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1925 - By letter, Wyatt Earp beseeches his friend William S. Hart to portray him in a movie, to correct the "lies about me." Hart never did. [story]
Hart-Wyatt Earp

Now and Then in the SCV | Commentary by Darryl Manzer
| Thursday, Nov 13, 2014

darrylmanzer_blacktieSometimes you just can’t get away from it. I tried. but now it is back.

Let me explain.

In the 1950s my father was active in the Castaic Lions Club. They raised a bunch of money for fixing eye problems. There were a lot of social activities with the Lions Club. He’d be 99 years old, had he lived, and he would be angry over what the Castaic Lions Club has been doing.

And a lot of other clubs and organizations are doing the same thing. Folks who are gladly accepting donations but don’t know the whole story. Or maybe they do know the whole story and won’t say anything as long as they get the money.

I don’t know for sure, but last night the Castaic Area Town Council was going to vote to change the bylaws and make it so a “simple majority” instead of two-thirds of the Town Council could vote to approve contracts. They also had a lawyer explain that the earlier vote they took to accept the agreement with the Chiquita Canyon Landfill did not require a two-thirds vote, since such an agreement was not required to have a two-thirds vote. The lawyer must have been paid for by the dump.

But I’m not writing about the stupid actions of a group that will do just about anything to hold on to some perceived “power” they think they have in the community. You see, those people want to take the money and don’t care about the health and welfare of people in Val Verde.

We here in the SCV are really close to having the largest dump in the United States in our little valley.

Chiquita is a place that has a terrible record of violations of permits. It is also known to accept waste that other places won’t take. How can we stop this?

Let me state some of the documented facts concerning Chiquita Canyon Landfill, because they are many and egregious in the extreme.

Chiquita Canyon Landfill violations include the following. It:

1. Accepted sewer treatment plant sludge from the city of Santa Barbara.

2. Accepted material from the Santa Susanna Test Facility that was deemed hazardous waste, also in violations of the permitted process.

3. May have accepted low-level radioactive waste from the same facility.

4. Went beyond misinformation to the public by inventing totally false statements concerning the above matters, all of which are well documented.

Why does the dump get away with calling the folks of Val Verde any number of names? Why is it that when someone complains about the dump, in short order someone from Los Angeles County comes out for some sort of inspection?

Dog licenses, septic system smells, weed abatement, cars parked illegally and other things that aren’t a problem until folks ask questions of the dump.

One gentleman had an official from the dump and later a county official sit in cars watching his home. They must not have seen anything.

Have the air monitors been installed yet?

There are a few other problems with the whole dump program. The committee that is to help the community with dump concerns has a couple of folks on it who shouldn’t be there except to listen.

There is a rep from the dump who sits with that committee at meetings and not out in the audience. The dump says he is there as a guest. Fine, let him sit with the other guests and not up with the committee. Same goes for the county supervisor’s rep.

But again, this is not the problem. You see, Chiquita Canyon Landfill gives a lot of money to a lot of folks. Castaic Area Town Council. Castaic Lions Club. Boys and Girls Club of Santa Clarita Valley. Latino Chamber of Commerce. Theater guilds, parks and recreation projects, and just about every facet of charitable organizations in the SCV.

They are buying us, folks, and we don’t have to take it.

I’m making it a point to not attend any concert, join any organization or accept any invitation that has Chiquita Canyon Landfill as a sponsor. Maybe you folks should do the same.

All the oil-well fracking that has been accomplished in the SCV is nothing compared to the actual pollution the dump has caused and is causing. Ask the folks in Val Verde.

The chlorides in our water from the treatment plant are nothing compared to what the dump has already accepted.

So don’t tell the folks of Val Verde they lie. They have the documents. I’ve seen the documents. I really like the ones from Rocketdyne that state how, if the folks in Sunland wouldn’t take the waste from Santa Susanna, it was to be taken to Chiquita. Those are some really concise letters that may lead to information that the dump may have accepted radioactive material. READ THEM [HERE] and [HERE].

The fact that the Castaic Lions Club takes the money would make my father pretty sick. He just wanted to help people see better. He didn’t want to help direct the voting at the Town Council elections while wearing the yellow and blues vests that identify members of Lions. But if you take the money, I guess you have to sell your soul, too.

People in Val Verde are sick because of the dump. But the Castaic Area Town Council is taking the money.

