Recently, when it serves him well, the president has resorted to beating on Christians with ridiculously out-of-context scripture references. Well, Mr. Obama, I have one for you.
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” – Isaiah 5:20 (English Standard Version).
Basically, woe to the confused who think right is wrong and wrong is right.
Mr. Obama, I have been listening to your carefully chosen words with these two major boondoggles you have going on.
First, there’s Iran. You stated in a recent interview that you thought it was crazy that the legislators were out there “spinning” the Iran agreement that hadn’t happened yet (but then you said it did happen more than a week ago). You are concerned that the legislators are saying Iran will not live up to the proposed agreement. Not that it matters. Iran won’t put it in writing, and the legislators wouldn’t sign it anyway.
You also say that the way we’ve been handling Iraq isn’t working and hasn’t worked for 30 years. Shouldn’t we use an entity’s previous track record – and its modus operandi – to anticipate how it will respond? Our military experts do it. Financial experts do it, and you’ve even cited them many times. Business experts do it to predict the market and consumer buying trends. But Obamavision seems to be blind to this. It seems you believe you have the Midas touch and everything you do is golden. Actually, I think you’re more like Schleprock from the Flintstones. You have a dark cloud that follows you around, and everything you get involved with fails.
And now you want to give Iran a chance because you say this time they will actually stick to the agreement? Interestingly, almost every Middle Eastern leader thinks otherwise, but your crystal ball must be clearer than theirs.
The fact that in the past they have cheated and lied to U.N. inspectors doesn’t concern you. The fact that they built an enrichment facility deep inside a mountain so we couldn’t see it doesn’t concern you. The fact they have been playing war with their navy ships while bombing replicas of American ships doesn’t concern you. And what about the fact that their leader says there is no agreement, says you are lying, and says they will not do anything until ALL restrictions are removed?
Remember, you said restrictions would be removed gradually. Why don’t you call him out? Prove you’re not lying to us and that you have a spine.
Never mind. I knew you wouldn’t.
The agreement says we won’t be able to inspect their military installations. Does that mean they promised us with a cross-my-heart and a kiss-up-to-Allah that they will not be having any uranium on the bases? To coin an old ‘70s term, “Sure, I’ll still love you in the morning.”
Then, there is Cuba. Mr. President, you say we have been handling them the same way for 50 years and it has changed nothing. You’re right, I agree. They still oppress their people. The Castro brothers are still vicious dictators. They still imprison and torture political prisoners. Their 1-percenters are the Castro brothers. They still imprison homosexuals (so much for human rights). But none of those things bother you. And you think that if we just lighten up and start doing business with them again, all of that will change?
Don’t you think if they really wanted freedom for their people, they would have installed, or allowed to have elected, a democratic government? Just sayin’.
What do you think normalizing relations with an oppressive, communist, human rights-offending government will do for them, and for that matter, us?
Raul Castro wants money and an apology for how we have treated them over the years – and I have a sneaky suspicion, Mr. President, that you’re trying to figure out how to do that.
I’ll tell you what. You get them to apologize for the human rights violations they have committed against their people since they took over, and you can tell them, well, nothing. We did nothing wrong.
You tap the phones of all of our friendly allies and give a pass to the nations that hate us. You won’t help arm or rearm those who are willing really to fight for freedom for their people, but you will allow Iran, another human rights oppressing, woman- and homosexual-hating country, to get closer to creating a nuclear weapon.
Mr. Obama, I really am seeing the hate and disdain you have for the American way of life and living.
America has always had issues but has always worked at correcting those issues and mistakes (although maybe not fast enough). We have righted many wrongs. We have even helped our enemies rebuild. We have fed and defended people all over the world. We are not the big, bad country you make us out to be. And still, you continue to beat on us, yes all of us, except for a chosen few you have deemed worthy.
Newsflash, Mr. President: We will come back. You are awakening a sleeping giant. Even from within your own party, they are seeing the damage you do, and although they can’t stand Republicans, they can’t stand what you’re doing to this country even more.
Next to you, Joe Biden looks like an Oxford professor, and I am sure Jimmy Carter is dancing in his living room knowing when he leaves this earth, he will no longer be known as the worst president ever. Your real danger comes from thinking you know more than lifelong military experts, lifelong economic experts, lifelong foreign affairs experts, and that you simply know more than anyone else on the planet.
You have confused right with wrong. You have confused truth and lies. And you are confused as to who the ultimate judgment comes from. As a professing Christian, I am sure you won’t mind if I ask my brothers and sisters in Christ to pray for God to open up your eyes with understanding so you can see what you need to do to make things right again.
Otherwise, move aside and let Joe drive.
Joe Messina is host of The Real Side (, a nationally syndicated talk show that runs on AM-1220 KHTS radio and SCVTV [here]. He is also an elected member of the Hart School Board. His commentary publishes Mondays.
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The words have not been invented to accurately describe what a moron this guy is.
Even Jesus could not have said it better
This person also sits on a local school board. That ‘s scary if not down right pathetic!
This person also sits on a local school board. That ‘s scary if not down right pathetic!
This person also sits on a local school board. That ‘s scary if not down right pathetic!
Thanks Frank , my feelings also. Go Hart
Yeah we should just bomb Iran just as we did with Irak since that worked so well, and lets do the same to Cuba and that will solve all of the problems right.
