identification of site and area-specific threats and hazards.  Audits also assess vulnerabilities and weaknesses as well as response and recovery capabilities. The goal of these assessments is to create a safe school climate in which all staff and students feel safe, secure, and are able to learn and work. The primary focus of the security assessment is to observe, evaluate, and test physical and human security measures present at a given facility, while also comparing existing policy with the facility’s current practices. This data will be used to offer recommendations to improve or “harden” identified weaknesses.  Upon completion of the on-site security assessment, a report outlining identified vulnerabilities, recommendations, and applicable regulations and/or standards will be prepared and distributed to the appropriate Hart risk management team.
Financial Impact:
Not to exceed $22,500 from General Funds.
Recommended Motion:
Approve the agreement for Risk Control Services for site security assessments with POMS & Associates.
IX.F. Resolution Declaring Emergency Conditions Exist

Ralph Peschek, Chief Business Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Due to ongoing emergency conditions, an extension of Resolution No. 20/21-2, authorizing the Superintendent and/or his designee to take any and all actions necessary to ensure the continuation of public education and the health and safety of the students and staff, is requested.
On March 4, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom declared a State of Emergency to enable state and local agencies to more effectively respond to the threat of spread of COVID-19. In April, the Governing Board approved Resolution No. 19/20-28 Declaring Emergency Conditions Exist at Hart District Schools and Offices and Authorizing Any and All Necessary Actions to Prepare and Respond Effectively to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). Resolution No. 20/21-2, approved in July 2020, continued these authorizations through December 2020. Due to the ongoing emergency conditions, it is necessary to extend Resolution 20/21-2 through April 2021.
Recommended Motion:
Approve the extension of Resolution No. 20/21-2, declaring emergency conditions exist at Hart District schools and offices and authorizing the superintendent and/or designee to take any and all actions necessary to ensure the continuation of public education and health and safety of the students and staff, through April 14, 2021.

Extension of Resolution No. 20/21-2
Resolution No. 20/21-2 Declaring Emergency Conditions Exist
IX.G. Governing Board Organizational Meeting Date – 2020

Mike Kuhlman, Superintendent
Quick Summary / Abstract:
The annual Organizational Meeting of the Governing Board must occur within a specified period in the month of  December. The Organizational Meeting is calendared for December 16, 2020, 7:00 p.m., on the 2020/21 Board meeting schedule that was approved last spring.
Recommended Motion:
Approve the Organizational Meeting of the Governing Board for December 16, 2020, at 7:00 p.m.

X. Consent Calendar

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Unless a Board Member has a question concerning a particular item and asks that it be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar, the Governing Board approves all the items at one time.
X.A. Consent Calendar-Removal of Items
X.B. Consent Calendar-Personnel
X.B.1. Personnel Report No. 20/21-9

Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Personnel Report No. 20/21-9 regarding certificated, non-certificated, classified and non-classified employees is presented for approval.
Recommended Motion:
Approve Personnel Report No. 20/21-9.
20/21 – 9 Personnel Report
X.B.2. Student Teaching Agreement Between the William S. Hart Union High School District and California Lutheran University

Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Quick Summary / Abstract:
A student teaching agreement between the William S. Hart Union High School District and California Lutheran University for multiple subject, single subject and educational specialist in a student teaching program is being presented for Board approval.
Recommended Motion:
Approve the student teaching agreement between the William S. Hart Union High School District and California Lutheran University.
Cal Lu Student Teaching Agreement
X.C. Consent Calendar-Curriculum/Instruction
X.C.1. Final Adoption of Textbook/Instructional Materials, 2020/21

David N. LeBarron, Director of Curriculum and Assessment
Quick Summary / Abstract:
A textbook has been recommended for final adoption for the 2020/21 school year.
A Different Mirror for Young People: A History of Multicultural America – Publisher: Seven Stories Press – Author: Takaki – Course Area: – Ethnic Studies  – Grade: 9-12 – This textbook will be used for the Ethnic Studies course.  It focuses on a variety of groups and their American story of coming to the United States and the challenges they encountered.  The text also aims to compare the experiences of various immigrant and ethnic groups.

