Equal pay starts at home – at least that is what his Highness King Oblamo thinks. In a speech last week, the guy who claims he knows the Constitution, knows what the people want and, well, just plain knows everything, hasn’t figured out that we didn’t elect his wife. She wasn’t on the ticket.
OK, you got me. There are a lot of things he hasn’t figured out yet, and with any luck, he won’t before the end of his “kill America” campaign.
This woman (yes, I said it, deal with it) started off by saying, when her husband ran for office, it was the first time she was proud of America or proud to be an American.
Was that because they finally pulled off one of the biggest scams on the American public? Was it because they were able to use the legal tools at their disposal to seal Oblamo’s records and make sure no one really knew about his upbringing, school experience, girlfriends (if he had any), boyfriends (if he had any), college scores, attendance, drug or alcohol abuse, and so on? All of the things the Dems want to know about every conservative candidate who has and ever will run? And they get nasty if it’s hidden or covered up. One-sided justice, but I digress.
Her Majesty, Mrs. Oblamo, has stated openly that being in the White House is like being in prison; that one of the reasons they stopped attending church is because they needed down time from their demanding schedules.
Down time away from God? Wow. A “Christian” family who says they need time away from God so they can just be together. Very confusing. I guess they must have missed the scripture that speaks about forsaking fellowship or the gathering together of other believers. Again I digress.
Mrs. Oblamo consistently complains about her role, about her prison, about America, and now she wants to be paid for it? Really? She has more aides than any 20 prior first ladies combined. She wastes more taxpayer dollars on personal vacations and shopping sprees around the world than any 40 first ladies combined.
Mr. Oblamo tried to gain sympathies (and more of the women’s vote) by saying:
“I want to make sure that when she’s working she’s getting paid the same as men. I gotta say that first ladies right now don’t get paid, even though that’s a tough job.”
Hey, professor, she has a voluntary job. One that she knew required a lot of work to represent this country. It’s called public service. When you spoke to Michelle before you ran the first time, didn’t you guys agree that it would be a sacrifice, one worthy of the work for this great country? Didn’t you discuss the significance of you being the first REAL black president (Clinton being seen as the first honorary black president) and the first black family to inhabit the White House – a house that you live in free of charge, on top of your salary, with full protection for your entire family?
Did you guys agree on the office? Or was it a “What the hey, let’s give it a try and see what happens. We’ll figure out the rest later,” kind of moment? I would bet it was the latter.
Michelle, your job is voluntary. Volunteers get nothing but recognition. You don’t like it, quit. Hang out. Lay around all day. Do nothing. You’d save us a bundle. People would give their first born to have that job – yes, the volunteer one. To have the power you have to influence education, children’s health (in a good way), to go to foreign lands – and not for the shopping, but to influence governments for women’s rights, children’s rights, and bring light to the sex slave industry. Your volunteer job is an honor, not a nuisance.
Your role as first lady is to be an ambassador for America, not a slug for America. Your husband is already getting paid more than he’s worth. Have him give you some of his money.
People, I have never seen two individuals who are so out of touch with the reality of the American people and the safety of the world than Mr. and Mrs. Oblamo. And they back it up with their actions.
I can’t find one real initiative they’ve done in the name of the United States. They’ve done many in the name of His High and Mighty Oblamo, but none in the name of this country. Only constant complaints about and apologies for America while in foreign countries, and Mrs. Oblamo’s constant whining about how tough her job is.
Newsflash: You have NO job. You have an honorary position that you chose to accept. You don’t like it, leave. And don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
Do us a favor … stop doing us favors. Stay away from our kids’ nutritional needs. It’s a nightmare, it’s not working, and you’re wasting more of our tax money.
Mr. Oblamo, the proof that you really are out of touch and don’t understand the American people and the disaster about to unfold in front of you is that you think your wife not being paid for a volunteer job is somehow “unequal pay for women.”
Three questions for you, sir:
1) What other “volunteer” gets paid at the White House? (Before you answer, please consult Webster’s for the definition of volunteer.)
2) Can I have a copy of your college transcripts? I’m having trouble believing what you say you majored in.
3) When was the last time your meds were checked?
For my Godly friends, may God bless and help America, and soon. For my Godless friends, may the cosmos align in such a fashion as to make the gravitational pull of the Earth such that it either changes the course of America or pulls the asteroid soon to pass by closer to the Earth and bring a timely end to our suffering.