Says the guy who just spelled Iraq “Irak” lol
Says the guy who just spelled Iraq “Irak” lol
Yes I’m sorry I was very sleepy last night.
Yes I’m sorry I was very sleepy last night.
But yea thats the answer to everything
But yea thats the answer to everything
Has the world become a better place following the path laid down by liberals. NO! Everything has become worse.
You think this country has problems now, just wait.
Hope you love extreme weather, it’s going to get worse. This country has turned against the beliefs of the Bible.
The Bible is a book!
The Bible is a book!
agreed Christy
So you want rain here in California huh, don’t ask for help from God.
What about Benghazi? Did we forget Benghazi? BENGHAZI!!!
I didn’t even read the piece, but the description said quite enough… another attempt to use the Bible as a weapon politically. Jesus also said pray for your leaders and to submit to them. Kind of suspect that you didn’t include that, Joe. But I know why… it doesn’t serve your political agenda.
Joe, you lose all moral authority once you cite “good” and “evil.” As though you have the ability to discern the “goodness or evilness” of an arms treaty with Iran – even as the details remain yet unknown.
What do you want, regional war?
You write this blather for the attention only. Its a narcissistic endeavor, and that’s about it.
– Gary
with this President nothing is ever “known” until he sticks it to us Gary. Wake up !!! Please?
Obama is the worst President this country has ever seen. We as a people have never been more devided. The world under is policies has never been more devided. New and worse terror groups have risen, the Soviet Union feels emboldened, deals with sponsors of terrorism, allies becoming enemies, unconstitutional orders bypassing congress, new gender, race and income battles within our own borders, massively under reported unemployment, lies and misdirected policies. It’s not about his race or his contempt for Christians, his place of birth or his heritage. It’s about his failed track record which has made this coubtry and the world a worse place to live. 2016 can’t come fast enough.
Obama is the worst President this country has ever seen. We as a people have never been more devided. The world under is policies has never been more devided. New and worse terror groups have risen, the Soviet Union feels emboldened, deals with sponsors of terrorism, allies becoming enemies, unconstitutional orders bypassing congress, new gender, race and income battles within our own borders, massively under reported unemployment, lies and misdirected policies. It’s not about his race or his contempt for Christians, his place of birth or his heritage. It’s about his failed track record which has made this coubtry and the world a worse place to live. 2016 can’t come fast enough.
Talk about failed policies ask the Bush’s and how they got into these wars to make there vice president rich. He owned Haliburton. I guess I don’t understand how the Republican party brainwashes their members being that every bill that Obama has put across their desk has been voted down and they have spent more time trying to get rid of Obamacare than running the country they so called love
Talk about failed policies ask the Bush’s and how they got into these wars to make there vice president rich. He owned Haliburton. I guess I don’t understand how the Republican party brainwashes their members being that every bill that Obama has put across their desk has been voted down and they have spent more time trying to get rid of Obamacare than running the country they so called love
I think it’s funny how Obama supporters respond like children by blaming someone else for their problems. It’s always. “Yeah but Bush”. Lol. It’s like listening to a couple two year old fighting about who broke the toy. At what point so you zombies start responding to the actual criticism with contrary facts? Probably because they don’t exist. You can’t argue FACTS about our CURRENT administration. Bush had his problems without a doubt but he is no longer President. My comment was about the man who has been for a term and a half. Take ownership of your leaders problems. They are changing our world for the negative and if you keep blaming everyone else you will continue to be a blind sheep.
I think it’s funny how Obama supporters respond like children by blaming someone else for their problems. It’s always. “Yeah but Bush”. Lol. It’s like listening to a couple two year old fighting about who broke the toy. At what point so you zombies start responding to the actual criticism with contrary facts? Probably because they don’t exist. You can’t argue FACTS about our CURRENT administration. Bush had his problems without a doubt but he is no longer President. My comment was about the man who has been for a term and a half. Take ownership of your leaders problems. They are changing our world for the negative and if you keep blaming everyone else you will continue to be a blind sheep.
The facts don’t support your conclusion
Those are 100 percent fast statistics. A typical tactic of the uneducated Democrat supporter. Unsubstantiated statements posted on a political meme hardly stand up as factual. The unemployment rate doesn’t factor those who stopped receiving benefits. Those people who are still unemployed are removed from the list. As far as the market is concerned. Yikes. You see good and people who know better see an unsustainable bubble similar to the housing bubble. Pumping unbaked currency to stimulate the economy only leads to withdrawal. Why do you think the entire countries credit rating was dropped? Come on guys. Open your eyes. We are not better off. We are not united. We are not a super power anymore and we borrow more than even from communist regimes to give aid to other terror supporting countries. I enjoy the debate and I respect you all for being fellow Americans but please expand your way of thought. Our nation was founded on law, on a document that has been deemed the greatest document ever written. Look to the Constitution and Declaration of Independence and if after reading them you feel we are still a country of free men and women I will shut up. Our freedoms are being eroded and our government no longer represents our interests. Obama is the head of the snake. Supporting him makes you guilty by association. We need a path back to freedom, strength and a limited government that is rub by THE PEOPLE again. Have a nice week.
Put down the pipe and look at the facts.
Uneducated ha,advanced degree here and a white collar professional job.
For 20 percent of the country this is reality