Financial Impact:
Funding from State Instructional Materials Funds.
Recommended Motion:
Approve textbook, as referenced above, for use beginning in the 2020/21 year.
X.C.2. New/Revised Course Adoptions, 2020/21

David N. LeBarron, Director of Curriculum and Assessment
Quick Summary / Abstract:
A course is being recommended for adoption for use beginning in the 2020/21 school year.
Course Name:  Exploratory Technology Fundamentals

Grade: 7-8

Department: Elective

This one-quarter course is designed to provide students with a functional keyboarding skill, emphasizing personal and occupational goals along with computer literacy.  The first part of the course will focus primarily on learning the alphabetic keys, and the second part of the course will focus primarily on computer literacy.  Computer literacy will include the introductory concepts of word processing, spreadsheets, power point presentations, internet research, HTML (web design), email, and scanning.

Recommended Motion:
Approve course, as referenced above, for use beginning in 2020/21.
X.C.3. Revisions to School Plans for Student Achievement (Sierra Vista Junior High School and La Mesa Junior High School)

Jan Daisher, Director of Special Programs and Professional Development
Quick Summary / Abstract:
State and federal laws require schools to annually review and update their School Plan for Student Achievement.  These site-specific plans describe school improvement activities that are supported with categorical funds.
State and federal laws require schools to annually review and update their School Plan for Student Achievement.  These site-specific plans describe school improvement activities that are supported with categorical funds. As required by Senate Bill 374, each school leadership, site council, and advisory committee conducted a comprehensive needs assessment as well as an analysis of student achievement data based on the California Dashboard in the fall of 2019 to develop objectives for their action plan.

Analysis of the plans reveals necessary updates and revisions. Each school site council has approved the revisions, after consulting with the school leadership team and advisory council, and recommends them to the Board for approval.  All legal requirements remain in place for the plan that was approved in June 2020.  Annual evaluations conducted at that time meet the requirements of Board Policy 6190.

Attached are the revisions for the school plans of Sierra Vista Junior High School and La Mesa Junior High School for the 2020-21 school year.  Goals and action plans remain aligned with LCAP District goals and school goals for increased student achievement.

Financial Impact:
School plans account for the spending of Title I federal grant money allocated to school sites specifically for increasing student achievement at schools with 40 percent socioeconomically disadvantaged families. Allocated costs have not changed.
Recommended Motion:
Approve the revisions to the School Plans for Student Achievement for Sierra Vista Junior High School and La Mesa Junior High School.
Addendum to La Mesa Junior High School SPSA 11/12/2020
Addendum to Sierra Vista Junior High School SPSA 10/27/2020
X.D. Consent Calendar-Business Services
X.D.1. Purchase Order Report

Leigh Hansen, Director of Purchasing and Warehouse
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Ratification of the October 2020 Purchase Order Report is requested.
Staff requests the Governing Board ratify the attached Purchase Order Report, which covers purchases, as specified, for the period October 1, 2020, through October 31, 2020.

This report may contain open purchase orders with not-to-exceed amounts facilitating regular small purchases from single vendors. Open purchase orders with not-to-exceed amounts facilitating larger purchases from single vendors may indicate a publicly bid contract number and/or the date the Governing Board approved the vendor.  In an effort to efficiently process payments, the accumulated total of these purchases may be processed and paid as a single transaction.

