Los Angeles County Fire Department personnel were called to the scene of a brush fire in Stevenson Ranch on Thursday.
The fire was first reported at 1:03 p.m., near the intersection of Kavenagh Lane and Twain Place.
The preliminary report on the fire was that it was 1 acre in size, heading uphill in medium to light brush and no structures were threatened as of 1:11 p.m., said Marvin Lim, a spokesman for the Fire Department.
By 1:15 p.m., officials on the scene reported that the fire had the potential to spread to 5 acres within 30 minutes as it continued to burn uphill, but structures remain unthreatened.
Aerial vehicles had been called in to support the firefighters on the ground. The incident was given the moniker #TwainFire.
At 1:26 p.m., forward progress was stopped, and the fire had been held to 3 acres, Lim said.
No structures had been threatened, no injuries were reported and crews would remain on the scene for a little while longer in order to mop up, he added.
Photo credit Austin Dave (video).

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