I hope that helps the Lions Club in Castaic to help others see. It sure looks like that club also has the “green blindness.” My father would be appalled … and sad. So very, very sad. Plus a whole lot of angry.

So am I.


Darryl Manzer grew up in the Pico Canyon oil town of Mentryville in the 1960s and attended Hart High School. After a career in the U.S. Navy he returned to live in the Santa Clarita Valley. He can be reached at dmanzer@scvhistory.com. His older commentaries are archived at DManzer.com; his newer commentaries can be accessed [here]. Watch his walking tour of Mentryville [here].

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  1. John Musella says:

    Darryl… For the record, once again, what you’ve written is not true. Chiquita Canyon is a Class III landfill and does not accept radioactive materials, etc. You know that. And SCVTV leadership knows that.

    There are dozens of regulatory agencies that monitor the landfill on a monthly, quarterly, bi-annual and annual basis and produce hundreds of thousands of pages of reports to ensure the public of the safe operations of the facility. You know that. And SCVTV leadership knows that.

    Chiquita Canyon is proud to give back to our community and support local non-profits in the SCV. Chiquita has been in business for over 4 decades serving the SCV safely and will continue to support local nonprofits because it’s the right thing to do.

    • Susie Evans says:

      In regards to the EPA regulations and safety regulations and other regulatory agencies, if they don’t get caught they get away with it. Just like breaking traffic laws, you will do it until you get caught.

      I have offered to show everyone documents to back up what we have been saying. No one ever asks me.

      As for disclosure when purchasing, banks do not disclose anything. Anyone who buys a foreclosure (short sales too I think) will not see any disclosure about the DUMP or the jail (Peter Pitchess Detention Center). My closing documents don’t say anything about the aforementioned.

      I again extend an invitation to those who think we are safe and imagining the smells, come live here on Lincoln or Jackson for a week. I am sure we can accommodate your motor-homes on a vacant lot.

    • SCVNews.com says:

      John, SCVTV knows that Chiquita “does not accept radioactive materials.” We also are aware that it might have done so in the past. We know “there are dozens of regulatory agencies to monitor…” That fact is not in dispute. Please share the letters, emails, other forms of communication that Waste Connections and/or the Chiquita Canyon Landfill has had with NASA during 2013 and 2014 with respect to the Santa Susana Field Laboratory. Thanks!

  2. Sarah Jones says:

    Thank you for once again sharing your opinion regarding the Chiquita Canyon expansion and appealing to peoples fears. I find it very interesting that you have posted documents that are over 22 years old that insinuate the landfill, it is not a dump, is somehow unregulated and unsafe. In your extensive research on this issue, do you by chance find the multitude of documents showing the current day very strict safety regulations that a facility of this type must adhere to? Any reference to the exhaustive EPA regulations they must follow?

    I am not uncompassionate the the folks in Val Verde, however the location of the landfill (again NOT a dump) in relation to the community has not been a secret and must be fully disclosed when one purchases a home.

  3. Susie Evans says:

    Thank you Darryl Manzer for letting EVERYONE know what we have been saying is true! We are not liars nor did we make up anything. What we have been saying is fact and can obviously be proven.

  4. Greg Kimura says:

    A resident of Val Verde had their home fall out of escrow when it was disclosed that the landfill was in the process of expanding. For those who claim that the landfill does not affect property values, the proof is here. So, will the landfill pay this property owner for the damage they have caused? My assumption is that they will not, but being a good neighbor means that you don’t cause them to have their home fall out of escrow.

  5. Cher Calver says:

    If you go on the website, you can see the many violations the landfill has already broken and continues to break. Yes, they have strict guidelines on paper, however, that doesn’t mean they adhere to them. I live in Val Verde and there are mornings where the smell is just awful. I am concerned for the health of my family as well. No one told me about the landfill when I purchased my home. The landfill was supposed to be closing, but have found a loophole in the contract to get out of it. The people of Val Verde never expected such an expansion. People too often see money and give the green light. I just really want every person to really think about what is important to you and your family. Is it your health? How would you feel if your children started to get sick with no explanation. what about your wife,husband, your elderly parents? How would you feel then? You cannot put a price tag on health. It is just not possible. If I had know about the landfill and it’s risks, on top of a possible huge expansion, I would never have purchased a home here. I actually bought back here because I thought the air quality was better being the furthest away from the freeway. All I am saying is to please really think about the true issues. Don’t think because you live in Castaic, you won’t be immune for the landfill’s ill effects either. Let’s work together for a good cause and that’s keeping our families healthy.