Financial Impact:
The attached report shows amounts and funding sources for purchase orders processed in October 2020, as well as purchase orders greater than or equal to $50,000.
Recommended Motion:
Ratify the Purchase Order Report for the period of October 1, 2020, through October 31, 2020.
PO Board Report October 2020
X.D.2. Warrant Register and Revolving Cash Payments

Ralph Peschek, Chief Business Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approval and ratification of Warrant Register and Revolving Cash payments is requested.
10/1/2020 – 10/15/2020
Payroll Warrant Register   $3,424,299.14
Commercial Warrants – General Fund  $9,714,710.86
Commercial Warrants – All Other Funds    $2,795,019.46
Revolving Cash Fund $0.00
10/16/2020 – 10/31/2020
Payroll Warrant Register   $8,978,499.25
Commercial Warrants – General Fund  $1,625,316.43
Commercial Warrants – All Other Funds $1,259,303.52
Revolving Cash Fund  $0.00

Recommended Motion:
Approve and ratify the above listed Warrant Register and Revolving Cash payments issued between October 1, 2020, through October 31, 2020, and order the items filed for audit.
Commercial Warrants 10/1/20-10/15/20
Commercial Warrants 10/16/20-10/31/20
Payroll Warrants 10/1/20-10/31/20
X.D.3. Agreement for Fiscal and Budget Services (School Services of California, Inc.)

Ralph Peschek, Chief Business Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
An agreement for fiscal and budget services for one year from January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021 is presented for ratification.
School Services of California, Inc. (SSC), provides the District with assistance regarding issues of school finance, legislation, school budgeting, and general fiscal issues. The agreement provides for the following: access to SSC Fiscal Reports and other tools on the SSC website, analyses of all major school finance/fiscal legislation, up to eight (8) hours of service annually, as specified, and participation at the SSC conferences and workshops at the client rate.

The agreement’s term is for the period of one year, from January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021, and may be terminated by either party with a thirty (30) day written notice.

Financial Impact:
$3,840 payable from the General Fund (01.0), plus expenses.  Any services above those noted will be charged at the applicable hourly rate for the person(s) performing the requested services.
Recommended Motion:
Ratify the agreement with School Services of California, Inc., for fiscal and budget services in 2021.
School Services of CA Fiscal Budget Services
X.D.4. Terminate Contract WSH16-06B for Multi-Function Device/Digital Copier, Managed Print Services with American Business Machines, Inc., and Associated Municipal Finance Agreement with Canon Financial Services, Inc.

Leigh Hansen, Director of Purchasing and Warehouse
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Request to terminate contract WSH16-06B for Multi-Function Device/Digital Copier, Managed Print Services and associated Municipal Finance Agreement between the District and American Business Machines and Canon Financial Services, Inc.

The District and American Business Machines (ABM) previously entered into a Multi-Function Device/Digital Copier and Managed Print Services Agreement that contemplated a lease of certain equipment from Canon Financial Services, Inc. (Canon).  District staff has identified potential cost savings through PEPPM to the current contract with Canon regarding the lease of its equipment. PEPPM is a cooperative purchasing program that serves school districts and other public agencies across the United States.

ABM has worked with the District to facilitate a transition from the current contract to piggybacking on the PEPPM contract awarded to Canon.

Financial Impact:
Reduction in expenditures to Fund 01 of $313,926 over the term of the agreement.
Recommended Motion:
Terminate Contract WSH16-06B for Multi-Function Device/Digital Copier, Managed Print Services and associated Municipal Finance Agreement between the District and American Business Machines and Canon Financial Services, Inc., respectively.
Termination Letter WSH16-06
X.D.5. Acceptance of Monetary Donations

Ralph Peschek, Chief Business Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Monetary donations for the 2020/2021 school year are presented for Governing Board acceptance.
Recommended Motion:
Accept the monetary donations in the October 2020 Monetary Donations list in the amount indicated.
Acceptance of Monetary Donations
X.D.6. Disposition of Surplus/Obsolete Equipment

Leigh Hansen, Director of Purchasing and Warehouse
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Disposition of Surplus/Obsolete Equipment.
Pursuant to California Education Code Section 17545(b), the value of the following equipment will be sold through public auction, and if not sold, disposed of as surplus/obsolete equipment pursuant to Education Code Section 17545 (b).