Joe Messina is host of The Real Side (TheRealSide.com), a nationally syndicated talk show that runs on AM-1220 KHTS radio and SCVTV [here]. He is also an elected member of the Hart School Board. His commentary publishes Mondays.
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Hey, Captain Blowhard…did you forget the rest of the quote regarding the First Lady and equal pay? You quoted this part: “I want to make sure that when she’s working she’s getting paid the same as men. I gotta say that first ladies right now don’t get paid, even though that’s a tough job.” But forgot the second part of the quote: “I will say, the first lady is kind of a bad example, because the first lady doesn’t get paid. And she works pretty hard.”
Traditionally the First Lady has been hostess (ya know, like Barbara Bush), advisor to the president (ya know, like Nancy Reagan) and a leader in social programs (ya know, like Laura Bush). But none of those fine First Ladies got namechecked by you, even though they were as influential on their husbands as Mrs. Obama (BTW< I'd fire your copy editor, he screwed the pooch on spelling the President's name).
I get that you have this righty horn to blow, and I get that you hate the President – though I will never truly understand what he did to offend you, beyond getting elected…twice…right here in his home country…where he went to school, whether you and Donald Trump (the last two birthers in 'murica) believe it or not – but be humble and be respectful. Soon enough there will be a new President. And if we are lucky, she will be an even better leader than President O…and if not, if the Dems leave the White House for 4 years, we will be equally lucky in that reactionary mouthpieces like you will have no job.
Oh, and there are A LOT of people that fit nicely between "Godly" and "Godless," and we read, too…
Mr. Messina, I cannot believe you are a member of the Hart School Board! Can I see YOUR college transcripts? This article is poorly written. I sincerely hope you didn’t write it yourself. Resorting to name calling? His name is Mr. Barack Obama. Take your hate elsewhere.
Mr. Messina, you are an insult to the good folks of Santa Clarita. Please take your hatred and go somewhere else to display it.
Mr. Messina, I think YOU are the one who needs his meds checked. Just saying…
Wow. Where does this hate come from. How did a bigot like you ever get elected to the school board. You sir, are just unbelievable.
Rush Limbaugh is losing listeners and affiliates daily and you are still doing your “wannabe” schtick”. The ship has sailed and the era of hate speech radio and print for old white guys is ending. I can understand your insecurity in the new world order. Buy yourself a corvette to help your crises. Oh and you might want to take a few writing courses. Your rants are horribly written especially for someone involved with the SCHOOL board!
“She has more aides than any 20 prior first ladies combined. She wastes more taxpayer dollars on personal vacations and shopping sprees around the world than any 40 first ladies combined.”
Citation or links please.
Messina is spot on! Do a little research, people. Don’t ask for links, you have access to the internet, take a look for yourselves. Why does everyone want someone else to do their research for them these days? Why hasn’t anyone else done the research before hitting the voting booth? It’s all there. Open your eyes! Crazy…
Actually, this is the oldest, and most untrue trope of them all…presidential vacations are NOT paid for by the tax payers. All private expenses are paid for by the first family, transportation and security are paid for by the taxpayers, but those are things that the family gets as part of being president (what, you want the president to fly commercial?). And security is something that he gets whether he is at home, at Camp David or Hawaii.
But the thing is, Mr. Obama doesn’t own a vacation home or two, like the previous president…so when he goes on holiday, it is a real holiday (paid for by his own self) and often finds him staying at the home of a wealthy donor instead of at a hotel, where it is easier to arrange security.
I think you all begrudge the President taking a vacation, even if it is combined with work…you just don;t think the guy deserves it.
But if we are comparing numbers, Mr. Bush took more than twice as many vacation days as Mr. Obama…and Mr. Reagan took almost the same amount as Mr. Bush. And if you add in stays at Camp David, Mr. Bush will have had more than 1000 vacation days (to Mr. Obama’s nearly 200). I’d like to be more accurate on Mr. Obama’s numbers, but the only ones keeping count are the Republicans, and they stopped last August when it became clear that he wasn’t taking days like they thought he would.
So yeah, we don’t need links…we have research…done by the right…and supporting everything we already know. You don;t like the guy for whatever reason…and it ain’t a good reason…and it isn’t a good look for you.
“Why does everyone want someone else to do their research for them these days?”
When YOU make a claim YOU should provide YOUR sources to back up YOUR claim.