In June 2015, the Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation partnered with the Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce and Valley Industry Association and completed 50 visits and surveys with companies in the Santa Clarita Valley. Each business was surveyed on a range of topics to gauge their perspectives on doing business in the Santa Clarita Valley.
The survey was designed to collect basic information about each company such as number of employees and size of facilities. Other survey questions were intended to identify candidates for business assistance and incentive programs companies might be eligible for, such as the Foreign Trade Zone and various expansion opportunities. The survey also included a list of community attributes that were ranked on a scale of 1 to 7 (1 = Lowest Quality, 7 = Highest Quality).
The 50 companies visited ranged in size, location and scope. In terms of size, companies ranged from sole-proprietors working from a home office to national corporations with 2,000-plus employees in multiple buildings. Companies were located in each of the Santa Clarita Valley’s business parks. Some companies were from “traded clusters” that export goods outside the SCV while others primarily serve a local or regional customer base. The companies surveyed represent a total of 5,500 employees.
“The surveys showed that businesses in the Santa Clarita Valley see positive economic growth in their future,” said Holly Schroeder, President & CEO of the Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation. 86% of companies surveyed indicated that their sales were increasing, 12% indicated that sales were stable, and only 2% indicated sales were decreasing.
In addition, the surveys found that businesses hold a positive view of the community:
* Community services of Police, Fire and K-12 Education are viewed very favorably by business, with average ranks of 5.8, 6.3 and 6.1 (respectively) on a 7 point scale.
* Infrastructure of Public Transportation and Local Street & Roads were viewed as good, with average rankings of 5.1 and 5.4 (respectively) on a 7 point scale.
* Obtaining Zoning Changes & Permits and dealing with Code & Regulatory Enforcement received rankings slightly above average, at 4.5 and 5.0 respectively.
* Internet speed and availability received an average ranking, with an average rating of 4.6 on a 7 point scale. 48% of companies surveyed indicated that internet speed and cost was inadequate for future growth.
In many cases the surveys identified opportunities for companies to utilize various economic development programs available in the Santa Clarita Valley. SCVEDC will continue to work with companies interested in accessing these resources. “We want to help companies make use of every incentive and program they can so they can be competitive in the global marketplace,” said Schroeder.
SCVEDC plans to repeat the business visit blitz at least once per year.
About the Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation
The Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation (SCVEDC) works to provide an integrated approach to attracting, retaining and expanding a diverse base of business and industry in the Santa Clarita Valley. Established in 2010, the organization supports the creation of high-paying jobs for the area’s trained workforce, while stimulating economic activity to grow the regional tax base and strategically position the Santa Clarita Valley and its businesses to better compete in the global economy.
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