Pursuant to California Education Code Section 17546(c), staff requests the Governing Board, by unanimous vote of those members present, find that the property listed below is of insufficient value to defray the costs of arranging a sale and thereby authorize the property to be donated to a charitable organization deemed appropriate by the Board, or disposed of in the local dump.  All e-waste will be collected and certified to its proper disposal by an e-waste recycler.

1. Kiln (QTY 1, Hart High School)

Recommended Motion:
Authorize staff to dispose of specified equipment pursuant to California Education Code Sections 17545(b) and 17546(c).
X.D.7. Agreement for Payments Attributable to COVID-19 Related School Closures in Fiscal Year 2020/21 (Storer Transportation School and Contract Service)

Brad Renison, Director of Transportation
Quick Summary / Abstract:
An agreement with Storer Transportation School and Contract Service for payments attributable to COVID-19 related school closures is presented for ratification.

The attached agreement amends the transportation contract with Storer Transportation due to COVID-19 related closures and special cohort transportation.  The terms of this agreement will end on December 17, 2020.

In accordance with Sections 18002 and 18003 of the CARES Act, Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds are available to local educational agencies in the state.  Section 18806 of the CARES Act provides that, “Local education agencies that receive funds from the “Educational Stabilization Fund,” shall, to the greatest extent practical, continue to pay its employees and contractors during the period of any disruptions or closures related to the coronavirus.

Financial Impact:
Reduction in Fund 01 expenditures.

Expenditures will be paid from Cares Act ESSER funds.

Recommended Motion:
Ratify agreement with Storer Transportation School and Contract Service related to Covid-19 closures.
Storer – Hart Agreement
X.D.8. Procurement for Diesel and Gasoline Fuel (Falcon Fuels, Inc., County of Los Angeles Piggyback Contract No. MA-IS-1640101-22)

Brad Renison, Director of Transportation
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approval to use the County of Los Angeles Piggyback Contract No. MA-IS-1640101-22 for diesel and gasoline purchases from Falcon Fuels, Inc., for the period of November 1, 2020, to April 30, 2021, is requested.
On November 6, 2019, the Governing Board approved the procurement of diesel and gasoline fuel per the terms of the County of Los Angeles piggyback contract extension (No. MA-IS-1640101-15) for the period of November 1, 2019, to October 30, 2020.

The District historically has purchased diesel and gasoline fuel through a Los Angeles County (County) piggyback contract. The County has extended the contract (No. MA-IS-1640101-22) to the same vendor, Falcon Fuels, Inc., to April 30, 2021. Staff recommends the District continue to utilize this piggyback contract extension for the purchase of diesel and gasoline fuel for the period of November 1, 2020, to April 30, 2021.

The term “piggyback” refers to procurement specific to Public Contract Code Section 20118, which allows public entities to purchase materials, supplies, equipment, vehicles, and other personal property by participating in another public entity’s existing contract or by using the other public entity’s contract terms to purchase directly from the vendor, provided the board has determined it to be in the District’s best interest.  Hart District Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 3311 authorize the District’s use of piggyback contracts consistent with Public Contract Code Section 20118.

Financial Impact:
Total cost of $150,000 to be paid from the General Fund (01.0) for period of November 1, 2020, to April 30, 2021.  This expenditure is currently included within the General Fund Maintenance and Transportation budgets.
Recommended Motion:
Authorize procurement of diesel and gasoline fuel per the terms of the County of Los Angeles Piggyback Contract Extension No. MA-IS-1640101-22 for the period of November 1, 2020, to April 30, 2021.
Falcon Fuel Contract
X.D.9. Individual Service Agreements for Public, Nonpublic, Nonsectarian School/Agency Services for Specified Students for the 2020/21 School Year

Joanna White, Director of Special Education
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Ratify Individual Service Agreements for Public, Nonpublic, Nonsectarian School/Agency Services for specified students for the 2020/21 school year.