  6. Steve Lee says:

    The right thing to do. I am so glad the landfill is going to do the right thing.

    The right thing would be to honor the contract with Val Verde and Close.
    The right thing is to not buy Castaic so they could turn their backs on Val Verde.
    The right thing is to not ask for the addresses of people who complain to the landfill.
    The right thing is to listen to the people who live with the smells.
    The right thing to do is to not involve a close friend to write in his column how Val Verde residents who smell the land fill are deliberately calling when they do not smell it.
    The right thing to do is to fix the smells.
    The right thing to do is not to blame a flower, neighbor, or a septic tank for smells that come from the landfill.
    The right thing to do is to listen to residents from Val Verde who live in the stench instead of rolling your eyes to suggest that the resident is a little looney.
    The right thing to do is to use sand to stop the smells from escaping, not just say your using sand and we find out later that you are using the same rotting vegetation that has always been used.
    The right thing to do is not to sit outside houses for hours of someone who has complained about the smells.
    The right thing to do is to buy new equipment to mitigate the smells.
    The right thing to do is to put in the Draft Deir the 10,000 expected trucks and cars into the air quality section of the Draft Deir.
    The right thing to do is to paint the citizens of Val Verde as human, not the bullies they have been painted as.
    The right thing to do is to be upfront about the violations and not to hide them from Val Verde. They have all been discovered with much research.
    The right thing to do is to admit that there are verified complaints from AQMD. NO violations because it has to be 6 calls, and many in Val Verde are afraid to call because of what happened in the past when they were known to be the callers.

    These are all the stories I have either witnessed or have heard when I went door to door to meet my fellow neighbors.

    I am so glad we are doing the right thing now. I look forward to the good neighbors that we were promised many years ago.

  7. Derek Alan Shaw says:

    For those interested in reading very carefully researched news stories about Rocketdyne aka Santa Susana Field Lab, go to enviroreporter.com and start with the earliest article.

    The location from which waste was to be hauled to Chiquita, called the “Sodium Disposal Facility” in the memoranda linked above, is commonly referred to among Rocketdyne activists and in news stories is the “Sodium Burn Pit”.

  8. Greg Kimura says:

    Last week, I found out that there were 280 complaints against the landfill filed this year. If there were no problems, then why would there be so many complaints?

    – The landfill rep tells us that none are verified – An outright lie!
    – The landfill rep has told us that Chiquita Canyon Landfill has NEVER accepted radioactive material – Another lie!
    – The landfill rep has told us they have only had … maybe one … maybe two violations in the last few years – Another lie! This site lists a lot more than one or two!
    – The landfill rep has told us that they didn’t take in sludge – then they tried to change the invoice to no longer read sludge. The fact is that they received a Notice of Violation, because it’s against their permit.
    – The landfill employees have insulted the residents of Val Verde for years, claiming that the odors in town are due to: flowers, dead animals (yes, we have stock piles of them here in Val Verde), trash cans (somehow they only smell like the landfill near the landfill and they don’t smell bad on the other parts of Val Verde), septic tanks (again they seem to only smell near the landfill and not around the rest of Val Verde) or the farms!
    – The landfill rep has been seen sitting in front of residents homes in an attempt to intimidate them.
    – The landfill rep has told us that they tested the sludge and it came up safe, however he never produces these results – oh yeah, I forgot that they’re proprietary.
    – The landfill rep admitted that he has no idea why Toland Landfill was banned from taking the sludge, yet it’s okay to dump it in Chiquita Canyon Landfill.

    – Good neighbor? I’d hate to see what a bad one is!

  9. Greg Kimura says:

    Sorry, here is the site with all the violations. http://chiquitalandfill.net/elevated-gases/ I was shocked when I saw how many and I couldn’t believe when I read that they had methane readings of 45%, when the maximum is 5%! Methane is the gas in your home (natural gas). Imagine leaving the gas on (no pilot or flame) until your house was 45% full of gas! One spark and poof!

  10. Susie Evans says:

    Derek Alan thank you so much for that information!!

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