The students provided for in the Individual Service Agreements have disabilities that require either education in separate educational facilities and/or additional support services such as occupational therapy.


Student #17 receives educational and support services at Casa Pacifica Centers for Children & Families, in Camarillo, CA.  Budget impact is $1,660.00

Student #18 receives educational and support services at Casa Pacifica Centers for Children & Families, in Camarillo, CA.  Budget impact is $45,290.00

Student #19 receives educational and support services at Casa Pacifica Centers for Children & Families, in Camarillo, CA.  Budget impact is $52,115.00

Student #20 receives educational and support services at Casa Pacifica Centers for Children & Families, in Camarillo, CA.  Budget impact is $46,441.16

Student #21 receives educational and support services at Casa Pacifica Centers for Children & Families, in Camarillo, CA.  Budget impact is $93,981.00

Student #22 receives educational and support services at Casa Pacifica Centers for Children & Families, in Camarillo, CA.  Budget impact is $1,410.00

Student #23 receives educational and support services at Casa Pacifica Centers for Children & Families, in Camarillo, CA.  Budget impact is $2,679.99

Student #24 receives educational and support services at Casa Pacifica Centers for Children & Families, in Camarillo, CA.  Budget impact is $1,526.65

Student #28 receives educational and support services at Devereux Texas Treatment Network & Devereux Victoria, in League City, CA.  Budget impact is $141,783.82

Student #29 receives educational and support services at Devereux Texas Treatment Network & Devereux Victoria, in League City, CA.  Budget impact is $131,645.41

Student #30 receives educational and support services at Devereux Texas Treatment Network & Devereux Victoria, in League City, CA.  Budget impact is $132,510.45

Student #31 receives educational and support services at Devereux Texas Treatment Network & Devereux Victoria, in League City, CA.  Budget impact is $138,925.08

Student #32 receives educational and support services at Devereux Texas Treatment Network & Devereux Victoria, in League City, CA.  Budget impact is $15,128.49

Student #34 receives educational and support services at Care Youth Corporation – Falcon Ridge Ranch, in Virgin, UT.  Budget impact is $138,310

Student #42 receives educational and support services at Care Youth Corporation – Lava Heights Academy, in Toquerville, UT.  Budget impact is $138,310

Student #43 receives educational and support services at Care Youth Corporation – Lava Heights Academy, in Toquerville, UT.  Budget impact is $138,310

Student #44 receives educational and support services at Care Youth Corporation – Lava Heights Academy, in Toquerville, UT.  Budget impact is $138,310

Student #49 receives educational and support services at Normative Services, Inc., in Sheridan, WY.  Budget impact is $107,065

Student #50 receives educational and support services at Normative Services, Inc., in Sheridan, WY.  Budget impact is $28,823.20

Student #51 receives educational and support services at Normative Services, Inc., in Sheridan, WY.  Budget impact is $136,325

Student #54 receives educational and support services at Oak Grove Center, in Murrieta, CA.  Budget impact is $163,972.12

Financial Impact:
Fiscal implications are on the Individual Service Agreements.
Recommended Motion:
Ratify Individual Service Agreements for Public, Nonpublic, Nonsectarian School/Agency Services for specified students for the 2020/21 school year.

Individual Service Agreement
X.E. Consent Calendar-Operations
X.F. Consent Calendar-Requests for Information
X.G. Approval of Consent Calendar
X.H. Items Removed from Consent Calendar
XI. Items for Future Consideration by the Board
XII. Second Closed Session

Quick Summary / Abstract:
This Closed Session will be used as an extension of item II – First Closed Session, if needed.
XII.A. Public Comments for Second Closed Session Items
XII.B. Second Closed Session Items
XII.C. Return to Public Session
XII.D. Report of Second Closed Session Action
XIII. Adjournment
Disability Information:
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Superintendent’s Office (661.259.0033.x201). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.
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